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IT management

Terms in the field of management
IT management (ITManage) is a term in the field of management, which ensures the consistency of business and IT services, establishes a management mechanism to predict delivery, and connects business and IT processes.
Chinese name
IT management
Foreign name
Information operation stage
Operation and maintenance management system
Training institutions


IT management focuses on the consistency between business strategies and services provided by IT departments. IT management can establish the necessary Management mechanism To ensure predictable delivery of IT services, thereby ensuring the link between business processes and IT processes. IT management traditionally belongs to CIO , CEO and some IT and line of business (LOB) executives.
SOA Management is an extension of IT management. It differs from IT management in that, SOA management The focus of is specifically on effective IT implementations delivered through services and service-oriented computing.
The goal of service-oriented computers is to deliver business processes as IT services. Unlike IT management, SOA management requires closer coupling with the line of business. Service orientation requires the use of hierarchical means to achieve management. SOA management must be implemented at the enterprise level and must be consistent with the traditional IT management model. But unlike traditional IT management, SOA management requires the use of a model with both hierarchical and cross organizational characteristics/ Domain model Therefore, LOB, important procedures and relevant parties all require to use their own management models. This is necessary to accelerate the implementation of services that are of great value to a particular community. Similarly, SOA management in technical IT has a unique focus to effectively develop, deploy, and manage services.
IT management best practices and processes have been described in CoBIT (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies) and other related work. CoBIT was initiated by financial analysts, who participated in some development work. There is a lot of knowledge and best practices in IT management, but not in SOA management. SOA management is a developing science, which needs experts, computer scientists and supply Businessmen participated extensively. In fact, vendors such as IBM currently develop tools to help deploy SOA management. Business and IT experts need to work closely together to successfully deploy SOA. Providing business value through service orientation effectively changes the way organizations interact with IT departments. Organizations looking to adopt SOA strategies need business process experts, skilled IT architects, and strong SOA management processes. Effective management will become an effective way to promote the promotion of SOA in the IT industry.
Like the management organizations in other fields, IT management is responsible for making everything work steadily and as expected according to predefined guidelines and policies. The direction of some projects is not clear. Many failures are caused by the lack of ability to track engineering tasks as required, the lack of follow-up processes throughout the life cycle, and the lack of records of decisions. Every architect should pay attention to the management of any project, especially in large and complex SOA projects with multiple integration points.
The technology is developing rapidly. If proper management is established, the changes to the system can make the foundation more stable. Management actually refers to a set of good processes and a good way to implement them. It also means being able to improve processes and strategies as requirements change. The architect must pay attention to management in order to keep everything in order. [1]

Content introduction

According to the characteristics of IT system operation stage, IT management can be divided into three parts:
1、 Operation/Maintenance
This part is the core and key part of IT management, and also the most complicated part with the most content. This stage is mainly used for the daily operation management within the IT department. The objects involved are divided into two parts, namely, IT business systems and operation and maintenance personnel. The management content of this stage can be further divided into seven subsystems:
1. Device management: for network devices server device Monitoring application/service management of operating system operation status: monitoring and management of various application support software such as database, middleware, groupware and various general or specific services, such as mail system, DNS, Web, etc
2. Data/storage/disaster recovery management: unified storage, backup and recovery of system and business data
3. Business management: It includes monitoring and management of the operation of the enterprise's own core business system. For business management, it focuses on the CSF of the business system( Key Success Factors Critical Success Factors) and KPI Key Performance Indicators Key Performance Indicators)
4. Directory/content management: this part mainly focuses on content management and public information management that enterprises need to publish uniformly or customize for people
5. Resource asset management: manage the resource assets of various IT systems in the enterprise. These resource assets can be physical or logical, and can be linked with the Finance Department Data interaction
6. Information security management: this part includes many aspects. The international standards for information security management are ISO17799 This standard covers ten control aspects of information security management, 36 control objectives and 127 control modes, such as enterprise security organization mode, asset classification and control, personnel security, physical and environmental security, communication and operation security, access control Business Continuity Management etc.
7. Daily work management: this part is mainly used to standardize and clarify the Post responsibilities And work arrangement, provide quantitative basis for performance appraisal, and provide means for accumulation and sharing of experience and knowledge. Each subsystem of IT operation and maintenance management contains very rich content to achieve perfect IT operation and maintenance management It is the key for enterprises to improve their operation and service levels. The dividing line between the operation/maintenance phase and the service/support phase is that the former is for the internal management of the IT department, while the latter is for the internal management of the IT department Business Department , other personnel in the enterprise or directly facing customers
2、 Service/Support
This stage is mainly for the operation and maintenance personnel of the IT department to provide services and support to other personnel (internal and external). The contents mainly include the timely response and handling of user complaints and claims, and the closed-loop management of system fault discovery, notification, distribution, supervision, resolution, and feedback processes. The implementation of this part will greatly improve the service awareness and service level of the IT department, standardize the service and technical support process. The boundary between this part and the optimization/change stage is whether the assessment of the service level of the IT department can meet the requirements of the business department or customers. If the existing IT system can no longer meet the requirements, it will enter the optimization and change stage.
3、 Optimization/Change
This part refers to the management of the IT department on system optimization, software upgrade, equipment configuration and management strategy changes after the end of the construction phase of IT systems, business applications and software development and after entering the operation phase.
1、 Change management : Mainly used to establish reasonable, scientific and standardized change process management, including project initiation/change application, approval, implementation, consistency and continuity of data and version.
2. Service level management: by definition Service Level Agreement And evaluate the services provided by IT department to business departments or customers by means of corresponding monitoring means, or simulation of user behavior and user experience tracking, and evaluate the operation and maintenance work of IT department according to the evaluation results, and evaluate whether the IT system needs to be modified or replaced.
3. Performance/response management: collect performance data of IT and business systems, locate system performance bottlenecks, diagnose the causes of system performance degradation or instability, analyze system operation history data, and infer system operation trends.

Seven Deadly Sins

Excessive thirst for new equipment, jealousy of the budget of other departments, and venting anger to employees without reason are all mistakes that IT managers make in their daily work because arrogance delays work. Facts show that we must guard against these mistakes so as not to affect the development of the enterprise.
The ancient religious prophets, in view of the evil deeds of human beings, divided into seven deadly sins: arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony and lust. In 2008, the Vatican's social crimes updated the traditional seven deadly sins, linking the new seven deadly sins with the temptation of modern society. The new seven crimes are: ethical crime, engaging in scientific experiments of genetic transformation, drug abuse, pollution, social injustice, causing poverty or excessive accumulation of wealth by a few people.
Whether new or old, these "crimes" have damaged the body and mind of individuals. In fact, in enterprise IT management, IT managers are also prone to commit "seven crimes", which have serious consequences and pose a serious threat to the normal development of the entire enterprise.

First felony

Overzealous for new technology
There are many kinds of desires in the IT field, such as the desire for power, position, and even materials. Perhaps the most destructive to IT work is the uncontrollable desire for new equipment.
James J. DeLuccia, an IT writer, once pointed out that the most common desire in the IT field is to pursue new technologies purely for the sake of owning new technologies. "IT managers mistakenly pursue the latest processor And hardware for the so-called "keeping pace with the times". The fact is, in most cases, the technology used is often well used. "
There is a consumer goods manufacturer whose operation is good, business is smooth, and customers are very satisfied with the service. However, the IT managers of this company were obsessed with new technologies and decided to upgrade to the new version of Oracle Database and xeon Processor. Like many IT projects in pursuit of new technologies, the first thing this company encountered was that the software it used to connect to the database did not support the new version of Oracle products. In addition, the original software developer has failed to provide relevant technical support, so the consequence of this upgrade is that the company's main service applications can no longer run normally. To make matters worse, the new hardware needs more power support. As a result Data Center Existing power and UPS system Unable to meet the power supply needs, power failure continues to occur. In addition, there are hardware and maintenance, infrastructure upgrade software license , energy consumption cost and training Oracle Database administrator And many other factors have brought about large-scale cost increase.
DeLuccia believes that if an enterprise pursues new technology, it must be practical and necessary for the business. Pursuing technology purely to satisfy desire will only bring about painful losses.

Second felony

Information gluttony
The consequences of desperately hiding information are not as serious as the desire for superstitious new technology, but the former is more common. This unwillingness to share information with others is often mistaken for a way to ensure work safety.
Josh Stephens, technical director of SolarWinds, a network management software provider, said, "There are IT managers who don't like to disclose information about network infrastructure. They let others handle it The server and network switch , but they control the core part of the network themselves, and do not want others to know how the core of the network works. The result of this approach is that once these IT managers go out and the company's network system fails and stops running precisely at this time, no one can recover the system. Because people do not know how the system is built, they have to start from scratch and rebuild the network core. This job might have taken only an hour, but it might have taken a whole day and a half. These IT managers often think that if they know something that others do not know, they will be smart. In fact, it is wiser to share information with others and teach it to people around you. "
Marcelo Schnetter, vice president of a consulting company based in New Jersey, USA, said that in addition to desperately hiding information, another common gluttony among IT personnel is desperately hiding projects.
Schnetter said, Senior management Taking over some projects is not because you want to get the attention and funds to complete all these projects, or you can't refuse the projects in your heart. As a result, the IT department was finally too busy with many projects to deal with more important emergencies.

The third crime

Greed overwhelms conscience
Asuret is committed to reducing the failure of IT projects. Michael Krigsman, CEO of Asuret, said that the failure of IT projects is often attributed to two fatal factors: arrogance and greed.
He called this problem the "Devil's Triangle": naive or arrogant customers who put forward unrealistic needs, system integrators and consultants who made promises at will, and technology providers who are in a dilemma.
He said that even if system integrators are sincere when launching projects, they will also face difficulties. They either told the customer that these demands were destined to be unreasonable and therefore missed the contract, or they still did as the customer requested, but faced the risk of project failure.
If the project fails integrator It brings more trouble, but it almost always means that more income can be obtained, because the integrators charge high fees for repairing vulnerabilities by the hour. At this time, greed will prevail. At the same time, technology providers are unwilling to alienate the integrators who bring paying customers to them, so they will take a stand by approach.
To overcome the innate greed, it is necessary to specify the reward mechanism in the agreement. For example, if the project is completed ahead of schedule, rewards will be given; If the project delays or exceeds the budget, it will be severely punished.

The fourth crime

Lazy style of IT personnel
Although IT managers work hard, they often commit lazy mistakes.
Data quality Tony Fisher, CEO of DataFlux, a professional company, believes that if the IT department of lending institutions had paid more attention to data quality and accuracy, the mortgage debt crisis in 2008 might not be so serious.
He said that many of the data collected from mortgage customers were inaccurate. In fact, through technical methods, it is easy to verify the correctness of these data and then add them to the system, but this has never been done. The IT department of the lending institution believed the data provided. Mortgage loans were packaged into a package of financial plans and then sold to mutual funds and banks. It never occurred to verify whether these are qualified financial products. It is difficult to say whether it is the fault of the business department or the IT department. But this problem could have been solved by technology.
There are many ways that the lazy style harms the IT department: from neglecting the supervision of outsourcing agreements, to less active compliance auditing data security The protection is not effective, and the basic network monitoring is not used.
Stephens of SolarWinds, for example, said: "There was a large broadband provider who once deployed a very expensive network monitoring system, but the system did not run smoothly, and the broadband provider was indifferent to this. Then one day, they encountered a system outage, which affected millions of people. They didn't know what was going on until the customer started calling. If they had previously deployed a network monitoring system with basic functions that could work normally, it would greatly improve the level of customer service. "
Dave Taylor, co-founder of Sparxent, an IT management solution manufacturer, said that in view of the current economic situation, it is a good time for IT departments in enterprises to get busy. "During the economic recession, it is more important to keep IT staff busy than in the past. If a major project is delayed because it is unwilling to spend the time it normally needs, it should be actively remedied. Let the company know that the IT department is not a bit lazy. The IT department invests a lot of time in order to save money for the company in the future."

The fifth crime

Jealousy of other departments in the same company
DeLuccia said that as a company continues to mature, some people will gradually become independent. In other words, people no longer share information, but spend most of their time protecting their own territory, jealous of the status or budget of other departments. Subsequently, there are repeated projects, lack of transparency, and personnel disputes that undermine the corporate culture. As a result, the whole company suffers.
DeLuccia took a multinational construction equipment manufacturer as an example and said, "A manager is responsible for a considerable part of the company's IT operations. He always complains that other departments have more reasonable evaluation mechanisms and more sufficient funds
The third-party audit results show that the department led by the manager repeatedly fails to reach Service level agreements It is also not like a real business department in operation. As a result, the company dismissed the IT manager and his team was also dismissed.
In DeLuccia's opinion, the reason that led to the dismissal of the IT director was jealousy. He focused on others instead of being more proactive.
Stevens of SolarWinds said that similar situations occurred in the IT departments of many enterprises. "IT managers always want to take over the responsibility of other IT personnel in the same company, and those responsible for infrastructure always want to manage The server , the person in charge of the server always wants to be able to manage the database. They continue to take on more and more responsibilities. As a result, they no longer really contribute to the company, but they are bent on taking over the work of others. "

The sixth crime

Uncontrollable anger
"Don't control anger" can also be called threat management, but it is not the way for IT managers to motivate the team to lose control of emotions.
Marcelo Schnettler worked for six CIOs in different companies for six years, and almost all of them were angry in public. Once the system was out of service for a long time, a CIO rushed to the office of an employee he thought should be responsible for, and severely scolded the other party with very unpleasant words.
Schnettler said, "CIOs' anger may be the most harmful crime. This will weaken morale and encourage the unhealthy trend of" shirking responsibility "in IT departments, resulting in mutual accusations and lack of cooperation."
Bill Home, a computer and network consultant, has worked in the IT and engineering departments of a large telecommunications company for many years. He once met an IT manager who asked programmers to complete a task in a very short time. By this time, it was Friday evening when everyone was ready to leave work, and the manager was furious. He started to lose his temper and yelled at the programmers that they must work overtime at the weekend to complete the project on time. Everyone laughed in the face and said, "Tell the trade union supervisor! See you on Monday." Naturally, the project was not completed on time, and the manager was transferred to a less important position seven months later.

The seventh crime

Pride breeds
Pride is sometimes a sin, because it makes IT managers blindly think they know everything, even if they know very little about a topic.
DeLuccia said, "Proud people think they have completed their tasks and achieved their goals. Pride will make the company face competition and threats more than any other sin."
Krigsman of Asuret Company stressed that arrogance and conceit from pride will bring significant economic losses to enterprises. "There is such a manufacturer with an annual income of billions of dollars and a huge distribution channel. It did not buy an existing ERP system, but developed it by itself. The problem is that the CIO did not believe in quality assurance. So, without any testing, it deployed the self-developed system to hundreds of retail sites. After throwing millions of dollars into the project, the effect of the project was very poor. The project was finally canceled, and the members of the project team were disbanded. "
Vickers of IT Now said that one of the most serious problems is that some technical managers think they can solve it, but in fact, this is not the case at all. "I visited several companies to discuss the importance of managed backup. They said that managed backup is not a problem for them. However, after a careful look, I found that no company has used RAID system and backup in the past three months. They think that it is OK to make backup work by themselves."
Taylor of Sparxent believes that IT personnel need to restrain their pride and face their mistakes in the past more frankly. Smart IT executives need to be on the same front as the CEO and CFO. Therefore, the best way is to be very honest about the success and failure of IT. Need to restrain pride; Acknowledging that past projects have not brought a return on investment will help the boss of the company realize that IT directors focus on making the company achieve overall success.

Software application


information leakage

For enterprises, the loss of customer information will naturally lead to a serious crisis of trust, and the company's confidential materials known by competitors will affect the status, survival and development of the whole company. Information leakage is really the pain of the company; Information security must be the focus of enterprises.
If a book only changes a person's thinking mode, a new technical information may change an organization's development trajectory. Information, firmly standing in the center of the times, involves all fields of society and becomes an important resource and wealth. As a resource, information will be "robbed"; As wealth, information can be stolen.
Recalling the "March 15 Evening Party" of CCTV in 2009, Network hacker with Trojan program Steal the user's online banking information, ID card number and mobile phone number, and then sell them in a package at 400 yuan per gigabyte. Everyone sighed that personal information was so cheap, but it was the victims who suffered from the loss of information: the "hard money" in online banks was stolen.
If information leakage happens to enterprises, it is likely to bring huge irretrievable losses. In 2003, a well-known enterprise invested heavily in the research and development of high-tech new products for one year. Just when the success was achieved, the competitors had already obtained the drawings of all research and development achievements mobile hard disk drive And applied for patents first and put them on the market quickly, which caused more than 100 million yuan of economic losses to the enterprise.

Whose fault

Once the enterprise information is leaked, it is a serious mistake, a major mistake of the company. People can't help thinking about what made this mistake? Improper management or improper rules. Whose fault is it? Is it a leader or an employee.
As an enterprise, it must self examine: first, does it have enough information security awareness? As early as 1981, the position of CIO was specially set up in western industrial society to be responsible for enterprise information management. It is difficult to ensure when safety mistakes will occur if the enterprise does not have enough safety awareness. Secondly, what needs to be managed? The server Router , network security Intranet security The security of business systems and the IT behavior of employees are the management objects of information security. If the management objects of information security are not clear enough, it is impractical to achieve targeted management.
Next, have you taken effective safety measures? Relying on system patches and anti-virus software is the security foundation of many enterprises. Massive introduction of information security architecture has become the approach of many international companies. IT management software has become a practical and effective management tool for many enterprises. Even more, strict rules and regulations have been formulated to implement unified management of computers. However, only those that are suitable are effective.
Finally, after doing everything, the information is still stolen? Just in the perfect confidentiality mechanism Coca Cola Company However, some employees tried to sell their trade secrets, including samples of their new drinks, to competitors Pepsi Cola There are policies above and countermeasures below, and employees may also use the negligence of information management to sell the company.
Awareness comes from leaders, methods come from managers, tools come from effective utilization, and implementation comes from employees. Information security management is a complete set of management, and errors may occur in every small link.
Vital Gate, IT management software
In the process of protecting enterprise information security, enterprises must take active strategies. Based on its own needs and cost performance, a set of IT management software is the most targeted and cost-effective solution for information security.
General Manager of Beijing Huanyutong Soft Information Technology Co., Ltd Luo Yonghua A classic summary of IT management is made: IT management is the specification of operation and maintenance management system in the information operation stage, Support of IT management system tools, guide and assist IT managers to effectively monitor and manage various IT resources, ensure the stable, reliable and sustainable operation of the entire IT system, provide quality IT services for business departments, and pursue high satisfaction of business departments with low IT operating costs.
Everyone knows the importance of IT management, but it is often very difficult to achieve effective IT management. In fact, any management is the combination of system, personnel and technology, and IT management is no exception. Without the guidance of advanced methodology and the support of effective tools, and without managers with comprehensive skills and rich experience, it is impossible to achieve effective IT management. Only by starting from the three aspects of system and process, personnel, technology and tools, and pursuing the perfect combination of the three, can we really do a good job in IT management and effectively reverse the plight of the aforementioned IT management.
Many domestic and foreign manufacturers have long paid attention to and cultivated the IT management market. Similar IT management products include Landesk HP eDMS、CA Unicenter、 All of these management tools have Network management The system (NMS), application performance management (APM), desktop management system (DMI), employee behavior management (EAM), security management and other functions can effectively manage the information resources of enterprises or governments through standardized process definition and behavior management, rather than simply monitoring the behavior of employees.
What are the ways to ensure the information security of Super Jet IT management system? Through each network node The threat of trojans, viruses and other foreign invaders can be eliminated by means of unified patch, unified maintenance of anti-virus tools, etc. In this way, files, ports peripheral Several leakage channels of IE network have been managed safely. Therefore, in the process of preventing enterprise information leakage, a set of advanced IT management software can play the best role.
When informatization has become a trend in organizations, many people are even more surprised that many enterprises only use about 1/3 of their IT resources. Through IT management software, IT resources will be better integrated and more effectively applied, and the information security problems that enterprises worry about will be solved. [2]

Recommendation system

Properly managed IT environment can improve the financial situation of enterprises and improve the productivity of enterprises, so as to ensure the good and continuous operation of enterprises' business. In the market, there are many IT management systems to choose from, among which Microsoft's System Center System, all Microsoft products related to traditional system management principles are recognized as part of the System Center family. The purpose of the System Center family name is that all products in this category will be SDM based, have unprecedented integration, and follow ITIL based process workflow to solve cross product system management problems. It is believed that the specific technology and relevant integration criteria will be widely spread with the promotion of the application scope of System Center, and become a standard in the industry.
Take SCOM2007 as an example. It is designed based on business logic. Compared with earlier versions, it emphasizes how to use The server The monitoring software realizes the business value of the enterprise, and the end-to-end management mode enables IT and business personnel to understand the operation status of the system. Management and security can not be ignored when talking about System Center, and there is another Microsoft product that has to be said Forefront. Forefront, known as the IT infrastructure protection network by Microsoft, contains three types of security solutions, which respectively address the three core areas of frequent security problems in the enterprise edge, server applications and operating systems.
In terms of server side security, Microsoft Forefront Server Security products integrate nine anti-virus engines, including CA Symantec Kaspersky Security engine of other manufacturers; At the same time, each scanning task can select up to 5 scanning engines to scan viruses at the same time. Microsoft's client specific security product, ClientSecurity, provides security services to business desktops, laptops and Server operating system Provide unified anti-virus and Antispyware Protection.
Through these, we can see that a very interesting phenomenon is that Microsoft has more closely combined the management (System Center) and security (Forefront) solutions. This approach has obvious advantages: management and security are inseparable, and good management of the system will naturally achieve the desired security effect, while security protection in place can achieve the most effective management of the system. Moreover, the users of these products are the same group—— Network management
Microsoft also uses management systems and security tools to jointly optimize the enterprise infrastructure, which is very suitable for enterprises with increasingly high internal control requirements; For the majority of small and medium-sized enterprise users, the security management suite of Microsoft's System Center and Forefront can fully save labor costs and achieve the best security protection and management Input-output ratio
Future of System Center
If you haven't been impressed by Microsoft's keen sense of IT system management, you can look at some other performances.
At a Microsoft financial analysis conference, Ballmer attended the meeting and delivered a speech. He also used slides to show the product roadmap for 2008 and beyond. Among them, the products with System Center as the core play a very important role.
This includes the Virtual Machine Manager mentioned earlier, in addition to The server Different products such as client, desktop, and data protection also have Essentials for SMEs, which enables all-round management of IT systems, software and hardware resources of enterprises of different sizes. In addition, the "v2" version of existing products will also be updated.
Obviously, Microsoft has a perfect vision and plan for System Center. With a strong product R&D team, a good service guarantee system, and extensive integration and compatibility, Microsoft System Center will undoubtedly become the first choice for enterprises to conduct IT management. [3]
The necessary link between SOA and traditional IT management
In the period of relatively closed hardware and software, people may write the basic system management program on the yellow note paper in the computer room to realize the Management process But in the era of service-oriented architecture (SOA), this method has been completely abandoned, said Mary Johnston Turner, vice president of Ovum Consulting and Analysis.
One of the ways to effectively solve all the IT management problems related to maintaining SOA applications is the IT Infrastructure Library Architecture (ITIL), she said. Compared with SOA, ITIL is not a new transaction. Since the 1980s, the UK Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency (CCTA) has been committed to studying best practice methods and related processes to ensure that relevant services provided by IT can meet the level required by enterprises.
"ITIL has no ownership," said Ken Hamilton, Manager of IT Service Management Education Department of Hewlett Packard Corp, who suggested implementing SOA on the basis of ITIL. "There are many public books on this subject."
Since many IT professionals do not have these books, Hamilton gave the definition of ITIL and related information provided by UK Office of Government Commerce and HP ´ s online library of ITIL materials. At the same time, he also took out an Ovum conference report written by Turner, which was about the need to improve the level of IT management in order to ensure the success of SOA.
When defining the management architecture, Turner said, "ITIL is a series of practical standards and best practice guides for IT service management commonly used in the industry at present, including a description of the process of how to manage IT infrastructure; it is process oriented and customer-centric, and improves the ability and level of enterprise IT service provision and service support by integrating IT services with enterprise business. ITIL includes change management, structure management Capacity management , service level management, performance management, availability management. "
Before developing these ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) guidelines, she said that there was no consensus on the essential tasks that require multiple applications.
Hamilton said that although ITIL has been produced for more than 20 years, he only found that the Fortune 500 companies in the world adopt ITIL in the past three or four years, such as General Motors. Turner said that before SOA replaced closed architecture, the level of detail contained in ITIL was not necessary.
"In a closed environment, where is The server , where is the intermediate device, where is the application, where is the database, these are not difficult problems, all these software and hardware are tightly connected in one place. " She said. "If there is a problem with one of the software and hardware, you will soon find that you know which business links will be affected by this problem. Business links basically correspond to applications. Now, in the SOA world, you will place a lot of software and services on different servers, in different locations, and contact when you need any software or services."
In the SOA world, it is very difficult for IT managers to understand what will happen or the worst impact of the software and hardware problems.
"Now you understand that this is a very interesting question," Turner said. "How can I find out how the end-to-end business process works? And if the business process does not work, how can I find out which interconnected work piece has a problem?"
For example, she said that a problem occurred in your business process because another IT professional modified the configuration of an application without informing you. This is a detailed architecture like ITIL, which can help avoid problems by stipulating that no one can change the configuration without informing others.
Hamilton said that he has seen the trend of combining ITIL with SOA, but he said that such a combination is still in its infancy, so that he cannot find a user who combines the two.
Turner said that perhaps one-third of the IT organizations she surveyed adopt ITIL or other architectures, while the proportion of those using ITIL to manage SOA is still very low.
However, although the number of enterprises receiving ITIL to manage SOA is still small, Turner said that if IT organizations want to successfully implement SOA, these organizations will have to configure detailed procedures based on ITIL or other quality architectures (such as 6 Sigma) at appropriate locations.
"The more you rely on SOA, the greater the pressure on traditional IT management," she said. "If you can't reach an agreement on the composite service to be delivered by notifying everyone that you have completed your work, or you don't know how to measure end-to-end performance by this, it will be a nightmare."
Since IT management procedures before SOA adoption seemed unable to meet the requirements, a more detailed best practice architecture was needed.
"The traditional model is based on a closed environment, and SOA is the opposite of a closed environment," she said.
Similarly, although traditional models focus on the performance of software and hardware in a closed environment, frameworks like ITIL still cover how IT staff work, including changing software and hardware and setting priorities to determine when and what to do.
"You may also have closed experts who work in a small area of their own, but they must make a larger article," Turner said. In an SOA environment, "they must understand the impact of changes in their own field on other regions. They must also consider the priority of what to do at what time. The next task in your queue does not necessarily happen to work. Whether the task works depends on the impact of the task. "
Turner said that the widespread adoption of SOA is the driving force for promoting management frameworks like ITIL, but it is difficult to succeed without the support of CIOs. as Reception People like this group start to try the best business practices. If they are led by a C-level supervisor, they have little chance of success.
Build an open IT management system
In daily communication with customers, "business" and "application" are the core topics. When it comes to IT management, there is no exception. Currently, there are a lot of IT infrastructure facilities, but also traditional network management system , Certification billing system , application management and other IT management systems, as well as ERP, CRM, human resources management and other business management systems are not rare. Whenever a new business is launched, how to achieve unified management in the existing business system has always been a headache. Take several typical cases:
Problem 1: Business system of an operator: how to integrate the operation support data?
The OSS/BSS system, as an integrated business operation and management support platform for operators, is responsible for network management, system management, billing, camping, customer service and other important work. However, when it comes to specific network equipment and network services, manufacturers generally provide special equipment management and service management tools. with Wireless hotspot For example, the equipment manufacturers provide professional wireless services Equipment management system Advertising push management system. As a unified management system, OSS/BSS must be able to grasp the equipment asset information and equipment performance status related to wireless devices in a timely manner. At the same time, it must also understand the business use status at any time, so as to realize the operation of wireless hotspot coverage business and maximize ROI. Some manufacturers can provide some north interfaces for equipment management and business management, but the equipment management implemented by manufacturers is generally separated from business management data source This in itself creates two types of information islands, and it is difficult for the OSS/BSS system to effectively integrate the two types of data after obtaining them, which reduces business agility.
Problem 2: A tax management platform: how to manage the two sets of accounts in a unified way?
The taxman of each enterprise performs tax processing by logging into the management platform of the tax enterprise E-pass system. As a very important business system of the national tax department, the tax enterprise E-pass system requires users who log in to the tax enterprise E-pass system to perform network level authentication first, and only when they have access to the network can they log in to the tax enterprise E-pass system. Then the problem emerged: the authentication at the network level requires management means such as network account and network authorization, and the tax enterprise E-pass also has its own application account and application level authorization management means. The tax department has to manage two sets of accounts at the same time, which not only reduces the working efficiency, but also increases the probability of errors, leading to constant complaints from enterprise tax filers.
Problem 3: A campus network: how to integrate multiple management systems?
Campus network generally has all-in-one card system and authentication billing system network management system Authentication billing system and Network management The system is difficult to be effectively integrated, resulting in inflexible management and increased management complexity. At the same time, the authentication and billing system, like the all-in-one card system, needs to do business and user level management such as account opening, account cancellation, blacklist management, fee payment, recharge management. Not only the administrator's operation is complex, but also the satisfaction of the end users (students) to the campus network operation will be affected. How can we really realize "one card on campus"?
For the typical cases mentioned above, the common requirement for manufacturers to design IT management systems is open. The requirements of an enterprise's business system and IT management system for docking are diverse, and the level of engineers for docking development with the open interface of the IT management system is also uneven. Therefore, the IT management system provided by the manufacturer must consider the comprehensive opening of its architecture at all levels, the comprehensive opening of various business functions It must also provide various forms of interfaces that meet the needs of developers at all levels.
Learn from Lego's design ideas
We may all have heard and played with Lego toys. Lego toys can be built in various shapes, and its modules are standard based and reusable. Lego toys are different. They can be assembled at will according to users' ideas.
Internal and external cooperation framework of IT management system
It seems that Lego toys are so simple and interesting. It seems that there is nothing to study deeply. But in fact, there is a design philosophy behind it. The designers of Lego toys are a group of design experts with doctoral degrees. The problem they must solve is: how to integrate the standard loose coupling Technical architecture problems such as modularized, reusable functional parts, mechanics and other elements should be solved at the time of design and planning, which ultimately leaves users with fun.
IT management system with good open ability architecture design The idea is very similar to the above example. The realization of its internal functions must be modular, loosely coupled, and reusable. Each module can also interact with each other and share information to achieve integration. Each module can form various IT management solutions through various assemblies. Only in this way can the open interface of such IT management system be richer, more comprehensive, and more perfect. The internal modules of the IT management system can uniformly publish service interfaces through the external interface layer of the IT management system, and support the on-demand assembly of various IT business systems of the enterprise according to the needs of the enterprise business flow, so as to form various solutions suitable for various business needs of the enterprise.
The enterprise business system only cares about the various service interfaces provided by the IT management system, so as to integrate with its own business system on demand, without considering how the IT management system is implemented internally.
from Architecture analysis A good and open IT management system, typically with enterprise IT business systems, IT infrastructure equipment, and people, should have a cooperation framework as shown in the figure.
Adopt SOA (service-oriented architecture)
Architecture of IT management system
As mentioned earlier, in order to enable the IT management system to widely meet the different docking requirements of various enterprise business systems and provide interfaces at various levels to meet the docking development of developers at different levels of openness, the IT management system must consider the full openness of its architecture at all levels, the full openness of various business functions It must also provide various forms of interfaces that meet the needs of developers at all levels.
H3C believes that such an IT management system should first adopt SOA (service-oriented Architecture )As the guiding ideology of its design, all levels of its architecture should provide openness. Such IT management system should integrate network, user and business (referring to IT management services, such as VPN management, terminal admission control , QoS management, etc.), application management. The architecture must be highly flexible, and the abstracted logical processing modules can also share data and work together. Such an IT management system should get through the whole process of IT management, ensure the richness, comprehensiveness and perfection of all kinds of information opening involved in IT management when opening to the outside world, and can be optimally integrated with enterprise business systems.
The architecture levels and open interfaces of each level are detailed as follows:
l Data Access Layer Provide support for different databases and equipment management Protocol stack Support capacity; The data access layer opens the expansion interface for new databases and protocol stacks, and the interface for using commonly used databases and protocol stacks that have been supported. With the open interface of the data access layer, enterprise business systems can perform atomic infrastructure management operations.
l Data abstraction layer Convert data into manageable objects (such as DBView, subnet objects in IT management system), and provide business data expansion capability; The data abstraction layer opens the extension interface for business data abstraction and processing. Using the open interface of the data abstraction layer, the enterprise business system uses the abstracted data object Perform infrastructure management operations.
l Communication bus Provide message transmission and scheduling mechanism between service units and businesses; The communication bus opens the message/data interaction interface and task scheduling interface, shielding different Operating system interface Differences and complex multithreading programming. With this level of open interface, enterprise business systems can be tightly integrated with IT management systems to achieve inter process message communication.
Common Service Unit Provides atomic fine-grained services (such as adding, querying, importing, and deleting managed devices), which cover the five management fields defined by ISO, as well as resource services and report services; The general service unit layer opens a large number of atomic granularity service unit interfaces for business logic orchestration. With the open interface of the common service unit layer, the enterprise business system can cooperate with the IT management system to carry out IT management operations at a coarse-grained level, such as adding or deleting devices, alarm recovery, and adding or deleting users.
Business logic layer Implement business logic based on common service unit and provide coarse-grained services; The business logic layer opens the business of various specific business modules Logical unit Interface for Presentation layer Development is used to build business processes. A series of business logic processing modules (such as terminals) provided by the IT management system admission control , QoS management Network traffic analysis , billing, etc.), typically belonging to the business logic layer. The open interfaces at this level can have multiple types according to different business modules, such as terminal access control interface, billing interface, wireless management interface, VPN management interface, etc. Enterprise business system and Business logic layer With the open interface cooperation of, it does not need to consider the underlying processing, but realizes the integration with the IT management system at the business processing level;
Basic presentation layer Provide a public UI (user interface) development platform to support the function display of the business presentation layer;
Business presentation layer Organize and display the interface of the services provided by the business logic layer, and use the basic presentation layer as a tool to realize the complete business process;
Presentation layer Open GUI development interface. Using the open interface provided by the presentation layer, enterprise business system developers can simply customize the configuration file to reorganize the interface based on the IT management system, or use the report designer to create and publish reports. This kind of development generally does not involve the implementation of fine-grained functions, as well as the interaction interfaces of network, computing, and user resources. Instead, these fine-grained functional units are based on their own Business flow And use habits to reorganize the interface.
Vertical system management Supervise and support the whole framework of IT management system. The enterprise business system can use its open operator management and parameter configuration management interface to conduct operator management, parameter setting and adjustment of the IT management system.
The integration of different data sources mentioned in Example 1:
Wireless management As two modules of the IT management system, user access management is independent. Each module can be opened through the unified open interface layer of the IT management system. After the two modules are installed in the IT management system at the same time, data sharing and linkage can be carried out between the two modules.
The OSS/BSS of the operator does not care about the internal implementation of the IT management system and the internal data flow trend, or even what modules are installed in the IT management system, but only chooses to call the corresponding IT management system provided by the unified open interface layer according to its business needs application program interface OK, for example:
1. Call the AC list query interface provided by the IT management system to get the equipment level information such as the name and model of the AC equipment;
2. Because the internal modules of the IT management system (in this case, the wireless management module and the user access management module) have the characteristics of data sharing and linkage, The BSS/OSS system can conveniently use AC as a parameter, call the open interface of the IT management system, and query the equipment performance indicators, the number of authenticated users, the list of authenticated users, their SSIDs, access APs, and other information when the AC performance is poor or good;
Other examples that are helpful to the operation are limited to the length of this article and will not be described one by one. Due to the comprehensiveness of the data provided by the IT management system, operators can obtain relatively complete operational reference information, which helps to improve service quality, improve the operation mode, and improve user satisfaction.
The management of different accounts mentioned in Example 2:
The user access management module of the IT management system provides open interfaces for user account opening, account cancellation, network access authorization management, etc., which are opened through the unified open interface layer of the IT management system. In this way, the tax enterprise E-pass system can call the corresponding user management interface for management operations:
1. User account opening: when adding an operator, the tax enterprise E-pass system calls the open interface for adding users provided by the user access management module in the IT management system, so that the operator account is automatically generated in the IT management system;
2. User account cancellation: when the tax enterprise E-pass system clears the operator, it calls the user account cancellation open interface provided by the user access management module in the IT management system, so that the operator account will be automatically cancelled in the IT management system;
Through the interface provided by the IT management system, the national tax department has achieved user management operations such as opening and closing accounts through the tax enterprise E-link as a unified user management interface. It does not need to log in to the IT management system separately to conduct user management operations again, saving valuable work time, improving work efficiency and reducing errors.
With the rapid development of information technology, the construction of it network is increasing year by year at a rate of more than 30%. The rapid development of communication, finance, education, transportation, government, enterprises and other industries are increasingly dependent on the modern it information network platform. However, with the rapid development, the huge cost of it maintenance and management in various industries is also increasing day by day.
Most of the IT management tools used in various industries start from the traditional IT network element monitoring, based on their independent faction model. Even in different regions of the same network, they are also independent. It is even common to use multiple sets of decentralized monitoring tools in the same computer room at the same time, let alone actively manage the overall IT architecture from the macro perspective of enterprise business. The level of management automation is low, and maintenance personnel are tired of dealing with multiple sets of management tools, various forms of alarms, separated faults and complaints. It not only greatly reduces the utilization efficiency of existing network resources and the work efficiency of maintenance personnel, but also causes it management to be seriously disconnected from the overall management of enterprise business, lacking a macro perspective. The expansion of new business constantly causes the soaring cost of it construction and maintenance, which sets a major hidden danger for the further expansion and upgrading of network and business. What is more serious is that every transformation and upgrade involves huge reinvestment and re integration of the original monitoring tools and maintenance personnel, so that there is no limit. Enterprises generally lack an effective and practical comprehensive management tool to achieve complete it architecture management.