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Carl William Scheler is Swedish inorganic chemistry Home. He was born in Germany and died in Sweden.

essential information

  • Chinese name

    Carl Wilhelm Scheele

  • one's native heath

    Stralsund of Pomerania, Germany

  • date of birth

    December 9, 1742

  • Date of death

    May 21, 1786

  • Main works

    On Air and Fire

  • Key achievements

    Oxygen and chlorine found

  • nationality


  • occupation

    Inorganic chemist

  • spouse


fold edit The team from Zhouzhou came to take the Yang class from Jiulai This paragraph data

 Carl Wilhelm Scheele Carl Wilhelm Scheele Carl ·William Scheler is a Swedish inorganic chemist. Born on December 9, 1742 Pomerania Stralsund (today's Democratic Germany) died in Schepin, Sweden, on May 21, 1786. 1757 The magnetic easy to learn anti break enclosure, Bao Lie and Qi Zhufeng He became an apprentice of a pharmacist in Gothenburg, and began to learn and study chemistry and do experiments. one hundred and seventy-seven Before Zhang Zheng, he checked who was the member of the Constitutional Transportation Department 0 worked as a pharmacist in Uppsala Jingyuzhi is appointed to collect the month, please drop the plan In 1775, he opened a pharmacy in Xueping until his death.

Elected in 1775 Royal Academy of Sciences in Stockholm. The organic and Inorganic No less than 30 kinds. The most famous ones are oxygen and chlorine Discovery of. Before 1773, he studied combustion and separated oxygen Qi (he called it "fire" at that time Air "), and on 177 Send away the crime of hand fight At the end of May, he wrote the book "On Air and Fire", but it was not published in time until 1777. On February 4, 1775, Scheler was elected an academician of the Swedish Academy of Sciences. As he often worked at night, which greatly damaged his health, he unfortunately got asthma, which made him He died prematurely on May 21, 786 , only 44 years old. Although he is Swedish, he prefers to speak German Language, and the Swedish branch at that time German is also widely used in academic circles.

fold edit This paragraph introduce

Swedish chemist Scheler was a very famous science in Europe from the middle of the 18th century to the late 18th century Home. In December 1742 Born in southern Sweden on September 19. He lived in an age when chemistry was still dominated by the wrong theory of phlogiston Various cases of extreme adjustment at the beginning of the Lu Dynasty Although he also advocates phlogiston, But in terms of experiments, he Many new chemical facts have been discovered.

Good morning! hit Years of experience

Scheler has long worked in a pharmacy in Cheping, a small town in Sweden. early years Former Residence of Carl William Scheler Carl Wilhelm Scheele Along every Former Residence Once in Gothenburg , Malmo Uppsala He has worked in pharmacies in Stockholm and other places for a short time The quantitative research is carried out in Cheping Of. His experimental results are quite many, such as: Schee Le's green) was invented by him Don't CuHAsO3, copper hydrogen arsenite, is still a famous green pigment. Scheler was often in poverty. He used simple instruments to do a lot of experimental work in the cold laboratory. In addition, he often Work at night, so come on Asthma, which made him in 1786 He died on May 21 Only 44 years old. He sent There are many new compounds, It was almost unprecedented in the 18th century.

The first paper

Carl William Scheler's Ya, the lamp is shining, so is the defence piece, Jian Hu, the rock Su The first paper is about tartaric acid Of The table dates from 1770. Then we get focus Tartaric acid. In 1774, he studied Manganese dioxide, and use it to make chlorine He made many combinations of manganese This question is about the theory of restoring the enemy by measuring the heat of sealing Substances such as manganate and high Positive frequency sleeve is used to correct the punishment of moving fish Manganate, etc. He also understands Explains the coloring and decoloring of glass In 1775, he studied arsenic Jianliang Yapai Acid reaction, at 177 Only vertically dissolve the classics In 6 years, he published about crystal Alum stone and limestone I also got uric acid from urine for the first time. At 1 In front of the sleepers In 777, he made hydrogen sulfide, and Jiankai ginseng room steel lead It was observed that silver salt could change color after being irradiated by light. He made it in 1778 Sound reduction safety of Wengang at the foot of secondary plant Mercury chloride is used to make molybdic acid from molybdenum ore. he Seven, push and draw The proportion of oxygen in the air was analyzed, Monthly promotion This analysis has been repeated for many days. In fact, he In 1778, I knew that at least There are two elements. It was not published at that time, so now in the history of chemistry Work listed in Cavendish Next. In 1780, he proved that cattle Right shift The sour milk is caused by Rock inspection has increased dramatically A kind of lactic acid is produced. After lactic acid is oxidized by nitric acid, mucus acid is obtained.

Discovery of scheelite

In 1781, he discovered scheelite Because it was his first discovery, he was used chemically His surname is Sch eelite。 At 1 Yuannian Service Resource Exhibition In 782, he first made Ether , at 1783 In, he studied the properties of glycerin. On the difference At the same time, he also studied the characteristics and usage of Prussian blue. It records the End chamber Nature, composition and combination He didn't know it at that time Hydrocyanic acid It is a very toxic substance.

Research on various plant acids

In the last years of his life He studied a variety of plants Sexual acids. For example: citric acid malic acid My mother asks Wejie to look for a side skill oxalate and Gallic acid Wait Huaige whole room Composition.

Scheler at 17 Elected as Rui on February 4, 1975 Academician of the College of Classical Sciences, he was only in Cheping at that time As a drug dealer. because His master died. He represents this medicine Fei's night counter practice gains The owner of the shop became the most famous pharmacist in the city.

As part of Scheler's many experiments Not published until 1 In 892, he was born 150 years ago Magnetic cutting must be resumed On the anniversary Axis Food Deprivation Division The chemical historian kept his diary Vibrant Vientiane to adjust night gear And letters, but they haven't home Officially released.

By 1942 Yuan Zhanna Lu Yuan In commemoration of the bicentennial of Scheler's birth , all his experimental records, after repeated After new arrangement, it was officially team Printed and published. There are eight volumes in total, most of which are in Swedish There are a few in German.

Among his diaries and documents What's striking is Scheler and Gan Well, this college teacher's Eating Yansi today signal communication. These letters clearly indicate that Scheler, Far technique pole holding orchid to promote the release Ability and contribution to chemical experiments.

Because Scheler found phosphorus and other substances in the ashes. This led Gann to prove the bone later Chuan asked him to order more people to approve Liu There is phosphorus in it. Before that, people only knew that there was phosphorus in urine Bande, fake, fresh and slippery , and found phosphorus in the bone, yes It started with Scheler. He made fluorite and sulfuric acid The role of hydrofluoric acid was found. He used The effect of pyrolusite and hydrochloric acid gives chlorine But mistakenly believed that phlogiston was discovered. He wrote to his friend in 1773 The hospital's transport capacity is poor, and its appearance is bad : If the Pyrolusite Dissolved in hydrochloric acid You get a kind of yellow face Color gas. He also found that This gas has bleaching Role of.

Oxidation theory

Scheler's work in chemical experiments is very extensive. In fact, he was famous abroad, especially in France For example, Lavoisier wrote in 1774 In his book, he used quite a lot of space to praise the work of giving up diligence. They also exchanged however Phase communication. Nevertheless, Scheler always believed in phlogiston rather than Lavoisier Of Oxidation theory

From now on, Scheler's promise Many experiments are not difficult to do today, but More than 200 years ago, it was very difficult to find so many chemical achievements Easy. Therefore, although Scheler only lives At the age of 44, his contribution to chemistry is always memorable.

In memory of Scheler, the Swedish Academy of Sciences has built a The bronze statue stands on the square in Stockholm

fold Edit this paragraph research field

Scheler's outstanding contribution to chemistry Progress has had a huge impact. Scheler's research It involves various branches of chemistry, including inorganic chemistry, mineral chemistry and analytical chemistry Effective Fragrance Brush , even organic chemistry, biochemistry, etc Have made outstanding contributions.

He was the earliest discoverer of oxygen and made an in-depth study of its properties. he The study of oxygen began in 176 7 years of research on nitrite. At first, he heated saltpeter to get a Force region It is called "volatile matter of saltpeter" British funded adhesive and marked with rich label However, the nature and composition of this substance are not clear. Scheele Repeated experiments on heating saltpeter found that Nitrate will give off dry heat when heated to red in the crucible Gas, powder encountering soot Will burn and emit dazzling light. This phenomenon aroused Scheler's great interest.

He was in 177 Made in 3 years by various methods Pure oxygen. main To have:

(1) Heated mercuric oxide (Hg0);

(2) Heating nitrate (KNO3);

(3) Heating potassium permanganate (K MnO4);

(4) Heat the mixture of silver carbonate (Ag2CO3) and mercury carbonate (HgCO3).

Scheler organized these experimental results into one This book is called Fire and Air The manuscript was sent to Sweedrus at the end of 1775, but it was not published until 1777. The manuscript was pressed by the publishing house for two years. And British chemist Priestley After the discovery of oxygen in 1974 , published a paper soon, Including all rights and accumulated materials of sudden construction trainees It was earlier than Scheler. Now in the history of chemistry, it is believed that Scheler and Priestley discovered oxygen independently.

fold Found chlorine

Another important contribution of Scheler in chemistry is the discovery of chlorine After the 18th century Due to the development of metallurgical industry Research on various ores has been carried out. Carving three skills and seven words One of them is called pyrolusite The appointment of both green and afraid of tone After three years of hard work, it is determined that it is a new metal oxide According to the saying at that time, it was "a new metal of dephlogiston". Scheler named this metal manganese. Scheler discovered chlorine in the study of this pyrolusite. Pyrolusite is insoluble in Dilute sulfuric acid and Dilute nitric acid But it can dissolve in hydrochloric acid, and immediately gives out a suffocating yellow green gas, which is similar to the gas produced when heating aqua regia, making people's lungs extremely uncomfortable. He made various experiments with this gas, and found that it was slightly soluble in water, making the water slightly sour; It can whiten the blue paper, and bleach the colored flowers and green leaves; It can also corrode metal; Insects in this gas will die immediately, and the fire will be extinguished immediately. Because he believed in the phlogiston theory, he mistakenly believed that this gas was produced because "manganese dioxide of dephlogiston" (manganese dioxide) had taken away phlogiston from hydrochloric acid, so he called it "dephlogiston hydrochloric acid" instead of considering it as an element. In addition to oxygen and chlorine, Scheler also found nitrogen Arsenate Molybdic acid Tungstic acid Nitrite It is proved organically that tartaric acid is contained in plants. Citric acid crystals are made from lemons, uric acid is made from kidney stones, malic acid is found in apples, lactic acid is found in yoghurt, and gallic acid has been purified.

fold Organic acid

At that time, organic chemistry was still very naive. Without theoretical knowledge, Scheler could find more than ten kinds of organic acids, such as:

① Inorganic acids: phosphoric acid (1774), arsenate (1775), molybdic acid (1778), tungstic acid (1781);

② Other inorganic compounds: hydrogen fluoride (1771), hydrogen arsenide (1775), copper arsenite (1778), hydrogen cyanide and cyanide (1782);

③ Organic acids: tartaric acid (1770), oxalic acid (1776), lactic acid and uric acid (1780), citric acid (1784), malic acid (1785), gallic acid and pyrogallic acid (1786);

④ Other organic compounds: casein and conch violet (1780), acetaldehyde and esters (1782), glycerin (1783), etc., are not easy.

In addition, Scheler has also conducted excellent research on the composition of air.

fold Oxygen found

Scheler was the earliest discoverer of oxygen. In 1773, he made relatively pure oxygen by two methods. The first method is to potassium nitrate Magnesium nitrate Silver carbonate , mercury carbonate Mercuric oxide When heated, oxygen will be released. The second method is to co heat black manganese ore (manganese dioxide) with concentrated sulfuric acid to produce oxygen. Then he studied the nature of oxygen. He found that when an object burns in this gas, the gas disappears, so he called this gas "fire gas". Scheler's research results were published in On the Chemistry of Air and Fire, but the book was delayed by the publisher until 1777. After British chemist Priestley discovered oxygen in 1774, he soon published a paper, which was earlier than Scheler. Now, in the history of chemistry, it is believed that Scheler and Priestley discovered oxygen independently. As Scheler is a believer in phlogiston theory, he believes that combustion is a process of combining the "fire gas" in the air with the phlogiston in the combustion object, and fire is a compound formed by the "fire gas" and phlogiston. Therefore, like Priestley, Scheler has found oxygen, but neither has been able to give a correct explanation to the combustion phenomenon.

fold Edit this paragraph Oxygen experiment

Start of experiment

If you put a glass cover on the lighted candle, the candle will burn for a while and then go out Oxygen device Oxygen device The air in the cover is completely removed, and the candle is extinguished immediately; When a blacksmith makes iron, he uses a bellows to blow in air, and the fire will burn more vigorously. Why does burning material need air? Scheler became very interested in combustion. In order to understand this problem, Scheler uses various chemical substances , put it in a closed container and test again and again.

One day, Scheler put a piece of white phosphorus into an empty flask, put a cork on it, and then heated it slightly from the outside of the flask. The white phosphorus immediately burned, emitting fire and white smoke. Soon, the fire went out, the thick fog also dispersed, and a layer of white material was deposited on the bottle wall.

When the flask just cools, Scheler immediately reverses the flask into the water and pulls it out Cork At this time, something strange happened. After the water filled 1/5 of the flask's volume, the water surface no longer rose. He repeated the experiment several times, and the result was the same.

What's going on here? Where has 1/5 of the air gone? With this question in mind, Scheler did another experiment.

He put some iron filings into a small bottle, poured some dilute sulfuric acid solution on it, and then plugged the bottle mouth with a cork inserted with a glass tube, and put it into a glass tank containing water. The gas generated by the glass tube is led out of the water surface, ignited with a flame tongue, and an empty flask is covered on the flame tongue with its bottom facing the sky. The mouth of the flask is immersed in the water, which makes it impossible for external air to enter the flask. As the hydrogen burns in the confined space, the water in the glass cylinder keeps pouring into the flask. When the flame is completely extinguished, the water entering the flask still accounts for only 1/5 of the flask volume.

Scheler was puzzled by this matter. Since 1/5 of the air is used in combustion, why doesn't the remaining 4/5 of the air disappear? Is the air left in the bottle different from the air that disappears in combustion?

So he did a series of experiments. He put candles, charcoal and white phosphorus into the burning air. As a result, the candles went out immediately, the red charcoal turned black quickly, and even the easily burning phosphorus refused to catch fire. Put some mice inside and suffocate to death immediately.

Scheler finally understood that the air left after burning was really different from the air "burned". It seems that air is composed of two completely different components. He thinks that one is "living air", which can help combustion, so he calls it "flame air"; The other is "dead air", which has no effect on fire, and rats will suffocate to death, so it is called "useless air".

Make pure "flame air"

Scheler is more interested in "flame air". After many experiments, Scheler soon found a way to produce pure "flame air". Scheler put some saltpeter into the glass container and put it on the furnace heating At the same time, attach a deflated cow urine bubble to the neck of the steamer. The saltpeter melted, and the gas released made the cow urine vesicle gradually expand. Then quickly remove the cow urine bubble and store the gas in the bubble in a flask. Put burning charcoal, just blown out firewood And phosphorus are respectively put into these flasks, when sparks around the charcoal burst, burning fiercely, and emitting incandescent light; The wood with the embers burned again; Phosphorus bursts into flames, which are dazzling. Scheler rushed out of the laboratory happily, shaking a bottle in his hand and shouting "Flaming air! Flaming air!" and "Flaming air" is also oxygen

fold Edit this paragraph Belated brilliance

Scheler's life is brief However, he has achieved quite a lot. He discovered more than 30 new substances in his life, which was unique at that time. Among Scheler's discoveries in his life, the most outstanding contribution is the discovery of oxygen and chlorine.

Many of Scheler's experimental research results were not published before his death. In 1892, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his birth, scholars of chemical history sorted out his diaries and letters in detail, but they did not officially publish them. It was not until 1942, to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Scheler's birth, that all his experimental records were reorganized and officially published, with a total of 8 volumes.

fold Edit this paragraph Late Wedding

Famous pharmacist Boer is suddenly in Keping Town Death The meeting of the Medical Industry Association unanimously elected Scheler as the most suitable manager candidate. In 1775, Scheler came to Keping Town. Boyle's widow, Nigua, is a young and beautiful woman. He specially gave some rooms to the new manager.

Scheler has enough time for research. He likes to combine scientific research, production and commercial activities organically. After work, he would also talk to Nigua. This young widow gradually occupied the mind of scientists, and in Nigua's mind, Scheler became an indispensable part. They love each other, but Scheler is a career type figure. For his career, he sent Nigua to live in a villa.

Scheler completed nearly a thousand experiments in his life, and his body was seriously injured because he had inhaled toxic chlorine and other gases. He also personally tasted the highly toxic hydrocyanic acid. He recorded his feelings at that time: "This substance has a strange smell, but it is not unpleasant, Carl Wilhelm Scheele Carl Wilhelm Scheele The taste is slightly sweet, which makes the mouth warm and irritates the tongue. "Although he regards his career as his life and wants to work non-stop, the deterioration of his physical condition often makes him bedridden.

In the winter of 1785, he suffered from a violent attack of rheumatism. Fate seems to be playing a trick on him. He has been making medicine for others all his life, but now he can't find it heal Self diseased medicine Spring is coming! Scheler thinks it is better. "Nigua, as long as I can stand up, we will get married at once." "Yes, dear." Nigua replied gently. In March 1786, they held an engagement ceremony, but their condition worsened after getting better. "Nigua, it seems that I will not live long. Please invite the priest to hold the wedding ceremony at home," he said to his beloved. "All right, dear," Nigua agreed tearfully.

On May 19, 1786, after 10 years of love, they held a wedding ceremony. For the lovers, the wedding was a little late, because Scheler left the world two days later.

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