Civil Engineering Online Forum \ construction technique \ News \ 1、 Do you dare to ask for the answer before the exam of Erjian?

1、 Do you dare to ask for the answer before the exam of Erjian?

Published on: 2021-09-09 09:05:09 come from: construction technique / News [Copy and forward]

From the website of the Ministry of Public Security, the News Space Station, and the examination and exchange of secondary constructors

Since the end of May, when the Second Construction Examination ended, "question leakage" was like a big stone blocking the examinees' chest. The public account message area could receive the examinees' questions about the event every two days. Fortunately, this matter was explained and the examinees were fair.

Recently, according to the unified command and deployment of the Ministry of Public Security, the public security organs in Jiangsu, Hubei, Jiangxi and other provinces and cities organized fraud cases in the 2021 National Qualification Examination for Class II Constructors (hereinafter referred to as the Second Construction Examination),   Kill 27 exam cheating gangs and capture 127 suspects   A group of cheating examinees were seized, the source of question leakage was promptly eradicated, the potential safety hazard of question leakage was effectively eliminated, and the fair and just examination order was effectively maintained.

According to the News Space Station of Jiangsu Public News Channel, the Suqian police, in accordance with the unified deployment of the Ministry of Public Security, have recently joined forces with many provincial public security organs to investigate and deal with the cheating organized in the 2021 national level II qualification examination for constructors, At one stroke, 27 exam cheating gangs were eliminated and 127 suspects were arrested.

At the end of May this year, the national qualification examination for Grade II constructors officially began. When Suqian Cybersecurity Detachment carried out online patrol,     It was found that the test questions related to this exam were leaked in some QQ groups before the exam, and were spread and sold online.     After the report, the Ministry of Public Security listed the case for supervision, and Suqian police immediately formed a special case team to transfer capable police to carry out investigation.


Zhuang Haibo, the head of the Cyber Security Brigade of the Sucheng District Public Security Branch of Suqian City, introduced the case. After work, it was found that Xu, a Suqian candidate, spent 200 yuan to buy the answers of the Second Construction Examination from Tianjin Renhu on May 28, the day before the examination. After verifying this link, the police quickly launched a synthetic investigation mechanism to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the network crime structure of organizing trafficking answers.

After preliminary investigation, the police found that the gang was very large and the network of interests was complex,     There are cheating dens in 8 cities of Hubei and Jiangxi provinces. The gang has gunmen group, editorial group, order group, transmission group, etc     All links are supervised by personnel.


After finding out the basic structure, the special case team carried out a centralized network closing operation on June 2. The Sucheng Branch transferred more than 60 capable police officers from units such as network security, criminal investigation, police stations, etc., and successively went to Hubei, Jiangxi, Shaanxi and other eight provinces and 16 cities to carry out arrests.

According to the investigation, as early as March this year, Zhou, the head of the examination room of a university in Shaanxi, had the idea of taking pictures of the test questions after learning that his school was designated as the examination site, And obtain 450000 yuan of labor fees from the suspect party in advance.


Zhou explained that at the beginning, the monitoring of the security room was not opened, so he went into the security room, took out the papers of three subjects, put them in a black cloth bag, and took them into the dormitory for opening. After taking photos, he molded the film with the plastic sealing machine prepared by the other party in advance, and returned the test papers to their original appearance.

Later, Party XX sold the test paper pictures to offline Party XX at a price of 1.1 million yuan. The staff of Fang's organization will answer the question and sell the answer to all levels of subordinates, The selling price of each piece varies from hundreds to tens of thousands of yuan.

Wang Qiangjun, the leader of the case investigation team of the Cybersecurity Detachment of Suqian Public Security Bureau,     A total of 34 people were arrested in this case, 8 criminal gangs were destroyed, and more than 2000 examinees across the country were involved in cheating.

At present, the case is still under further investigation.

Cheating in exams, substituting for exams, and substituting for exams are crimes!

Issued jointly by the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate on September 3, 2019 Interpretation on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in Handling Criminal Cases such as Cheating in Organizational Examinations

The Interpretation clearly states that cheating in professional and technical qualification examinations such as the constructor qualification examination and the registered architect examination shall be deemed as "serious". According to the Criminal Law, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years and shall also be fined.

One of them Replace others or let others replace themselves Those who take the national examination prescribed by law shall be convicted and punished in lieu of the crime of examination in accordance with the provisions of the fourth paragraph of Article 284-1 of the Criminal Law.

According to Article 284 of the Criminal Law, whoever organizes cheating in the national examinations prescribed by law shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention and shall also, or shall only, be fined; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years and shall also be fined.

Second   Sentenced for a crime According to the crime situation and the need to prevent recidivism, Declare occupational prohibition according to law

Third   Organize cheating and provide for others to organize cheating Cheating equipment or other help, or illegally selling or providing test questions and answers, Investigating criminal responsibility according to law

Fourth   Illegal access to test questions and answers And organize cheating in examinations or illegally sell or provide examination questions and answers, so as to commit the crime of illegally obtaining state secrets and organizing cheating in examinations or illegally sell or provide examination questions and answers Combined punishment for several crimes

How to deal with the examinee's score after leaving the question?

At present, the test results of the Second Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. are being announced one after another, and are displayed on the query interface of the second construction engineering of examinees in a province "Suspected to be similar, under investigation" It is not clear whether it is related to the question leakage, but it can be determined that the staff is investigating "cheating".

The answers to the test questions are spread through the Internet. It is too difficult to find out the cheating candidates one by one. I don't know whether the examinees still remember the version of "answers" that came out of the Internet. It is not difficult to find that it is totally wrong when reading the whole question, so it is easier to check the same volume.

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