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K Corona

The continuous radiation emitted by the solar photosphere is scattered by the free electrons in the corona towards the observer
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The continuous radiation emitted by the solar photosphere is scattered by free electrons in the corona towards the observer, which is called K-corona for short. Most K-crowns are observed within 1.3 solar radii from the solar surface. There is no Fraunhofer absorption line in the K coronal spectrum. This is because the temperature of the corona is as high as 1 million degrees, and the motion speed of electrons is very high Fraunhofer lines Due to Doppler broadening, it is greatly widened and shallower, losing the characteristics of the absorption line.
Chinese name
K Corona
Foreign name
K corona
Zhang Zhenda
Up to 1 million degrees
[Chinese Term] K Corona
[Foreign Words] K corona
[Author] Zhang Zhenda
For example, at a high temperature of 1 million degrees, the hydrogen Ha line is widened by electrons to 120 angstroms, which is more than 100 times larger than the original width, so it cannot be identified. The energy distribution of the continuous spectrum of K-crowns is similar to that of photospheres. The light of the K-Crown is polarized. The light intensity scattered by coronal electrons does not exceed 10% of the photosphere, and the scattered light has little chance of re scattering. The light scattered by each coronal electron is proportional to the brightness illuminated by the photosphere, so the K-coronal gives the total number of electrons observed along the visual direction, from which the distribution of electron density can be calculated. Because the electron density of the corona is affected by the solar activity, the shape of the K-corona is related to the solar activity. When the solar activity is extremely high, the electron density increases, and the K-corona is nearly spherical symmetric; while when the solar activity is extremely low, the K-corona is relatively flat