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PSR J1719-1438 b

Extrasolar planets discovered in 2011
PSR J1719-1438 b was found on August 25, 2011 Extrasolar planets
Chinese name
PSR J1719-1438 b
Discover the world
August 25, 2011
Extrasolar planets
Revolution period
2.17 hours
Around a star
About 1 MJ
About 26 g/cm ³

brief introduction

It surrounds Millisecond pulsar PSR J1719-1438 revolution. This one Pulsar planet It is likely to be composed of crystalline carbon (diamonds). PSR J1719-1438 b and the parent star PSR J1719-1438 were previously a binary star But when the predecessor star of PSR J1719-1438 occurs Supernova explosion After becoming a pulsar, PSR J1719-1438 b expanded into the red giant period and evolved into White dwarf The intense conditions in this binary system transform white dwarfs into mainly Heavy element as carbon and oxygen Planets of composition. PSR J1719-1438 b's orbit is very close to the parent star. If it is placed in the solar system, it will run inside the sun. The existence of diamond planets has been theoretically confirmed. [1]

History of observation

PSR J1719-1438 was discovered in 2009 by a scientific team led by astrophysicist Matthew Bellis of Text University of Science and Technology in Melbourne, Australia. PSR J1719-1438 b was first published in a paper published in Science on August 25, 2011. This extrasolar planet was discovered by pulsar timing method (the radiation emitted by pulsars is very regular, and the observed time anomaly of radiation can deduce the existence and orbital parameters of the planet). The discovery was observed and confirmed by observatories in Britain, Hawaii and Australia.


PSR J1719-1438 was originally a main sequence star, existing in a binary star Medium. Of this system Primary star happen Supernova explosion The remaining high-speed rotating core becomes a pulsar. But in the stellar system companion That is, the predecessor star of PSR J1719-1438 b first expanded into one Red Giant And then collapses into a white dwarf. In this process, the main star pulsar absorbs the gas of the companion star, and accelerates its rotation with the increase of the transferred material, thus forming a millisecond pulsar.
But the white dwarf did not enter an unstable orbit and merge with the pulsar, which is very rare in the star pulsar system. In contrast, white dwarfs are stable in orbits about one solar radius away from pulsars. But because the white dwarf is too close to the main star, it has lost most of the residual material, leaving only a bare core. The ultra-high gravitational pressure environment makes it form a carbon crystal Carbon planet (All fusion reactions are completely stopped, so the classification is changed from star to planet.) The composition is very similar to diamond.

Parent star

The parent star of PSR J1719-1438 b, PSR J1719-1438, is about 4000 light-years away from the Earth, located in the constellation Serpentius (tail), and is only about 1 'away from the boundary of Ophiuchus. The millisecond supernova rotates more than 10000 times a minute, has a diameter of only 12 miles, but its mass is 1.4 times that of the sun. It originally formed a binary system with the predecessor of PSR J1719-1438 b (when fusion reaction still exists).

Physical characteristics

PSR J1719-1438 b is the planet with the highest density found so far. Its mass is about the same as Jupiter, but its density is about 20 times that of Jupiter. Therefore, its constituent matter must be very close, and part of it is composed of degenerate matter. Because it is supposed to be the residual core material of a white dwarf star, it is considered to be composed of oxygen and carbon (as opposed to gas planets such as Jupiter or Saturn, which are composed of hydrogen and helium). However, all known white dwarfs are millions of times more dense than water and consist of electron degenerate matter. For white dwarfs, the density of this object is too low. In addition, white dwarfs can emit light because of the heat stored during gravitational collapse. It is not known why this hypothetical white dwarf remnant object did not retain enough heat to emit light.
There is likely to be oxygen on the surface of PSR J1719-1438 b, and the carbon content is getting higher and higher as the planet core approaches. The huge pressure of the planet indicates that these carbons are crystallized to form a diamond like structure. According to Matthew Bayliss, as long as a large piece can be taken back, it can be turned into a very useful diamond.
The revolution period of PSR J1719-1438 b is 2.17 hours, and its average distance from the parent star is 0.89 solar radius. If it is placed in the solar system, it will revolution in the sun.
The predecessor of PSR J1719-1438 b is a star. The pulsar formed by PSR J1719-1438 attracts the gas of PSR J1719-1438 b away and accelerates its rotation significantly. When PSR J1719-1438 b forms a white dwarf star, because it is too close to the pulsar, 99.9% of its material is sucked away, leaving a core that can no longer undergo fusion reaction. This residual core is reclassified as a planet