How much is the franchise fee of Shunfeng Heke Convenience Store? Details of telephone conditions

2015-10-14 11:36:09   Source: China Franchise Network   3897 people participated
  • Business scope: convenience store
  • Number of stores: 600
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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If you are interested in joining Shunfeng Heke, you can call the Shunfeng Heke joining phone to inquire about joining details. Thank you for your attention to Shunfeng Heke! Shunfeng Heke joining hotline (official hotline)

How much does it cost to join? Shunfeng Heike Franchise Fee: Generally speaking, Smart Select a 50 to 70 square meter Shunfeng hacker convenience store entrepreneurship project, which generally requires 200000 to 300000 yuan, mainly spent on the decoration of the store, purchase of various equipment and goods; The rent of the house varies according to the location. On average, it is generally 200 to 30 discounts per square meter;
In terms of management, it needs about 8 to 10 staff members because it needs to operate 24 hours a day.

1. The unified trademark and corporate image of Shunfeng Hedian must be used, and it is not allowed to do anything detrimental to the company's image for any reason or form.

2. Companies or individuals or direct relatives who join the express delivery network of Shunfeng Hedian are not allowed to set up outlets of Shunfeng Hedian and other peer companies in other cities in China without permission. It is strictly prohibited to act as an agent for peers and not operate other businesses that violate the franchise agreement.

3. Shunfeng convenience store Heke franchise is based on cities at and above the county level. Without the consent of the operation center, any city in the central region cannot hinder the independent establishment and operation of cities at and above the county level for regional jurisdiction reasons.

4. Shunfeng Convenience Store should not violate laws, regulations and policies when joining the store. It should strictly implement the network management and operation regulations of Shunfeng Convenience Store, carry out business in accordance with the provisions of the agreement, actively cooperate with the operation guidelines and policies of the head office, and unconditionally implement the management of the operation center.

5. Shunfeng Hedian franchise must be equipped with software and hardware facilities such as operation, operation, vehicles, personnel, etc.

6. Enjoy the right to use trademarks and related elements, pre business training, supporting services, IT support and other unified management systems. "In the future, the experience stores joined by Heike, a Shunfeng convenience store, will also have more convenient functions."

Zhao Piyin, the supervision manager of Shunfeng Shunyi District, said that "Heke" will add services such as phone recharge, air ticket booking, water and electricity payment, and assume the function of "self delivery station for express delivery". If there are qualified and willing people, you can leave your valuable information. If you are interested in joining Shunfeng Heke Convenience Store, you can call the joining phone number of Shunfeng Heke Convenience Store for details.

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