2024 Beijing Third Experimental School Recruitment Announcement of 24 Persons

Beijing No.3 Experimental School is undertaken by the High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University and is a public welfare first class institution directly under the Municipal Education Working Committee and the Municipal Education Commission. The school is located in Yanqi School and the south plot in Huairou District, Beijing. It is a public school with a 12 year schooling system. The school will adapt to the educational needs of Huairou Science City and build a school to serve the children of talents in the Science City. The school is scheduled to officially open in September 2025. In accordance with the spirit of the Implementation Measures of Beijing Municipal Public Institutions for the Open Recruitment of Staff (JRSZJF [2010] No. 102) and in combination with the school running needs of Beijing No. 3 Experimental School, Beijing No. 3 Experimental School will recruit 24 full-time teachers to the public in 2024. The teachers recruited this time will go to the middle school affiliated to Tsinghua University and the group school for post training; After the official opening of Beijing No. 3 Experimental School in 2025, he will work in the school. After entry, those who comply with the "Management System for Allocation of Staff Apartments in Beijing No. 3 Experimental School" can enjoy apartment allocation. Relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:

1、 Recruitment position

For full-time teachers, see the attachment for specific positions and requirements.

2、 Recruitment target

(1) Only graduates of regular colleges and universities with permanent residence in Beijing who have been listed in the national unified enrollment plan (excluding orientation and entrusted training) and have obtained the corresponding academic qualifications and degree certificates as scheduled upon graduation are allowed to graduate in 2024.

Graduates of ordinary colleges and universities with permanent residence in Beijing who left the university in 2022 and 2023 without a working unit, and who did not pay social insurance during the career selection period, and who are on file in Beijing.

From January 1, 2023 to the deadline of this application, the returned overseas students who have obtained a foreign degree and completed the qualification certification of the Ministry of Education, meet the requirements of the position to apply for the examination, have not identified a work unit, have a permanent residence in Beijing and are on file in Beijing.

(2) The social in-service personnel shall be those who have permanent residence in Beijing and have personnel administrative relations and files in Beijing at the deadline of registration (if the files are not kept in the work unit, they shall be kept in the talent agency).

3、 Recruitment conditions

(1) Having the nationality of the People's Republic of China, adhering to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, abiding by discipline and law, being upright, loving education, abiding by teachers' professional ethics, and abiding by work discipline.

(2) Be physically and mentally healthy and competent for the job requirements.

(3) The applicants for the post of teacher must provide the teacher qualification certificate, or the valid "Primary and Secondary School Teacher qualification examination Certificate of Conformity, or the certificate of examination exemption for normal students in primary and secondary schools in 2024 issued by the educational administration department of colleges and universities.

(4) Graduates from Beijing must have a permanent residence in Beijing, and be no more than 30 years old (born on or after January 1, 1994), and doctoral candidates no more than 35 years old (born on or after January 1, 1989). The age of social workers is not more than 40 years old (born on or after January 1, 1984), and the age of outstanding educators can be extended to 45 years old (born on or after January 1, 1979).

(5) Meet other conditions required for the recruitment post. For details, please refer to the Demand Form for Public Recruitment of Teachers in Beijing No. 3 Experimental School in 2024.

(6) Comply with the relevant provisions of the challenge system.

4、 Recruitment arrangement

(1) Registration time: from today to 17:00 on July 5, 2024

(2) Registration and preliminary qualification:

1. Registration

Eligible candidates must go through email( dssyhrzhaopin@163.com )Register. Applicants are requested to send the application form and the following materials to the mailbox within the registration time. Overdue application is invalid.

Materials of new graduates:

(1) Graduates employment recommendation form and unified recruitment certificate stamped by the competent department of graduates employment (if "unified recruitment" is indicated on the employment recommendation form, unified recruitment certificate is not required); Graduates in the career selection period must also submit a letter of certification from the archiving unit (with the official seal of the archiving unit affixed);

(2) Online verification report of student status of the Ministry of Education (undergraduate to the highest degree);

(3) English grade certificate or qualified English transcript required by the position. If there is no requirement for the position, the corresponding grade certificate or transcript may not be provided;

(4) Electronic photos of transcripts of all courses completed stamped by the educational administration department of the school with the highest degree;

(5) Obtained academic degree certificates (from bachelor's degree to the highest academic degree);

(6) The teacher qualification certificate or the "Certificate of Qualification for Primary and Secondary School Teachers" within the validity period or the electronic photo of 2024 ordinary primary and secondary school normal students' examination exemption certification issued by the university educational administration department;

(7) Resume;

(8) An electronic photo of the front and back of the ID card copied on one page;

(9) An electronic photo of the first page of the household register, the home page of the household and the personal page copied on one page; If the household is in a collective household, submit an electronic photo of your own page and a copy of the first page of the collective household with the official seal of the household registration management department, or an electronic photo of the household registration certificate issued and sealed by the collective household registration management department (indicating "name, ID card number, household registration in XXX collective household");

(10) Other materials required by the post.

Materials for overseas students from Beijing:

(1) Obtained academic degree certificates (from bachelor's degree to the highest academic degree);

(2) Diploma of the Ministry of Education;

(3) Certificate of return of overseas students;

(4) Entry and exit records (issued by the National Immigration Administration);

(5) English grade certificate or qualified English transcript required by the position;

(6) The teacher qualification certificate or the "Certificate of Qualification for Primary and Secondary School Teachers" within the validity period or the electronic photo of 2024 ordinary primary and secondary school normal students' examination exemption certification issued by the university educational administration department;

(7) Resume;

(8) An electronic photo of the front and back of the ID card copied on one page;

(9) An electronic photo of the first page of the household register, the home page of the household and the personal page copied on one page; If the household is in a collective household, submit an electronic photo of your own page and a copy of the first page of the collective household with the official seal of the household registration management department, or an electronic photo of the household registration certificate issued and sealed by the collective household registration management department (indicating "name, ID card number, household registration in XXX collective household");

(10) Other materials required by the post.

Social personnel materials:

(1) Online verification report of student status of the Ministry of Education (undergraduate to the highest degree);

(2) Teacher qualification certificate or Certificate of Qualification for Primary and Secondary School Teachers within the validity period; Other professional qualification certificates within the validity period;

(3) Obtained academic degree certificates (from bachelor's degree to the highest academic degree);

(4) Relevant professional certificates;

(5) If the archives are stored in the talent agency, the archiving certificate shall be provided;

(6) Resume;

(7) Copy the front and back of the ID card on the same page;

(8) Electronic photos of the first page, home page and personal page of the household register copied on one page respectively; If the household is in a collective household, submit an electronic photo of your own page and a copy of the first page of the collective household with the official seal of the household registration management department, or an electronic photo of the household registration certificate issued and sealed by the collective household registration management department (indicating "name, ID card number, household registration in XXX collective household");

(9) Proof materials of relevant work experience (company introduction letter or social security and other materials);

(10) Other materials required by the post.

The above materials shall be submitted as PDF files, named in sequence, and packed into zip or Rar format file compression package (the size of the compression package shall not exceed 10MB). The file compression package shall be named in the format of "post name - current/social - name - highest education background". The name format of the application form (Excel file format) is "Application Form - Position Name - Current/Social - Name - Highest Education", which is sent to the( dssyhrzhaopin@163.com )(The file size is no more than 10MB), and the e-mail subject naming format is "post name - current/social - name - highest education".

2. Preliminary qualification

Applicants should ensure the authenticity of the uploaded materials. The school's personnel department will review the qualifications of applicants according to the recruitment conditions, and those who pass the preliminary qualification review will be notified by email to enter the preliminary examination. In the 24 positions provided for this recruitment, each applicant can only apply for one position. Repeated applicants will be disqualified from this recruitment. Please do not apply for more than one position. Qualification review runs through the whole process of recruitment, and those found unqualified will be disqualified immediately.

(3) Preliminary examination (written examination/interview)

The time arrangement and specific requirements of the preliminary test will be notified by email. Please check the email. The score of preliminary examination is 100 points, and the qualified line is 60 points. Among the qualified personnel in the preliminary examination, the personnel to be admitted to the re examination shall be determined in the order of 1:3 according to the preliminary examination results from high to low (the personnel to be admitted to the re examination shall be determined in accordance with the agreed proportion if they reach or exceed the agreed proportion; the personnel to be admitted to the re examination shall be determined in accordance with the number of qualified personnel in the preliminary examination if they fail to reach the agreed proportion).

(4) Re examination (trial lecture)

The schedule and specific requirements of the re examination will be notified later. The score of the second examination is 100 points, and the qualified line is 60 points. The second interview is conducted in the form of trial lecture of class segments.

(5) Total exam score

The total score of candidates in the examination is calculated as follows: 30% of the scores in the initial examination and 70% of the scores in the second examination. The total qualified score is 60 points.

Among the qualified personnel in the total score (both the preliminary and re examination scores are qualified), the candidates to participate in the investigation and physical examination shall be comprehensively determined in the order of 1:1 according to the number of recruiters for each position and the total score from high to low.

(6) Inspection and physical examination

The inspection includes comprehensive inspection of political thought, moral quality, working ability, etc. The physical examination shall be carried out according to the medical examination standards for civil servants.

Those who fail to complete the physical examination and inspection according to the specified time limit and requirements, as well as those who fail to pass the physical examination or inspection, will be disqualified.

(7) Publicity

The proposed employees will be publicized on the official website of the school affiliated to Tsinghua University for 7 natural days. After the publicity period expires, the employment procedures will be handled for those who have no objections.

5、 Matters to be explained

(1) According to the relevant provisions of the Measures of Beijing Municipality for the Implementation of Public Recruitment of Personnel by Public Institutions and the Regulations on the Handling of Violations of Discipline and Rules in Public Recruitment by Public Institutions, applicants should truthfully submit personal information. Anyone who practices fraud in the process of application and violates the discipline of public recruitment will be disqualified once found; Once verified, the employed personnel will be dismissed after the employment contract is terminated. The resulting consequences shall be borne by the applicant himself.

(2) Candidates should cooperate in completing qualification review, physical examination, signing of employment contract or agreement, and entry registration according to the time limit and requirements specified by the school. If the applicant fails to complete the employment procedures within the specified time limit and requirements due to his own reasons, the employment qualification will be cancelled.

(3) Those who have received criminal punishment, participated in illegal organizations, or been punished by the Party and government disciplines, and dealt with the problem of misconduct of teachers will not be employed. Once the employed personnel are verified, their employment contracts will be terminated and they will be dismissed. The resulting consequences will be borne by the applicant himself.

(4) From the qualification review to the end of recruitment, the applicant should ensure that the telephone number left at the time of registration is unblocked. If the applicant cannot be notified due to poor telephone contact, the consequences should be borne by the applicant himself.

(5) After the registration is completed, our school will only notify the candidates who have passed the preliminary review to proceed to the next process. If no notice is received, it means that they have failed the preliminary review.

(6) This recruitment announcement is subject to the official website of Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and the reprint of any other platform and media does not represent our school.

(7) Contact information: see the article source for Teacher Li's mobile phone number

1.  Table of Demand for Public Recruitment of Teachers in Beijing No. 3 Experimental School in 2024

2.  Teacher Registration Form

Beijing No. 3 Experimental School

June 26, 2024

Original title: Public Recruitment Announcement of Beijing No.3 Experimental School in 2024

Source: https://rsj.beijing.gov.cn/xxgk/gkzp/202406/t20240626_3728524.html


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