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 Public Education Examination Calendar System - Appointment Examination Announcement Appointment Examination Announcement

 CUHK Education Examination Calendar System - daily recommended test preparation Daily recommended test preparation

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Select Region

  • country
  • Beijing
  • Shanghai
  • Tianjin
  • Chongqing
  • Hebei
  • Shanxi
  • Inner Mongolia
  • Liaoning
  • Jilin
  • Heilongjiang
  • Jiangsu
  • Zhejiang
  • Anhui
  • Fujian
  • Jiangxi
  • Shandong
  • Henan
  • Hubei
  • Hunan
  • Guangdong
  • Guangxi
  • Hainan
  • Sichuan
  • Guizhou
  • Yunnan
  • Tibet
  • Shaanxi
  • Gansu
  • Qinghai
  • Ningxia
  • Xinjiang
One click post selection, no longer confused

Perfect personal information, and more accurate position recommendation! You can also get more privileged services~ The system will recommend the most suitable recruitment announcement or position for you according to your completed resume information. The more accurate the resume information is, the more suitable the recommended announcement or position is for you!

Improve information One click post selection

Announcement Query Results Find for you four hundred and ninety-nine Exams

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Examination query system

  • Please select a year

    • two thousand and twenty-four
    • two thousand and twenty-three
    • two thousand and twenty-two
    • two thousand and twenty-one
  • Please select a province

    province City County
    • whole
    • Anhui
    • Beijing
    • Chongqing
    • enclosure
    • Guangdong
    • Chongqing
    • enclosure
    • Guangdong
    • whole
    • Anhui
    • Beijing
    • Chongqing
    • enclosure
    • Guangdong
    • Chongqing
    • enclosure
    • Guangdong
    • whole
    • Anhui
    • Beijing
    • Chongqing
    • enclosure
    • Guangdong
    • Chongqing
    • enclosure
    • Guangdong
  • Please select the intended examination item

    • civil servant
    • government-affiliated institutions
    • Teacher recruitment
    • Recruitment of state-owned enterprises
    • medical and health work
    • Selected student
    • Public election/selection
    • Public welfare posts
    • Police recruitment
    • Auxiliary police
    • Bank examination
    • Rural Credit Cooperatives
    • Teacher qualification
    • Special post teacher
    • Community workers
    • College Student Village Official
    • Three supports and one support
    • Accounting examination
    • Postgraduate Entrance Examination
    • Army to cadre
    • Social worker
    • Medical examination
    • Township civil servants

Tip: Please choose carefully when pushing the announcement related to the region and the examination project

Disclaimer: CUHK Education reminds all examinees that they should carefully read the recruitment requirements of the corresponding position or contact the recruitment unit for confirmation before applying for the exam. The content provided by this position retrieval system is for reference only!