zero Useful+1

Intel x86

16 bit microprocessor launched by Intel Corporation in 1978
synonym x86 (x86) generally refers to Intel x86
Intel x86 is Intel The company launched the 16 bit microprocessor
x86 Generally refers to a series of Intel 8086 Backward compatible a central processor Instruction Set Architecture
Intel used 80x86 This number format is used to name processors, including Intel 8086 eighty thousand one hundred and eighty-six eighty thousand two hundred and eighty-six eighty thousand three hundred and eighty-six as well as eighty thousand four hundred and eighty-six , because it ends with "86", its architecture is called "x86". Because numbers cannot be used as Registered trademark Therefore, Intel and its competitors use registrable names in the new generation of processors, such as Pentium (Pentium)、 CoRE (Core)、 turion (Ryzen, AMD Roll out).
The 32-bit architecture of x86 is also called IA-32 , full name“ I ntel A rchitecture, thirty-two -bit”。 Its 64 bit architecture was first introduced by AMD and is called "AMD64". Later, it was also adopted by Intel and called "Intel 64". It is also commonly referred to as "x86-64" and "x64".
It is worth noting that Intel has also launched IA-64 Architecture. Although the name is similar to "IA-32", they are completely incompatible and do not belong to the x86 instruction set architecture family.
Chinese name
Intel X86 [2]
Foreign name
Intel x86
Time to market
product type
Application industry
Computer hardware manufacturing
Chip Run Instruction Set

Development history

X86 architecture launched in 1978 Intel 8086 a central processor First appeared in the Intel 8008 Processor, and 8008 is developed from Intel 4004 Of. 8086 will be IBM PC After that, x86 has become the standard platform for personal computers and the most successful CPU architecture ever.
Other companies also manufacture x86 architecture processor , counted Cyrix (Now VIA Acquired) NEC Group, IBM IDT as well as Transmeta The most successful manufacturers outside Intel are AMD , its earlier products Athlon The market share of series processors is second only to Intel Pentium
8086 is a 16 bit processor; Until the development of the 32-bit 80386 in 1985, the architecture remained 16 bits. Then a series of processors showed the slight improvement of 32-bit architecture, and several extensions were introduced until 2003 AMD For this architecture, a 64 bit extension is developed and named AMD64 later Intel It also introduced a compatible processor, named Intel 64 The two are generally referred to as x86-64 or x64 , ushering in the 64 bit era of x86.
It is worth noting that Intel has been cooperating with HP The cooperation proposed a method for itanium series processor The independent 64 bit architecture in the IA-64 IA-64 is a brand new system, which has no similarity with x86 architecture; It should not be compared with x86-64 or x64 Confused.

Schema Mode

X86 architecture is significantly variable Instruction length Of CISC (Complex Instruction set computer C omplex I nstruction S et C omputer)。 Word (4 bytes) storage Access allows misalignment Memory address The word group is stored in the memory in the order of low order byte first. Forward compatibility has always been a driving force behind the development of x86 architecture (the need for design determines this factor and often leads to criticism, especially from competitors processor The supporters and theorists of, they are puzzled about the continued success of an architecture that is widely regarded as backward design). However, in the newer microarchitecture, x86 processors will convert x86 instructions into more RISC like ones Microinstruction And then implement it, so as to obtain the comparable Superscalar Performance while still maintaining Forward compatible The x86 architecture processor has four execution modes: Realistic mode , protection mode, System management mode as well as Virtual V86 mode
The names of instructions and register mnemonics that appear in this short article are specified in Intel files and used in Intel assemblers (and compatible ones, such as Microsoft's MASM Borland TASM CAD-UL As386, etc.). An instruction "mov al, 30h" specified in Intel syntax is equivalent to "movb x30,% al" in AT&T syntax, and both are machine codes "B0 30" that can be translated into two bits( hexadecimal )。 You can find that the "mov" or "al" in this program are the original Intel mnemonic symbols. If we want, we can write a assembler by code ' move immediate byte hexadecimally encoded 30 into low half of the first register' (Move the immediate value bit Hexadecimal encoding 30 to the lower half of the first register) to generate the same machine code. However, traditionally Assembler (Assembler) has always used Intel's mnemonic symbols.
x86 assembly language Will be X86 assembly language More detailed discussion in the article.

Real time mode

Intel 8086 and 8088 have 14 16 bits register Four of them (AX, BX, CX, DX) are general purpose (although each register has an additional purpose; for example, only CX can be used as loop Command Counter 。) Each register can be treated as two separate byte Access (so the high bit of BX can be regarded as BH, and the low bit can be regarded as BL). In addition to these registers, there are four section registers (CS, DS, SS, ES). They are used to generate storage Of Absolute address There are two more Pointer Register (SP is pointing to stack BP can be used to point to the stack or other places of memory). Two pointer registers (SI and DI) can be used to point to array Inside of. Finally, there are Flag register (contains Status flag For example, carry overflow , zero mark, etc.). And IP is used to point to Operation instruction Address of.
In real mode, memory access is segmented. In order to get the last 20 Memory address , move the address of the section 4 bits to the left, and add the offset address. Therefore, in real mode, a total of addressing Its space is 2 bytes, or 1MB, which was an impressive symbol in 1979. In real mode, there are two addressing modes: near and far. In far mode, sections and offsets need to be specified; In the near mode, only the offset mode needs to be specified, and the memory section is obtained by the appropriate section register. In terms of data, DS register is used, code is CS register, and stack is SS register. For example, if DS is A000h and SI is 5677h, DS: SI will point to the memory body Absolute address DS × 16 + SI = A5677h
In this architecture, two pairs of different segments/offsets can point to the same absolute address. Therefore, if DS is A111h and SI is 4567h, DS: SI will point to the same A5677h as the previous segment. In addition to duplication, this architecture cannot have more than 4 sections at a time. In addition, CS, DS and SS are necessary for the correct function of the program, so only ES can be used to point to other places. This mode was originally intended to Intel 8085 Compatibility leads to endless pain for programmers.
In addition to the above, the 8086 also has an 8-bit 64K input/output (another way of saying is a 16 bit 32K input/output)( en:I/O )Space, and a 64K (one segment) supported by hardware storage stack Only words (2 bytes) can be pushed onto the stack. The stack grows from the top to the bottom of the memory, and its bottom is pointed by SS: SP. 256 interrupts( interrupts ), which can be composed of hardware or software at the same time. Interrupts can be concatenated together, and the stack is used to store the returned interrupted program address.

16 bit protection

Intel 80286 can support 8086's Real mode 16 bit software, however, it also supports an additional operating mode called protection mode, which can addressing Of physical memory It is expanded to 16MB, and the maximum addressable virtual memory is 1GB. This is using Nodal region Register to store index values in the section table. processor There are two such tables in, respectively GDT and LDT Each node can store up to 8192 descriptors, and each node can give up to 64KB descriptors storage visit. The section table provides a 24 bit Base Address (base address), you can use this base address to add the desired Offset To create a Absolute address In addition, each section can be given one of the four permission levels (called "rings").
Although the features introduced are an improvement, they are not widely used because the protected mode operating system cannot run the existing real mode software. This ability is only available in the following 80386 processor Of Virtual 86 mode Appears in.
At the same time, operating systems such as OS/2 Try a ping pong like method to switch the processor between protection and real mode. This will make the computer slow and unsafe. For example, programs in real mode can easily crash the computer. OS/2 also defines restrictive programming rules that allow "Family API" or "bound" programs to run in real mode or protected mode. However, this is related to programs designed for protected mode, otherwise it is not. The protected mode program does not support node selectors and physical memory Relationship between. Sometimes I mistakenly believe that programs running in real mode in 16 bit protected mode must use the interrupt call reserved for BIOS by Intel. In fact, the use of arbitrary selector values in such programs is related to the way in which the "node operation" mentioned above is used.
The problem is also Windows 3.x Appears on the. This release version wants to run the program in 16 bit protected mode, while the previous version can only run in real mode. In theory, if the Windows 1. x or 2. x program is written "properly" and avoided Nodal region Operation mode, it is possible to run in both real and protected modes. Windows Programs Generally speaking, node operation is avoided because Windows implements the virtual memory mode of software, and when the program is not running, it is moved storage The code and data in the Absolute address The way is very dangerous; When the program is not running, it is considered to keep the "handles" of the memory block. Such handles are already very equivalent to the selectors of the protection mode. Running an old program in Windows 3.0 in protected mode will trigger a warning dialog box. It is recommended to run Windows in real mode (presumably, extended memory can still be used, possibly on the 80386 machine EMM386 Simulation, so it is not limited to 640KB) or updated to the new version from the manufacturer. Good behavior programs may use special tools to avoid such dialog boxes. It is impossible for some GUI programs to run in the 16 bit protection mode and other GUI programs to run in the real mode. This may be because it requires two separate environments and depends on the aforementioned processor Ping pong effect between the two modes. from Windows 3.1 The real mode disappears when the version starts.

32-bit protection

After Intel 80386 was launched, it may be the biggest leap forward of x86 architecture. In addition to the need for attention Intel 80386SX It is a 32-bit architecture, but only 24 bit addressing (and 16 bit data bus )。 Other architectures are 32-bit - all register Instruction set , output input space, and storage Addressing. In order to work in the functions mentioned by the latter, 32-bit extended protection mode should be used. However, unlike 286386, all segments can use a 32-bit offset. Even though the memory space has used segments, applications are allowed to access more than 4GB of space without segment separation. In addition, 32-bit protection mode provides paging The support of virtual memory The mechanism that can be realized.
No new General register Was added. All 16 bit registers are expanded to 32-bit Intel adds "E" to the mnemonic symbol of the register (so the extended AX becomes EAX, SI becomes ESI, and so on). Because there are more registers, instructions, and arithmetic units Machine code The format of is also expanded. In order to provide compatibility with the previous architecture, sections containing runcodes can be marked as 16 - or 32-bit instruction sets. In addition, special prepositions can also be used in 16 bit The section of contains 32-bit scripts and vice versa.
Memory access for pages and segments is to support Multi task operating system Required. Linux 386BSD Windows NT and Windows 95 It was developed by 386 Institute at the beginning, because it is the first one to provide reliable program separation storage Space support (each program has its own Addressing space )And can interrupt the running of their programs if necessary (using ring, the name of power hierarchy in x86 protection mode). This 386 basic architecture will become the basis for all x86 series development in the future.
Intel 80386 Mathematical auxiliary operation processor It is also being integrated into this CPU Later in the x86 series, Intel 80486. new FPU Can help Floating point operation , which is very important for scientific calculation and graphic design.

System management mode

Intel first introduced x86 after 80386SL Architecture

MMX and after

Intel's MMX (AMD believes that this is the abbreviation of Matrix Math Extensions, but most of the time it is regarded as Multi Media Extension, and Intel has never officially announced the etymology). Although this new technology has been widely publicized, its essence is very simple: MMX defines eight 64 bit SIMD Registers, and Intel Pentium processor Of FPU Stack overlaps. Unfortunately, these instructions cannot be easily mapped to the original C compiler The generated script. MMX is also limited to integer operations. The shortcomings of this technology led to the slight impact of MMX in its early existence. Nowadays, MMX is usually used in some 2D movie applications.


AMD launched in 1997 3DNow! For the SIMD of MMX floating-point Instruction enhancement (for the same MMX register). Although these have not been resolved compiler However, the introduction of this technology is in line with the rise of 3D leisure and entertainment applications on PCs. 3D game developers and 3D graphics hardware manufacturers AMD Of AMD K6 and Athlon series processor On, use 3DNow! To help increase their effectiveness. Microsoft later developed Direct X 7.0 for 3DNow! The optimization of, making the Athlon processor at that time comprehensively surpass the opponent in 3D game performance for the first time Intel Of Pentium 3 Processor.


Introduced by Intel in 1999 SSE Instruction set, adding eight new 128 bits register (Do not overlap with other registers). These instructions are similar to AMD's 3DNow!, It is mainly to add SIMD instructions for floating point operation.


Intel launched in 2001 SSE2 Instruction set, added:
It completely supplements the integer instruction (similar to MMX) to the original SSE register. 64 bit SIMD Floating point operation Instruction to the original SSE register. The first increase makes MMX almost obsolete and can be discarded. The second allows these instructions to make traditional compiler Produced realistically.


In 2004, with Pentium 4 processor Revision of Prescott The kernel is launched. SSE3 Add specific storage And thread hanging instructions to improve Intel Hyper Threading Its efficiency has also been enhanced in scientific computing.


In January 2007, Intel publicly announced the use of its 45nm process "Penryn" chip family of PCs and servers. "Penryn" is a series of Core microarchitecture Notebook, desktop and Server chip There were 16 family codes when they were officially released for the first time processor , except one Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9650 It is aimed at other dual core Xeon 5200 series and Quad core The 5400 series are server processors. Basically Penryn Is following Merom The later reduced version of Core 2 Duo, plus 47 new ones SSE4 instruction set Equal extra equipment. The SSE4 instruction set was first published at the Intel Developer Forum (IDF, Intel Developer Forum)。
In addition, x86 processor Manufacturer AMD Also in the company's latest K10 Architecturally Phenom Add 4 new SSE4A instruction sets to the processor. Note that SSE4 and SSE4A are not compatible with each other.

64 bit architecture

By 2002, due to the length of 32-bit features, the x86 architecture began to reach certain design limits. This makes it difficult to process a large amount of information stored more than 4GB, such as in the database or movie editing.
Intel had originally decided to completely abandon x86 compatibility in the 64 bit era and introduce a new architecture called IA-64 Technology as his Itanium processor The foundation of the product line. IA-64 is inherently incompatible with x86 software; It uses various simulation forms to run x86 software. However, running in simulation mode is very inefficient and will affect the running of other programs.
AMD Actively convert 32-bit x86 (or IA-32 )It is expanded to 64 bits. It is called AMD64 The schema for appears (also known as x86-64 ), and the first product based on this technology is Single core Of Opteron and Athlon 64 Processor family. Due to AMD's 64 bit processor The product line first entered the market, and Microsoft was unwilling to develop two different 64 bit operating systems for Intel and AMD. Intel was also forced to adopt the AMD64 instruction set and add some new extensions to their own products, named EM64T Architecture (obviously they don't want to admit that these instruction sets are from its main rivals), EM64T was later officially renamed by Intel as Intel 64
This is the first major x86 architecture upgrade initiated and designed by a non Intel manufacturer. Perhaps more importantly, it is also the first time that Intel has actually accepted this essential technology from an external source.


Virtual x86 is difficult because its architecture does not meet Popek and Goldberg virtualization requirements However, there are several commercial virtual x86 products, such as VMware and Microsoft Of Virtual PC Both Intel and AMD have publicly announced the future x86 processor There will be new enhancements to make it easier to achieve more efficient virtualization. Intel codes for this virtual feature are called "Vanderpool" and "Silvervale"; AMD uses the code name "Pacifica".


Multiple companies design, produce and sell x86 processor And its compatible products, including:
Intel Intel AMD Chips and Technologies Cyrix (by VIA Acquisition) IBM IDT National Semiconductor (NS, National Semiconductor Nippon Electric NEC NexGen (Acquired by AMD) Rise Technology (by Silicon series technology Acquisition) SGS-Thomson Silicon series (SiS) Texas Instruments TI Texas Instruments) transmeta (Transmeta) Lianhua Electronics (UMC) Weisheng Electronics (VIA)。 [1]