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[Free Command] [Officially produced] Simulator command line collection (memuc command)

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Building owner
Published on 2018-10-19 16:56:40 | Only the author  Reward for reply | Browse in reverse order | Reading mode
This post will be edited by peak at 14:12 on November 15, 2022

Memuc is V6.0.0 The launched command line tool encapsulates the interfaces of MEmuConsole, MEmu, and MEmuManage, and supports multiple open management, configuration modification, android communication, adb commands, and other functions.

Memuc supports the management of multiple simulators, so some commands need to be passed in Simulator serial number perhaps Simulator name Parameters, the following is the description of the serial number and name of the simulator
Simulator serial number parameter: - i 0 or -- index 0 (serial number starts from 0, 0 represents the first simulator, 1 represents the second simulator, and so on)
Simulator name parameter: - n MEmu or -- name MEmu (MEmu represents the first simulator, MEmu_1 represents the second simulator, and so on, Modifying the simulator name on the multiplexer does not affect this parameter

The memuc commands are divided into“ Simulator management ”,“ Simulator Configuration ”,“
Simulator control ”,“ Adb command ”Four categories:
Simulator management : It mainly involves the startup and shutdown of the simulator, import and export, creation and deletion, running status query, etc. Except for a few operations such as clone renaming, it is not necessary to specify the simulator
Simulator Configuration It mainly involves the modification of simulator properties, and the simulator needs to be specified when calling
Simulator control : It mainly involves the control of Android system, such as installing app, starting/closing app, disconnecting network, etc. Simulator needs to be specified when calling
Adb command : It is mainly about the packaging of Android official adb command line tool to solve the problem of connecting to specific emulators (avoid entering random ip when using bridging networks). Simulators need to be specified
The following is the specific command introduction

I Simulator management
1. Description: Create a new simulator
Syntax: memuc create
Example: memuc create//Create a new simulator
Prompt: memuc create 44//Specify the new Android version
              memuc create 51
              memuc create 71
Memuc create 76//Create 71 64 bit (Simulator 7.1.1 version and later support)
SUCCESS: create vm finished
Failed: ERROR: download ova failed
               ERROR: create vm failed.

2. Description: Delete the specified simulator
Syntax: memuc remove<- i vmindex | - n vmname>
Example: memuc remove - i 0//Delete "MEmu"
SUCCESS: delete vm finished
Failed: ERROR: delete vm failed

3. Description: Clone the designated simulator
Syntax: memuc clone<- i vmindex | - n vmname>[- r nametag] [- t]
[- t] Do not wait for the end of the task to return directly, and obtain the task ID number
Example: memuc clone - i 1//Clone "MEmu_1"
Clone name: memuc clone - i 1 - r Clone name
SUCCESS: clone vm finished
Failed: ERROR: clone vm failed

4. Description: Export the specified simulator
Syntax: memuc export<- i vmindex | - n vmname><ovafile>[- t]
<ovafile>Export to ova file type
[- t] Do not wait for the end of the task to return directly, and obtain the task ID number
Example: memuc export - i 2 c: 1.ova//Export "MEmu_2" to disk c and name it 1.ova
SUCCESS: export vm finished
Failed: ERROR: export vm failed

5. Description: Import Simulator
Syntax: memuc import<ovafile>[- t]
<ovafile>ova file type
<memufile>memu file type (Simulator 7.1.3 version and later support)
[- t] Do not wait for the end of the task to return directly, and obtain the task ID number
Example: memuc import c: 1.ova//Import 1.ova from disk c
SUCCESS: import vm finished
Failed: ERROR: import vm failed

6. Description: Start the designated simulator
Syntax: memuc start<- i vmindex | - n vmname>[- t]
[- t] Do not wait for the end of the task to return directly, and obtain the task ID number
[- b] Start the simulator in the background
Example: memuc start - n MEmu//Start "MEmu"
SUCCESS: start vm finished
Failed: ERROR: start vm failed
               ERROR: not support 32bit system. (When a 32-bit system starts a 64 bit mirror)

7. Description: Close the designated simulator
Syntax: memuc stop<- i vmindex | - n vmname>[- t]
[- t] Do not wait for the end of the task to return directly, and obtain the task ID number
Example: memuc stop - n MEmu_1//Close "MEmu_1"
Success: SUCCESS: stop vm finished
Failed: ERROR: stop vm failed

8. Description: Close all simulators
Syntax: memuc stopall
Example: memuc stopall//Close all simulators
Return: SUCCESS: stop all vms finished

9. Description: List all simulator information
Syntax: memuc listvms [-- running] [- s]
[-- running] List all started simulator information
[- i vmindex | - n vmname] List the specified simulator information (Simulator 7.3.3 version and later support)
Example: memuc listvms//List the simulator index, title, layer window handle, whether to start the simulator, process PID information, and simulator disk occupation (in bytes)
Example: memuc listvms - s//Display disk information
Example: memuc listvms -- render//Get the handle of the rendering window
Example: memuc listvms - i 0//Display independent information (- i quotation marks)

10. Description: Query whether the specified simulator is running
Syntax: memuc isvmrunning<- i vmindex | - n vmname>
Example: memuc isvmrunning - n MEmu_1//The running status of "MEmu_1" is returned
Return: Running
               Not Running

11. Description: Quickly arrange the windows of all simulators
Syntax: memuc sortwin
Example: memuc sortwin//Quickly arrange the windows of all simulators
Return: SUCCESS: sort win finished

12. Description: Restart the simulator
Syntax: memuc reboot<- i vmindex | - n vmname>[- t]
[- t] Return directly without waiting for the task to end
Example: memuc reboot - i 0//Restart the simulator
Return: SUCCESS: reboot finished

13. Description: Rename Simulator (New in 6.0.7)
Syntax: memuc rename<- i vmindex | - n vmname><title>
Example: memuc - i 0 rename "Easy Android Simulator - Test 1"
Return: SUCCESS: rename vm finished

14. Description: Query status by task ID number (New in 6.0.7)
Syntax: memuc taskstatus<taskid>
Example: memuc taskstatus 7baf735f-c877-4836-aaf9-ccca67296a8f
Return: "running": executing; "Success": complete
Note: This command describes 6 memuc start<- i vmindex | - n vmname>[- t]
[- t] Do not wait for the end of the task to return directly, and obtain the task ID number

15. Description: One button change function (New in 7.5.0)
Syntax: memuc randomize<- i vmindex | - n vmname>
Example: memuc randomize - i 0
Return: SUCCESS: change device attributes finished

II Simulator Configuration
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Novice on the road

 Rank: 1

Published on 2019-1-10 19:28:55 | Only the author
It seems that they haven't judged whether the simulator has run completely. I hope the landlord can release it when he is free
Published on November 16, 2020 12:01:20 | Only the author
adb shell settings put global http_proxy
The CPU should support virtualization technology. The motherboard should turn on VT, turn off Hyper-V graphics card, and drive the complete system correctly







Novice on the road

 Rank: 1

Published on 2018-11-19 19:41:58 | Only the author
4、 Adb command
1. Description: Support adb command
Syntax: memuc adb<- i vmindex | - n vmname><adbcmd>
<adbcmd>adb command
Example: memuc adb - i 0 "remount"//The adb command is supported

Code example error
memuc -i 0 "adb shell input tap 100 100"







Novice on the road

 Rank: 1

five #
Published on 2018-10-26 19:17:29 | Only the author
Do you want to ask whether this job has been released?
six #
Published on 2018-10-27 14:11:41 | Only the author
The low version of the command can only be used if the Xiaoyao Android Simulator is at least 6.0.0
The CPU should support virtualization technology. The motherboard should turn on VT, turn off Hyper-V graphics card, and drive the complete system correctly







Novice on the road

 Rank: 1

seven #
Published on 2018-10-29 19:00:16 | Only the author
Xin Zhiyu was published at 14:11, October 27, 2018
The low version of the command can only be used if the Xiaoyao Android Simulator is at least 6.0.0

But isn't it only 5.6.2?
eight #
Building owner | Published on 2018-11-2 10:51:15 | Only the author
Smilelove55123 was published on 2018-10-26 19:17
Do you want to ask whether this job has been released?

Will be released in version 6.0.0







Novice on the road

 Rank: 1

nine #
Published on 2018-11-2 12:07:16 | Only the author
Peak was published on 2018-11-2 10:51
Will be released in version 6.0.0

Okay, thanks







Novice on the road

 Rank: 1

ten #
Published on 2018-11-7 09:55:36 | Only the author
How to get the ID of the simulator process in the current version







Novice on the road

 Rank: 1

eleven #
Published on November 12, 2018 11:44:53 From mobile phone | Only the author
6.0.0 When will it be released







Registered member

 Rank: 2


 Happy New Person Qualification Seal

twelve #
Published on 2018-11-20 02:09:11 | Only the author
Give me a suggestion
Whether the simulator name can be modified
For example, specify the label of MEmu_1 as Custom 01

This version of integral rules

Mobile version | A small dark room | simulator | Mobile phone simulator | Mobile game simulator | Android Simulator | ( HUICPB No. 14046591 )

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