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Ride a small turn around the lake -- A brief account of the eighth cross-country race around Gaoyou Lake

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Published on 2024-6-21 12:13 one floor Only the author | Browse in reverse order

I have three acquaintances with the Gaoyou Lake cross-country race.

In 2012, I participated in the Gaoyou Lake Race for the first time, and it was also the first time in my cycling career that I participated in the race as a soy sauce party. The whole journey was 183 kilometers, gathering sand and gravel, dirt roads, mud and other road conditions. I even took a bike to take a boat ferry. It was a wonderful experience and mixed feelings. (Turning to this photo today, I found for the first time that the Shuai Guo on the far right is our General Manager Kan of the Gaoyou Lake Race. At that time, Kan always had hair and looks. Time is really a pig killer.)

In 2015, it was the first time to provide support for the members of the Association who participated in the sixth Gaoyou Lake Race. In addition to meeting Baoying beauty The dancing on the street and the ice city, the sultry weather, the tired players, and the sweet watermelons constitute all my memories of this session around Gaoyou Lake.

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Published on 2024-6-21 12:13 two floor Only the author
In 2017, I didn't know what was wrong, but I was so excited that I entered the race again because of the enthusiasm of Yangzhou horse riding on March 19, or the promise of Agui Xuanxuan and me? Or is it the temptation of the crystal cup race around the lake? Whatever the reason, the Tour de Lakeside is still very popular and has become the target of car riders.

4.30 After the Zaolinwan Qingchazhai Mountain Bike Cross country Race, the day of July arrived soon, arrived at Gaoyou Watertown one day ahead of schedule, and the whole post city was covered with billboards of the Tour of the Lake, which shows that this gold medal race has been strongly supported and promoted by the government and sponsors. This scene is enough to make me and the bandits envy to the extreme.

It is commendable that the Organizing Committee, which has successfully held eight sessions of the Tour of the Lake, has broken the routine and kept pace with the times. Each time, the track and schedule are different. This time, the track has shrunk directly to 156 kilometers. More than 80% of the tracks are close to Gaoyou Lake and the Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal, making it the highest scenic index since the previous Tour of the Lake.

Published on 2024-6-21 12:13 three floor Only the author
On August 8, the weather was fine and the wheels were rolling in front of the municipal government. Every cyclist had to be a soy sauce party and experience the atmosphere of the race once in his life. Only then did he realize that he was still a teenager after the vicissitudes of life.

8: At 30 minutes, after the men's road group and the men's mountain group started, before I was about to get dizzy, I finally waited for the shot of the women's group to start. In this competition, 78 people from the women's group signed up for the race, about 70% of whom were road bikes. Many people were surprised to see me riding a small discount to hit soy sauce. I was also drunk with that surprised look.

As expected, Ah Gui kept his promise. After the men's mountain team started, they had been lurking beside the road waiting for me and Xuan Xuan. After turning on the Gaoyou Lake Bridge, the chip officially entered the timing state. The road team led by Xiangmi, who had been guided to speed limit by the car, released its weight and rushed to the Gaoyou Lake Bridge like an arrow from the line. Ah Gui was unwilling to lag behind and rushed forward all the way, I just had to grit my teeth and keep up. Soon I heard Xuanxuan shouting from behind: "40 yards, too fast..."

Published on 2024-6-21 12:13 four floor Only the author
Well, well, although we held the idea of finishing the race safely and kept reminding ourselves to slow down, we couldn't help being infected by the atmosphere of the game. Xuan Xuan, A Gui and I had an average speed of more than 30 yards in the first two hours. Shortly after turning from S333 to Lingtang Township, we officially entered the round lake race track. The cool wind suddenly dispelled the fatigue of the previous rush. The Yili scenery of Gaoyou Lake, "Qingchuan has experienced Hanyang trees and lush grass, Parrot Island", reminds me of Cui Hao's Yellow Crane Tower. The green grass, water and sky are one color, and this scene can be recalled.

At this time, the army around the lake was gradually divided into scattered teams, both unfamiliar and familiar, who were able to cheer each other up. The little embarrassment that was blown up was officially incorporated by us. An elder brother of Jiangdu Lafeng team stared at my Xiaozhe in surprise and said again and again, "Xiaozhe can run so fast, it's like a small flywheel". If I told him, 3.19 On the day of riding the horse, I took my small discount to the race. I wonder if he will be dumbfounded, ha ha.

Although the scenery along the way is limitless, the warm sunshine has also exhausted our body's moisture, making our mouth dry. After riding on a long bridge, a warmhearted person told us that we could see the supply station when we got off the bridge. Unfortunately, I still couldn't see the legendary supply station, so I had to comfort myself quietly: Don't worry, just in case it's ahead.

55 kilometers away, we finally caught up with the Zhiyan who fought alone. Ah Q's spiritual victory method could not keep up with the plum blossom to quench his thirst. He had to find a small shop to buy water to quench his thirst. Ten minutes later, we finally saw a supply point. Although there were only bananas and mineral water, the enthusiasm of the service staff still made us feel like a spring breeze. Before leaving, I was simply stuffed with two bananas and a bottle of mineral water in my pocket, The bananas in Xuanxuan's pocket and in the front bag of the car are even more blatant, so that when she meets others, she asks, "Want bananas?"?

Needless to say, the scenery of Huanhu Road is cool and pleasant. Strange riders on the road around the lake are even more unforgettable. Cycling has already become a bridge to communicate across the world. When I pass you, we will walk together for a while, and then, each other's ends of the world.

Published on 2024-6-21 12:13 five floor Only the author
After 60 kilometers, I finally felt uncomfortable in my thigh. The cramp I had been worried about came as promised, first in the left leg, then in the right leg, and finally in turn, the cramp in both legs continued to occur. The pain of the heart attack me from time to time, but it made me unable to stop moving forward, because I knew that once I stopped, I would be unable to continue and fall short of success. I can't give up easily, let alone drag my team-mates. Maybe this is my last time around the lake, and the last time I flew as a soy sauce party on the dreamy shore of the lake, and was killed and reborn. It makes me bear the pain and understand that I am still full of ambition and enthusiasm.

Metasequoia Avenue, Fisherman's Wharf, Baoying Lotus Pond, from strangers to familiar car riders... Too many scenes and stories have made me forget my fatigue and pain. I can't stop to capture this moment with the camera. Let me use my eyes and heart to record the stories around the lake in 2017.

110 kilometers away, a small episode, let me encounter the support group of my hometown riders. When I met my hometown riders on the track, my eyes watered with tears. Bananas and Red Bull have everything. Remember that at this moment, you are my last most powerful spiritual force. (The picture with me is the owner of the Xinghua Water Village Bicycle Club. It's just that I look a bit vicious.)

Published on 2024-6-21 12:13 six floor Only the author
At 120km away, apart from Xuanxuan and Agui, Brother Mao and Monkey joined our cycling team one after another. Turning to the Dayun River, 130 kilometers away, we again met two road riders who were already familiar with wearing Merida battle clothes. The sea voyage depended on the helmsman. Under their leadership, we rode the wind and waves to the end of the round the lake race at an average speed of 31 yards.

When the wheels run over the destination, there is no place for heroes to be placed, and everything stops suddenly. The competition around Gaoyou Lake may be just an excuse to awaken the most real dream in my heart. If a competition can awaken the sleeping dream and blood in my heart, then I am willing to bear the ups and downs, ups and downs, small wheels, and the big world in this process.

Special thanks to Sun Zhiyan, Zhu Hongxing, Xuan Xuan, Bao Ge and bandits for providing free transportation; Thanks to Ni Zi, Wu Ping and Zhou Zhou for their service; Thanks to Xuan Xuan and A Gui for their colleagues; Because of you, our life is so warm and different.

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