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Overview of Binhai Bay New Area

2023-12-29 09:44:07 Source: This website [Font: large   in   Small Print
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Binhai Bay New Area is located in the geometric center of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, on the east bank of the Pearl River estuary in Shiziyang, connected to the Guangzhou Nansha Pilot Free Trade Zone by Humen Bridge, across the river from Shenzhen Qianhai Cooperation Zone, adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao, and composed of Jiaoyi Bay, Shajiao Peninsula and Weiyuan Island, with a planned total area of 84.1 square kilometers, It is the main position and strategic platform for Dongguan to participate in the construction of the Great Bay Area. The Outline of the Development Plan for the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area gives Binhai Bay New Area the positioning of a special cooperation platform for the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area. It clearly supports the cooperation between Dongguan and Hong Kong in the development and construction of the Binhai Bay area, gathers high-end manufacturing headquarters, develops modern service industries, and builds a strategic emerging industry research and development base. Binhai Bay New Area has been successfully approved as a provincial high-tech industrial development zone and Guangdong Pilot Free Trade Zone linkage development zone. The investment in major construction projects has accumulated more than 29 billion yuan, and it has been rated as the "New Area with the Most Investment Value" and "New Area with the Most Investment Attraction" by the Global Times for two consecutive years. At present, a number of major industrial projects have been introduced, such as OPPO Smart Manufacturing Center, vivo Smart Terminal Headquarters, Little Genius Smart Technology Center, Kexing Science Park, and Ophiguang Bay Science and Technology Innovation Center, to build Dongguan into a new window for opening up, a new space for industry, a new engine for growth, and a new name card for the city. The permanent population of Binhai Bay New Area is about 186000, and the Municipal Bureau of Statistics has not yet carried out regional GDP accounting for Binhai Bay New Area.

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Sponsor: Dongguan Binhai Bay New Area Management Committee Yue ICP Bei No. 19123485 Technical support: Cape Cloud
Postal code: 523850 Address: Dongguan Binhai Bay New Area Management Committee YGZAB No. 44190002002017 Website ID: 4419000024

Sponsor: Dongguan Binhai Bay New Area Management Committee Technical Support: Kaipu Cloud