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[Award winning activity] "Guard the Mountain and Sea" to publish an appointment to win a shopping card

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Official Tianzong Game - Tiantian
IP territory: Guangdong Province





two thousand two hundred and twenty-seven


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Building owner
Published on 2023-3-29 11:48:15 | Only the author | Browse in reverse order
For five thousand years, the myth has accompanied me. Guarding the Mountain and Sea is a pure mountain and sea classic and national style myth mobile tour with the culture of mountain and sea classics as the background and the myth of supernatural beings. Here you will incarnate as the god king, walk with the strange animals in the mountains and seas, fight side by side with the mythical figures like Ying Long and Shen Nong, and guard the vast wilderness with temperature!
 Attachment 1680061680.jpg
Benefit Time
Thanks for you! Players are specially invited to make an appointment for "Guard Mountain and Sea" by clicking on it or evaluating it in the comment area, so that they can get a JD card!
Activity Time
March 29, 2023 March 31, 2023
Participation Mode
【 Event prizes 】
50 yuan JD Card * 1 (3 copies in total)
At the end of the activity, random samples will be selected 3 players who have successfully participated in the event will send prizes
Activity Rules
one The content of floor swiping, number swiping and copying others will be deemed invalid, and the activity can only be replied by players Once;
2. Please reply according to the reply request, otherwise it will be deemed as invalid participation. One ID can only get one reward. Please note that the posting content does not involve swearing, abusing others, sensitive, anti-terrorism, pornographic and other content, or it will be treated as invalid;
3. It is strictly prohibited to paint buildings and steal other people's screenshots. Once found, the award will be disqualified;
4. This activity is valid if the total number of participants reaches 30;
5. The winners will be announced within 7 working days after the event.

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Official Tianzong Game - Tiantian
IP territory: Guangdong Province





two thousand two hundred and twenty-seven


Building owner
Published on 2023-3-29 11:48:15 | Only the author | Browse in reverse order
For five thousand years, the myth has accompanied me. Guarding the Mountain and Sea is a pure mountain and sea classic and national style myth mobile tour with the culture of mountain and sea classics as the background and the myth of supernatural beings. Here you will incarnate as the god king, walk with the strange animals in the mountains and seas, fight side by side with the mythical figures like Ying Long and Shen Nong, and guard the vast wilderness with temperature!
 Attachment 1680061680.jpg
Benefit Time
Thanks for you! Players are specially invited to make an appointment for "Guard Mountain and Sea" by clicking on it or evaluating it in the comment area, so that they can get a JD card!
Activity Time
March 29, 2023 March 31, 2023
Participation Mode
【 Event prizes 】
50 yuan JD Card * 1 (3 copies in total)
At the end of the activity, random samples will be selected 3 players who have successfully participated in the event will send prizes
Activity Rules
one The content of floor swiping, number swiping and copying others will be deemed invalid, and the activity can only be replied by players Once;
2. Please reply according to the reply request, otherwise it will be deemed as invalid participation. One ID can only get one reward. Please note that the posting content does not involve swearing, abusing others, sensitive, anti-terrorism, pornographic and other content, or it will be treated as invalid;
3. It is strictly prohibited to paint buildings and steal other people's screenshots. Once found, the award will be disqualified;
4. This activity is valid if the total number of participants reaches 30;
5. The winners will be announced within 7 working days after the event.

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