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  • Zobi_360 encyclopedia

    In addition, Zombie is also widely used in TV media. For example, a few days ago Tang Yan, Huo Jianhua Tang Yan and Huo Jianhua play a funny couple who commit two crimes in the large-scale ancient costume light comedy "Good Luck"
    https://baike.so.com/doc/7369746-7637014.html  2024-01-20

  • Huajie Studio_360 Encyclopedia

    In addition to operating Huo Jianhua In addition to his personal acting career, he also produced the studio's first comedy work - "Good Luck" in 2014. "Good Romance" is written by Huo Jianhua and Tang Yan Starring, Huajie Studio and Zhejiang Dreamstar
    https://baike.so.com/doc/7029494-7252399.html  2024-05-27

  • Golden and Jade Romance (2014 Huo Jianhua and Tang Yan starred in TV series) _360 encyclopedia

    Good Luck, "Good Luck" was jointly produced by Zhejiang Menghuan Xingshengyuan Film Culture Co., Ltd. and Huajie Studio, directed by Huang Zuquan and planned by Tong Hua Huo Jianhua Tang Yan Wu Junmei takes the lead. This play is about the early Ming Dynasty, in charge of weapons manufacturing
    https://baike.so.com/doc/4699837-6952602.html  2024-06-07

  • Jin Yuanbao (the role in the TV series "Good Luck") _360 Encyclopedia

    During the Ming Dynasty, the empress dowager married Jinjiang and arranged for the son of Jin Yuanbao( Huo Jianhua She marries Jiang Xiaoxuan (Gongmi), the daughter of Jiang Gelao, but Jiang Xiaoxuan escapes for love. Yu Qilin, a chivalrous woman with ancient spirit, spirit and courage( Tang Yan For
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  • Shi Zhenlong (mainland actor) _360 encyclopedia

    Shi Zhenlong, Shi Zhenlong, a professional actor, once played Xiao Pang in the film "Great Shanghai", and played Ling Ling Niu in the film "Inside Detective Lingling Dog", which was planned by Tong Hua in 2013, Huo Jianhua Tang Yan The ancient costume light comedy "Good Luck" starring in the film is one of the two biggest comedies in Jiangsu and Shenzhen
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  • Huo Changqing_360 Encyclopedia

    Huo Changqing, Huo Changqing, this name is because Huo Jianhua He played the role of Chang Qing in The Legend of the Swordsman Tang Yan , Liu Shishi, etc. Jiangsu Yixing Film Television Culture Communication Co., Ltd., Nanjing Zenith Film Television Culture Communication Co., Ltd. in 2009
    https://baike.so.com/doc/7559500-7833593.html  2024-06-05

  • Xiaoyu Mengyan Encyclopedia 360

    Tang Yan, Huo Jianhua The title theme of the folding film is to be determined. The starring time is the ghost of a fake beautiful girl. The ancient costume is mysterious. Love is a dream. Hu Ge Bi'an Flower Ancient Costume Myth and Love, Liu Yifei, Hu Ge, Huo Jianhua, Fan Wenfang, 2013/08/27, Words Tagged Life Recommended for You
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  • 2014 Forbes China Celebrity_360 Encyclopedia

    Instead, celebrities concerned by the public and the media began to tilt to the new generation. Such as actors Tang Yan, Huo Jianhua , singer Deng Ziqi, etc. Although their income is not comparable to that of their predecessors, their high popularity and high attention helped them to get on the Forbes in 2014
    https://baike.so.com/doc/7491527-7762616.html  2024-03-11

  • Tonghua_360 Encyclopedia

    In 2011, the film and television series adapted from "Heart Striking Every Step" became famous. In 2013, Tonghua took part in the planning of the light comedy of ancient costume love "Good Luck" for the first time Huo Jianhua and Tang Yan She starred on Jiangsu Satellite TV and Shenzhen Satellite TV on April 21, 2014
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  • Legend of Wonderful Swordsman III (2009 TV series starring Hu Ge) _360 encyclopedia

    Tang Yan , Liu Shishi, Huang Zhiwei, Lin Zicong, Liu Jiahui and other co stars in the play, which tells the story of Ji Jingtian, a young man in Yong'an, Yuzhou City, and Xue Jian, the eldest daughter of Tangmen, who were attracted by the jade pendant they carried, and they met each other "hilariously and awkwardly"
    https://baike.so.com/doc/4629896-4842771.html  2024-06-09

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