File extension
open 5 entries with the same name
zero Useful+1
Chinese: Document (foreign abbreviation: DOC Full foreign name: Doc ument )Yes Computer files common File extension It is also a version of Word2003 Text Document since Word 2007 After docx This format was originally Plain text file It is often used in different operating systems, as well as the instructions for software and hardware.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Foreign language abbreviations
Common computer files Extension one kind
File Converter
StarOffice WPS Office Microsoft Word etc.
2007 and above
Derived extension
docx ( Microsoft Word Above 2007)

brief introduction

. doc, yes Computer files common Extension One of. This format was originally used as a plain text file, which is often found in different operating systems, software and hardware instructions. By the 1990s, Microsoft stay Word processing software Microsoft Office In Word,. doc is used as an extension and has become a popular format, while the plain text style of the former has almost disappeared.
Microsoft "Doc" format is a proprietary format of its own, and its files can accommodate more text formats scripting language And recovery information, compared with other file formats such as RTF HTML There is more waiting, but because this format is a closed format compatibility It is also low.
Apple MacOS's own "text editing"
except Microsoft Office and WPS Office Apple macOS The built-in "text editing" program can also output files to. doc format.
stay Palm OS In the system, ". doc" is the extension used by PalmDoc, a completely irrelevant format, which is mainly used for encoding e-books.

file format

  • DOCX – microsoft office open Xml
  • ODT – OpenDocument Text
  • OASIS – Open Office XML (also known as OpenDocument)
  • PDF – adobe Portable Document Format
  • RTF – Microsoft's Rich Text Format
  • XPS – XML Paper Specification

Program converter

Version saving

By default, Word documents edited with higher versions of Word software such as Word2016, Word2013, Word2010, and Word2007 will be saved in a different Docx format for each version. If Word2010 users often need to exchange Word documents with Word2003 users, and Word2003 users do not install File format compatibility package If Docx documents cannot be opened directly, Word2010 users can set their default save format as Doc files.
The steps to set the default save format as a DOC file in Word2010 are as follows:
Step 1: Open Word2010 Document window , click File → Options.
Step 2: Switch to "Save" in the open "Word Options" dialog box tab , on“ Save Document ”Click the "Save file in this format" drop-down triangle button in the open drop-down menu Select the Word97-2003 Document (*. doc) option and click OK.
Tip: Change the default saved Word2010 file format You cannot change the format of a new Word document created using the right-click menu. The new Word document created using the right-click menu is still the same Docx format. Only when you open the Word2010 document window, and then save it, you can save it as a Doc file by default.
How to give doc Document encryption
In daily applications, users can set an open password and modify the password for the doc file. If no password is entered after the open password is entered, the file is read-only. The specific steps for setting a password for the doc file are described below.
[1] one Open the Save As dialog box, click the Office button, and in the pop-up menu mouse pointer Move to Save As, and click Word Document in the pop-up menu as shown below.
Methods of Encrypting DOC Documents
two Open the "General Options" dialog box. In the pop-up "Save As" dialog box, click the lower triangle button on the right side of "Tools". Click the "General Options" command in the pop-up menu, as shown below. Opens the General Options dialog box.
Methods of Encrypting DOC Documents
three Set password. After the "General Options" dialog box pops up, after "Password when opening file" and "Password when modifying file" Text Box Enter the password, as shown below, and then click OK.
Method of Encrypting DOC Document
four Confirm the password. After clicking OK, the Confirm Password dialog box pops up. Enter the password for modifying the file in the text box, and then click OK. The Confirm Password dialog box pops up again. Enter the password for opening the file in the text box, and then click OK. As shown below.
Method of Encrypting DOC Document
five Enter the password for opening the file. After saving the document and opening it again. The "Password" dialog box pops up. Enter the password set previously for opening the file in the text box, and then click the "OK" button, as shown below.
Method of Encrypting DOC Document
six Enter the password for modifying the file. Click OK. The Password dialog box pops up again. Enter the previously set password to modify the file in the text box after Password. Then click OK. The document can be opened as shown below.
Methods of Encrypting DOC Documents

Document fee

In foreign trade documents, (foreign language abbreviation: DOC . Full foreign name: Document charges) "File fee" Means.

Disk on chip

The disk on the chip (foreign language abbreviation: DOC, foreign language full name: Disk On Chip) adopts Nand Flash Chip as basic Storage unit , plus some control chips, it is a modular and serialized electronic device operated by special software and hardware Storage device It uses TrueFFS (short for True Flash File System) hard disk Simulation technology Flash can be simulated as a hard disk by managing Flash, which is easy to use and has a capacity of 288MB. It is precisely because TrueFFS technology is used to manage data read/write operations in Flash, which greatly increases the number of DOC write operations, far exceeds the write life of ordinary Flash, and improves the reliability of Flash.
DOC Packaging form There are three main types: single Chip packaging , plastic shell packaging and chip packaging.
A type of plate Memory chip Industrial control computer It is widely used in many fields.
1、 32Pin DIP Single chip Large capacity FLASH memory, capacity 8M~1G bytes, Shengbo series core module can
2、 Direct support
Built in TrueFFS simulation system enables full hard disk emulation, read and write like hard disk
3、 Non-volatile Solid state disk Power failure No data loss, low power consumption
4、 Support multiple operating systems( DOS 、WINDOWS、 QNX 、VxWorks、 Linux pSOS Etc.)
Low power consumption DiskOnChip 2000 Series Electronic disk (hereinafter referred to as DOC2000) PC/104 The embedded control system of the structure provides an ultra small, highly reliable, high-capacity, read-write solid state disk (SSD) chip. DOC2000 can be directly plugged into 32 pins on PC/104 series motherboard DIP (or standard IDE interface )On the socket, a standard DOS operable hard disk is provided at the BIOS level Functional simulation , no additional software is required to drive the chip, which is reflected in the common bootable hard disk, and the flash speed included in the chip file system Damaged with adjustment mechanism Increase the service life of the device, and the normal service life is more than 10 years. DOC2000 adopts Flash chip, which does not need battery power supply, so DOC2000 enables the system to work safely at the temperature and environment condition Next. DOC2000 uses full electronic storage and addressing, while traditional hard disk and floppy disk drive The use of semi electronic and semi mechanical storage and addressing greatly improves the reliability and service life. In addition, the electronization also improves the impact on the power supply, which can be used in systems that frequently need to switch on and off.
Direct use under DOS and cooperation under Linux Driver use.
◆ Provide 8M to 288M solid state disk capacity on each socket
◆ BIOS level hard disk function simulation, operating like hard disk
◆ Built in flash file system, maintenance free
◆ FLASH technology, high-speed reading and writing, vibration resistance, power shock resistance
◆ The motherboard needs a special DOC interface M-Systems' DiskOnChip 2000 is a high-performance single chip flash disk packaged as standard 32 pin DIP. This unique data storage solution can provide Cost effectiveness Its data storage mode is far better than the traditional hard disk. Especially suitable for applications with space constraints and capacity changes. DiskOnChip 2000 can be easily installed on CPU On the board, you will have a flash disk that can be activated immediately after installation. internet network equipment Thin customer Terminal Thin Clients )And embedded mother board The best solution for DiskOnChip 2000 has become an Internet device (such as set-top box, set-top-boxes ), thin client terminal (or thin terminal) and embedded Single board computer Standard flash disk module. DOM electronic disk , also known as DOM electronic hard disk Disk On Module Abbreviation of. DOM electronic hard disk( FlashOnDisk) High efficiency Stability Fast Memory Storage media Component, the most cost-effective memory storage media solution for time. The industrial control industry generally uses DOM electronic disk, DOC electronic disk, DOM electronic disk parameters and read/write speed for storage
1. Maximum read/write speed: 60MBytes/sec
2. Working reading speed: 60MBytes/sec
3. Working write speed: 25MBytes/sec
4. Access time <0.1 ms
5. Error correction capability > 4bit
1. Service temperature: 0 ° C to+70 ° C (civil grade)/- 40 ° C to+85 ° C (industrial grade)
2. Storage temperature :-55°C to +95°C
3. Operating altitude: 25000 meters (+80000 feet)
4. Resistance Impact force :1500G
5. Shockproof power: 16.3G RMS
6. Operating humidity: 5% to 95% non condensing (refer to the data of the manufacturer Shenzhen Anxinda Storage Technology Co., Ltd. for parameters, please contact for details)
In general, DOM is much more widely used than DOC, and its speed is several times faster than DOC, IDE Interface DOM ratio HDD It's close, SATA Type interface is much faster than HDD, and storage space From several megabytes to 2, 4, 8, 16, 32G, etc., so eliminating DOC is like USB drive Eliminating floppy drives is the same. However, many old devices or special devices based on DOC still use DOC in foreign countries. DOC has not been completely delisted, but devices supporting DOC are compatible with IDE SATA USB interface Most devices that support DOM SATA do not support DOC. Please pay more attention when shopping.

Other meanings

Meaning of DOC in the automotive industry:
refer to catalytic converter A form of "oxidation" or "oxidation reduction"
DOC in shipping( DOC ument of compliance ): Refers to the issuance of the【 International Safety Management Rules 】Documentary evidence of the company required.
AHD :[d¼k]
D.J. [dKk]
n. Informal
A physician, dentist ,or veterinarian . Physician , dentist or veterinarian
Short for doc tor
n. [Meikou]
Mr. [Chang Doc]
  • DOC Foreign language abbreviations
Data Optimizing Computer Data optimization Calculator;
Department of Commerce [US];
Department of Communications [Plus];
Design Office Consortium;
Direct Operating Cost;
Dissolved Organic Carbon
DOC 1 day old chick is short for, namely, newly hatched chick.
DOC Department of Commerce
Abbreviation of doctor




It is installed on diesel vehicle exhaust system Medium, can pass various physical chemistry Function to reduce pollutant discharge level Device.
Foreign Languages:
Diesel oxidation catalyst DOC = D iesel O xidation C atalyst
The carrier of DOC can be divided into ceramic and metal. Generally, ceramic is Cordierite There are many kinds of metals, such as iron, copper brass Etc. The carrier is coated with precious metals, such as platinum, iridium, palladium, etc. And the precious metals on these coatings play a catalytic role.
Due to DOC and gasoline vehicle exhaust catalytic converter Of Oxidizability Same function, also used to reduce the gas state CO THC And in particulate matter SOF Composition


Light off temperature Characteristic test It is to gradually increase the load at high and low speeds to improve the exhaust efficiency Below temperature This is to assess the DOC's light off characteristics within the low speed and high speed areas where the engine often works;
Conversion efficiency includes idling And high and low speed conditions, each speed is constant, and each speed is measured by changing the engine load Operating point Conversion efficiency. For DOC aging, high and low temperature cycling mode is adopted, that is, DOC lasts for 45 minutes at the bed temperature of 250 ℃; Continue 15 minutes at the bed temperature of 650 ℃, and run alternately until 100 hours Aging test end.

Dissolved organic carbon

Solubility Organic carbon D issolved O rganic C arbon
It is called DOC for short. Dissolved state Organic matter Carbon in. stay Marine chemistry In general, it means that it can pass through a 0.45 micron filter membrane and Analysis process Organic carbon not lost by evaporation. It includes carbon in a part of colloidal organic matter not trapped by the filter membrane. It is used to indicate dissolved organic matter in seawater( DOM )Of Total content The average DOC is 50 ± 5% of the total DOM. It is generally expressed in milligram carbon/liter or ppmC. [2]
stay environmental science In this field, DOC refers to the part of organic carbon that cannot be removed from water by specified filtration methods.
Soil dissolved organic carbon is Pedosphere A very active chemical material It has significant effects on the dissolution, adsorption, desorption, migration and toxicity of chemical substances in soil.

CE declaration

EU CE Declaration of Conformity (DOC).