2024 Beijing Civil Servant Examination Application Guide

2024 Jingkao Announcement Interpretation Summit

2024 Jingkao Position Search

Notice on 2024 Beijing Civil Service Examination Registration time for civil servants in Beijing: 9:00 on November 13 to 18:00 on November 17.


Chapter I Application Policies and Regulations

1、 About application conditions

1. Can graduates of other forms of national education other than ordinary higher education apply for the exam?

Graduates of other forms of national education (self-study examination, adult education, online education, night university, radio and television university, etc.

2. Can the targeted and entrusted students who graduated in 2024 apply for the exam?

Targeted students and entrusted students who graduate in 2024 shall not apply for the exam in principle.

3. What positions can overseas returnees apply for?

Returned students can apply for qualified positions according to their own conditions. Among them, those who have returned from abroad and obtained overseas degrees from January 1, 2023 to July 31, 2024, but have not confirmed their work units, can apply for the positions only for new graduates. Including: returned students with permanent residence in Beijing; Returned overseas students who are not permanent residents of Beijing in accordance with the provisions of the Interim Measures of Beijing Municipality on Promoting Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurship and Work in Beijing.

In addition to the materials specified in the Announcement on the Recruitment of Civil Servants for the 2024 Annual Examination of Beijing Authorities at All Levels (hereinafter referred to as the "Recruitment Announcement") and the Regulations on the Recruitment of Civil Servants for the 2024 Annual Examination of Beijing Authorities at All Levels (hereinafter referred to as the "Recruitment Regulations"), the returned overseas students shall also provide the degree and education certification materials. For matters related to academic certification, please visit the website of the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education( http://www.cscse.edu.cn )Query.

4. What is the identity of the new graduates with grass-roots work experience?

New graduates with grassroots work experience can only apply as new graduates.

5. Why can't on-the-job civil servants and staff of organs (units) managed by reference to the Civil Servant Law apply for the examination?

In recent years, the public selection of civil servants has been gradually institutionalized and standardized, which has unblocked the upward communication channels for grass-roots civil servants. Therefore, the civil servant recruitment examination is no longer open to in-service civil servants and the staff of administrative organs (units) with reference to the Civil Servant Law.

6. What preferential policies have been implemented for grass-roots posts in difficult and remote areas?

According to the provisions of the Opinions on Doing Well in the Examination and Employment of Grass roots Civil Servants in Difficult and Remote Areas and the Implementation Opinions on Doing Well in the Examination and Employment of Grass roots Civil Servants in Difficult and Remote Areas of our City, for grass-roots posts located in streets, towns and villages in difficult and remote areas, we have individually or comprehensively adopted appropriate measures to reduce educational requirements, relax professional restrictions, and appropriately adjust age conditions Measures such as not limiting the length of service and experience, and setting a separate score line for passing the written examination will lower the threshold for entry. At the same time, a certain number of positions will be taken from them to recruit people with household registration in the city and district.

For personnel recruited through preferential policies such as lowering the entry threshold, they should serve for at least 5 years (including the probation period) in the authorities in difficult and remote areas within the area (system) they are applying for. Those who have not completed 5 years are not allowed to exchange (including public selection) with the authorities at higher levels and in non difficult and remote areas, nor to exchange with other regions and provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) in the city (including those in difficult and remote areas). In addition, according to relevant regulations, the minimum length of service of newly recruited township civil servants in the township is 5 years (including the probation period).

7. How do you understand the educational background required in the Recruitment and Examination Manual?

The qualifications required in the "Recruitment Manual" are the highest qualifications obtained by applicants. Social in-service personnel shall apply for the exam with the highest degree they have already obtained, and fresh college graduates shall apply for the exam with the highest degree they will soon obtain. For example, if it is required in the "Recruitment and Examination Manual" to limit undergraduate education, master and doctoral graduates cannot apply for the examination with undergraduate education.

8. How to define the starting time of grass-roots work experience?

(1) For personnel working in grass-roots Party and government organs, public institutions and state-owned enterprises, the time of grass-roots work experience is counted from the date of reporting.

(2) "Rural revitalization assistant" and other grass-roots employment project personnel, grass-roots work experience time from the date of registration.

(3) For the first time employed in a specific public welfare post (social management and public service) at the grass-roots level, the time of grass-roots work experience is calculated from the starting time agreed in the work agreement.

(4) Unemployed college graduates who leave the university to participate in internships in the college graduates internship base (the base is a grass-roots unit) or participate in project research in enterprises and institutions shall be deemed to have grass-roots work experience, counting from the date of registration.

(5) For personnel working in other economic organizations, social organizations and other units, the time of grass-roots work experience shall be calculated from the starting time agreed in the labor contract.

(6) For those who start their own businesses and go through the industrial and commercial registration procedures, their grass-roots work experience is counted from the date of issuance of the business license.

(7) For the first time employed in the form of flexible employment, the time of grass-roots work experience is calculated from the starting time of registration of flexible employment and approval.

9. What circumstances are not included in the grass-roots work experience?

The experience of secondment (assistance) in provincial and above authorities and the social practice experience of fresh graduates in school cannot be regarded as grass-roots work experience, and will not be included in grass-roots work experience.

For those who have obtained full-time education after work, full-time study time shall not be included in grass-roots work experience.

10. Whether the secondment time of the personnel who participate in the grassroots service projects such as the Municipal Rural Revitalization Assistant is included in the service life when they are seconded to work in government agencies at all levels or enterprises and institutions?

In the service period, the seconded (help) working hours of the personnel who participate in the service grassroots projects such as the Municipal Rural Revitalization Assistant who fail to perform the secondment procedures as required and are seconded to work in government agencies or enterprises and institutions at all levels shall not be included in the service life. Rural revitalization assistants who have served for less than one service period in total shall not enjoy preferential policies for targeted recruitment and shall not apply for targeted positions.

11. What should be done to the service grassroots project personnel, such as the city's rural revitalization assistant, who study full-time graduate students during their service period?

The service grassroots project personnel such as the Municipal Rural Revitalization Assistant study full-time graduate students during the service period, and the time of study is not included in the service period; If the accumulative working time is less than one service period, they will not enjoy the preferential policies for orientation recruitment and will not be allowed to apply for orientation positions.

12. After being employed as civil servants, can the personnel who participate in Beijing Rural Revitalization Assistant and other grassroots service projects in the city directly go through the registration procedures?

After being employed as civil servants, those who participate in Beijing Rural Revitalization Assistant and other basic level service projects in the city must complete relevant contracts and pass the assessment before going through the civil servant registration procedures.

13. Can service grassroots project personnel apply for the exam as fresh graduates?

Those who have no work experience before joining the grassroots service project in our city can apply for the position only for new graduates within 2 years after the service period expires and the assessment is qualified.

14. What is the age for applying for the examination of the people's police?

The age requirement for the public security organs at district level and below to apply for the examination of the people's police is generally not more than 30 years old (that is, born after November 1992), and not more than 35 years old (that is, born after November 1987) for the graduates of master's degree, doctoral degree (not on the job) and the candidates for the examination of forensic medicine positions in 2024.

The applicants for the special police examination are generally not more than 25 years old (that is, born after November 1997).

The front-line police officers of the Municipal Prison Administration are generally not more than 30 years old (that is, born after November 1992). In 2024, the recruitment age of the new graduate students for master's degree, doctoral degree (non on-the-job), prison doctor, psychological correction and other special positions is generally not more than 35 years old (that is, born after November 1987).

15. How is the deadline for each qualification (qualification) required in the qualification conditions for application determined?

The calculation time of grass-roots work experience is up to November 2023.

Except that graduates in 2024 should generally obtain relevant educational background and degree by the end of July 2024, other qualifications required by the position (such as political outlook, educational background, degree, relevant grass-roots work experience, etc.) should be obtained by November 2023.

2、 About applying for the exam

1. How to operate online registration?

The registration work is carried out online, and there is no on-site registration. The candidates have passed the "Beijing Personnel Examination General Platform"( http://rsj.beijing.gov.cn/bm/ztzl/gwy/ ), "Beijing People's Society" APP and WeChat official account, the specific operating procedures are as follows:

Registration time: 9:00, November 13, 2023 to 18:00, November 17, 2023.

(1) Registration and identity confirmation: applicants must log in to the "Beijing Personnel Examination General Platform" and the "Beijing People's Society" WeChat public account, register an account according to the system requirements, and conduct real name authentication.

(2) Submit your basic information: applicants who have successfully registered can use the registration account to log in. After successfully logging in, read the integrity commitment and relevant policies, fill in and submit my basic information according to the system prompts. Candidates should fill in relevant information carefully and truthfully, and consult in time when encountering problems.

(3) Upload photo: upload my recent front bareheaded certificate photo. Requirements: two inch (34mm * 45mm), jpg format, size between 35-100KB, width more than 400 pixels, height more than 600 pixels. The background of the photo should be free of any decoration, clear portrait, and obvious distortion. Life photos and art photos cannot be uploaded.

(4) Upload the relevant grade, qualification, qualification certificate and other electronic materials (photos, scanned copies, screenshots) required by the qualification conditions of the position to apply for the examination. In addition, the social examinees with Beijing household registration need to upload the electronic materials of the household registration book (if the examinee is a collective household registration, the home page of the household registration book should also be provided), and provide the electronic materials such as the social security payment certificate and the contract that can explain the work experience and years according to the job requirements; In 2024, the new graduates of ordinary colleges and universities should upload their student cards, the graduate employment recommendation form stamped by the college level graduate employment authority and other electronic materials (Beijing students studying in other colleges and universities should also provide their own account book or account card); In addition to the above materials, the new outstanding graduates of universities outside Beijing who are not Beijing students should also upload the electronic materials of "three good students", "outstanding student cadres" or "outstanding student scholarships" certificates at school level or above; In addition to providing degree certificates, returned overseas students should also provide electronic materials such as academic certification, entry and exit records, and semester curriculum arrangements issued by the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education. If some qualification examination materials cannot be provided temporarily, remarks can be made and the submission time can be specified. All electronic materials shall be summarized into one file in the specified order and uploaded in pdf format (the file size shall not exceed 3M).

(5) Submit Position Application: query positions and submit applications.

(6) Submit the application for examination fee reduction and exemption: applicants for positions for the disabled, poor families with registered cards and urban subsistence allowances are exempted from the application fee. People who apply for positions for the disabled need not apply, and the system will automatically confirm according to the position. Filing poor families and urban subsistence security personnel should register and log in the "Beijing Personnel Examination Online Processing System" from 9:00 on November 13 to 17:00 on November 17, 2023 (website: http://bjkwzz.cptae.com/bas/ ), and go through the exemption and reduction procedures as required. See the handling system for the specific operation process. Consultation hotline for fee deduction: 010-12333.

2. How many positions can candidates apply for?

Candidates can only apply for one position.

3. Under what circumstances can candidates change their positions?

From 9:00 on November 13, 2023 to 18:00 on November 17, 2023, those who fail to pass the qualification examination can apply for other positions; If the application has not been examined, the applicant may contact the recruitment authority to apply for changing to another position.

3、 About qualification examination

1. Who is responsible for qualification review?

The recruitment organ shall be responsible for the qualification examination. During the registration period, the recruitment authority will conduct a centralized review of the application according to the qualification conditions, and confirm whether the applicant has the qualification.

Qualification examination runs through the whole process of employment. If it is found that applicants are not allowed to apply for the examination or do not meet the qualifications for application in each link, the recruitment organ can cancel their application or employment qualifications.

2. Is there any regulation on the time of qualification examination during the registration period?

During the registration period, the recruitment authority shall put forward the qualification review opinions within 2 days from the date of registration.

3. What is the main basis for qualification review?

The recruitment authority shall review the application for examination according to the laws, regulations, rules and policies related to the employment of civil servants, the published qualifications for examination and the qualifications required by the proposed position. The review opinions include "qualified" and "unqualified" cases.

4. Can those who have passed the qualification examination apply for other positions?

Applicants who have passed the qualification examination of the recruitment authority may not change to other positions.

5. How to consult if you have questions about the qualifications required by the position?

If you have any questions about the qualifications and other contents of the position requirements in the Recruitment and Examination Manual, please contact the recruitment authority directly. The telephone number of the recruitment authority can be inquired through the Recruitment and Examination Manual.

6. How to query qualification review results?

Time for inquiry of qualification review results: November 13, 2023 to November 18, 2023.

Applicants can log on the "Beijing Personnel Examination General Platform" and the "Beijing People's Service" WeChat official account to check whether they have passed the qualification review.

7. How to pay online?

Online payment time: 0:00, November 18, 2023 to 24:00, November 21, 2023.

Applicants who have passed the qualification examination must log on to the "Beijing Personnel Examination General Platform" to pay online. Candidates can use online banking to pay directly or Alipay to pay. Registration is successful only when online payment is successful. Applicants who have successfully paid the fees cannot go through the refund procedures.

4、 About the written examination

1. How to print the written examination admission card?

Time for printing the admission card: 9:00, November 28, 2023 to 16:30, December 3, 2023.

All applicants who have successfully completed online registration and paid the fees log on to the "Beijing Personnel Examination General Platform" to print their exam admission cards.

You must bring your examination permit and valid resident ID card before entering the examination room. Candidates who lose their valid resident identity cards before the exam should go to the public security department in time to apply for temporary identity cards. Other certificates cannot replace resident identity cards.

2. What is the content and timing of the written examination?

(1) Content. The written examination includes public subjects and professional subjects.

Public subjects include administrative vocational ability test and argumentation. Among them, the administrative vocational ability test is an objective question, and the argument is a subjective question, with a full score of 100 points. For details, please refer to the Outline of Public Subject Examination for Civil Servants Employed in the 2024 Examination of Beijing Municipal Organs at All Levels, which is available on the Beijing Organization for Work website.

Candidates for the position of People's Police of the public security organ will also take part in the professional subject examination. Please check the outline of the examination on the website of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau.

(2) Time. The written examination for public subjects will be held on December 3, 2023. The administrative professional ability test will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., and the argumentation test will be held from 14:00 p.m. to 16:30 p.m.

The examination time for the professional subject of the people's police position in the public security organ is 14:00-16:00 on December 2, 2023.

3. How to query the written examination results?

In January 2024, candidates can log on to the "Beijing Personnel Examination General Platform" and the "Beijing People's Society" WeChat public account to query their scores, and print the written test result notice.

5、 About interview and professional ability test

1. How to determine the list of candidates for interview and professional competence test?

After the written examination results are published, the municipal competent department of civil servants will, according to the proportion of interviewees determined in the "Recruitment Manual", determine the list of candidates entering the qualification review range from those who have passed the minimum qualified score line of the written examination in the order of high to low scores. The recruitment authority shall examine the qualifications of candidates who have entered the scope of qualification review, and determine the list of candidates who will participate in the interview and professional competence test for each position. Candidates who fail to participate in the qualification review and other follow-up links as required will be deemed to have automatically given up the corresponding qualification.

After qualification review, if the number of people who have passed the minimum qualified score line of written examination in public subjects does not reach the specified interview proportion, they must be transferred and supplemented.

After the written examination results of public subjects are published, candidates can log on to the "Beijing Personnel Examination General Platform" and the "Beijing People's Society" WeChat official account to inquire about specific matters such as qualification review and transfer registration.

2. When will the interview be held?

The specific time of the interview shall be determined by the recruitment authority. The content and method of the interview shall be determined in combination with the job content, nature and characteristics of the job. For specific matters such as interview time and place, please refer to the interview announcement published on the website of the recruitment authority or directly consult the recruitment authority by telephone.

3. Are professional competence tests required for all positions at the interview stage?

no Only the positions that need to be tested for professional competence at the interview stage announced in advance in the Recruitment and Examination Manual can be tested for professional competence.

4. How to organize and implement professional competence test?

The recruitment organ shall be responsible for organizing and implementing the professional competence test, and the time, place, examination content and requirements shall be determined by the recruitment organ. Candidates can log on the website of the recruitment authority to inquire about the arrangement of professional ability test, or they can directly consult the recruitment authority by telephone.

6、 About physical examination and inspection

1. What institution does the medical examination take place in?

The medical examination shall be carried out at the medical examination institution designated by the municipal competent department of civil servants.

2. How to apply for reexamination if there is any doubt about the physical examination results?

If the examinee has questions about the results of the physical examination items that are not re examined on the same day or on the spot, he/she can submit an application for re examination to the physical examination implementation authority within 7 days from the date of receiving the notice of the physical examination conclusion, and the physical examination implementation authority shall arrange the examinee for re examination as soon as possible. If the examinee has questions about the results of the physical examination items that are re examined on the same day or on the spot, the physical examination implementation organ shall arrange the examinee to re examine on the same day or on the spot.

If the physical examination implementation organ has questions about the conclusion of the physical examination, it shall decide whether to conduct the re examination within 7 days after receiving the notification of the conclusion of the physical examination.

The re examination can only be conducted once, and the physical examination result shall be subject to the re examination conclusion. All physical examination items in the Special Standards for Civil Servants' Employment Physical Examination (Trial) will not be re examined.

3. Which departments implement the special medical standards for civil servant recruitment (trial)?

For the people's police of public security organs, national security organs, prisons, compulsory isolation drug rehabilitation administrative organs, and judicial police positions of people's courts and people's procuratorates, relevant physical examination items shall be checked in accordance with the provisions of the Special Standards for Physical Examination of Civil Servants (for Trial Implementation). The positions or items not specified in the special standards shall still be subject to the general standards for physical examination of civil servants.

4. What are the main contents of the investigation?

The investigation highlighted the political standards, focusing on whether the candidates met the political requirements of supporting the "two establishment", strengthening the "four consciousness", strengthening the "four self-confidence", achieving the "two maintenance", and loving the Communist Party of China, the motherland, and the people. The recruitment authority will conduct in-depth investigation on the candidates by means of on-site visits, individual conversations, review of personnel files (student status files), inquiry of social credit records, interviews with themselves, and comprehensively understand the political quality, moral character, ability quality, psychological quality, learning and work performance, discipline and law compliance, honesty and self-discipline, and whether there are situations that should be avoided, Physical and mental health, and the degree of matching with the position for recruitment.

5. Is it necessary to review the qualification of candidates during the inspection?

Inspection is a key link in the confirmation and verification of candidates' qualification conditions. It is necessary to review the qualifications of candidates, mainly to verify whether they meet the specified qualification conditions, whether the application information and related materials provided are true, accurate and complete, and whether they have the situation of application avoidance.

6. Which organs implement balance investigation?

The municipal recruitment organ may carry out balance investigation. The ratio of the candidates to be investigated to the planned number of employees will be announced in the interview announcement, which is generally not higher than 2:1. The recruitment authority shall select the best candidates according to the examination results, physical examination results and inspection results, and the principle of suitability of personnel and posts.

7. What are the circumstances of the candidates to be investigated that cannot be determined as the candidates to be employed?

In case of any of the following circumstances, the candidate for investigation shall not be determined as the person to be employed:

(1) Under the circumstances listed in Article 26 of the Civil Servant Law;

(2) Having committed any of the acts listed in Article 59 of the Civil Servant Law;

(3) Those who do not meet the qualifications for applying for the examination determined by the competent department of civil servants at or above the provincial level or do not meet the relevant requirements for the position to be recruited;

(4) A person is fined for a crime, or the circumstances of the crime are minor, and the People's Procuratorate decides not to initiate a prosecution according to law or the People's Court is exempted from criminal punishment according to law;

(5) The period of influence such as admonition, organizational treatment or party discipline and government punishment has not expired or its use has been affected upon expiration;

(6) Being expelled from the Communist Youth League of China;

(7) Being dismissed by an organ or an organ (unit) managed by reference to the Civil Servant Law for less than 5 years;

(8) Being expelled from school during the period of higher education;

(9) Having been identified as having committed serious fraud in the national examination prescribed by law;

(10) Poor political quality, moral character, sense of social responsibility, awareness of serving the people and social credit, as well as other situations that are not suitable for employment as civil servants.

8. Do you need to take part in physical fitness assessment when you apply for the post of police?

You need to take part in physical fitness assessment when you apply for the position of people's police in the public security organ. Physical fitness assessment items and standards shall be implemented in accordance with the Physical Fitness Assessment Items and Standards for People's Police Recruitment by Public Security Organs (Provisional). If the people's police of prisons, compulsory isolation drug rehabilitation administrative organs and judicial police positions of people's courts and people's procuratorates need to conduct physical fitness assessment on candidates, refer to the Physical Fitness Assessment Items and Standards for People's Police Recruitment by Public Security Organs (Provisional). Those who fail to pass the physical examination shall not be determined as the personnel to be employed.

7、 Treatment of candidates who violate disciplines and regulations

1. How will the examinee be handled if he/she violates the rules and disciplines during the enrollment process?

If the application materials or information submitted by the examinee during the registration process are untrue, the recruitment authority will determine that the application is invalid and terminate the employment procedure; In case of malicious registration information, disturbing the registration order, or forging or altering relevant materials to obtain the qualification for the examination, the Beijing Municipal Civil Service Competent Department will give him the punishment of canceling the qualification for the examination and restricting the registration of civil servants within five years.

2. How will the examinee deal with minor violations of rules and disciplines during the examination?

If the examinee has one of the following behaviors during the examination, the examination institution will give him or her a score of zero in the subject (session) involved:

(1) Bringing items other than those specified into the examination room and failing to put them in the designated place as required after being reminded;

(2) Failing to enter or leave at the prescribed time when taking the exam;

(3) Failing to take the examination at the designated seat, or leaving the seat or entering or leaving the examination room without authorization;

(4) Failing to fill in (fill in), enter information related to oneself or the examination, or mark one's information or other special marks in places other than those specified;

(5) Intentionally damaging the test papers, answer cards (answer sheets) and other materials distributed in the examination room;

(6) Answering questions before the signal to start the exam is sent, or continuing to answer questions after the signal to end the exam is sent;

(7) Other minor violations.

3. How will the examinee deal with serious violations of rules and disciplines during the examination?

If a candidate commits one of the following acts in the course of the examination, the competent civil servant department of Beijing will give him or her the punishment of canceling the qualification for the examination and restricting the application of civil servants for the examination within five years:

(1) Copying others' answer information or assisting others to copy the answer information;

(2) Check and eavesdrop on the written and audio-visual materials related to the examination that are brought into the examination room in violation of regulations;

(3) Using prohibited communication equipment or electronic equipment with calculation and storage functions;

(4) Carrying programs and tools that have the security management measures to avoid or break through the examination room to prevent cheating, and the functions of obtaining, recording, transmitting, receiving, and storing exam questions and answers, as well as programs and tools specially used for cheating;

(5) Seizing or deliberately damaging others' test papers, answer cards (answer sheets), draft papers and other materials distributed in the examination room, or testing machines and other facilities and equipment used by others;

(6) Violating the regulations to take the test papers, answer cards (answer sheets) and other materials distributed in the examination room out of the examination room;

(7) Other violations and disciplines with serious circumstances and bad influence.

4. What will be done if the examinee has a particularly serious violation of rules and disciplines during the examination?

If a candidate commits one of the following acts in the course of the examination, the Beijing Municipal Civil Servant Authority will give him or her the punishment of canceling the qualification for the examination and limiting the application for civil servants for life:

(1) Those who use forged, altered or misappropriated another person's resident identity card, examination permit or other certification materials to participate in the examination;

(2) 3 or more people collude to cheat or participate in organized cheating;

(3) Taking the exam on behalf of others or letting others take the exam on their own behalf;

(4) Using programs and tools that have the security management measures to avoid or break through the examination room to prevent cheating, and the functions of obtaining, recording, transmitting, receiving, and storing exam questions and answers, as well as programs and tools specially used for cheating;

(5) Illegal intrusion into the examination information system or illegal acquisition, deletion, modification or addition of system data;

(6) Other violations and disciplines that are particularly serious and have a particularly bad impact.

5. How to deal with similar answers?

In the process of marking, if the examinees are found to have the same answers in the same subject, and the results are confirmed by the marking expert group, it is deemed that they have violated the application rules and management regulations, and the examination institution that specifically organizes the implementation of the examination will deal with them afterwards according to the examination score of the subject being zero. If examinees answer the same questions in the same subject and there is other relevant evidence to prove their cheating behavior is tenable, they will be severely punished as violating the employment discipline.

6. How will the examinee be dealt with if he/she violates the rules and disciplines in the links of physical examination, inspection, physical evaluation, etc?

If the examinee has violated the rules and disciplines in the links of physical examination, inspection, physical evaluation, etc., according to the Measures for Handling Violations and Disciplines in Civil Servants' Employment, if the circumstances are minor, the employment procedure will be terminated; If the circumstances are serious, the qualification for the examination will be cancelled and the application for the examination will be restricted for five years; If the circumstances are especially serious, the qualification for the examination will be cancelled and the application for civil servants will be restricted for life.

7. What are the new provisions of the Criminal Law on cheating in examinations?

According to the Criminal Law Amendment (9), one article is added after Article 284 of the Criminal Law as Article 284-1: "Whoever organizes cheating in the national examination prescribed by law shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention and shall also, or shall only, be fined; if the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years and shall also be fined", "Whoever provides cheating equipment or other help for another person to commit the crime mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph", "Whoever illegally sells or provides the examination questions and answers specified in the first paragraph to another person in order to commit cheating in examinations shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the first paragraph", "Whoever takes the examination prescribed in the first paragraph on behalf of another person or lets another person take the examination on his behalf shall be sentenced to criminal detention or public surveillance and shall also, or shall only, be fined". The Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate have made specific explanations on several issues concerning the application of law in handling such criminal cases, which will come into force on September 4, 2019.

Candidates and other personnel who violate the criminal law will be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.

8. What behaviors are recorded in the integrity file of civil servant recruitment examination?

Candidates who violate discipline and other dishonest behaviors shall be recorded in the integrity archive of civil servant recruitment examination.

8、 About the teaching materials for examination guidance

1. Are there any designated textbooks and training courses for civil servants?

This recruitment does not publish or specify a book for examination guidance, nor does it hold or entrust any institution or individual to hold an examination guidance training class. For the examination and training of civil servants, websites or publications in the society, please be alert and rational to avoid being deceived and damaging their rights and interests. Please strengthen supervision from all walks of life. If you find any of the above situations, please report them to the relevant departments and investigate and deal with them seriously according to laws and regulations.

2. How do candidates prepare for the exam?

The civil servant examination mainly tests the basic abilities and qualities that should be possessed in the work of the organ. These abilities and qualities are mainly based on the long-term accumulation of study, work and life at ordinary times, and it is difficult to achieve great improvement in the short term. Before the exam, candidates should carefully read the Outline of Public Subject Examination for Civil Servants Employed in the 2024 Annual Examination of Beijing Municipal Authorities at All Levels, and prepare for the exam in a targeted manner in combination with job needs and their own conditions.

9、 The scope of application of the Guide to the Application of Civil Servants for the 2024 Annual Examination of Beijing Authorities at All Levels

The Guide to the Application of Civil Servants for the 2024 Annual Examination of Beijing Municipal Government Offices at All Levels is only applicable to the 2024 annual examination of civil servants for Beijing Municipal Government Offices at All Levels.

Chapter 2 FAQ

1、 What if I forget my login password?

Click the "Forgot Password" link to reset the password using the mobile phone number registered, and log in to the system using the reset password.

2、 What should I do if my name and ID card number are wrong?

1. Only the wrong characters in the applicant's name and the wrong number of the ID card that does not involve the date of birth can be handled.

2. Candidates must register and log into the "Beijing Personnel Examination Online Processing System" (website: http://bjkwzz.cptae.com/bas/ )And modify the information as required. See the handling system for the specific operation process.

3. After the deadline of examination registration, the applicant must take the original and copy of his/her valid ID card to the examination office of the examination site to register the wrong information on the day of the examination.

3、 What if the picture is wrong?

1. If the position application has not been submitted or has not been approved before the end of registration, the candidate can upload it again in the system.

2. Before the deadline of application, the applicant has submitted the position application, but the recruitment unit has not yet reviewed or has passed the review. The applicant must call the recruitment authority, and ask the recruitment authority to return his position application and upload it again.

3. After the deadline for registration, applicants must register and log into the "Beijing Personnel Examination Online Processing System" (website: http://bjkwzz.cptae.com/bas/ )And modify the information as required. See the handling system for the specific operation process.

4、 What should I do if my personal information (except my name and ID card number) is incorrect?

1. Applicants who have not submitted a position application or failed to submit a position application for review before the end of registration can modify it by themselves.

2. If the position application has been submitted before the deadline of application, and the recruitment authority has not yet reviewed or has passed the review, you must call the recruitment unit to return the position application and modify it by yourself.

3. After the registration deadline, if there is any error in the information, you can contact the recruitment authority and provide the supporting materials that need to modify the information. After the recruitment authority confirms that the information can not be modified.

5、 How to query the number of applicants for a declared position?

During the registration period, log in to the "Beijing Personnel Examination General Platform" and the "Beijing People's Society" WeChat public account, select "Query of the number of candidates for each position", and enter the position code to query the number of candidates for the declared position. The number of applicants for the applied positions will be updated at 9:00 and 18:00 every day during the registration period (only once on November 17, at 9:00).

6、 If you choose your residence, will you be arranged to take the exam in the selected area?

The examination place of candidates will be arranged according to the situation of the examination sites in the city.

7、 About online payment

The application fee for this exam is paid online. Only candidates who submit their job applications and pass the qualification examination within the specified time can make payment. Candidates can use the online banking or Alipay of the designated bank for online payment.

1. Fee standard: 50 yuan per person per subject.

2. If the online banking system and the registration system show that you have successfully paid the fees, it means that you have successfully paid the registration fees. Successful online payment means successful registration.

3. Applicants who have successfully paid the fees cannot go through the refund procedures.

4. Electronic bills will be used for the examination fees, and paper bills will not be issued. The electronic bill information will be pushed to the candidates' registration mobile phones in the form of SMS within 30 working days after the end of the exam. Candidates can log on to the official website of the Beijing Finance Bureau and download and print electronic bills according to the SMS prompts. Candidates can log on to the "Service Guide" column of the personnel examination service channel, and click "Question Answers" to view the relevant matters of "electronic bill collection".

5. Candidates who have not received the electronic bill information or deleted the electronic bill information by mistake 30 working days after the end of this exam, please send their name, ID card number, mobile phone number, year of taking the exam and exam name to email kszxcw@rsj.beijing.gov.cn The staff will reply within 3 working days after the email is sent and solve the related electronic bill problems.

Consultation telephone: the telephone number of each recruitment organ published in the "Recruitment and Examination Manual".

Consultation time: 9:00-18:00 from November 13 to November 17, 2023

Original title: Guide for Applying for the 2024 Annual Examination for Civil Servants of Beijing Municipal Authorities at All Levels

Source: http://www.bjdj.gov.cn/article/3000193824.html


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