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[Role File] Hot blood is hard to cool, brotherly love - Xiao Li

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Published on 2024-3-22 12:00:03 | Only the author | Browse in reverse order
The fighting spirit continent is a world where strength is the most important and the weak are the strongest. However, potato has shaped the roles of full character and true love in this cruel world.
Xiao Li, Xiao Yan's second brother, and Xiao Ding, his eldest brother, are among the characters in the story who move the readers with sincere affection.
As the best of the young generation of the Xiao family, the two brothers went to the Tagore Desert to establish the Desert Iron Mercenary Corps before the story began, which foreshadowed the future of leading the Xiao family to escape from the pursuit of the Yunlan Sect.
Different from the steadiness of the elder brother Xiao Ding, the second brother Xiao Li has a fiery temper, which complements his thunder attribute. It is like a thunder fire across the earth, which makes the enemy tremble. In terms of character shaping, we also restored his image of sharp eyes and strong body, highlighting his sharp edge. Attachment 1711077528.png

Xiao Li is good at using marksmanship. His marksmanship is swift and powerful, which makes him make outstanding achievements in the battle many times.
During Xiao Yan's growth, Xiao Li always played the role of taking care of his younger brother. He cares about Xiao Yan's safety and often stands up at the critical moment to resolve the crisis for Xiao Yan. The brotherhood between them has become deeper and deeper, facing various challenges together and becoming the most solid reliance on each other. Attachment 1711077560.png

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