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Poor or hateful? Share your most regrettable tragic role

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Published on 2024-3-25 18:00:03 | Only the author | Browse in reverse order
 Attachment 1711341575.png In the world of Breaking the Sky, the fate of some tragic characters is unforgettable.
Some of them appear as villains, step by step, and finally end in tragedy;
Some of them are the protagonist's confidants, but they pass by their loved ones in the wrong way A rosy face Become the most helpless epitaph of love;
Some are just ordinary egotists, who try their best to protect the things they cherish, but they are stuck in the wind and clouds and miss opportunities;
Some people lament that Han Feng, a genius who has gone wrong, is a prisoner trapped in my hands. He used to be an expert apprentice and a perfect apprentice of the drug dust, but because of his misguided admiration for bones and paranoid selfish thoughts, he went on the wrong path of killing his teacher. Later, he went further and further on the path of the evil side, until he lost his reputation.
Some people pity Yunyun, a man caught in a dilemma between Zongmen and love. She loved Xiao Yan deeply, but as the leader of the Cloud Lan Sect, she had to make a difficult choice.
Some people think that although the day of punishment will end well, it is more spicy than that of Hai Bodong Investment vision He failed to discover Xiao Yan in time, so that the Canaanite Empire did not have much say in the Yan League in the later period, which was also the tragedy of the guardian of the Canaanite Empire.
There are also Yunshan who is dedicated to the reputation of the patriarchal clan, Nalan who is arrogant and smiling, Xiao Yu who is the background plate of the leading role in the early stage, and Yao people who were killed ……
These characters all have a sad fate.
What is your most impressive and emotional tragic role? Please leave your comments in the comments section.

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