Civil Engineering Online Forum \ Landscape \ Landscape planning and design \ Sliced vacation time: Sanya China Resources Land Begonia Yuefu

Sliced vacation time: Sanya China Resources Land Begonia Yuefu

Published on: 2024-04-19 13:50:19 come from: Landscape / Landscape planning and design [Copy and forward]

Initial imagination of CR Begonia Yuefu

From the fragmentary memory of Sanya's natural beauty

A winding path, a light cloud

A soft light, a quiet sea

A roll of waves, a foot of soft beach

A beacon for guidance .……

Fragmentary memory of Sanya


Located on the base of the 5500 mu Haitang River Ecological Park in Sanya, Haitang Yuefu has a view of both the sea and the river. During the initial survey of the site, a white horse was grazing leisurely on the bank, and a row of native mangroves grew along the coastline of the Begonia River

  ▲ Original scene of the site: blue sky, white horses, grass, sand and withered poplar, sunset and dusk, boundless water and sky

In the distance is the famous Atlantis Water World in Sanya, and in the farther distance is the endless sea. These natural elements not only form the basis of design, but also guide us to create scripts like movie scenes.

  ▲ Fantastic landscape scene

Continue large-scale public self however


Under the big planning system of Haitang River Park, the 86000 ㎡ exhibition area continues the large-scale public nature as a whole. It is about 390m from the main entrance to the core area, and it is reached by a winding road. The original terrain of the site is flat, lacking layers, and the soil pH is high, so it is necessary to reshape the terrain. Adding topographic relief and curves can improve the contrast between light and shade in space, and the color levels of plants will also be rich and varied.  

  ▲ Wind dancing mango grass and gentle curve of lawn

In such a large scale space, the designer skillfully completed the layout of a space that is both vast and compact, dense and comfortable by taking advantage of the ups and downs of plants and terrain. There are steep hillsides, gentle lawns, open flat land, old trees and deep dense forests, presenting rich soft visual layers.  

▲ The undulation of terrain presents rich visual layers

Use micro environment such as building space and vegetation to switch scenes


The landscape of the drop off area uses micro environment elements such as building space and vegetation to switch scenes. The old pile frangipani and coconut trees with rich and colorful shrubs and vegetation are in front of us. The landscape rack is composed of several umbrella shaped structures, and the bamboo woven artwork has an irregular and scattered surface, which provides shade as well as mottled light and shadow, adding a relaxed and elegant holiday atmosphere.  

The weaving method, density and permeability of bamboo weaving have been polished and refined in every detail. More than 30 inheritors of intangible cultural heritage craftsmanship from all over the country spent 40 days on the spot to finish weaving. Bamboo weaving, a mild, simple and thought-provoking material that reflects traditional culture and technology, can make the holiday style of the space more emotional, and is also a perfect combination of modern craftsmanship and traditional handicrafts

From the main entrance to the drop off area, plants show rich changes. The entrance area continues the large-scale park Sparse and refreshing Natural style, the rolling grass slopes on both sides of the road are covered with thin leaves and needles, swaying with the wind, just like the wind blowing the wheat waves. 32 native heavy rain trees lead people's moving line inward. When the vehicle drives in, the line of sight suddenly folds and opens, and the beauty of the Haitang River suddenly comes into view. Arriving at the drop off area, the strong atmosphere of psammophytes is another style.

▲ Plants interpret different holiday customs

In the back court area of the building, the landscape more expresses more relaxed and comfortable leisure scenes with more participation.   The footpath along the river bank follows the principle of ecological friendliness   Cheng   The original habitat of the current mangrove shall be reserved.

▲ Seen from the waterscape in the back yard of the building, the artificial forest and the original mangrove are integrated

On this basis, trees with a long history are planted to set off this rich and deep mountain forest. From a distance, the trunk of big trees is hidden under the terrain, the winding and undulating green terrain is near, and the deep integration with the original mangrove is far away jungle The carved natural "confusion" gradually grows into a part of it in the original ecological background.

Inspired by the waves, the children's paddling area simulates the shape of the rolling waves, bringing endless joy to children. Barefoot walking in the coconut forest trail, sand gently massage at the foot, or play digging sand. For adults and children, this is the easiest way to open an island holiday.  

The lighthouse landscape construction deepens the memory of the site


In the area near the river bank, the designer tried to use a landscape device to deepen the memory of the site. 11264 glass bricks were manually spliced to create a lighthouse like landscape structure with transparent structure and hollow top, which we call "a lamp". It's not just The ideal place for people to interact and take photos is also The spiritual construction in space. It is not only a physical space, but also a symbol of the spirit core of the site.

  ▲ "One Lamp" Landscape Architecture and Details

▲ "One Lamp" Model Diagram

▲ "One lamp" mode Deliberation on 3D printing model process of profile drawing

Create a space, create an experience


In this project, we not only create a space, but also provide a kind of experience, a kind of quiet and comfortable rarely seen in daily life. These memory fragments, bit by bit, weave into a unique narrative of Sanya vacation. These scenes are not just visual enjoyment, they touch the senses, arouse emotions, and let people find inner peace and self here. This is a journey, an internal exploration, and a way of life that returns to nature.

Next, there will be more special articles on plants, materials, structures, topography and other contents of Haitang Yuefu in WTD latitudinal design official account and video account. Please look forward to  

  ▲ General layout

Project Information

Project name: Haitang Yuefu, Sanya China Resources Land
Project address: Haitang Bay, Sanya  
Owner: China Resources Land
Landscape area: 86550㎡
Landscape design: WTD latitudinal design

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    Learned the sliced vacation time: Sanya China Resources Land's Begonia Yuefu design concept, thank you very much.

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