Notice on Hiring 609 Special Post Teachers in Sichuan in 2024

In order to deeply study and implement the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on education and strengthen the construction of teachers' team, according to the deployment of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance, Sichuan Province will continue to organize and implement the special post plan for school teachers at the rural compulsory education stage in 2024, and recruit special post teachers. It is hereby announced as follows.

1、 Posts and requirements

In 2024, Sichuan Province will recruit 609 special post teachers. See the websites of municipal (prefectural) education authorities for specific post setting information, post registration conditions and requirements (see the annex).

2、 Recruitment conditions

(1) Basic conditions

1. Good political quality, love the motherland, support the Party's line, guidelines and policies, love education, and meet the requirements of recruitment positions. It meets the conditions specified in the Teachers Law of the People's Republic of China, Regulations on Teacher Qualifications, and the requirements of the ten standards for professional behavior of primary and secondary school teachers in the new era, and volunteers to teach in rural schools at the stage of compulsory education.

2. No older than 30 years old (born on or after January 1, 1994).

3. Before going through the employment procedures, the proposed personnel must obtain the teacher qualification certificate and graduation certificate required by the position they are applying for.

(2) Circumstances of not applying for examination

1. Persons who have received criminal punishment and been dismissed from public service.

2. Persons who are under review for illegal and disciplinary acts.

3. Personnel who are still in the period of influence of party discipline and government punishment.

4. Persons who have been found to have committed serious violations of discipline in the examinations of civil servants at all levels, public institutions and other national examinations prescribed by law.

5. Persons who are listed as the object of joint punishment for dishonesty according to law.

6. Personnel who are not allowed to be employed as teachers under other circumstances as stipulated by laws and regulations.

3、 Relevant policies and treatment guarantee

1. Volunteers who have participated in the "College Students Volunteer Service Western Plan", have experience in teaching, and graduates of normal universities who have participated in Liangshan internship for more than half a year are preferred under the same conditions.

2. Candidates from key counties for rural revitalization will be admitted preferentially under the same conditions when registering for the county.

3. The employment period of special post teachers is three years, during which the salary is paid in full and on time, and they participate in social insurance according to regulations.

4. Special post teachers shall enjoy relevant preferential policies according to national and provincial regulations.

5. After three years of service, special post teachers who pass the annual assessment and are willing to remain in the post shall be enrolled in time according to relevant regulations, and their posts shall be determined. Their length of service and teaching shall be calculated continuously, and no probation period shall be implemented.

4、 Sign up

Those who wish to apply for the examination of special post teachers in Sichuan Province will pass the official website of Sichuan Provincial Education Examination Institute from 10:00 on June 4 to 17:00 on June 7, 2024( )Register. Please fill in the relevant information truthfully and completely according to the prompt requirements of the registration system. The personal information cannot be modified after the registration deadline.

Candidates should read this announcement carefully before registering and follow the following procedures.

(1) Select Position

Before registering, candidates should carefully read the recruitment brochures, query the websites of the municipal (state) education authorities, understand the conditions and requirements for job registration, and log in to the registration website to select jobs after confirming their intentions. You can voluntarily choose to "obey the voluntary deployment of the post setting county" or "obey the voluntary deployment of the region" and deploy according to the reported posts.

(2) Upload photos

The electronic photo must be my recent 1-inch front color bareheaded white background ID photo, with the head accounting for 2/3 of the size of the photo, clean hair, plain face, open ears, clear and natural appearance. The ID photo is in JPG format, within 200KB, and the photo pixel is 480 high × 360 wide. If the uploaded photo does not match with me, I will not be able to take the exam.

(3) Print admission card

Candidates who take the written examination will log on to the official website of Sichuan Provincial Education Examination Institute from 9:00 on June 24 to 14:30 on June 29, 2024( )Print the admission card, and take the written examination with the admission card and my valid resident ID card (excluding expired ID card and copy of ID card) at the time and place specified in the admission card, and the personal information of the "two cards" must be consistent.

The original of the examination permit shall be used for the examination and verification of the interview qualification. Candidates must print the Examination Permit within the specified time. Those who do not print within the time limit shall be held responsible.

5、 Written examination

(1) Subject, time and place of written examination

Written examination subjects: Public Basic Written Examination of Education and Written Examination of Professional Knowledge, which do not distinguish between junior high school teachers and primary school teachers. The written examination will use standard Chinese characters.

Written examination time: June 29, 2024. In the morning, Public Basic Written Examination of Education; In the afternoon, the Written Examination of Professional Knowledge.

Place of written examination: It is proposed to be located in the city (state) government of the candidate, which shall be subject to the place specified in the admission card.

(2) Public Basic Written Examination of Education

All candidates for special post teachers in 2024 will participate in the Public Basic Written Examination of Education, with a full score of 100. The "Public Basic Written Examination of Education" refers to the Notice of Sichuan Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department and Sichuan Provincial Education Department on Printing and Distributing the "Public Basic Written Examination of Education and Review Outline of Public Recruitment of Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools in Sichuan Province" (CRSBF [2012] No. 145). The main contents include pedagogy, educational psychology, educational law, and teachers' professional ethics.

(3) Written examination of professional knowledge

Candidates applying for positions in Chinese, English, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, history and geography will take the written examination of professional knowledge of their respective disciplines, and those applying for positions in ethics and rule of law will take the written examination of political professional knowledge, with a full score of 100 points. Candidates for music, sports, art and mental health education posts take the written examination of Chinese professional knowledge, and candidates for information technology and science posts take the written examination of mathematical professional knowledge.

The basis and criteria for the written examination of professional knowledge are: Curriculum Standards for Ordinary High School (2017 Edition and 2020 Revision), Curriculum Standards for Compulsory Education (2022 Edition) (political current events: major current events at home and abroad during the year are from April 2023 to March 2024), in which the written examination of English does not test listening and mathematics does not distinguish between arts and sciences.

(4) Calculation and ranking of comprehensive scores of written examination

The comprehensive scores of the written examination of the examinees are composed of the scores of the Public Basic Written Examination of Education and the scores of the Written Examination of Professional Knowledge, each accounting for 50% of the score. Candidates who missed the exam, violated discipline or scored zero in a written exam will not be counted as comprehensive scores in the written exam and will not participate in the ranking of written exam scores.

(5) Score inquiry

The written test scores, comprehensive scores and rankings will be published on the official website of Sichuan Provincial Education Examination Institute from July 15 to August 15, 2024( )Publication. If the examinee has any objection to the score, he/she will apply for scoring at the local city (state) admission and examination institution with his/her ID card, the original and copy of admission card from July 15 to July 16, 2024, and will not handle the application within the time limit.

(6) Determine candidates for interview

Interview candidates shall be ranked according to the comprehensive scores of the written examination, and shall be determined according to 1:3 of the number of posts. If the last candidate for interview has the same ranking, it shall be included in the interview candidates. Those who fail to meet the requirements for the number of candidates for interview shall be determined according to the comprehensive scores of the written examination from high to low among the candidates who "obey the voluntary deployment of Shegang County"; If the number of interviewees is still not reached, the candidates will be selected according to the comprehensive scores of the written examination from high to low among the candidates who "obey the voluntary deployment of the region"; If there are still positions that fail to meet the requirements for the proportion of candidates to be interviewed, the interview and assessment shall be organized as usual.

6、 Qualification examination and interview

The interview announcement will be released to the public through the website of the city (state) education authority in the reference area. The interview organization unit shall carry out the recruitment of qualification review, interview, physical examination, training, assignment and other links after the interview registration.

The content of interview and assessment is mainly teachers' basic literacy, professional knowledge of the subject, language expression ability, appearance and behavior, trial teaching, etc., and the on-site scoring method is adopted. For candidates who have not organized written examinations for their own professional knowledge in music, sports, art, information technology, science and other positions, they will increase their professional knowledge level testing and ability assessment efforts. The full score of the interview is 100, and those below 60 will not be accepted.

The total score of the recruitment is 50% of the written examination and 50% of the interview score. The proportion of the interview score of music, sports, art and other positions is increased to 60%, and the final ranking is based on the total score.

7、 Physical examination

(1) Physical examination personnel

The candidates for physical examination shall be determined according to the total recruitment score ranking, and the ratio between the number of personnel and the number of posts is 1:1.

(2) Time and place of physical examination

The post setting county (city, district) shall determine the time and place of physical examination according to the regulations, and notify in time after the interview.

(3) Physical examination standard

It shall be implemented in accordance with the Guidelines of Sichuan Province on Physical Examination of Teachers Applying for Accreditation.

(4) Supplementary

If there is a vacancy after the physical examination, it shall be filled in order according to the total recruitment score among the candidates interviewed for the same position.

8、 Special tips

(1) The recruitment of special post teachers shall adhere to the principle of "openness, fairness, competition and merit". The recruitment unit and staff shall strictly implement the relevant regulations, ensure the openness of information, process and results, and accept the supervision of the discipline inspection department and all sectors of society.

(2) The specific post registration conditions and requirements, interview announcement, interview results, and the list information of physical examination personnel and final candidates shall be timely announced to the public by the website of the municipal (prefectural) education authorities. No fees will be charged to candidates for registration, written examination, interview, physical examination and other links of recruitment of special post teachers.

(3) The information and materials provided by the candidates will run through the whole recruitment process and should be true, accurate and complete. Any person who violates the regulations, practices fraud or does not meet the recruitment target and conditions will be disqualified once found and verified in any link such as written examination, interview, physical examination, admission, pre job training, etc, The applicant shall bear the consequences.

(4) Matters not covered in this recruitment brochure shall be subject to relevant policies and regulations. The information related to the recruitment and examination of special post teachers shall be subject to the information published on the portal website of Sichuan Provincial Department of Education and the official website of Sichuan Provincial Education Examination Institute, and the specific post registration conditions and requirements shall be subject to the information published on the website of the competent education department of each city (prefecture).

Portal of Sichuan Provincial Education Department:

Official website of Sichuan Provincial Education Examination Institute:

enclosure: Summary of posts for special post teachers in Sichuan Province in 2024

Original title: Sichuan Special Post Teachers Recruitment Brochure in 2024



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