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Abnormal Fire Test DAY2 | Defeat Navigation Vol. 2 Play Method

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Published on 2014-4-10 18:00:03 | Only the author | Browse in reverse order
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Yesterday, we introduced the story of the game to restore the original book. But as a game, it is more important to let players feel the role's mental journey in immersive real-time operation through playing methods.
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I don't know, everyone What kind of play content do you expect to experience in the game Welcome to share your views in the comment area.
Today, we will first take you to understand what features will be played in this strange fire test.
Tianfen Gas Tower: successive challenges from powerful enemies
Tianfen gas refining tower is built according to the classic scenes in the novel. In the original work, Xiao Yan was accidentally involved in the underground by falling heart inflammation here. But with his perseverance, he finally passed the test of burning heart, and his strength was improved to a higher level. He also conquered falling heart inflammation, and won Han Yue's appreciation.
The competition for this important place of Canaan College also leads to the past of Yao Laoand Han Feng.
Players will also be here to challenge the powerful enemies, gain rich rewards such as gold coins and herbs, and finally improve their own strength.
Each floor is full of challenges. Only the most powerful fighter can reach the top of the tower. Are you ready?
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Lingyuan Beast Field: the Ultimate of Warcraft Wave PVE test
In the original book, Warcraft is a very special setting. Some of them can be used to obtain the magic core and refine pills to improve their accomplishments. Some of them are guarding the legendary treasures themselves. Some powerful and magical Warcraft even play a role in promoting the development of the story or playing a key role in the original plot Boss Role of.
For example, the Lion King with Amethyst Wings, who brought a strange fate to Xiao Yan and Yun Yun, and the Double headed Fire Spirit Snake, who guarded Jinglian's heart fire.
In Breaking the Sky: Summit Duel, we set these two Warcraft Beasts in the level of Lingyuan Beast Field Boss
In the game against Warcraft PVE In the play method, players can challenge them to obtain the materials needed for refining medicine and upgrading when they defeat the Warcraft.
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Wind: break through the blockade of Yunlanzong in the pleasure of mowing
In combination with the plot of Xiao Yan's appointment to fight Nalanyan and nearly being besieged by the Yunlanzong forces, we designed Cloud Haze Breaking Enclosure Copy , use Xiao Yan to fight against the siege of a large number of Yunlan disciples, and at the same time, can burst out many gold coins, so that players can experience the pleasure of breaking through the siege and seizing a lot of resources.
In the relatively easy mowing link, players can also gradually become familiar with the operation of characters, making the use of moves more coherent.
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