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AOAC (Association of Official Analytical Chemists) is a unified non-profit scientific organization, which was founded in 1884. The members of AOAC are government officials, academics, scientists in industrial laboratories and general staff from many countries. They work as researchers, method collaborators and committee members in the research activities of AOAC.
In the past 121 years, AOAC International (formerly the Association of Official Analytical Chemists and before that, the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists) has evolved into an independent association of scientific analytical scientists, USDA And state chemists with members from all over the world. Today, AOAC is a leader in providing industry, government agencies and academic institutions with proven methods, competency test samples, certification standards and scientific information.
Chinese name
American Association of Analytical Chemists
Foreign name
Association of Official Analytical Chemists


AOAC International is an association of nearly 4000 individuals and 300 organization members from more than 90 countries and regions. Individual member laboratory management, analytical chemist, microbiologist, toxicologist, forensic scientist and management personnel work in industry, government and academia. Member enterprises, commercial laboratories, government agencies and universities. The elected Board of Directors manages the Association. The official methods committee, the editorial board, the special and standing committee, the method of attention and verification, the contact position with other organizations, and the position of the staff of the headquarters in advance and judging support the mission of the association.

Verification plan

AOAC ® Laboratory capability verification The program provides an independent assessment of the accuracy and reliability of analytical results in a wide range of analyte and matrix analyses. Program module , including HACCP certification , standard microbiology, Nutrition label , in fruits and vegetables pesticide residue

Verification project

In furtherance of its mission, the main project of the association focuses on the validation of chemical and microbiological analytical methods. These verification procedures are: AOAC ® For the official MethodsSM plan, the highest level of confidence is required when selecting solutions; AOAC ® is critical to the speed of validation of MethodsSM plans, and the low level of confidence is acceptable; The AOAC ® Performance Test MethodsSM program is used to test the performance of the test tool. More than 800 scientists work in industry, government and academic laboratories around the world to a large extent to complete the actual verification work. The methods found in the 18th edition of the analysis of AOAC's international official methods have been verified by AOAC ® Within the official MethodsSM program. Candidates for AOAC ® official MethodSM status are jointly researched by eight or more laboratories, in accordance with internationally recognized standards, and subject to strict scientific review of performance test results. The effective method of AOAC used by governments, industries and academia around the world is to analyze various commodities, especially food, agriculture, public health and safety and the environment. In fact, many of the validation methods in this version have in fact been passed by industry and government agencies in their laboratory operating standards.

Other programmes

The Association also has several other programs to assist in laboratory management, measure the accuracy of analysis results, improve professional development, and provide opportunities for scientists to interact.

Technical department

The goal of the technical department is to improve the overall quality of laboratory operation and promote the coordination of laboratory procedures and systems. The technical department of laboratory management helps the laboratory management to improve the laboratory operation through exchange of views and professional development activities. The reference material technology department improves the use of quality reference materials through analysis and measurement.

training course

AOAC International provides a series of courses, providing hands-on training in specific subject areas, and assisting analytical scientists to master the skills they need in their laboratories to solve the daily challenges they face. Products include quality assurance courses, analysis and Microbiology Laboratory , ISO 17025, ISO audit system, and single laboratory verification.

international co-operation

Establish joint committees, liaison officers and representatives with many scientific organizations around the world. The Association served as an inter secretariat meeting and joined with FAO on the 16th/ world health organization Codex Food and Related qa Links with international organizations active in the field of analysis and sampling of measures. The Association also participates in Codex Alimentarius Commission International Organization for Standardization (ISO), European Standardization Community, World Health Organization, Pan American Health Organization and other international organizations, private and government sponsored conferences. This arrangement enables AOAC International to express the development of internationally acceptable analytical methods, its basic policies, and provide the Secretariat with basic information on the concepts and procedures of AOAC.
AOAC has appointed liaison personnel to coordinate with national, state, provincial, municipal and local institutions, industries and their affiliated organizations, and other organizations to have oral or written cooperation agreements and activities with AOAC International AOAC.

Conference Expo

AOAC International Annual Conference&Exposition is the most important conference for professionals who handle and supervise the quality assurance of goods and laboratory management. The annual science program includes cutting-edge information from the world's most respected scientists and laboratories. Through scientific symposiums, poster conferences, seminars, forums, and short-term courses, participants improve their analytical expertise, share their research, and strengthen contacts with their colleagues from all over the world. More than 100 annual meetings were held at the annual laboratory exposition National Laboratory The art display function of products and services.


AOAC International is located in North America, Europe, Japan, Latin America and Caribbean Section 13 and subsection 3 of. Some AOAC members provide opportunities to collect and share information at the local level, establish and expand their professional contact network, improve their leadership ability, and gain practical management experience. All parts are managed by local volunteer elected groups.


In addition to analyzing publications of AOAC's international official methods, the Association publishes a variety of AOAC international journals and other publications. The magazine of AOAC contains the original research articles that are comprehensively reviewed and the high performance and high precision in the laboratory, so that AOAC ® Official MethodsSM users make wise choices to use information appropriately in a specific way, including cooperative research data reports, internal laboratory management, full-color bimonthly magazines, including laboratory management, regulations, emerging technologies, instruments, laboratory procedures, technical personnel and general articles in other fields related to management and quality control.
Other publications of AOAC, including manuals, method compilations and monographs, cover disciplines, including quality assurance, statistics, food analysis, agricultural analysis, laboratory management, pesticide analysis.


Every year, the Association puts forward an award in recognition of outstanding contributions, analytical methods in areas of interest, meritorious association AOAC International, and outstanding work in AOAC ® Official MethodsSM program. The annual scholarship of AOAC International Awards encourages research fields and supports the mission of the Association.