2024 Central Academy of Drama Recruitment Announcement (China Drama Culture Development Strategy Research Center)

The Central Academy of Drama is the first drama education institution of higher learning in New China, directly under the Ministry of Education, the highest institution of drama, film and television art education in China, the "double first-class" construction university determined by the state, the headquarters of the China Higher Drama Education Alliance, the headquarters of the Asian Drama Education Research Center and the secretariat of the World Drama Education Alliance, and a world famous art school.

In order to meet the needs of the college's educational development, our college is open to public recruitment. The specific recruitment positions, recruitment quantity, recruitment conditions, etc. are as follows:

Recruitment position: 1 staff member of China Drama Culture Development Strategy Research Center

Job responsibilities:

1. Responsible for and participated in the writing and editing of the research results and relevant materials of the Strategic Research Center for the Development of Chinese Drama Culture;

2. Be responsible for and participate in the writing and editing of propaganda information manuscript of China Drama Culture Development Strategy Research Center;

3. Be responsible for and participate in the organization and preparation of relevant academic activities of the Strategic Research Center for the Development of Chinese Drama Culture;

4. Responsible for the relevant administrative affairs and teaching management of the Strategic Research Center for the Development of Chinese Drama Culture;

5. Complete other tasks assigned by leaders.

Job requirements:

1. Firm political position, support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and have high political literacy;

2. Master degree or above, and academic experience in drama, film and television, literature, journalism and other related majors;

3. Have strong English reading and writing skills, and be able to read and analyze professional foreign language materials;

4. Have strong writing skills;

5. Be honest, have a strong sense of responsibility, love your job and work hard.

Note: Applicants need to provide 3 articles of their own independent works in any form.

Employment method: Non institutional employment, social insurance and provident fund shall be paid according to regulations.

Application method: For the above positions, please send your resume to the mailbox before January 26, 2024 zhongxihr@zhongxi.cn , the attachment and email title are named with "name+graduate school+major+academic degree+applied position".

Original title: Central Academy of Drama 2024 Recruitment Notice (China Drama Culture Development Strategy Research Center)

Source: http://www.chntheatre.edu.cn/cn/entrance/renshi3/detail/21733.html


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