Civil Engineering Online Forum \ Real estate industry \ Property vane \ The real estate enterprise used to be the father of Party A, but now

The real estate enterprise used to be the father of Party A, but now

Published on: 2022-01-17 11:20:17 come from: Real estate industry / Property vane [Copy and forward]


The past year has been the most difficult year ever for most real estate enterprises. The upstream and downstream suppliers of the real estate can be said to have lost their lips and teeth. In the past, housing enterprises ate meat while suppliers drank soup. When the real estate enterprises themselves could not even drink soup, the suppliers had been starved everywhere.

Maybe everyone only noticed that the real estate industry was thundering constantly, but they did not know that behind the thundering of real estate enterprises, more real estate supply chain enterprises were affected and fell, and there was still a batch of bankruptcy on the way. In the face of Party A who cannot pay and may even drag themselves down, some real estate suppliers "fight back" and no longer treat Party A as a lord. The relationship between Party A and Party B in the real estate has already changed quietly

Party A is getting more and more difficult Serve "
The relationship between the two sides is on the verge of rupture

Many real estate suppliers said that the past year was the most difficult year for real estate enterprises to serve.
When the house is ready to sell, both parties are happy. Since the second half of last year, even Party A, who had cooperated happily before, suddenly began to pick a bone in the egg.
For example, a plan should be carefully marked with punctuation marks; Sometimes the tone is not high enough and sometimes the creativity is not good enough. In short, Party A cannot be satisfied every time.

Jun A, who works as Real Estate We Media, said that real estate enterprises are always vacillating in terms of output content. After a theme is set for a few days, it will be overturned again. After many articles were written, I was suddenly told that the promotion node had changed and I would not publish them for the time being.

The design institute is also unhappy.
Mr. D is a designer of the real estate design institute. Last September, your company suddenly announced a salary cut and layoff, and hundreds of colleagues were dismissed. Although as a "lucky rule" who has not been cut, he is also living more and more hard.
In the past, the biggest pressure was the urgency of mapping. Since last year, real estate enterprises have not been in a hurry to map, but their ideas have changed every day, forcing you to change maps over and over again.

The work of former colleagues fell to Mr. D, who was still on the job. It takes a lot of time just to get familiar with the project we just took over. What's more sad is that we have to help former colleagues fill in the hole, and we are often complained by Party A as "not familiar with the project" and "not understanding the needs".

Hard work, hard money. The employees of Party B's real estate company are suffering, and the boss is also suffering.

"Party B has become a cash machine of Party A, which still has no interest". Many real estate suppliers have worked hard for a whole year. Although the flow of water has increased, a large part of them are paper wealth. The period of payment collection has been extended from the previous months to more than one year. A large amount of money collected was confiscated, and some even tens of thousands of yuan of money could not be collected. The bad debt rate reached a historical peak.

After a busy year, the final payment fell sharply, not to mention the commission and year-end bonus, even the basic salary could not be paid. As a boss, after working for a year, he didn't make any money and had to pay his employees out of his own pocket. Some small bosses even mortgaged their houses.

In the past, if you met with difficulties in business, you can find a bank loan. Last year, because the business scope involved real estate, some small and micro enterprises were frequently "discriminated" by the bank when making loans, and had to close down if they could not borrow money.

In fact, some real estate supplier bosses knew that the real estate enterprises were short of funds, but because of the cooperation between the two sides for many years, they still took over the business due to the human face. After learning a lesson from last year's "blood and tears", some real estate suppliers have been unwilling to play with Party A for free, not only raising the threshold of cooperation, but also being less "polite" to Party A


No longer treat Party A as a "master"
The cooperation degree of Party B has plummeted

Some real estate marketers reported that since the second half of last year, customers seem to have suddenly disappeared. The hope of real estate enterprises' sales lies entirely in the channels. Not only were the plans made by staying up late basically killed, but they also had to invite channels to eat every day and take the initiative to make good relations with each other.
This is especially true for the engineering side.

The engineer from the front line said that the current real estate enterprises have long lost the hardness of Party A's father.
Since last year, the construction company has blocked the door several times because of the failure to pay for the project. Although the company has been trying to pay in order to ensure the project progress, the pace of payment cannot keep up. In addition, some construction units have refused to accept commercial tickets, and the project often disputes over money. The construction unit is becoming more and more disobedient.

"Now the construction unit is the uncle, and Party A is the grandson." A real estate engineer said that because the company delayed payment, the cooperation degree of the construction unit went straight down. They are not confident enough in front of the construction unit, and the other party likes to ignore some tasks.

In the past, they used to issue tickets to the construction company, but now this move doesn't work. Last month, he was also struck once, which forced the company to pay a little money, relying on his own reasons to coax the other party to work.

Some engineers who have been laid off by housing enterprises have changed their views on the construction unit. In the past, people were able to enter the housing enterprises and never entered the construction units. Now some engineers believe that it is safer to enter the construction units such as CSCEC and China Railway than the housing enterprises. "The real estate project has not to be done, but it can also be done as a government project. It's a big deal to change the project. Unlike the real estate enterprise, it is easy to lay off employees."

An engineer who has been optimized by the real estate enterprise has been looking for a job for several months, but has not yet found it. "Real estate recruitment is poor, and good companies are crowded out. Even if you go in, you may be cut off someday. You'd better find your own words first..."

Year-end call
Party B will not show mercy to Party A

At the end of each year, the peak of Party B's demand for payment is reached, especially this year. In order to get back the money, some real estate suppliers have already spared no expense and are willing to tear their skins.
Employees with suppliers said that during this period, a real estate enterprise "went to work" every day. After two months, they finally forced the other party to pay a sum of money.

Some suppliers are directly "breaking away" from real estate enterprises.
Some supplier companies, because of Party A's delay in payment, directly wrote a "short composition" about the other party's arrears and sent it online. "Anyway, I won't cooperate with his family any more. If the relationship gets stale, I'll forget it.".

It is more common to take Party A to court. It is said that last year an elevator company sued more than 20 subsidiaries of a thunderstorm giant for bill payment. Because of the dispute over the sales contract, he also accused another strategic cooperative real estate enterprise that has not been thunderstruck. It can be seen how determined the real estate suppliers are to ask for money

Party B selects Party A
Don't pick up the list of private housing enterprises

After Evergrande's thunder storm last year, it is said that some suppliers have sorted out a blacklist of developers' cooperation, and built a warning line for those real estate enterprises with signs of "default, layoff, negative rating, performance decline, three red lines have been in arrears" to comprehensively strengthen cooperation risk control.

Suppliers are also seeking self insurance.

In fact, some suppliers who had foresight became cautious in selecting real estate enterprises as early as the first two years.
Some building materials bosses have noticed since 2019 that some real estate enterprises have a tight capital chain and cannot collect their accounts. So I sorted out the list, listed the real estate enterprises with poor capital chain, and began to reduce or simply stop cooperation. Although the business has shrunk a little in the past two years, the bad debt is less than that of the peers, and it is more nourishing than that of the peers.

Compared with such lucky suppliers, there are more Party B in the market who is dragged by the real estate enterprises and is in trouble. In particular, the construction unit and material supplier, while doing business, accidentally became the "major shareholder" of the real estate enterprise.
They have a large amount of cooperation with real estate enterprises, with a large number of commercial tickets in their hands. As the real estate enterprises thundered one after another, the commercial tickets could not be cashed out. Either accept the arrival of work, or have to wait passively, until the end, the housing enterprise may fall before itself.

As a result, real estate supply chain enterprises are becoming more and more cautious about the list of real estate enterprises, preferring to slim down rather than take risks. The small real estate enterprises will not take over, the old Lai will not take over, the long payment period will not take over, the strange customers will not take over, and the people without advance payment will not take over. "I used to envy others for many lists, but now it seems that less work may earn more."
Both the construction unit and the design institute now want to take over state-owned enterprises, central enterprises and government public construction projects. For private real estate enterprises, they are picky and not easy to cooperate without sufficient assurance. After all, safety is more important than anything else.

According to incomplete statistics, one super class and four first class construction enterprises applied for bankruptcy in the second half of last year due to the thunder of real estate. This is just the tip of the iceberg. More small and micro enterprises in the real estate supply chain disappeared silently. It is no wonder that suppliers have turned their backs on others, and even have to break with once big customers.

Will the cooperation mode between Party A and Party B in this round of game change? Will the chronic problems in the industry, such as advance payment and bid winning at low prices, be improved as a result?
  •  rolandiltg

    Learning, learning, learning can strengthen the country~~

    2023-01-16 11:47:16

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  •  zhangzhixin_007

    All walks of life are in cold winter....

    2022-11-24 21:40:24

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