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[Bonus BUG feedback] Breaking the Sky: Peak Duel, Abnormal Fire Test

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Break through the sky and compete with GM
IP territory: Shandong Province







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Published on April 9, 2024-28:20:05 | Only the author | Browse in reverse order
 Attachment 1712657619.png
Dear fighters
"Breaking the Sky: Peak Duel" mobile game test, Already on four month nine day 10:00 Official opening!
In order to ensure the game experience of each player and ensure the quality of the game online, we have specially set up this post to collect the information that players encounter during the game BUG Or suggestions for the game.
In the process of testing, if you encounter stuck, abnormal or even malignant BUG , you can go to the comment area of this post and give feedback in the following format:
[Question &BUG Feedback format]
ID code (click my avatar in the game):
Network environment( PC Wired wifi or 4/5G Flow):
mobile phone /PC
Mobile phone model (such as Huawei mate40e pro ):
Win Version (e.g Win10 64 Bit):
Graphics card model (such as NV GTX970 ):
CPU Model (e.g i7-6700 ):
Description of problems or suggestions:
Related screenshots:
I hope all the fighters can give feedback Based on the above format, leave a message below this post Reply, which will help the project team quickly locate and fix the problems in the game.
In order to thank the players for their enthusiastic feedback and sincere correction, we will Bug Of players two Lucky player, send it【 fifty Yuanjingdong Card *1 】。
Finally, thank you again for your support and attention. Let's welcome this summit!

enclosure (2.17 MB, number of downloads: 1)

 Attachment 1712657570.png

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Break through the sky and compete with GM
IP territory: Shandong Province







Building owner
Published on April 9, 2024-28:20:05 | Only the author | Browse in reverse order
 Attachment 1712657619.png
Dear fighters
"Breaking the Sky: Peak Duel" mobile game test, Already on four month nine day 10:00 Official opening!
In order to ensure the game experience of each player and ensure the quality of the game online, we have specially set up this post to collect the information that players encounter during the game BUG Or suggestions for the game.
In the process of testing, if you encounter stuck, abnormal or even malignant BUG , you can go to the comment area of this post and give feedback in the following format:
[Question &BUG Feedback format]
ID code (click my avatar in the game):
Network environment( PC Wired wifi or 4/5G Flow):
mobile phone /PC
Mobile phone model (such as Huawei mate40e pro ):
Win Version (e.g Win10 64 Bit):
Graphics card model (such as NV GTX970 ):
CPU Model (e.g i7-6700 ):
Description of problems or suggestions:
Related screenshots:
I hope all the fighters can give feedback Based on the above format, leave a message below this post Reply, which will help the project team quickly locate and fix the problems in the game.
In order to thank the players for their enthusiastic feedback and sincere correction, we will Bug Of players two Lucky player, send it【 fifty Yuanjingdong Card *1 】。
Finally, thank you again for your support and attention. Let's welcome this summit!

enclosure (2.17 MB, number of downloads: 1)

 Attachment 1712657570.png

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