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Announcement on Recruitment of 69 Public Primary and Secondary School Teachers for Social Workers in Jinwan District, Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province in the Spring of 2024

2024-04-09 17:22 Source: People's Government of Jinwan District

There are 29 positions in total, and 69 people are recruited.

  • one


    April 9

  • two

    Registration time

    April 15 April 19

  • three

    Payment confirmation

    To be released

  • four

    Print the admission card

    To be released

  • five

    Time of written examination

    Further notice

  • six

    Score inquiry

    To be released

Position List Announcement details

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Position Query Results Find for you twenty-nine Positions

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Work unit Position Name Work location Number of people recruited Position matching Position Details contrast
Zhuhai Jinwan District Education Bureau Primary School Chinese Guangdong -Zhuhai City six Position Details
Zhuhai Jinwan District Education Bureau Primary School Chinese Guangdong -Zhuhai City one Position Details
Zhuhai Jinwan District Education Bureau Primary School Mathematics Guangdong -Zhuhai City seven Position Details
Zhuhai Jinwan District Education Bureau Primary School Mathematics Guangdong -Zhuhai City three Position Details
Zhuhai Jinwan District Education Bureau Primary English Guangdong -Zhuhai City one Position Details
Zhuhai Jinwan District Education Bureau Primary school physical education Guangdong -Zhuhai City two Position Details
Zhuhai Jinwan District Education Bureau Primary school art Guangdong -Zhuhai City one Position Details
Zhuhai Jinwan District Education Bureau Primary school science Guangdong -Zhuhai City one Position Details
Zhuhai Jinwan District Education Bureau Primary school music Guangdong -Zhuhai City one Position Details
Zhuhai Jinwan District Education Bureau Primary School Music (Dance Direction) Guangdong -Zhuhai City one Position Details
Zhuhai Jinwan District Education Bureau Exercise rehabilitation Guangdong -Zhuhai City one Position Details
Zhuhai Jinwan District Education Bureau Primary School Psychology Guangdong -Zhuhai City one Position Details
Zhuhai Jinwan District Education Bureau preschool education Guangdong -Zhuhai City one Position Details
Zhuhai Jinwan District Education Bureau special education Guangdong -Zhuhai City one Position Details
Zhuhai Jinwan District Education Bureau Middle School Chinese Guangdong -Zhuhai City two Position Details
Zhuhai Jinwan District Education Bureau Middle School Chinese Guangdong -Zhuhai City two Position Details
Zhuhai Jinwan District Education Bureau Middle School Mathematics Guangdong -Zhuhai City seven Position Details
Zhuhai Jinwan District Education Bureau Middle School Mathematics Guangdong -Zhuhai City four Position Details
Zhuhai Jinwan District Education Bureau Middle School English Guangdong -Zhuhai City one Position Details
Zhuhai Jinwan District Education Bureau Middle School History Guangdong -Zhuhai City three Position Details
Zhuhai Jinwan District Education Bureau Middle School Physics Guangdong -Zhuhai City eight Position Details
Zhuhai Jinwan District Education Bureau Middle School Physics Guangdong -Zhuhai City one Position Details
Zhuhai Jinwan District Education Bureau Middle School Physical Education Guangdong -Zhuhai City one Position Details
Zhuhai Jinwan District Education Bureau Middle School Geography Guangdong -Zhuhai City three Position Details
Zhuhai Jinwan District Education Bureau Middle School Biology Guangdong -Zhuhai City one Position Details

In accordance with the Measures of Guangdong Province for Public Recruitment of Public Institutions and relevant regulations of Zhuhai City, our district openly recruited 69 teachers from the public. Relevant matters are announced as follows:

1、 Introduction to Jinwan District (Zhuhai Economic and Technological Development Zone)

Jinwan District, located in the southwest of Zhuhai, was established in April 2001 and is one of the three administrative regions of Zhuhai. In March 2012, with the approval of the State Council, Gaolan Port Economic Zone was upgraded to a national level economic and technological development zone, named Zhuhai Economic and Technological Development Zone. In December 2020, Jinwan District and Zhuhai Economic and Technological Development Zone will implement integrated operation. Jinwan District is located in the geometric center of Zhuhai City, adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao, connecting with western Guangdong, separated by water and connected by roads and bridges with Hengqin Guangdong Macao Deep Cooperation Zone, occupying the key location where the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay District connects with Hong Kong and Macao, and radiates from western Guangdong to connect the east and the west. Jinwan District, as the main battlefield of "industry first" and the main industrial cluster of Zhuhai City, has always adhered to the principle of industry and manufacturing. It has formed five major industrial clusters of biomedicine, new materials, new energy and new energy vehicles, high-end printing equipment, integrated circuit, aerospace and marine economy, as well as smart home appliances, clean energy "5+2+N" Jinwan characteristic modern industrial cluster of power production and other industries. For more details, candidates can visit the website of the People's Government of Jinwan District, Zhuhai( http://www.jinwan.gov.cn )Query. The recruitment units are primary and secondary schools subordinate to the Education Bureau of Jinwan District, Zhuhai City, and they are all public institutions of the first class subsidized by the district finance.

2、 Recruitment target and treatment

(1) Recruitment target

1. Graduates with bachelor's degree or above from ordinary colleges and universities across the country (not on the job) must obtain the corresponding graduation certificate and degree certificate before registering;

2. Graduates with bachelor's degree or above, bachelor's degree or above who study in Chinese foreign cooperatively run schools in China (not on the job) must obtain corresponding graduation certificates and degree certificates before registering;

3. Returnees who have obtained a foreign bachelor's degree or above, or a bachelor's degree or above, must obtain a foreign academic degree or degree certificate and complete the degree certification of the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education before applying;

4. Senior professional title personnel shall be under 45 years old (born after April 15, 1978); The age of personnel with intermediate and lower professional titles shall be less than 40 years old (born after April 15, 1983).

Eligible Hong Kong and Macao residents can apply for the examination in accordance with the Administrative Measures of Guangdong Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security for Public Recruitment of Hong Kong and Macao Residents by Institutions in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Mainland) (YRSG [2021] No. 34).

(2) Treatment

The employee is a staff member of a public institution, and enjoys the salary and treatment stipulated in the policy.

3、 Recruitment conditions

(1) Basic conditions

1. Have the nationality of the People's Republic of China;

2. Abide by the Constitution and laws;

3. Support the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the socialist system;

4. Have good political quality and moral character;

5. Adapt to the physical conditions required by the post;

6. Love education and have the professional skills and psychological quality required by the post;

7. Other conditions required by the recruitment announcement.

8. The following persons shall not apply for the examination:

(1) Having received criminal punishment;

(2) Being expelled from the Communist Party of China;

(3) Being dismissed from public office;

(4) Listed as the object of joint punishment for dishonesty according to law;

(5) Graduates who have signed an agreement on public funded targeted training and are still in service;

(6) Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.

The deadline for calculating the punishment period specified in this article is the first day of this recruitment application.

(2) Post qualification conditions

1. For specific recruitment posts, number of people and special tips, see the List of Public Recruitment of Public Primary and Secondary School Teachers in Spring 2024 in Jinwan District, Zhuhai (Annex 1, hereinafter referred to as "Post List").

2. Candidates must meet the requirements of education, degree, teacher qualification, professional title, specialty, etc. required by the post. Candidates are required to obtain a series of primary and secondary school teacher certificates of corresponding levels and majors before they can apply (for example, the primary school post requires a primary school teacher certificate or above, and the secondary school post requires a primary school teacher certificate or above). You can apply if one of the majors you have studied or obtained the teacher's qualification certificate meets the job requirements. The direction of the professional title obtained shall be consistent with the position requirements before application.

3. The major of the candidate must meet the job requirements. The name and code of the major should refer to the Reference Catalogue of Civil Servants in Guangdong Province for the 2024 Examination (hereinafter referred to as the Reference Catalogue) (Annex 2). Postgraduates can apply for the undergraduate major. Candidates who apply for the examination with domestic academic qualifications and whose majors have been listed in the Post Table can apply for the examination; Those whose majors have been listed in the Reference Catalog but have not been listed in the Post Table shall not apply for the examination. If your major is not listed in the Reference Catalog (without professional code), you can choose a similar major on the Post List to apply for the exam. The required courses of your major must be basically the same as the main courses of the major listed in this table, and you should provide your diploma, professional course transcript (sealed by the Academic Affairs Office) Materials such as the description of course comparison issued by the college or the basis for the graduation college to set up majors; Candidates who apply for the examination with foreign (overseas) academic qualifications should choose the position with the same or similar professional name as that on the Job Table. The recruitment unit should refer to the corresponding professional standards in China and determine whether they can apply for the examination in combination with the actual situation.

(3) Precautions

The minimum service life of the recruited personnel is five years (including the probation period). Those who give up without proper reasons or fail to perform the minimum length of service will be recorded in their cadre personnel files.

4、 Recruitment procedures and methods

Recruitment procedures: online registration - preliminary qualification review - written examination - qualification review - psychological test - interview - determination of physical examination personnel and signing - physical examination and investigation - publicity of proposed personnel - handling employment procedures

(1) Online registration

1. Online registration method

Sign in https://www.qgsydw.com/xxywzlzt/bmzt/612 To register on the website, it is required to fill in the relevant registration information truthfully and in detail. When registering online, it is required to upload the pictures or photos of the materials to be submitted for the preliminary qualification examination at the same time. This recruitment does not accept on-site registration.

2. Registration time

From 9:00 on April 15, 2024 to 18:00 on April 19, 2024.

3. Materials required for registration

Applicants must scan the following materials into legible pictures or PDF files and upload them:

① The front and back of the second-generation ID card within the validity period;

② Bachelor degree or above;

③ Certificate of Foreign Academic Degrees, Certificate of Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Region Academic Degrees or Certificate of Taiwan Academic Degrees issued by the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education (required for graduates from overseas universities);

④ Teacher qualification certificate;

⑤ Professional and technical title certificate (required for applicants for primary and secondary school teachers with intermediate or higher titles);

⑥ Certificate of consent to apply for the examination (required for personnel within the staffing of government agencies and institutions);

⑦ Personal certificates of honor or other detailed supporting materials.

4. Precautions for online registration

(1) Candidates can choose their own positions according to their own conditions. Only one position can be selected for registration. The registration must use their own valid resident ID card. The application shall be made in strict accordance with the post requirements. If the personal conditions do not conform to the post requirements, the application shall be invalid, and the consequences shall be borne by the examinee himself.

(2) Candidates must apply in good faith. Once the Application Form is submitted successfully, it is deemed that the examinee has promised that the information filled in is true and correct. If there is any fraud, it will be dealt with according to the relevant provisions of the Regulations on Handling Disciplinary Violations in Public Recruitment of Public Institutions.

(3) The materials are authentic and effective. The materials uploaded during registration will be used as materials for qualification review. After the deadline of online registration, materials cannot be uploaded or replaced. Applicants who provide false application materials, which involve forging or altering relevant certificates, materials and information to defraud examination qualifications, will be disqualified from examination and employment once verified, and will be severely punished according to relevant regulations.

(4) The contact number provided by the examinee should be accurate and answered in time to ensure timely contact; The consequences caused by providing wrong contact information or poor communication shall be borne by the examinee himself.

(5) The specific time and place arrangement of each link of this recruitment are in advance on the website of Zhuhai Jinwan District People's Government( http://www.jinwan.gov.cn/ )Please take the initiative to pay attention and inquire without further notice.

(2) Preliminary qualification

According to the materials submitted by the examinee, the reference qualification of the examinee shall be preliminarily reviewed. Candidates who meet the requirements for registration enter the next step. The results of the preliminary qualification examination will be fed back in the online registration system. Candidates who fail to pass the preliminary qualification examination may not take the written examination.

(3) Written examination

1. Written examination object: personnel passing the preliminary qualification examination.

2. Time and place of written examination: specific information will be notified later.

3. Written examination form: offline closed book form is adopted to test the comprehensive quality, basic knowledge of disciplines and specialties and teaching ability of examinees. If the ratio of the number of employees recruited for each post to the number of employees who passed the preliminary qualification examination is less than 1:3, the post will not be open for examination or the number of employees recruited will be reduced proportionally.

4. Written test score: the full score of the written test is 100, and the qualified score line is 60. Within 20 working days after the completion of the written examination, the scores will be published through the online registration system, and the examinees will log in to the online registration system to query their written examination scores and position rankings.

(4) Qualification review

1. Qualification review objects: they are ranked from high to low according to the written examination results, and determined among the qualified personnel in the written examination according to the proportion of 1:5 of the number of job recruiters. If the last one with the same score in the written examination of the same position, all examinees with the same score will enter the qualification review. If the proportion of qualified candidates in the written examination of recruitment posts is less than 1:5, the actual number of qualified candidates in the written examination shall be determined.

2. Time and place of qualification review: specific information will be notified later.

3. Requirements for qualification review: on-site qualification review is set up this time. Candidates must participate in the qualification review in person. They can participate in the interview only after passing the qualification review. Those who do not meet the recruitment conditions in the qualification review will be disqualified from the interview, and the District Education Bureau will fill in the applicants who pass the written examination in the order of high to low scores in the written examination.

The qualification review object must provide review materials in the following order:

① The Application Form shall be printed on both sides and signed in person at the signature place;

② The front and back of the second-generation ID card within the validity period;

③ Bachelor degree or above;

④ Certificate of Foreign Academic Degrees, Certificate of Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Region Academic Degrees or Certificate of Taiwan Academic Degrees issued by the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education (required for graduates from overseas universities);

⑤ Teacher qualification certificate;

⑥ Professional and technical title certificate (required for applicants for primary and secondary school teachers with intermediate or higher titles);

⑦ Certificate of consent to apply for the examination (required for personnel within the staffing of government agencies and institutions);

⑧ Personal certificates of honor or other detailed supporting materials;

Copies of the above materials shall be provided (not returned), and the originals shall be checked.

(5) Psychological test

The psychological quality test shall be conducted by a third party organization after the qualification review. The psychological test results are for reference only and are not included in the examinee's scores.

(6) Interview

1. Interviewee: candidates who have passed the qualification review.

2. Time and place of interview: specific information will be notified later.

3. Interview form: take the offline structured form of "trial lecture+defense". The interview mainly tests the examinee's teaching methods, teaching effects, logical thinking ability, blackboard writing ability, appearance and other teachers' personal comprehensive qualities. Among them, candidates for sports (sports rehabilitation), music, art, preschool education, and special education posts need to increase professional skills tests. The full score of interview and professional skill examination is 100 points, the qualified score is 70 points, and the unqualified score will not be calculated. The interview results will be announced on the spot.

4. Calculation of comprehensive scores:

Comprehensive scores of sports (sports rehabilitation), music, art, preschool education and special education posts=written examination scores × 40%+professional skills examination scores × 30%+interview scores × 30%;

Comprehensive score of other positions=written examination score × 40%+interview score × 60%.

The comprehensive score shall be rounded to two decimal places.

(7) Determine the physical examination personnel and sign the contract

After the interview, among the candidates with qualified comprehensive scores, the candidates for physical examination shall be determined according to the order of comprehensive scores from high to low, and the proportion of the number of job recruiters is 1:1 (if the candidates' comprehensive scores are the same and affect the determination of physical examination personnel, the ranking shall be determined according to the interview scores).

The proposed employee shall sign an employment agreement within the specified time. The specific time, place, requirements and other matters will be notified separately. If an employment agreement is not signed within the specified time, it will be deemed as giving up the employment. The recruitment unit will decide whether to fill the vacancy caused by this according to the actual situation of the unit.

(8) Physical examination and inspection

The physical examination shall be carried out in accordance with the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Physical Examination for Publicly Recruited Personnel in Public Institutions of Guangdong Province (Trial) and the Physical Examination Standards for Teachers' Qualification Applicants of Guangdong Province (revised in 2013), and the specific physical examination matters shall be notified separately. If a candidate fails to participate in the physical examination at the prescribed time and place, he/she shall be deemed to have given up the physical examination.

After the physical examination, those who pass the physical examination will be investigated in accordance with the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Investigation of Publicly Recruited Personnel in Public Institutions of Guangdong Province (Trial) (YRSF [2010] No. 276).

(9) Publicity of proposed employees

Those who pass the physical examination and inspection will be identified as candidates, and the list will be published on the website of the People's Government of Jinwan District, Zhuhai City, within 5 working days.

(10) Handle employment procedures

If the proposed employee has no objection or the objection does not affect the employment after being publicized, the relevant employment procedures shall be handled according to the specified procedures, included in the establishment management of the enterprise, and a five-year employment contract shall be signed. In addition to the provisions of Article 30 (3) and (4) of the Notice on Printing and Distributing the Provisional Regulations of Zhuhai Municipality on the Employment System of Public Institutions Personnel (ZRS [2010] No. 142), the employed personnel shall not apply to the employer for transfer from Jinwan under any other circumstances. If the employment is affected by the results of physical examination, inspection and publicity, the employer has the right to terminate the employment agreement without any compensation.

The probation period system is implemented for newly employed personnel, and the probation period is included in the employment period. Those who pass the assessment upon the expiration of the probation period shall continue to be employed; If the employee fails to pass the assessment or fails to meet the post qualification conditions during the probation period, he/she shall go through the dismissal procedures as required. The proposed personnel shall be employed to professional and technical posts of Grade 13 or above. After passing the probation period, they can participate in the competition for employment to corresponding posts.

(11) Retroactive employment

In case of any of the following circumstances, the District Education Bureau shall decide whether to make up for the applicants according to the actual situation: 1. The applicants give up the signing, physical examination and fail to pass the physical examination; 2. The candidate for investigation has not been determined as the person to be employed; 3. The proposed employee cannot be employed due to the publicity result; 4. The proposed employee gives up employment.

The replacement candidates shall be selected from the persons who are qualified in the comprehensive performance of the same post in the order of the comprehensive performance from the highest to the lowest, and shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of this announcement on signing contracts, physical examination, inspection, publicity, etc.

5、 Other matters

(1) Qualification review runs through the whole recruitment process. In any of the following circumstances, the examination qualification or employment qualification shall be cancelled; Those who have gone through the employment procedures shall be dismissed; If the case constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law: 1. forging or altering certificates or certificates, or obtaining employment qualifications by other illegitimate means; 2. Those who do not meet the post qualification conditions; 3. Failing to truthfully fill in personal information or provide materials required by the position; 4. The examinee cheats in the process of examination, physical examination or inspection; 5. Failing to report at the specified time; 6. Those who have not obtained academic qualifications or degrees before application; 7. Failing to complete the acceptance procedures before December 31, 2024; 8. Disobeying the organization's deployment; 9. The employment is prohibited by laws, regulations and other relevant rules.

(2) This recruitment exam does not specify a book for exam guidance, nor does it hold or entrust any organization to hold exam guidance training classes.

(3) If there is any suspected violation of discipline in this recruitment, the responsibility shall be investigated in strict accordance with the Regulations on the Handling of Violations of Discipline in Public Recruitment of Public Institutions (Decree No. 35 of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security).

(4) The leading group for teacher recruitment in Jinwan District, Zhuhai City shall be responsible for the explanation of matters not covered. Tel: 0756-7788268, 0756-7263395 (Jinwan District Education Bureau), consultation time: 9:00-12:00 and 14:00-18:00 on weekdays; Supervision telephone: 0756-7262786 (Jinwan District Education Bureau), 0756-7263359 (Jinwan District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau).

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1. List of Public Primary and Secondary School Teacher Positions in Public Recruitment for Social Personnel in Spring 2024 in Jinwan District, Zhuhai

2. Reference Catalogue of Civil Servants in Guangdong Province in 2024

3. Approval certificate

Leading Group for Teacher Recruitment in Jinwan District, Zhuhai

April 9, 2024

In accordance with the Measures of Guangdong Province for Public Recruitment of Public Institutions and relevant regulations of Zhuhai City, our district openly recruited 69 teachers from the public. Relevant matters are announced as follows:

1、 Introduction to Jinwan District (Zhuhai Economic and Technological Development Zone)

Jinwan District, located in the southwest of Zhuhai, was established in April 2001 and is one of the three administrative regions of Zhuhai. In March 2012, with the approval of the State Council, Gaolan Port Economic Zone was upgraded to a national level economic and technological development zone, named Zhuhai Economic and Technological Development Zone. In December 2020, Jinwan District and Zhuhai Economic and Technological Development Zone will implement integrated operation. Jinwan District is located in the geometric center of Zhuhai City, adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao, connecting with western Guangdong, separated by water and connected by roads and bridges with Hengqin Guangdong Macao Deep Cooperation Zone, occupying the key location where the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay District connects with Hong Kong and Macao, and radiates from western Guangdong to connect the east and the west. Jinwan District, as the main battlefield of "industry first" and the main industrial cluster of Zhuhai City, has always adhered to the principle of industry and manufacturing. It has formed five major industrial clusters of biomedicine, new materials, new energy and new energy vehicles, high-end printing equipment, integrated circuit, aerospace and marine economy, as well as smart home appliances, clean energy "5+2+N" Jinwan characteristic modern industrial cluster of power production and other industries. For more details, candidates can visit the website of the People's Government of Jinwan District, Zhuhai( http://www.jinwan.gov.cn )Query. The recruitment units are primary and secondary schools subordinate to the Education Bureau of Jinwan District, Zhuhai City, and they are all public institutions of the first class subsidized by the district finance.

2、 Recruitment target and treatment

(1) Recruitment target

1. Graduates with bachelor's degree or above from ordinary colleges and universities across the country (not on the job) must obtain the corresponding graduation certificate and degree certificate before registering;

2. Graduates with bachelor's degree or above, bachelor's degree or above who study in Chinese foreign cooperatively run schools in China (not on the job) must obtain corresponding graduation certificates and degree certificates before registering;

3. Returnees who have obtained a foreign bachelor's degree or above and a bachelor's degree or above must obtain a foreign academic degree certificate and complete the certification of academic qualifications and degrees from the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education before applying;

4. Senior professional title personnel shall be under 45 years old (born after April 15, 1978); The age of personnel with intermediate and lower professional titles shall be less than 40 years old (born after April 15, 1983).

Eligible Hong Kong and Macao residents can apply for the examination in accordance with the Administrative Measures of Guangdong Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security for Public Recruitment of Hong Kong and Macao Residents by Institutions in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Mainland) (YRSG [2021] No. 34).

(2) Treatment

The employee is a staff member of a public institution, and enjoys the salary and treatment stipulated in the policy.

3、 Recruitment conditions

(1) Basic conditions

1. Have the nationality of the People's Republic of China;

2. Abide by the Constitution and laws;

3. Support the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the socialist system;

4. Have good political quality and moral character;

5. Adapt to the physical conditions required by the post;

6. Love education and have the professional skills and psychological quality required by the post;

7. Other conditions required by the recruitment announcement.

8. The following persons shall not apply for the examination:

(1) Having received criminal punishment;

(2) Being expelled from the Communist Party of China;

(3) Being dismissed from public office;

(4) Listed as the object of joint punishment for dishonesty according to law;

(5) Graduates who have signed an agreement on public funded targeted training and are still in service;

(6) Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.

The deadline for calculating the punishment period specified in this article is the first day of this recruitment application.

(2) Post qualification conditions

1. For specific recruitment posts, number of people and special tips, see the List of Public Recruitment of Public Primary and Secondary School Teachers in Spring 2024 in Jinwan District, Zhuhai (Annex 1, hereinafter referred to as "Post List").

2. Candidates must meet the requirements of education, degree, teacher qualification, professional title, specialty, etc. required by the post. Candidates are required to obtain a series of primary and secondary school teacher certificates of corresponding levels and majors before they can apply (for example, the primary school post requires a primary school teacher certificate or above, and the secondary school post requires a primary school teacher certificate or above). You can apply if one of the majors you have studied or obtained the teacher's qualification certificate meets the job requirements. The direction of the professional title obtained shall be consistent with the position requirements before application.

3. The major of the candidate must meet the job requirements. The name and code of the major should refer to the Reference Catalogue of Civil Servants in Guangdong Province for the 2024 Examination (hereinafter referred to as the Reference Catalogue) (Annex 2). Postgraduates can apply for the undergraduate major. Candidates who apply for the examination with domestic academic qualifications and whose majors have been listed in the Post Table can apply for the examination; Those whose majors have been listed in the Reference Catalog but have not been listed in the Post Table shall not apply for the examination. If your major is not listed in the Reference Catalog (without professional code), you can choose a similar major in the Post List to apply for the exam. The required courses of your major must be basically the same as the main courses of the major listed in this table, and you should provide your diploma, professional course transcript (sealed by the Academic Affairs Office) Materials such as the description of course comparison issued by the college or the basis for the graduation college to set up majors; Candidates who apply for the examination with foreign (overseas) academic qualifications should choose the position with the same or similar professional name as that on the Job Table. The recruitment unit should refer to the corresponding professional standards in China and determine whether they can apply for the examination in combination with the actual situation.

(3) Precautions

The minimum service life of the recruited personnel is five years (including the probation period). Those who give up without proper reasons or fail to perform the minimum length of service will be recorded in their cadre personnel files.

4、 Recruitment procedures and methods

Recruitment procedures: online registration - preliminary qualification review - written examination - qualification review - psychological test - interview - determination of physical examination personnel and signing - physical examination and investigation - publicity of proposed personnel - handling employment procedures

(1) Online registration

1. Online registration method

Sign in https://www.qgsydw.com/xxywzlzt/bmzt/612 To register on the website, it is required to fill in the relevant registration information truthfully and in detail. When registering online, it is required to upload the pictures or photos of the materials to be submitted for the preliminary qualification examination at the same time. This recruitment does not accept on-site registration.

2. Registration time

From 9:00 on April 15, 2024 to 18:00 on April 19, 2024.

3. Materials required for registration

Applicants must scan the following materials into legible pictures or PDF files and upload them:

① The front and back of the second-generation ID card within the validity period;

② Bachelor degree or above;

③ Certificate of Foreign Academic Degrees, Certificate of Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Region Academic Degrees or Certificate of Taiwan Academic Degrees issued by the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education (required for graduates from overseas universities);

④ Teacher qualification certificate;

⑤ Professional and technical title certificate (required for applicants for primary and secondary school teachers with intermediate or higher titles);

⑥ Certificate of consent to apply for the examination (required for personnel within the staffing of government agencies and institutions);

⑦ Personal certificates of honor or other detailed supporting materials.

4. Precautions for online registration

(1) Candidates can choose their own positions according to their own conditions. Only one position can be selected for registration. The registration must use their own valid resident ID card. The application shall be made in strict accordance with the post requirements. If the personal conditions do not conform to the post requirements, the application shall be invalid, and the consequences shall be borne by the examinee himself.

(2) Candidates must apply in good faith. Once the Application Form is submitted successfully, it is deemed that the examinee has promised that the information filled in is true and correct. If there is any fraud, it will be dealt with according to the relevant provisions of the Regulations on Handling Disciplinary Violations in Public Recruitment of Public Institutions.

(3) The materials are authentic and effective. The materials uploaded during registration will be used as materials for qualification review. After the deadline of online registration, materials cannot be uploaded or replaced. Applicants who provide false application materials, which involve forging or altering relevant certificates, materials and information to defraud examination qualifications, will be disqualified from examination and employment once verified, and will be severely punished according to relevant regulations.

(4) The contact number provided by the examinee should be accurate and answered in time to ensure timely contact; The consequences caused by providing wrong contact information or poor communication shall be borne by the examinee himself.

(5) The specific time and place arrangement of each link of this recruitment are in advance on the website of the People's Government of Jinwan District, Zhuhai City( http://www.jinwan.gov.cn/ )Please take the initiative to pay attention and inquire without further notice.

(2) Preliminary qualification

According to the materials submitted by the examinee, the reference qualification of the examinee shall be preliminarily reviewed. Candidates who meet the requirements for registration enter the next step. The results of the preliminary qualification examination will be fed back in the online registration system. Candidates who fail to pass the preliminary qualification examination may not take the written examination.

(3) Written examination

1. Written examination object: personnel passing the preliminary qualification examination.

2. Time and place of written examination: specific information will be notified later.

3. Written examination form: offline closed book form is adopted to test the comprehensive quality, basic knowledge of disciplines and specialties and teaching ability of examinees. If the ratio of the number of employees recruited for each post to the number of employees who passed the preliminary qualification examination is less than 1:3, the post will not be open for examination or the number of employees recruited will be reduced proportionally.

4. Written test score: the full score of the written test is 100, and the qualified score line is 60. Within 20 working days after the completion of the written examination, the scores will be published through the online registration system, and the examinees will log in to the online registration system to query their written examination scores and position rankings.

(4) Qualification review

1. Qualification review objects: they are ranked from high to low according to the written examination results, and determined among the qualified personnel in the written examination according to the proportion of 1:5 of the number of job recruiters. If the last one with the same score in the written examination of the same position, all examinees with the same score will enter the qualification review. If the proportion of qualified candidates in the written examination of recruitment posts is less than 1:5, the actual number of qualified candidates in the written examination shall be determined.

2. Time and place of qualification review: specific information will be notified later.

3. Requirements for qualification review: on-site qualification review is set up this time. Candidates must participate in the qualification review in person. They can participate in the interview only after passing the qualification review. Those who do not meet the recruitment conditions in the qualification review will be disqualified from the interview, and the District Education Bureau will fill in the applicants who pass the written examination in the order of high to low scores in the written examination.

The qualification review object must provide review materials in the following order:

① The Application Form shall be printed on both sides and signed in person at the signature place;

② The front and back of the second-generation ID card within the validity period;

③ Bachelor degree or above;

④ Certificate of Foreign Academic Degrees, Certificate of Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Region Academic Degrees or Certificate of Taiwan Academic Degrees issued by the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education (required for graduates from overseas universities);

⑤ Teacher qualification certificate;

⑥ Professional and technical title certificate (required for applicants for primary and secondary school teachers with intermediate or higher titles);

⑦ Certificate of consent to apply for the examination (required for personnel within the staffing of government agencies and institutions);

⑧ Personal certificates of honor or other detailed supporting materials;

Copies of the above materials shall be provided (not returned), and the originals shall be checked.

(5) Psychological test

The psychological quality test shall be conducted by a third party organization after the qualification review. The psychological test results are for reference only and are not included in the examinee's scores.

(6) Interview

1. Interviewee: candidates who have passed the qualification review.

2. Time and place of interview: specific information will be notified later.

3. Interview form: take the offline structured form of "trial lecture+defense". The interview mainly tests the examinee's teaching methods, teaching effects, logical thinking ability, blackboard writing ability, appearance and other teachers' personal comprehensive qualities. Among them, candidates for sports (sports rehabilitation), music, art, preschool education, and special education posts need to increase professional skills tests. The full score of interview and professional skill examination is 100 points, the qualified score is 70 points, and the unqualified score will not be calculated. The interview results will be announced on the spot.

4. Calculation of comprehensive scores:

Comprehensive scores of sports (sports rehabilitation), music, art, preschool education and special education posts=written examination scores × 40%+professional skills examination scores × 30%+interview scores × 30%;

Comprehensive score of other positions=written examination score × 40%+interview score × 60%.

The comprehensive score shall be rounded to two decimal places.

(7) Determine the physical examination personnel and sign the contract

After the interview, among the candidates with qualified comprehensive scores, the candidates for physical examination shall be determined according to the order of comprehensive scores from high to low, and the proportion of the number of job recruiters is 1:1 (if the candidates' comprehensive scores are the same and affect the determination of physical examination personnel, the ranking shall be determined according to the interview scores).

The proposed employee shall sign an employment agreement within the specified time. The specific time, place, requirements and other matters will be notified separately. If an employment agreement is not signed within the specified time, it will be deemed as giving up the employment, and the recruitment unit will decide whether to fill the vacancy in combination with the actual situation of the unit.

(8) Physical examination and inspection

The physical examination shall be carried out in accordance with the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Physical Examination for Publicly Recruited Personnel in Public Institutions of Guangdong Province (Trial) and the Physical Examination Standards for Teachers' Qualification Applicants of Guangdong Province (revised in 2013), and the specific physical examination matters shall be notified separately. If a candidate fails to participate in the physical examination at the prescribed time and place, he/she shall be deemed to have given up the physical examination.

After the physical examination, those who pass the physical examination will be investigated in accordance with the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Investigation of Publicly Recruited Personnel in Public Institutions of Guangdong Province (Trial) (YRSF [2010] No. 276).

(9) Publicity of proposed employees

Those who pass the physical examination and inspection will be identified as candidates, and the list will be published on the website of the People's Government of Jinwan District, Zhuhai City, within 5 working days.

(10) Handle employment procedures

If the proposed employee has no objection or the objection does not affect the employment after being publicized, the relevant employment procedures shall be handled according to the specified procedures, included in the establishment management of the enterprise, and a five-year employment contract shall be signed. In addition to the provisions of Article 30 (3) and (4) of the Notice on Printing and Distributing the Provisional Regulations of Zhuhai Municipality on the Employment System of Public Institutions Personnel (ZRS [2010] No. 142), the employed personnel shall not apply to the employer for transfer from Jinwan under any other circumstances. If the employment is affected by the results of physical examination, inspection and publicity, the employer has the right to terminate the employment agreement without any compensation.

The probation period system is implemented for newly employed personnel, and the probation period is included in the employment period. Those who pass the assessment upon the expiration of the probation period shall continue to be employed; If the employee fails to pass the assessment or fails to meet the post qualification conditions during the probation period, he/she shall go through the dismissal procedures as required. The proposed personnel shall be employed to professional and technical posts of Grade 13 or above. After passing the probation period, they can participate in the competition for employment to corresponding posts.

(11) Retroactive employment

In case of any of the following circumstances, the District Education Bureau shall decide whether to make up for the applicants according to the actual situation: 1. The applicants give up the signing, physical examination and fail to pass the physical examination; 2. The candidate for investigation has not been determined as the person to be employed; 3. The proposed employee cannot be employed due to the publicity result; 4. The proposed employee gives up employment.

The replacement candidates shall be selected from the persons who are qualified in the comprehensive performance of the same post in the order of the comprehensive performance from the highest to the lowest, and shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of this announcement on signing contracts, physical examination, inspection, publicity, etc.

5、 Other matters

(1) Qualification review runs through the whole recruitment process. In any of the following circumstances, the examination qualification or employment qualification shall be cancelled; Those who have gone through the employment procedures shall be dismissed; If the case constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law: 1. forging or altering certificates or certificates, or obtaining employment qualifications by other illegitimate means; 2. Those who do not meet the post qualification conditions; 3. Failing to truthfully fill in personal information or provide materials required by the position; 4. The examinee cheats in the process of examination, physical examination or inspection; 5. Failing to report at the specified time; 6. Those who have not obtained academic qualifications or degrees before application; 7. Failing to complete the acceptance procedures before December 31, 2024; 8. Disobeying the organization's deployment; 9. The employment is prohibited by laws, regulations and other relevant rules.

(2) This recruitment exam does not specify a book for exam guidance, nor does it hold or entrust any organization to hold exam guidance training classes.

(3) If there is any suspected violation of discipline in this recruitment, the responsibility shall be investigated in strict accordance with the Regulations on the Handling of Violations of Discipline in Public Recruitment of Public Institutions (Decree No. 35 of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security).

(4) The leading group for teacher recruitment in Jinwan District, Zhuhai City shall be responsible for the explanation of matters not covered. Tel: 0756-7788268, 0756-7263395 (Jinwan District Education Bureau), consultation time: 9:00-12:00 and 14:00-18:00 on weekdays; Supervision telephone: 0756-7262786 (Jinwan District Education Bureau), 0756-7263359 (Jinwan District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau).

Click View>>>

1. List of Public Primary and Secondary School Teacher Positions in Public Recruitment for Social Personnel in Spring 2024 in Jinwan District, Zhuhai

2. Reference Catalogue of Civil Servants in Guangdong Province in 2024

3. Approval certificate

Leading Group for Teacher Recruitment in Jinwan District, Zhuhai

April 9, 2024

Recommended excellent courses

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  • Please select the intended examination item

    • civil servant
    • government-affiliated institutions
    • Teacher recruitment
    • Recruitment of state-owned enterprises
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    • Selected student
    • Public election/selection
    • Public welfare posts
    • Police recruitment
    • Auxiliary police
    • Bank examination
    • Rural Credit Cooperatives
    • Teacher qualification
    • Special post teacher
    • Community workers
    • College Student Village Official
    • Three supports and one support
    • Accounting examination
    • Postgraduate Entrance Examination
    • Army to cadre
    • Social worker
    • Medical examination
    • Township civil servants

Tip: Please choose carefully when pushing the announcement related to the region and the examination project

Disclaimer: CUHK Education reminds all examinees that they should carefully read the recruitment requirements of the corresponding position or contact the recruitment unit for confirmation before applying for the exam. The content provided by this position retrieval system is for reference only!