office automation

New office mode
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synonym OA (Office Automation) generally refers to office automation (new office mode)
Office Automation (OA for short) Modern office A new way of working combined with computer technology. There is no unified definition of office automation. Any traditional office that adopts various new technologies, new machines and new equipment to engage in office business belongs to the field of office automation. [1] By realizing office automation, or digital office, we can optimize the existing management organization structure, adjust the management system, increase the ability of collaborative office work and strengthen the consistency of decision-making on the basis of improving efficiency. [2]
Chinese name
office automation
Foreign name
Office Automation
New office mode combining computer and network

Basic concepts

Office Automation (OA) refers to the process of signal communication Based on the gradual realization of automation management information systems (Management Information System, MIS). It is a new office mode combining computer network with modern office work. It can not only realize the automatic processing of office affairs, but also greatly improve the working efficiency of individual or group office affairs, providing scientific basis for the management and decision-making of enterprises or departments. In the field of office automation management, if hardware technology is its environmental guarantee, software technology is the soul of the smooth realization of various functions of office automation. Since the 1970s, it has started from single machine processing, for example, the use of microcomputers to process words, and then complete tasks such as file archiving, recording instructions, and automatic telephone recording. After the 1980s, office automation entered a rapid development period. Computers were widely used as high-level management tools in the office, such as information retrieval, auxiliary decision-making, etc. Computer network systems composed of office equipment, computers, communications, and other interconnections emerged. Using network integration technology, people's ability to process office information took a qualitative leap, Office automation has become a major symbol of intelligent buildings. [3]
The office automation system has become a comprehensive system including computer, communication, audio-visual recognition, numerical calculation, management and other technologies. Computer technology, communication technology, system science and behavior science are regarded as the four supports of office automation. Work Station and Local Area Network have become the two pillars of office automation. [3]

development history

The development of office automation has roughly gone through three stages: [1]

Realized the automation of individual work

The characteristics of the first generation of office automation: with personal computers and office software as the main features, the software is based on the file system and relational database system, takes structured data as the storage and processing object, emphasizes the calculation and statistical ability of data, realizes the computerization of data statistics and document writing, and completes the leap of office information carrier from original paper media to electronics. [1]
In the 1960s, there was a new technological revolution in human society - the emergence of "information revolution" and "information society" led to a rapid increase in the amount of social information, which led to a large increase in office staff and office expenses, but the office efficiency was relatively low. According to incomplete statistics, in some major industrialized countries, more than 40% of the staff are engaged in office work. [1]
From the early 1970s to the middle of the 20th century, developed countries put forward the concept of office automation in order to solve the problem that the rapid increase of office business has a huge impact on enterprise productivity. In 1972, Dr. An Wang, a Chinese American scientist who started with magnetic core storage technology, founded Wang An Company and launched the Word Processing System. Since then, WPS words have officially appeared. WPS pushed Wang An Company to the peak of its career, and made office automation develop to a new stage, thus forming a new concept - "office automation" and gradually becoming a comprehensive technology discipline. [1]
In the mid-1980s, OA technology has developed rapidly in China. Government departments at all levels from the central to the local took the lead in adopting OA technology, which has continuously improved office efficiency and quality. Some large and medium-sized enterprises in China have also introduced OA technology, which has improved the development space and competitiveness of enterprises. [1]

Realized workflow automation

The characteristics of the second generation of office automation: the network is the center, and the information flow (or workflow) of unstructured data is the main storage and processing object, which not only improves the office efficiency, but also enhances the security of the system. [1]
From the development of information technology, the first generation office automation system based on relational database has many shortcomings: [1]
① The burden of PC is too heavy and the price is too high; [1]
② Lack of public basic communication platform, poor versatility, low reusability, and lack of communication and collaborative work capabilities; [1]
③ The system has poor adaptability and can only process information according to the ideas, processes and functions determined at the time of development; [1]
④ Information management is limited to the internal organs, enterprises and institutions, and there is no or lack of external information sources. [1]
With the rapid development of LAN, WAN and Internet, the connotation of office automation has also changed. Since 1982, when the U.S. Department of Defense officially took TCP/IP protocol as a network standard, more and more personal computers around the world have been connected to the Internet, which can easily browse and query information resources around the world and solve many shortcomings of the first generation of office automation. [1]

Realize knowledge management as the core

The characteristics of the third generation of office automation: the network (Internet/Intranet/Extranet) is the center, and the knowledge extracted from data and information and organized is the main processing content and object. In 1996, the world“ Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ”( Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD) put forward the new concept of "Knowledge Economy" for the first time in the report of "Science, Technology and Industry Outlook". The establishment and development of the knowledge economy mainly refers to the development of science and technology, education, and innovation, responsiveness, productivity and competency as the main connotation of knowledge management. The content of "office work" is no longer a simple document processing and administrative affairs, but a management process. In office management, the most basic contact between staff is communication, coordination and control. These basic requirements will be better met in the office automation system with knowledge management as the core. [1]
The development of office automation system coincides with the evolution of data, information and knowledge, that is, from the first generation of office automation with data as the main processing content to the second generation of office automation with information as the main processing content, and then to the third generation of office automation with knowledge as the main processing content. In the three development stages of office automation, two leaps have been achieved, namely, the leap from data processing to information processing, and the leap from information processing to knowledge processing. In the development of office automation system, the range of personnel using the office automation system has gradually expanded, from the administrative personnel of organs, enterprises and institutions to the management of enterprises and all employees of enterprises. [1]

5G improves cloud office and automatic office

During the epidemic in 2020, 5G fully supports cloud office, especially when the enterprise fails to resume work and production, employees can use 5G to achieve online office and home production. After the completion of 5G, the characteristics of large bandwidth, low delay, wide connection, etc. can be synchronized with workshop production, which is very beneficial to enterprises. [12]

Function introduction

The core applications of OA software are: process approval, collaborative work, official document management (state-owned enterprises and government agencies), communication tools, document management, information center, electronic forum, plan management, project management, task management, conference management, associated personnel, system integration, door customization, address book, work notes, questionnaire, common tools (calculator, perpetual calendar, etc.). [4]
The OA management platform is based on the architecture model of "framework+application component+function customization platform". The main part consists of more than 30 subsystems, including information portal, collaborative work, workflow, form center, document flow, public information, forum management, questionnaire survey, plan management, conference management, task management, associated projects, associated personnel, document management External mail, online examination, vehicle management, goods management, equipment management, common tools, processing center, online message, supervision system, SMS platform, common tools, personnel management, function customization platform, integration platform, system management, etc., nearly 10000 function points. [4]

Five characteristics

OA emphasizes the convenience and efficiency of office work. As an office software, it should have several characteristics: ease of use, robustness, openness, rigor, and practicality. [5]

Ease of use

Without comprehensive application as the basis, everything is empty talk. [5]
The implementation of management must be geared to all staff, so the software must also be accepted and loved by all staff. If the ease of use is not strong, this premise will not exist, and the implementation of the system will only be empty talk. Any software needs training, but almost everyone can access the Internet. Therefore, as far as the software supporting the implementation of the system is concerned, the web style may be the best choice. [5]


It must have the stability of super large users and high concurrency applications. [5]
Management "landing" must be aimed at all employees, so the software supporting "landing" must also ensure the stability of all employees' applications. Especially for group enterprises, the software must have the stability of super large users and highly concurrent applications. Otherwise, once problems occur, even small problems may affect the actual group business, resulting in incalculable losses. [5]


Be able to complete necessary relevance integration applications with other software systems. [5]
Management "landing" permeates all aspects of management in real management, and no software can independently complete all aspects of management requirements. Therefore, the software supporting the system "landing" must have comprehensive and extensive integration, be able to automatically obtain relevant information from other software systems, and complete the necessary associated integration applications. Technically, the adoption of a highly integrated technical architecture (J2EE) as the underlying design will be a decisive help to the integration of software. In this way, the software can reserve a large number of interfaces to provide sufficient technical support for integrating other systems. At the same time, practical integration experience is also essential, because integration application not only involves the technical level, but also includes the understanding of the management of real business, integration practical skills, integration project control and other practical skills requirements. [5]


It is necessary to realize the harmonious unity of large concentration and small independence of information data at the same time. [5]
Enterprises, especially group enterprises, must have a unified information platform on the one hand and a relatively independent information space for each subsidiary department on the other hand from the perspective of the actual needs of system implementation. Therefore, the software must not only realize the three-dimensional control of "users, roles and permissions", but also realize the harmonious unification of large concentration and small independence of information data, that is, it must realize the four-dimensional control of "users, roles, permissions+data". [5]


The software function must be closely combined with the management practice, otherwise the medicine will not correct the symptoms, but may have negative effects. Moreover, it must be able to meet the requirements of the development of enterprise management. [5]
In reality, on the one hand, enterprises need software to meet the existing needs as much as possible. On the other hand, management itself is also a process of continuous development. Therefore, enterprises need software to meet the needs of development. In the face of this contradiction between reality and development, there are three common solutions in the industry: project-based, product-based and platform based. [5]

Technical characteristics of software

To design a good OA system is far from simple to add a few features, it needs to follow the following design principles. [6]

Feasibility and adaptability

Feasibility means that OA should be able to meet the core needs of the organization and meet the main functions that must be achieved, rather than exceed the current technical level. [6]
Adaptability means that the implementation conditions of OA products adapt to the current environment of the organization, and the design beyond the environment is doomed to produce failed products. [6]

Forward looking and practical

The development and design of the OA system should not only take into account the maximum increase in the value of the system, meet the needs of all users to the maximum extent, and fully consider the future expansion and extension of the system. The implementation process should always implement the policy of application oriented, application centered, relying on the application department, and practical results, but also take into account cost control, project cycle control and other factors, Therefore, the deployment of functions also needs to follow pragmatism. [6]

Advancement and maturity

Advanced management concepts, technologies and methods can enhance the competitiveness of enterprises and extend the life cycle of the system. At the same time, any innovation is like a rabbit experiment, which is risky. Therefore, we should pay attention to whether the software system, hardware equipment, development tools and software products are mature, and find a balance between advancement and maturity, which becomes the key to maximize value. [6]

Openness and standardization

The openness and standardization of the OA system means that the bottom layer of the OA software system should support multiple protocols at all levels, and support interoperability and interconnection with the business system. The application system uses standard data exchange methods to ensure data sharing. At present and in the future, the OA system needs to easily connect with various operating systems, middleware, databases, business systems and tool software, and the current mainstream OA manufacturers have made full consideration in this regard. [6]

Reliability and stability

A large amount of management data flows in the OA system, so it must be reliable. Ordinary man-made and external abnormal events should not cause the system to collapse. When the system has problems, it should be able to recover in a short time, and the system data is complete, without causing data inconsistency. [6]

Security and confidentiality

The development and design of OA system should not only consider the full sharing of information resources, but also pay attention to the protection and isolation of information. Therefore, the system should take different measures for different applications, different network communication environments and different storage devices, including system security mechanisms, data access authority control, etc. to ensure the security of the system. [6]

Scalability and maintainability

In order to adapt to the future business expansion and project function expansion, it is necessary to fully consider the simplest method and the lowest investment to realize the expansion and maintenance expansion of the software system. [6]
Therefore, in the development and design of the OA software system, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of the application and the continuous expansion of the system to form an architecture that is easy to manage and sustainable. The future business expansion only needs to add new application and service modules on the basis of existing mechanisms. On the one hand, when the number of applications and users increases, the system can smoothly add servers to support new pressure requirements; On the one hand, when new technologies and products appear for upgrading, the system can smoothly transition without affecting users' use; On the other hand, when new functions of the product are added, business expansion can be easily realized through plug-in and module customization platform. [6]
Adhere to the principle of openness in equipment selection and network scheme, so that the system can interconnect various hardware devices; Cross platform and open data interfaces are supported in software to facilitate mutual integration with other system software. In the future, single sign on integration with business systems, portals and other systems is supported. Under the condition that the data structure of corresponding systems can be obtained, seamless connection with the application, portal, data and other levels of these systems is realized. [6]
The management and maintenance of the system should adopt the idea of balance between centralization and decentralization. For example, the OA product has set up system management, application management and personal management for hierarchical authorization and hierarchical maintenance of the system. [6]
By using the tools provided by the system, it is not necessary to write code, which is convenient for users to carry out customized functional transformation and customize the display of interface data items; At the same time, it can restore the normal operation of the system in a timely and rapid manner in case of network or system problems, ensure the recoverability of the system, and has a high anti-interference ability of the network system. [6]

Aesthetics and ease of use

The design of the system user interface adopts Web2.0 user interface design technology. The interface can be flexibly changed according to the user's needs (enhancing the label classification characteristics), focusing on the user experience, making the system functions easy to see, learn, use, maintain and manage. [6]
As an all member application system, ease of use and user experience are key elements for the success or failure of the project. The products provided adopt B/S login mode, and can be logged in by computers, mobile phones and other methods AJAX , graphical editor and other new technologies, which are easy to read, understand and operate, and the user interface is simple, beautiful and friendly, which is easy for users to master, operate and use; The use and management of system management are also based on the principles of simplicity, ease of operation, convenience and practicality. [6]

Large concurrency support

As a group company with multiple organizations and large users, The development and design of the OA software system should support multiple load balancing capabilities such as applications and databases, and support the separation technology of the attachment server and database server, so as to support the ability of tens of thousands of users to be online and operate simultaneously. The increase in the number of users or the amount of information will not lead to the decline of the system's responsiveness. [6]
System concurrency capability: through cluster mode, there is no concurrency upper limit in technology, so it can fully guarantee users' future staff expansion needs. [6]

Platform technology

(1) Microsoft Of Net+RDB technology
Microsoft has occupied the application of the desktop operating system with its powerful and easy-to-use Office suite, which is accepted by the majority of office workers. The office platform based on Net+RDB has been widely supported by the market because of its simplicity, flexibility and ease of use. [7]
(2) SUN's J2EE+RDB technology
J2EE standard leads the direction of technology development with its openness and platform independence, and has been widely applied and promoted in various application systems and expanded in the OA field. [7]
(3) IBM Lotus domino technology based on
Launched in 1989, Lotus became a standard application and development platform for OA for a time with its expertise in e-mail, collaboration, unstructured document processing, and security mechanisms. [7]


The OA platform adopts the architecture based on layering, standards and components. The platform architecture follows JEE standards, SOA standards, WFMC standards, W3C fOrm standards, JSR168, WSRP and other standards. The OA platform architecture should support multiple deployment modes, multiple operating systems, various databases and middleware, and have a complete configuration system, interface system and plug-in system to support future expansion space. [7]
Functional framework of OA office automation system
The bottom layer of OA platform architecture is hardware, operating system and server cluster. The bottom layer usually adopts a 5-tier architecture: database layer, service layer, application layer, presentation layer and user layer. [7]
The database layer mainly includes relational database and non relational database; The service layer includes various engines, tools or interfaces that provide services; Various middleware is deployed between the database layer and the service layer; The application layer includes various office application systems and business systems such as document management and process specification; The presentation layer mainly includes various information portals; The user layer includes browser, PAD client or Mobile client. [7]
With the development of science and technology and the changing social competitive environment, the connotation and extension of the OA system continue to expand. The content of the OA platform is becoming more and more rich, the functions are becoming more and more powerful, and the performance is becoming more and more advanced. [7]

hardware environment

Office automation is a comprehensive and multidisciplinary practical technology aimed at improving office efficiency, ensuring work quality and comfort. It is generally composed of computer, telephone, fax machine, PC, word processor, audio and video storage and other terminal equipment and corresponding software. Its content includes the integrated processing of voice, data, image, text information, etc. [8]
The hardware composition mode of the office automation system is generally closely related to the system requirements, enterprise scale, organizational structure and geographical distribution. The following introduces several basic modes from the modularization and hierarchy of the hardware system composition. [8]

Stand alone system mode

The stand-alone system mode is applicable to the OA system of small units. Generally, one PC is configured for some auxiliary office work and management. With the decline of hardware price and the popularization of OA system, this mode has been replaced by the microcomputer LAN mode. [8]

Microcomputer LAN system mode

Microprocessor LAN is a kind of multi computer system with medium coupling degree. It has the characteristics of distributed processing and client/server computing environment, representing the current advanced system composition mode and development direction. [8]

System integration mode

For some large enterprises or special buildings in intelligent buildings, their OA systems are geographically dispersed, with high requirements for automation and information processing speed and capacity. [8]

Three application levels

OA system, information management level OA system and decision support level OA system are three functional levels in a broad or complete OA system. The interrelation between the three functional levels can be made by calling program modules and computer data network communication means. The meaning of integrated OA system is to use modern computer network communication system to integrate three levels of OA system into a complete OA system, so as to make the circulation of office information more reasonable, reduce many unnecessary links of repeated input of information, and improve the efficiency of the entire office system. [9]
The advantage of the integrated and networked OA system is that it can not only make the operation of office information more compact and effective within the unit, but also facilitate information communication with the outside world, so that the scope of information communication is wider, it can more conveniently and quickly establish information communication between remote office organizations, and it is possible to integrate into the information resource sharing worldwide. [9]

The first level

OA technology is divided into three different levels: the first level is limited to the application of auxiliary tools such as word processing, spreadsheet, database, etc. on a single computer or a simple small LAN, which is generally called transactional office automation system. In office affairs OA, the most common applications are word processing, electronic typesetting, spreadsheet processing, document receiving and sending login, electronic document management, office schedule management, personnel management, financial statistics, report processing, personal database, etc. These commonly used office transaction processing applications can be used as application software packages. Different applications in the package can call each other or share data, so as to improve the efficiency of office transaction processing. This office transaction processing software package should be universal, so as to expand its application scope and improve its utilization value. In addition, various OA subsystems can be used at the office transaction processing level, such as electronic publishing system, electronic document management system, intelligent Chinese retrieval system (such as full text retrieval system), optical Chinese character recognition system, Chinese speech recognition system, etc. In the public service industry, companies and other business operations, the use of computers to replace manual processing is increasing, such as ticket booking, ticket selling systems, counter or window systems, banking savings business systems, etc. The function of transactional or business oriented OA system is to deal with daily office operations, which is directly oriented to office workers. In order to improve office efficiency, improve office quality and adapt to people's office habits, a good office operating environment should be provided. [9]

The second level

Information management OA system is the second level. With the increasing importance of information utilization, the demand for comprehensive information closely related to the operation objectives of the unit in the office system is increasing. The information management office system is an integrated office information processing system that closely combines the transactional (or business) office system with the comprehensive information (database). The comprehensive database stores the information necessary for the daily work of the relevant unit. For example, in government agencies, such comprehensive information includes policies, decrees, laws and regulations, and government affairs information about official documents and letters of superior governments and subordinate agencies; Comprehensive databases of some public service institutions include all comprehensive information related to service items; The comprehensive database of the company's enterprise units includes industrial and commercial regulations, business plans, market dynamics, supply and marketing business, inventory statistics, user information, etc. As a modern government organ, enterprise or public institution, in order to optimize daily work and improve office efficiency and quality, it is necessary to have this comprehensive database shared by all departments of the unit. This database is based on the transaction level OA system and constitutes an information management type OA system. [9]

The third level

Decision support OA system Is the third level. It is based on the information management level OA system. It uses the information provided by the comprehensive database system to construct or select the digital model of decision-making for the subject that needs to be made decisions. Combining the internal and external conditions, the computer executes the decision-making procedure and makes the corresponding decisions. With the maturity of three core pillar technologies: network communication technology, computer technology and database technology, the world's OA has entered a new level, in which the system has four new features: [9]
(1) Integration. The integration of software, hardware and network products, the integration of people and systems, and the integration of the single office system and the social public information system form a "seamless integration" open system. [9]
⑵ Intelligence. For daily affairs processing, it helps people to complete intelligent work, such as: Chinese character recognition, understanding and deep processing of official document content, assisting decision-making and handling accidents. [9]
⑶ Multimedia. It includes comprehensive processing of numbers, words, images, sounds and animations. [9]
⑷ Use electronic data interchange (EDI). Through the data communication network, exchange and automatic processing are carried out between computers. [9]
This level includes information management OA system and decision-making OA system. The example transaction level OA system is called ordinary office automation system, while the information management level OA system and the decision support level OA system are called advanced office automation system. For example, municipal government offices, in essence, regularly or irregularly collect various documents submitted by district, county governments and other institutions, then file them and submit them to relevant leaders for reading and processing, and then properly store the reviewed documents for future reference. Leaders make decisions after studying various documents, and generally return processing instructions to subordinates in the form of documents. This process is a typical office process. In this process, the file itself is information, and its transmission is the process of information transmission. However, it should be noted that when leaders analyze and make decisions, they may have to read and look up many relevant materials and refer to research to make decisions. Therefore, the query and analysis of relevant materials and the selection of decisions also belong to the process of information processing. [9]

System security policy

Office automation can be said to be the inevitable outcome of the continuous development and integration of network communication technology and modern office. Its existence and application can make people's production management more convenient. However, with the continuous development and popularization of domestic office automation systems, the security risks are becoming increasingly prominent. The unique development mode and communication ability of computer Internet also fundamentally determine that security risks are unavoidable. However, in order to ensure the healthy development of office automation, it is necessary to fully understand the security problems faced by office automation under the Internet, find out the root causes of the problems, and then take effective countermeasures to eliminate and prevent office security risks to the greatest extent. [10]
1. Further improve relevant laws and regulations
In order to ensure the information security of mobile computer network office automation, we should first establish and improve the computer network legal supervision system suitable for China's national conditions in combination with the current situation and needs of China's computer network office automation development. First of all, we should formulate regulations on the supervision of information security in the virtual society, focus on the development of punishment regulations around network theft, network fraud, illegal intrusion and other contents, and strictly implement them, and those who break the law must be prosecuted. Secondly, legislate against network information, and set up a special regulatory department to manage information according to law, so as to provide a reliable guarantee system for the security of computer network information, and comprehensively enhance the authority of the law and its deterrent force against criminals. [10]
2. Strengthen network security early warning
The current OA network security early warning system mainly includes two parts: intrusion early warning and virus early warning. In the intrusion early warning system, it can detect the intrusion information to analyze and determine whether the information data transmitted in the network has been authorized. Once it is identified as the intrusion information, it will send a warning, so as to reduce the security hazards caused by illegal intrusion to the office system. The virus early warning system ensures that all files entering and leaving the network are monitored 24 hours a day, by continuously scanning the information packets entering and leaving the network. Once a virus is found, it will immediately alarm and notify the user or administrator to take precautions; At the same time, it can also track the source of viruses through IP address location and port location, and generate relevant scanning logs and reports, so as to track the activities of all viruses in the network, thus further improving the network's ability to warn and prevent viruses. [10]
3. Data security
(1) In view of the data security threat caused by intrusion, we can improve the data security protection capability by strengthening the database construction to ensure its physical integrity, data element integrity and logical integrity. [10]
(2) For the threats to data security caused by disasters and viruses, the most effective protection method is to strengthen physical protection and data backup. [10]
4. Intrusion prevention and comprehensive virus prevention
(1) In order to scientifically and effectively prevent network intrusion and ensure the network security of office automation, in the process of office automation system construction, the internal and external networks should be isolated and access control should be strengthened. At the same time, the internal network isolation and segmentation management should be properly handled. [10]
(2) Relatively speaking, network virus prevention is more difficult than stand-alone virus prevention. Network virus prevention must be effectively combined with network management. Its biggest feature is the network management function. If the management function is ignored in the process of virus prevention, it is difficult to achieve the purpose of virus prevention. Common measures mainly include firewall technology, anti-virus software, security protection software, regular inspection by technicians, regular system upgrade, etc. [10]
5. Data backup and recovery
In the security protection of the office automation system, data backup and recovery is also an extremely important measure. When the office automation system is subject to illegal intrusion and virus damage, data can be recovered through data backup to ensure the integrity of data information. Data backup can be divided into automatic system backup and external system backup. In the daily security management of the office automation system, two backup methods should be used at the same time to ensure that the overall recovery can be implemented as soon as possible after the data is damaged, and provide double guarantees for the data security of the office automation system. [10]

Development trend

With the continuous progress of various technologies, the future development trend of office automation will reflect the following characteristics. [11]
1. Digitization and multimedia of office information
In office activities, people mainly use computers to process information. The information processed by computers is digital information, and a lot of information is processed into digital form, so it is more convenient to store and process. [11]
At the same time, with the application of multimedia technology and virtual reality technology, people have more abundant means and contents to process information, and various information forms such as data, text, graphic images, audio and video can be processed by computers. It is more suitable for and strongly supports people to obtain and process information in a variety of ways such as vision, hearing, touch, taste and smell. [11]
2. Networking and internationalization of office environment
In people's daily life, the application of the network has changed people's way of life and work. A complete office automation system can connect a variety of office equipment into an office LAN, and then connect to a wide area office network through public communication networks or private networks, especially the development and popularization of Internet networks, It can be connected to any corner of the earth through the Internet network, so as to realize the high-speed transmission of information. It can span time and space, especially in office contact with foreign countries, and is very convenient and widely used. [11]
3. Paperless, unmanned and simple office operations
Due to the digitalization of the information required to be processed by computers and the networking of the office environment, the traditional transmission mode with paper as the carrier is eliminated for the continuous work across departments. The adoption of "paperless office" can save paper on the one hand; On the other hand, it is fast, accurate, and easy to edit and reuse documents. It is very suitable for the office needs of e-commerce and e-government. [11]
For some workplaces that require 24-hour office work, relatively stable office processes and work contents, boring work, fatigue, error prone, and heavy workload, unattended office can be used. For example, the bank business of ATM, night fax and e-mail automatic receiving and sending, etc. [11]
Due to the rapid development of computer systems, relevant office software has become very mature, and the operation interface is more intuitive, which makes it easier for people to operate, use, maintain and repair in office activities. [11]
4. Office business integration
In the early office activities, most of the computer systems ran on a single machine, or each department developed its own application system. In this case, since the software and hardware used may come from multiple manufacturers, the software functions, data structures, interfaces, etc. will also be different. With the development of business and the exchange of information, people's requirements for office business integration will be higher and higher. Office business integration includes: first, equipment integration, that is, data transmission and processing under heterogeneous systems, which is the basis of office system integration; The second is the integration of application programs, that is, to enable various applications to run in the same environment; The third is data integration, which includes not only exchanging data, but also realizing data interoperability and solving the heterogeneous problem of data semantics, so as to truly realize data sharing. [11]