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Heping door-to-door recycling wood paint recycling copper and gold powder, recycling PU wood paint

Updated on: 2024-09-25 04:40:37 No.: 6213hicbe6f326
  • fifteen thousand element

  • Recycle wood paint, recycle furniture paint in stock, recycle PU wood paint, recycle anti-corrosion paint

  • 6 years

Hu Shaohui

fifteen billion ninety-seven million six hundred and eighty-five thousand and sixty-eight one hundred and eighty-eight million eight hundred and seventy-seven thousand six hundred and forty-four

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Heping door-to-door recycling wood paint recycling copper and gold powder, recycling PU wood paint

Wood coatings in China are mainly used in two fields, one is for furniture manufacturers, the other is for interior decoration, that is, furniture paint and home decoration paint; According to different use places of wood products, they can be divided into the following types.

1. Wooden furniture: the main application field of wood coatings, mainly in factory production and application, is the competitive place for Chinese wood coatings manufacturers.

2. Interior decoration: manual brushing is the main construction method, accounting for a considerable proportion in the market sales, and it is a competitive field for medium and low-grade paint manufacturers.

3. Wood flooring: it is the application field of wood coatings after the factory production of wood flooring, mainly light curing coatings.

4. Wooden toys: mainly opaque coating, and the main quality indicator is that the heavy metal content cannot exceed the standard.

5. Pencil paint: It is a kind of wood paint with opaque finish. In addition to quick drying, the content of heavy metals should not exceed the standard.

6. Outdoor wood products: mainly refer to chairs and other wood products used in parks, swimming pools, beaches and other places, which are required to have a certain weather resistance.

In our life, we can see that there are a lot of paints sprayed on the furniture, which is to protect the surface of the furniture and extend the service life of the furniture. The water-based wood paint is praised and used by many users because of its environmental health, so the key point of maintaining the water-based wood paint film. The paint film on the surface of wooden furniture should be regularly wiped with soft gauze to reduce the generation of dust stains, and regularly wiped with car polish wax or floor wax to make the paint film on the surface of furniture bright as new.

Now, whether the new house is being decorated or the old house is being renovated, all kinds of paints will be used. For example, some families use wooden furniture when they are decorating. If they use it for a long time, there will be stains and deformation problems, which requires a layer of wood paint on the wooden furniture, Next, the technicians of Jinguozi will introduce the key points of purchasing water-based wood paint: color. In the production process, the wood paint with good water property is generally translucent. If the product is produced by the polymer modified emulsion technology, it will be light milky white or translucent. So you can see from the color.

Recycling the price of the whole plant equipment of the chemical plant The company recycles processing equipment, plant extraction production line equipment, pharmaceutical plant production line equipment, brewery, starch plant equipment, alkali plant equipment, salt plant equipment, xylitol production line, Chinese medicine extraction production line equipment, monosodium glutamate plant equipment, chicken essence plant equipment Dairy plant equipment, milk powder plant equipment, starch sugar plant equipment, glucose plant equipment, coal washing plant equipment, alcohol plant equipment, grease plant equipment, citric acid plant equipment, pigment plant equipment, fruit juice plant equipment, yeast plant equipment, sewage treatment equipment, sludge treatment equipment, biodiesel plant equipment, brewery equipment, dairy plant equipment Such as idle equipment, second-hand equipment transfer intermediary, recycling and adjustment. We will sincerely cooperate with friends from all walks of life with an open attitude. Our engineers and technicians provide services related to the whole plant equipment, including the whole plant construction, equipment layout, planning and design of the whole plant equipment, etc. The company also has wastewater evaporators, forced circulation evaporators, high salt wastewater evaporators, inorganic salt evaporators, organic acid salt evaporators, starch sugar evaporators, maltose evaporators, corn syrup, mainly used chemical equipment, second-hand stainless steel reactors, second-hand enamel reactors, second-hand condensers, second-hand centrifuges, second-hand dryers, second-hand evaporators, We supply second-hand 1-15m3 stainless steel enamel reaction kettle all the year round, LW horizontal spiral sedimentation discharge centrifuge, second-hand horizontal scraper discharge centrifuge, second-hand HR horizontal two-stage piston pushing centrifuge, second-hand dairy centrifuge, second-hand vegetable oil centrifuge, second-hand yeast centrifuge, second-hand Anqing 445 starch centrifuge, second-hand DPF850 starch separator, second-hand CH30PS Yada starch centrifuge, second-hand 10-400 square box filter press, Used diaphragm automatic filter press, used vacuum stock transfer filter, used 100-1000 square tube bundle dryer, used flash dryer, used fluidized bed dryer, used spray dryer, used drum dryer, used double cone dryer, used alcohol distillation tower, used refining tower, used stainless steel distillation kettle, used granulator, used hammer mill, Used stainless steel condenser, used homogenizer, used double effect three effect four effect concentration evaporator, used single effect scraper film evaporator, stainless steel storage tank and other mechanical equipment.

In fact, it is easy to understand the composition of chemical raw material recycling manufacturers, mainly recycling some chemical raw materials for secondary sales! The raw materials purchased by some enterprises may not be used up, so they can be recycled through these recycling enterprises. This is a new way worth choosing, which is not only conducive to the return of funds, but also conducive to the reuse of resources. Generally, the raw materials purchased by the manufacturers will not be recycled by the distributors and will not be returned due to problems other than the quality of the raw materials. In this way, many manufacturers can not use the raw materials because of various reasons, and can not find a way to deal with the expired waste due to long-term storage. In addition, the hazardous waste treatment manufacturers will also have to subsidize a large amount of money, which will outweigh the loss, If it is handed over to recycling and purchase, special personnel will be assigned to classify the value of raw materials for valuable recycling.

The recycling of chemical raw materials and dyes is now applied in many areas. Many people may feel strange when they hear about the recycling of chemical dyes. In fact, such recycling chemical raw materials manufacturers are very common in life!

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Tips: Heping door-to-door recycling wood paint recycling copper and gold powder, recycling PU wood paint The description text and pictures shall be uploaded and released by users themselves, and the authenticity and legality of them shall be in the charge of the publisher.
Hu Shaohui: fifteen billion ninety-seven million six hundred and eighty-five thousand and sixty-eight Let the seller contact me