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Schneider Electric launches a new generation of air circuit breaker series products

November 16, 2023 Source: Schneider Electric Author: Schneider Electric

Introduction: On the 15th, Schneider Electric, a digital transformation expert in the field of global energy management and automation, released a new generation of air circuit breaker series products at the 31st Shanghai International Power Equipment and Technology Exhibition (EP Power Exhibition). With multiple heavy upgrades in security, stability, convenient operation and maintenance, connectivity, green low-carbon and other aspects, this series of products has achieved double breakthroughs in the quality and intelligent direction of energy and power low-voltage equipment, can fully meet the diversified needs of customers, and is a heavyweight update of the industry vane level. The new generation of products has turned complexity into simplicity, opening the era of "simplicity" of energy and power equipment.

On the 15th, Schneider Electric, a digital transformation expert in the field of global energy management and automation, released a new generation of air circuit breaker series products at the 31st Shanghai International Power Equipment and Technology Exhibition (EP Power Exhibition). With multiple heavy upgrades in security, stability, convenient operation and maintenance, connectivity, green low-carbon and other aspects, this series of products has achieved double breakthroughs in the quality and intelligent direction of energy and power low-voltage equipment, can fully meet the diversified needs of customers, and is a heavyweight update of the industry vane level. The new generation of products has turned complexity into simplicity, opening the era of "simplicity" of energy and power equipment.


In the context of digital and green transformation Power system Continuous and reliable operation, the power distribution system of users in all industries is faced with numerous challenges, including the "complicated" process of equipment operation and maintenance due to the invisible status of the circuit breaker, the "complicated" process of interconnection due to the equipment's failure to support wireless communication, the "complicated" process of ensuring equipment stability due to the complex and harsh operating environment, and the "complicated" process of achieving green and low-carbon due to high energy consumption costs Therefore, how to use innovative technology to ensure the efficient, reliable and simple operation and maintenance of each key device is an important part of promoting safe, low-carbon and efficient production of enterprises.

Having been deeply engaged in the field of intelligent power distribution for many years, Schneider Electric, as a long-distance runner and leader in the industry, has always adhered to the high quality of its products, while constantly seeking innovation and change. At the EP Power Show, Schneider Electric launched a new generation of air circuit breaker series products, which achieved a double breakthrough of "quality" and "intelligence" by "simplicity" versus "complexity", and can meet the requirements of building OEM machinery manufacturing, industry, shipbuilding, power infrastructure, data center, electronics and other industries require easy operation and maintenance, interconnection, security, stability, green and low-carbon power distribution equipment and systems.


Adhering to the product concept of "simplicity in quality", the two products have different emphasis on function enhancement for different application scenarios:

"Simple" in easy operation and maintenance: Relying on the digital module equipped with the control unit Micrologic X, Schneider Electric MasterPacTMTZ air circuit breaker can achieve continuous power upgrading anytime, anywhere, help users improve the safety of personnel and property, monitor energy consumption and power quality, and achieve equipment diagnosis and maintenance, so as to strengthen power supply continuity and significantly improve operation and maintenance efficiency; In addition, with NFC, the new generation EasyPact MVS air circuit breaker can realize visual interaction and bring users an easy operation and maintenance experience.

"Simplicity" in interconnection: The whole series supports wireless communication architecture, Bluetooth connection and NFC connection. Schneider Electric's new generation air circuit breaker series can realize interconnection between power distribution equipment, eliminate information islands, and help power distribution system achieve efficiency improvement and fine management.

"Simple" is safe and stable: relying on a stable physical structure, Schneider Electric's new generation of air circuit breaker series products have strong anti vibration and impact capabilities, and can still maintain superior performance and stable operation in a low temperature environment of - 40 ° and a humid and hot environment of 60 ° and 98% relative humidity, providing a solid guarantee for users' continuous power supply.

"Simplicity" in green and low-carbon: In addition to the above characteristics, Schneider Electric's powerful green gene is also permeated in every link of the new generation of air circuit breaker series from design to production, which can help enterprises meet the requirements of green and low-carbon development more easily and simply. Based on Schneider Electric's unique and leading EcoDesign Way? Ecological design method, this series of products can meet the needs of enterprises for green and low-carbon products while ensuring commercial benefits.

Zhang Haiqiong, Vice President of the Low Voltage Business Product Marketing Department of Schneider Electric Energy Management, said: "Air circuit breaker is an important equipment in the low-voltage distribution system and one of the key areas of Schneider Electric's innovative technology application. For a long time, based on our in-depth understanding of customer needs and industry insight, we have constantly integrated symbolic functions into the latest products, enabling customers to achieve safe, simple, green and efficient development. As a practitioner and enabler of dual transformation, Schneider Electric will continue to help customers cope with fierce market and environmental challenges, lead the green development of the industry, and provide more support for promoting the construction of new power systems through more innovative measures in the future. "

Statement: The content of this article is from (Schneider Electric), and the author is (Schneider Electric). The copyright belongs to the original author. If there is any infringement of works, please contact us and we will deal with it in a timely manner!
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