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NGC 5128

Elliptical galaxy
NGC 5128 ,, Cen A , a rare galaxy, which is close to the strongest radiation source in the whole day.
Chinese name
Cen A
Foreign name
NGC 5128
Arp 153, PGC 46957,C77
Elliptical galaxy
Apparent magnitude
7.8 etc
Right ascension
Distance from ground
13.7 million light years
Red shift
547 ± 5 kilometre /Seconds
visible area
25′.7 × 20′.0
About 60000 light years

Galactic appearance

NGC 5128
Why galaxies with strange appearance Cen A , there will be so much dust? The spectacular dust belt passing through the center of the galaxy is Cen A These dust belts are so thick that they almost completely cover the core of the galaxy in visible light. Because Centaur A is a giant Elliptical galaxy It also has many red stars, which should reasonably contain a small amount of dust, so its dust belt is a very unusual feature. Centaurus A is also called NGC 5128 In addition to the dust belt mentioned above, it also contains a higher ratio of blue young stars compared with ordinary elliptical galaxies, and is a strong source of radio radiation. Evidence suggests that Centaurus A may be the product of the collision of two normal galaxies. During the collision, many young stars were born, but the details of how the unusual dust belt in Centaurus A formed still need further exploration. Centaurus A is only 13 million light-years away from us, so it is the nearest active galaxy. Centaurus A is located in Centaurus in the southern sky, about 60000 in size Light year , using Binoculars You can see it.


About 12 million light years away from us, NGC 5128 is the nearest large-scale Elliptical galaxy This unusual galaxy is one of the most widely studied objects in the southern sky. In the visible light image, we can see a wide dust belt in its center, which shows that it met and merged with another spiral galaxy billions of years ago. Recent studies have shown that it also swallowed up another smaller galaxy hundreds of millions of years ago. Astronomers also found that it has nearly 2000 Globular cluster , which is much more than the number in our entire galaxy cluster. Some clusters are so huge that they are close to the mass of a dwarf galaxy. Astronomers suspect that these globular clusters may be the cores left behind by the swallowed dwarf galaxy.
Although NGC 5128, which is more than 60000 light-years in size, is already a huge galaxy, it is even more amazing in the radio image. It has a pair of giant radio valves nearly one million light years wide, spanning the sky more than ten degrees! In fact, NGC5128 is the strongest radio source in the southern sky, second only to Cygnus A in the north. So it is also called Centaurus A. The reason why such a strong radio wave is generated is that there is a Supermassive black hole Astronomers estimate that the mass of this black hole is about 55 million suns! Use multiple groups on the earth radio telescope Astronomers also carefully observed the super jet of the black hole. Because of some functions that have not yet been fully understood, when matter falls into a black hole, these strong jets are produced. These substances are ejected at a speed of up to half the speed of light and collide strongly with the nearby gas, generating a large amount of radio, X-ray and gamma ray radiation.
Cen A Is located in Centaur It is about 14 million light years away Lenticular galaxy (elliptical galaxy). It is one of the radio wave sources closest to the earth and is widely studied by professional astronomers Active galactic nucleus This galaxy is also the fifth brightest galaxy in the day, so even if this galaxy can only be seen in the low latitudes of the southern and northern hemispheres, it is still an ideal target for amateur astronomers. Relativistic jet It is believed that the energy of Superheavy black hole The nearby space ejects, radiates X-ray and radio waves The wavelength of. By observing the radio waves of the jet at ten year intervals, astronomers determined that the moving speed of the inner part of the jet reached light speed Half of. X-rays are produced when energetic particles in the jet collide with the surrounding gas at a further distance.
As for others Starburst galaxy As observed, the collision led to the formation of stars and triggered a strong explosion. use Spitzer space telescope , scientists have confirmed that Centaur A was gobbled up by galaxy collisions spiral galaxy


Maybe Centaurus A is classified as Special galaxy Seen from Earth, this galaxy seems to be added with a dust belt Biconvex lens galaxy or Elliptical galaxy This particular galaxy was first discovered in 1847 John Herschel Found and included in Atlas of special galaxies (Arp) (published in 1966), as the best example of galaxies with internal absorption interference. The strange shape of this galaxy is believed to be that two smaller galaxies are merge The results of the intermediate stages of the process.
The main member of this galactic nucleus sphere is the evolving red fixed star The dusty disk is still in the near future Star formation The main site of; It has been confirmed that more than 100 stars are forming in the disk.
One was found in Centaurus A Supernova This supernova is called SN 1986G , is R Evans found it in the dust belt in 1986, which was later identified as a Ia supernova Ia supernova is of the maximum mass White dwarf , a supernova that explodes because it cannot support its own mass, usually Conjoint star The white dwarf star in the middle is formed by the gas accretion mass stripped from its companion star. The spectrum of SN 1986G is not exactly the same as that of Ia supernova used for identification. Maybe Ia supernovae change as their luminosity changes with time.
Information on neighboring galaxies and galaxy groups
Centaur A is located in Centaurus A/M83 Galaxy Group The central position of one of the two sub groups of Galaxy cluster M83( Southern Pinwheel )At the center of another group, sometimes these two groups are considered as one group, and sometimes they are considered as two groups. However, the galaxy surrounding Centaurus A and M83 are actually very close, and there is mutual movement between the two groups.


Centaur A is located in Centaur omega (A visible Globular cluster )About 4 ° north. Because of its high surface brightness and relatively large viewing angle, this galaxy is an ideal target for amateur astronomical observation. The bright nuclear sphere and the black dust belt are looking for astroscopes and large Binoculars Other structures can only be seen with larger telescopes.