Analysis of questions and answers of the 2020 Hospital Recruitment Examination on nursing professional knowledge over the years (599)

1. Which of the following pathogens causes children's upper respiratory tract infection is the most common:

A. Bacteria

B. Viruses

C. Chlamydia

D. Mycoplasma

E. Fungi


2. The duration of persistent pneumonia is:

A. The course of disease is less than 1 month

B. The course of disease is more than 1 month

C. The course of disease is between 1 month and 3 months

D. The course of disease is more than 3 months

E. The course of disease is more than 6 months


3. The most common pneumonia in childhood is:

A. Lobar pneumonia

B. Lobular pneumonia

C. Alveolar pneumonia

D. Interstitial pneumonia of lung

E. Bronchopneumonia


4. The most common chronic allergic diseases of respiratory tract in childhood are:

A. Allergic rhinitis

B. Bronchial asthma

C. Chronic bronchitis

D. Chronic pharyngitis

E. Chronic pneumonia


5. The most common congenital heart diseases in children are:

A. Ventricular septal defect

B. Atrial septal defect

C. Patent ductus arteriosus

D. Tetralogy of Fallot

E. None of the above is correct


6. Children's differential cyanosis:

A. Lower body is normal, left upper limb and right upper limb are cyan

B. The lower body and right upper limb are blue, and the left upper limb is normal

C. The right upper limb is cyan, and the left upper limb is normal

D. The lower body and left upper limb are blue, and the right upper limb is normal

E. None of the above is correct

1. [Reference answer] B Public resolution: Pathogens causing acute upper respiratory tract infections include viruses, bacteria, mycoplasmas and chlamydia, among which viruses account for more than 90%, and a few can be caused by bacteria and mycoplasmas. Common viruses include influenza virus, parainfluenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus adenovirus, rhinovirus, and enterovirus (coxsackie virus, and eko virus). After virus infection, the upper respiratory tract mucosa loses its resistance, and bacterial invasion can lead to secondary bacterial infection. The most common is group A hemolytic streptococcus, followed by pneumococcus, influenza bacillus, etc.

2. [Reference answer] C Public resolution: Children's pneumonia is classified according to the course of disease: acute pneumonia (less than 1 month), persistent pneumonia (1-3 months), chronic pneumonia (more than 3 months).

3. [Reference answer] E Zhonggong's analysis: Bronchopneumonia is an inflammation involving the bronchial wall and alveoli. It is the most common pneumonia in childhood, and is frequently seen in children under 2 years old. The most common infection is virus and bacteria, which can also be "mixed infection". Respiratory syncytial virus is the most common virus, followed by adenovirus and influenza virus. Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common bacteria.

4. [Reference answer] B Zhonggong Analysis: Bronchial asthma, referred to as asthma, is the most common allergic disease of chronic respiratory tract in childhood. It is a chronic airway inflammation involving multiple cells (mast cells, eosinophils, T lymphocytes, airway epithelial cells, etc.) and cell components. This chronic inflammation is likely to lead to high responsiveness of children's airways (that is, the airways are highly sensitive to a variety of stimuli such as allergens, exercise, drugs, etc.). When exposed to physical, chemical, biological and other stimuli, a wide range of variable reversible airflow restrictions occur to varying degrees, resulting in recurrent wheezing, dyspnea, chest tightness or cough. It often attacks or worsens at night or in the morning, and most children can be treated or self alleviated. If the diagnosis and treatment of childhood asthma is not timely, irreversible airway stenosis and airway remodeling can occur with the prolongation of the course of disease, so early prevention and treatment is very important.

5. [Reference answer] A Chinese public interpretation: ventricular septal defect is a kind of heart structural malformation in which the ventricular septum (inflow tract, trabecular and outflow tract) is not fully developed during the embryonic period, resulting in abnormal traffic between the left and right ventricles, resulting in left to right shunt of blood flow. It can exist alone or be a part of some complex cardiovascular malformation, such as tetralogy of Fallot. Ventricular septal defect is the most common congenital heart disease, accounting for about 50% of the total number of congenital heart diseases, and about 40% of ventricular septal defect with other congenital cardiovascular malformations.

6. [Reference answer] D Zhonggong analysis: when the ductus arteriosus is not closed and the pressure of the pulmonary artery exceeds the aorta, the blood is diverted from right to left. The child has lower body, left upper limb is blue, and right upper limb is normal, which is called differential cyanosis.

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