latin alphabet
open 34 entries with the same name
zero Useful+1
I (in words), i( a lowercase letter ), Yes latin alphabet The ninth letter of, derived from Greek alphabet I, I (Iota), the same as Etruscan letters, represents the sound value/i/. stay Latin (including contemporary Latin) also means/j/(for example, Y in English Yoke). stay Sumerian In,/j/is the common pronunciation in J ô d,/i/is only used for Loanwords In English, it means different sounds, including long sounds and short sounds. The letter I has many other meanings in mathematics, physics, etc. The letter I may be produced by one hand Symbol
Foreign name
English Meaning
Letters sorted as 9
Mathematical implication
express Matrix unit imaginary number Company
Physical meaning
Current unit
Chemical implication
element iodine Symbol of


The History of the Letter I
The letter I may be caused by a hand symbol, such as Ancient Egypt Of Hieroglyphics Li (1) and early appeared in Semitic In the writing of - about 1500 BC Sinai Peninsula (2)。 Around 1000 BC Bebruce Ancient Mediterranean Port city, located in the current Lebanon Beirut Northerly Jubail , became a prosperous Phoenician city in the second millennium BC) and Phoenicia In some other places and in the center of Canaan, this symbol is a specific linear form (3), for all linear forms. In Semitic languages, this symbol is called yodh or yadh, meaning hand. It sounds like the consonant Y (like the word yes in English).
The Greeks renamed the symbol iota and made it sound more like i in English. They also simplified it in writing (4).
The Romans applied this symbol to Latin. The Latin capitalization has been applied to English without any change.
Small handwriting in English or Printed I is the same symbol such as the curve and dot at the bottom. This dot was added in the Middle Ages to distinguish similar letters, such as writing C in a hurry.
The ninth letter I comes from Phoenician The hieroglyph called yod/yodh in Chinese is considered to represent human fingers. first Lowercase letters I does not have a dot. The point above I is after the 11th century Scribe It is added to distinguish the letter I ligature (such as filii) from the letter u. In addition, before the 19th century, the written or printed forms of i and j were interchangeable, and dictionaries did not treat them as two different letters. As compiled by Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)《 English dictionary 》Medium, iambic be ranked at jamb and jangle The middle of the two words. I in English is equivalent to Greek I (iota) of.
stay Turkish alphabet There are two different letters in Chinese characters, namely, "∨" and "i", and "I" and "ı".
stay NATO Phonetic Alphabet Where I is India , or more rarely, Indigo.




English Translation
I (I), the first person singular pronoun, used as the subject of the verb
express Identity matrix I.e diagonal A matrix whose elements are all 1 and non diagonal elements are all 0.
express Slope ratio , i.e. i=vertical height/horizontal width (if α is set as Slope angle , then i=tan α)
Representation element iodine Of Chemical symbol
Elemental iodic Atomic number 53, Relative atomic mass one hundred and twenty-six point nine
seven point seven
Enthalpy of atomization :kJ /mol @25℃
one hundred and six point seven
heat capacity :J /( mol ·K)
(I2) 54.44
Conductivity :10^6/( cm ·Ω)
thermal conductivity :W/(m·K)
zero point four four nine
seven point eight two four
twenty point seven five two
The content of elements in the universe:( ppm )
zero point zero zero one
The variable I represents the current in A. In electricity, I is often used to represent current, and also in optics light intensity
Roman numerals
Indicates 1
The pronoun "I" is the first person nominative , used as subject or object. stay old English "I" in Chinese was originally expressed by two letters IC, and gradually evolved into a single letter i. Once it becomes a single letter i, there is a problem: i a lowercase letter 's words in Handwriting It is easy to confuse the Chinese characters with the words before and after, so it was about 1250 years ago England The central and northern dialects began to use the capital I. The Morris Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins also points out that capitalizing I (I) and ego( self-consciousness )The reason for the capital I is simply to avoid confusion and error.

a lowercase letter

In mathematics, i means imaginary number (√ - 1) unit. The square of i is - 1. I is "positive" of (- 1) square root Radical I equals:
It is not round before closing Labial sound
[..] Near close near front unround vowel
Character encoding
Capital I
two hundred and one
Lowercase i
one hundred and five
one hundred and thirty-seven


I is in Chinese Pinyin simple finals , the letter i is used as Vowel phoneme Appears in finals. Among the 39 vowels in Putonghua, 16 contain the letter i, which are i, – i (front), – i (back) in、ing、ia、ie、iao、iou、ian、iang、iong、ai、ei、uei、uai。
The letter i in the vowel of Putonghua Occupancy and Coverage More than 40%, more than 140 of the 400 basic syllables of Putonghua contain i, accounting for one third of the basic syllables. In addition, i can act as Metrical abdomen (i, – i, – i, in, ing) can also be used as rhymes (ia ie、iao、iou、ian、iang 、iong), Can also act as Rhyme tail (ai、 ei、uei、uai)。 The letter i in Chinese Pinyin Is very important. The important single vowels in Chinese Pinyin are a, o, e, i, u, ü.

Roman numerals

A symbol representing the Roman numeral 1.