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Hot political issues at home and abroad

bank / Current affairs politics On January 1, 2022, current affairs and political hot spots at home and abroad
In preparing for the bank recruitment exam, current affairs and politics are also a part of the examinees' attention. Beijing Zhonggong Education will provide you with a hot spot of current affairs and politics at home and abroad on January 1, 2022. I hope it will help you review and prepare for the exam! Current news 1. On the eve of the New Year, President Xi Jinping delivered a New Year's message for 2022 through China Central Radio and Television and the Internet. 2. December 31, 2021, all

Text label: Current affairs and politics at home and abroad Hot political issues at home and abroad Hot political issues Current political hot spots

bank / Current affairs politics On January 2, 2022, current affairs and political hot spots at home and abroad
In preparing for the bank recruitment exam, current affairs and politics are also a part of the examinees' attention. Beijing Zhonggong Education will provide you with a hot spot of current affairs and politics at home and abroad on January 2, 2022. I hope it will help you review and prepare for the exam! News of Current Events The first issue of Qiushi magazine this year, published on January 1, published the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the second plenary session of the sixth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, "Taking History as..."

Text label: Current affairs and politics at home and abroad Hot political issues at home and abroad Hot political issues Current political hot spots

bank / Current affairs politics On January 3, 2022, current affairs and political hot spots at home and abroad
In preparing for the bank recruitment exam, current affairs and politics are also a part of the examinees' attention. Beijing Zhonggong Education will provide you with a hot spot of current affairs and politics at home and abroad on January 3, 2022. I hope it will help you review and prepare for the exam! Current affairs News On January 1.2, President Xi Jinping and President Mirziyoyev of Uzbekistan exchanged congratulatory messages to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. 2. President Xi Jinping 2021

Text label: Current affairs and politics at home and abroad Hot political issues at home and abroad Hot political issues Current political hot spots

bank / Current affairs politics On January 4, 2022, current affairs and political hot spots at home and abroad
In preparing for the bank recruitment exam, current affairs and politics are also a part of the examinees' attention. Beijing Zhonggong Education will provide you with a hot spot of current affairs and politics at home and abroad on January 4, 2022. I hope it will help you review and prepare for the exam! Current news On January 1.3, President Xi Jinping exchanged congratulatory messages with Kazakhstan's first President Nazarbayev and President Tokayev to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. 2...

Text label: Current affairs and politics at home and abroad Hot political issues at home and abroad Hot political issues Current political hot spots

bank / Current affairs politics On January 5, 2022, current affairs and political hot spots at home and abroad
In preparing for the bank recruitment exam, current affairs and politics are also a part of the examinees' attention. Beijing Zhonggong Education will provide you with a hot spot of current affairs and politics at home and abroad on January 5, 2022. I hope it will help you review and prepare for the exam! Current affairs On January 1, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected the preparations for the Winter Olympic Games and the Winter Paralympic Games in Beijing. 2. Xi, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, Chairman of the Central Military Commission

Text label: Current affairs and politics at home and abroad Hot political issues at home and abroad Hot political issues Current political hot spots

bank / Current affairs politics On January 6, 2022, current affairs and political hot spots at home and abroad
In preparing for the bank recruitment exam, current affairs and politics are also a part of the examinees' attention. Beijing Zhonggong Education will provide you with a hot spot of current affairs and politics at home and abroad on January 6, 2022. I hope it will help you review and prepare for the exam! Current news 1. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, recently inspected the preparations for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games and the Winter Paralympic Games in Beijing and stressed that

Text label: Current affairs and politics at home and abroad Hot political issues at home and abroad Hot political issues Current political hot spots

bank / Current affairs politics On January 7, 2022, current affairs and political hot spots at home and abroad
In preparing for the bank recruitment exam, current affairs and politics are also a part of the examinees' attention. Beijing Zhonggong Education will provide you with a hot spot of current affairs and politics at home and abroad on January 7, 2022. I hope it will help you review and prepare for the exam! Current news 1. The Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting all day on the 6th to hear from the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the State Council, the National Committee of the CPPCC, the Supreme People's Court, and the Supreme People's Court

Text label: Current affairs and politics at home and abroad Hot political issues at home and abroad Hot political issues Current political hot spots

bank / Current affairs politics On January 8, 2022, current affairs and political hot spots at home and abroad
In preparing for the bank recruitment exam, current affairs and politics are also a part of the examinees' attention. Beijing Zhonggong Education will provide you with a hot spot of current affairs and politics at home and abroad on January 8, 2022. I hope it will help you review and prepare for the exam! News of Current Events On July 1, President Xi Jinping sent a message to President Tokayev of Kazakhstan. 2. The General Office of the State Council recently issued the "Promoting the Optimization and Adjustment of Multimodal Transport Development..."

Text label: Current affairs and politics at home and abroad Hot political issues at home and abroad Hot political issues Current political hot spots

bank / Current affairs politics On January 9, 2022, current affairs and political hot spots at home and abroad
In preparing for the bank recruitment exam, current affairs and politics are also a part of the examinees' attention. Beijing Zhonggong Education will provide you with a hot spot of current affairs and politics at home and abroad on January 9, 2022. I hope it will help you review and prepare for the exam! Current affairs News On August 1.8, President Xi Jinping sent a message to President Ghazvani of Mauritania to express condolences on the infection of COVID-19 in Ghazvani. 2. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs said on the 8th that

Text label: Current affairs and politics at home and abroad Hot political issues at home and abroad Hot political issues Current political hot spots

bank / Current affairs politics On January 10, 2022, current affairs and political hot spots at home and abroad
In preparing for the bank recruitment exam, current affairs and politics are also a part of the examinees' attention. Beijing Zhonggong Education will provide you with a hot spot of current affairs and politics at home and abroad on January 10, 2022. I hope it will help you review and prepare for the exam! Current news 1. "Xi Jinping's Report on

Text label: Current affairs and politics at home and abroad Hot political issues at home and abroad Hot political issues Current political hot spots

bank / Current affairs politics On January 11, 2022, current affairs and political hot spots at home and abroad
In preparing for the bank recruitment exam, current affairs and politics are also a part of the examinees' attention. Beijing Zhonggong Education will provide you with a hot spot of current affairs and politics at home and abroad on January 11, 2022. I hope it will help you review and prepare for the exam! Current affairs 1. President Xi Jinping had a telephone conversation with President Lukashenka of Belarus on the afternoon of October 10. 2. President Xi Jinping held a telephone conversation with Maltese President Vera on the afternoon of October 10

Text label: Current affairs and politics at home and abroad Hot political issues at home and abroad Hot political issues Current political hot spots

bank / Current affairs politics On January 12, 2022, current affairs and political hot spots at home and abroad
In preparing for the bank recruitment exam, current affairs and politics are also a part of the examinees' attention. Beijing Zhonggong Education will provide you with a hot spot of current affairs and politics at home and abroad on January 12, 2022. I hope it will help you review and prepare for the exam! Current news 1. Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the opening ceremony of the seminar on learning and implementing the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee for provincial and ministerial level leading cadres on the 11th, emphasizing that, following

Text label: Current affairs and politics at home and abroad Hot political issues at home and abroad Hot political issues Current political hot spots

bank / Current affairs politics On January 13, 2022, current affairs and political hot spots at home and abroad
In preparing for the bank recruitment exam, current affairs and politics are also a part of the examinees' attention. Beijing Zhonggong Education will provide you with a hot spot of current affairs and politics at home and abroad on January 13, 2022. I hope it will help you review and prepare for the exam! Current news 1. The State Council recently printed and distributed the Fourteen Five Number Economic Development Plan, proposing that by 2025, the added value of the core industries of the digital economy will account for a large proportion of GDP

Text label: Current affairs and politics at home and abroad Hot political issues at home and abroad Hot political issues Current political hot spots

bank / Current affairs politics On January 14, 2022, current affairs and political hot spots at home and abroad
In preparing for the bank recruitment exam, current affairs and politics are also a part of the examinees' attention. Beijing Zhonggong Education will provide you with a hot spot of current affairs and politics at home and abroad on January 14, 2022. I hope it will help you review and prepare for the exam! Current news 1. The layout of the urban landscape of the Beijing Winter Olympics will be in place by the 20th. Three landmark landscapes, 10 theme flower beds and 200000 lanterns will be in three competition areas in two places

Text label: Current affairs and politics at home and abroad Hot political issues at home and abroad Hot political issues Current political hot spots

bank / Current affairs politics On January 15, 2022, current affairs and political hot spots at home and abroad
In preparing for the bank recruitment exam, current affairs and politics are also a part of the examinees' attention. Beijing Zhonggong Education will provide you with a hot spot of current affairs and politics at home and abroad on January 15, 2022. I hope it will help you review and prepare for the exam! Current news 1. At the invitation of the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, Schwab, President Xi Jinping will attend the 2022 World Economic Forum video conference in Beijing on the 17th

Text label: Current affairs and politics at home and abroad Hot political issues at home and abroad Hot political issues Current political hot spots

bank / Current affairs politics On January 16, 2022, current affairs and political hot spots at home and abroad
In preparing for the bank recruitment exam, current affairs and politics are also a part of the examinees' attention. Beijing Zhonggong Education will provide you with a hot spot of current affairs and politics at home and abroad on January 15, 2022. I hope it will help you review and prepare for the exam! Current news 1. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, recently made an important instruction on the political and legal work, stressing that it is necessary to earnestly implement and safeguard national security

Text label: Current affairs and politics at home and abroad Hot political issues at home and abroad Hot political issues Current political hot spots

bank / Current affairs politics On January 17, 2022, current affairs and political hot spots at home and abroad
In preparing for the bank recruitment exam, current affairs and politics are also a part of the examinees' attention. Beijing Zhonggong Education will provide you with a hot spot of current affairs and politics at home and abroad on January 17, 2022. I hope it will help you review and prepare for the exam! Current news 1. At the invitation of Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, President Xi Jinping will attend the 2022 World Economic Forum video conference in Beijing today

Text label: Current affairs and politics at home and abroad Hot political issues at home and abroad Hot political issues Current political hot spots

bank / Current affairs politics On January 18, 2022, current affairs and political hot spots at home and abroad
In preparing for the bank recruitment exam, current affairs and politics are also a part of the examinees' attention. Beijing Zhonggong Education will provide you with a hot spot of current affairs and politics at home and abroad on January 18, 2022. I hope it will help you review and prepare for the exam! Current news 1. President Xi Jinping attended the video conference of the 2022 World Economic Forum in Beijing on the 17th and delivered a speech entitled "When we forge ahead with firm confidence and courage to create a post epidemic situation..."

Text label: Current affairs and politics at home and abroad Hot political issues at home and abroad Hot political issues Current political hot spots

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