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Nankai, where to recycle wood paint, copper and gold powder, and PU wood paint

Updated: 2024-09-26 04:40:25 No.: d92731ftq3763c
  • fifteen thousand element

  • Recycle wood paint, recycle furniture paint in stock, recycle PU wood paint, recycle anti-corrosion paint

  • 6 years

Hu Shaohui

fifteen billion ninety-seven million six hundred and eighty-five thousand and sixty-eight one hundred and eighty-eight million eight hundred and seventy-seven thousand six hundred and forty-four

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Nankai recycling wood paint, Chaoyang recycling wood paint, recycling wood paint recycling pigment, recycling wood paint recycling pigment
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6 months

Nankai, where to recycle wood paint, copper and gold powder, and PU wood paint

Tips for using water-based wood paint: 1. Grasp the humidity. When the ambient humidity is greater than 85%, it is not suitable for construction, otherwise it is easy to cause paint film whitening and other defects; 2. Advanced dedusting. The wood surface shall be polished and leveled, and the floating ash shall be treated. Dust cloth can be used for cleaning, and large areas (such as the floor) shall be repeatedly vacuumed with a vacuum cleaner; 3. Suitable temperature construction. When the temperature drops below 5 ℃, the drying time of paint will be prolonged, and at the same time, if the temperature is too low, white fog or extinction will occur, so construction should be avoided in this case; Avoid operating under direct sunlight or high temperature. If the temperature is too high, the paint will dry quickly, which will also produce pinholes or bubbles. Therefore, high temperature construction should be avoided as far as possible; 4. Painting procedure. During the construction of floor paint, the impact on the wall emulsion paint shall be considered. Generally, the wall surface shall be brushed first, and the next layer shall be left, and then brushed after the completion of floor paint construction; 5. It varies from material to material. Understand the woodiness of wood. If it is hard wood (such as teak, beech, Bengali), be careful to use putty, foam water, etc. as the primer to avoid discoloration and affect the adhesion. For hard wood, if you want to get a good effect, you can brush paint directly. If you need to fill gaps, it is recommended to mix paint and fine wood powder to fill them evenly; For ordinary wood, if transparent putty is required for substrate treatment, the entire base course should be evenly coated with a scraper, which should be thin rather than thick. After drying, it should be polished evenly and the excess transparent putty attached to the wood surface should be polished to avoid paint defects; 6. Coating control. The paint should be thin rather than thick, and can be applied in thin layers and multiple layers; For multi-layer coating construction, each coating shall be applied after the lower layer is completely dry, and each coating shall be polished; 7. Timely construction. Two component or three piece paint shall be mixed evenly after being proportioned, and then it shall be kept still for 15 minutes to let the air bubbles caused by mixing be discharged before use. If necessary, it shall be filtered before use. After the paint is proportioned, it shall be used up within 4 hours; 8. Pay attention to safety. The proportion and matching of paint varies with specific products. The construction personnel should read the product manual. In addition, paint is flammable, so pay attention to safety during construction;

Recycling chemical raw materials: if chemical raw materials and dyes are not recycled, directly thrown away or burned, they will cause great pollution and harm to our living environment; The significance of recycling chemical raw materials and dyes is to protect the natural environment we live in, to recycle resources, and to prevent chemical raw materials and dyes from polluting our water sources and air. The recycling of chemical raw materials and dyes is of great significance. Recycling chemical raw materials and dyes is of great benefit to enterprises and environmental protection. Recycling chemical raw materials and dyes can make enterprises recycle resources, conform to environmental protection policies, reduce environmental pollution, and improve social and economic benefits.

The recycling of chemical raw materials and dyes is now applied in many areas. Many people may feel strange when they hear about the recycling of chemical dyes. In fact, such recycling chemical raw materials manufacturers are very common in life!

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  • Recycle wood paint Recycle furniture paint in stock Recycle PU wood paint Recycle anti-corrosion paint Where does Nankai recycle wood paint Chaoyang recycled wood paint Recycle wood paint Recycle pigment
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Main industry: ChemChina
Main business of the company: Dye color paste Liquid dyes, chemical raw materials, waste chemical recycling
Purchased products: Expired chemical raw materials in stock
Main business area: whole country
Enterprise type: limited company
Time of establishment: 2018-11-28
Business model: Government or other institutions
Zip code: two hundred and seventy-six thousand
Tips: Nankai, where to recycle wood paint, copper and gold powder, and PU wood paint The description text and pictures shall be uploaded and released by users themselves, and the authenticity and legality of them shall be in the charge of the publisher.
Hu Shaohui: fifteen billion ninety-seven million six hundred and eighty-five thousand and sixty-eight Let the seller contact me