Is the joining fee of Yanxian Bird's Nest in Gongzhong high? How many employees are needed

2023-09-28 23:54:14   Source: Global franchise network   487 people participated
  • Business scope: food
  • Number of stores: 200
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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More and more people want to open their own shops and become owners. People hope to earn a lot of money through continuous struggle. Of course, it is very important for entrepreneurs to choose the right projects to join. Yanxian Bird's Nest in the Palace is a famous brand in the industry. It uses strong productivity to create authentic and nutritious bird's nest products to meet the taste needs of current consumers, Now let's get to know with the small editor that the joining fee of Yanxian bird's nest in the palace is high? How many employees are needed?

 Palace Yanxian Bird's Nest

Is the joining fee of Palace Yanxian Bird's Nest high

The cost of joining Yanxian Bird's Nest in the Palace is not high. The specific costs are as follows: the product purchase fee is about 20000 yuan, the brand franchise fee is about 130000 yuan, the equipment purchase fee is about 8000 yuan, the advertising fee is about 4000 yuan, and the store rent is about 30000 yuan - 60000 yuan. A total of 200000 yuan of startup funds need to be prepared every year, It is a good project for mass entrepreneurs to choose.

How many employees will be needed for the joining of Yanxian Bird's Nest in Gongzhong

During the operation period, Gongzhong Yanxian Bird's Nest Co., Ltd. has been constantly introducing new types of products to the market. Each product has been made by the R&D personnel through hundreds of experiments. It is better in taste and nutrition, meets the dietary needs of current consumers, and enables people to absorb balanced nutrients from it. During the period of operating Yanxian Bird's Nest franchise stores in the palace, entrepreneurs need to recruit a corresponding number of employees according to the actual business needs, at least four to six employees.

 Fresh Bird's Nest with Swallow's Nest in the Palace

How about the prospect of joining in the palace with fresh bird's nest

Gongzhong Yanxian Bird's Nest Co., Ltd. has established many large-scale aseptic production bases and storage centers in the market, adopted standardized and standardized production methods, produced authentic taste, nutrition and health of fresh bird's nest products, firmly grasped the stomach of current consumers, set off a peak of hot sales in the market, and had a good development prospect.

Is the joining fee of Yanxian bird's nest in the palace high? How many employees are needed? Gongzhong Yanxian Bird's Nest Company carries out online and offline sales at the same time to bring consumers a one-stop shopping experience. At the same time, it also makes the brand more competitive in the market, which is a very good entrepreneurial project.

 Blue Sky Tea
  • one thousand three hundred and seventy people Pay attention to health food
  • five thousand eight hundred and seventy-three people Consultation on health food

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