seventeenth century

zero Useful+1
The period from January 1, 1601 to December 31, 1700 is called the 17th century. In the 17th century Colonialism A century of development.
Chinese name
seventeenth century
Foreign name
17 century
Historical digits
January 1, 1601 - December 31, 700
Is a century of colonialism
January 1, 1601 - December 31, 700


seventeenth century
[Development of art] European art from the 17th to the 18th century is Art history An important stage of development. [1] This is a stage of connecting the past and the future The Renaissance , ushering in the 19th century in Europe. 17th century Baroque art Affected later Rococo art , which influenced the romanticism impressionism Even in the 20th century Fauvism and Expressionism 17th century Academic school classicism Affected later Neoclassicism And cubist art; Realistic artistic tendency in the 17th century Realism They also have a significant impact.

British Revolution

Cromwell, Lord Protector
British bourgeois revolution From 1640 charles i The event of convening a new parliament began in 1688 opposition launch Court Coup (also known as Glorious Revolution )End with New aristocracy Class represents the overthrow of autocratic rule and the establishment of Britain democratic system Of social revolution Overthrew the feudal rule and issued documents in 1689《 Bill of Rights 》With Legal form The royal power was clearly restricted, and the parliament was established Constitutional monarchy

Great flood era

Great flood era Polish : Potop) Yes Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth A historical era, including a series of battles. Broadly speaking, in this era Khmelnitsky The uprising began and ended with the Andrew Sawyer Truce in 1667 Russian Polish War And the second Northern War poland The stage is also in this period. In a narrow sense, the era of great flood refers to Swedish Empire This stage of invasion and occupation of the Union only includes the Union stage (1655-1660) in the Second Northern War, which is also called“ Sweden Big flood era "( Lithuanian :Švedų tvanas, Polish :Potop Szwedzki)。
Poles in the Great Flood Era
The Federation lost about one-third of its population and its status as a great power in the war.

Major events

In 1601, Matteo Ricci was allowed to enter Beijing and preach. Since then, he has accepted the salary of the imperial court. He, together with Xu Guangqi, Li Zhizao and other senior officials of the Ming Dynasty, stirred up a wave of cultural and technological exchanges between China and foreign countries.
Ming Dynasty in 1616 Jianzhou Wei Local officer Nurhachi defected Daming Cutting soil to stand on its own, it established the Later Jin Dynasty and later renamed it Qing Dynasty.
1626 Apocalyptic explosion (The world's three unsolved mysteries of nature)
1628 Little Ice Age Successive years natural disaster It began to lead to decades of peasant uprisings.
1644 (the 17th year of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty, the first year of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty)
March: Li Zicheng After invading the capital, Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty hanged himself and the Ming Dynasty perished.
April: The Qing Army Wu Sangui Led by Shanhaiguan Defeat Li Zicheng's peasant army.
May: Ming Fu Wang Zhu Yousong Climbing the throne in Nanjing and changing the yuan“ Hongguang ”。 Southern Ming Start.
September: The Qing Dynasty moved its capital to Beijing.
1645 (the second year of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty, the first year of Hongguang in the Nanming Dynasty, the Nanming Dynasty Longwu First year)
January: The Qing army captured Xi'an, and Li Zicheng fled south to Huguang.
April: The Qing army attacked Yangzhou, Historical method killed. The Qing soldiers slaughtered Yangzhou, which is known in history“ Yangzhou 10th ”。 Li Zicheng died at Jiugong Mountain.
May: The Qing army captured Nanjing, and soon captured Zhu Yousong.
June: The Qing government successively issued“ Shaving order ”And“ Yifu Order ”。 King Lu Zhu Yihai supervised the country in Shaoxing. Tang Wang Zhu Yujian In Fuzhou, he became the emperor and built the Yuan Dynasty "Longwu".
June August: Jiangyin People in Jiading, Jiading and other places were massacred by the Qing army during the uprising against the Qing Dynasty“ Jiangyin 81st ”And“ Jiading Three Slaughters ”。
1646 (the third year of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty, the second year of Longwu in the Southern Ming Dynasty)
June: The Qing army captured Zhejiang and destroyed it King Lu supervised the country
August: The Qing army captured Fujian, Emperor Longwu of the Southern Ming Dynasty Zhu Yujian Killed.
October: King of Guangxi Zhu Youlang regent to Zhaoqing , soon became emperor and changed the yuan“ Perpetual calendar ”。
December: The Qing army captured Sichuan, the King of the West Zhang Xianzhong stay Phoenix Mountain Killed. The Qing army captured Guangzhou and killed Emperor Shaowu Zhu Yuqi
1648 (the fifth year of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty, the second year of Yongli in the Southern Ming Dynasty)
Hao Huanqi Li Guo And He Tengjiao Qu Shisi The Qing army defeated the Qing army in Yuezhou and Quanzhou, and recovered Hengyang, Changsha and other places. At this time, the peasant armies in Guangdong, Sichuan and other places also responded. Ming generals who had surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, such as Jiangxi Jin Shenghuan And Guangdong Li Chengdong They betrayed the Qing Dynasty.
In the rear of the Qing army, the Yuyuan army, the Luliang mountain Insurgent army and Guanzhong The peasant army launched a broad offensive, and the Hui people in Shaanxi and Gansu who had participated in the peasant uprising were also in Mira India Ding Guodong An anti Qing uprising was held under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. The first anti Qing climax appeared in Nanming.
1649 (the sixth year of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty and the third year of Yongli in the Southern Ming Dynasty)
January: He Tengjiao was killed in Xiangtan when the Qing army captured Hunan.
1650 (the seventh year of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty and the fourth year of Yongli in the Southern Ming Dynasty)
Li Laiheng , Hao Huaqi and others“ Kuidong Thirteen Schools ”The army fought against the Qing Dynasty.
November: The Qing army once again captured Guangzhou and massacred it.
The Qing army occupied Guilin, and Qu Shisi was killed in Guilin.
1652 (the ninth year of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty and the sixth year of Yongli in the Southern Ming Dynasty)
Li Dingguo He led the army east out of Guangxi, down to Guilin, counterattacked Hunan, and south into Guangdong. King Jingjin of the Qing Dynasty was killed. King Dingnan Kong Youde Self immolation.
Liu Wenxiu sent troops to Sichuan, defeated Wu Sangui and defeated him Southern Sichuan In addition, he has made contact with the thirteen armies of Kuidong.
Activities in the southeast coastal area Zhang Huangyan Zhang Mingzhen At this time, the anti Qing team led by Wang and others also began to counter attack and accepted the title given by Emperor Yongli, forming the second climax of the anti Qing movement.
1654 (the 11th year of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty and the 8th year of Yongli in the Southern Ming Dynasty)
March: Made by Sun Kewang“ Mr. 18's Prison ”The relationship between Li Dingguo and Sun Kewang deteriorated.
1656 (the 13th year of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty, the 10th year of Yongli in the Southern Ming Dynasty)
Sun Kewang attacked Li Dingguo on a large scale and surrendered to Qing after defeat.
1659 (the 16th year of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty, the 13th year of Yongli in the Southern Ming Dynasty)
January: Wu Sangui leads Qing troops to occupy Yunnan, Emperor Yongli Zhu Youlang exile Myanmar
Li Dingguo was defeated by Wu Sangui at Mopan Mountain.
July: Zheng Chenggong Zhang Huangyan attacked Nanjing in the Northern Expedition and was defeated by the Qing army.
1661 (the 18th year of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty, the 15th year of Yongli in the Southern Ming Dynasty)
August: When the Qing army invaded Myanmar, Zhu Youlang was captured.
1662 (the first year of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty, the 16th year of Yongli in the Southern Ming Dynasty)
Zhu Youlang, Emperor Yongli of the Southern Ming Dynasty, was killed in Kunming, and Li Dingguo and Zheng Chenggong died one after another. The political power of Nanming in mainland China came to an end.
1664 (the third year of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty, the 18th year of Yongli in the Southern Ming Dynasty)
"Kuidong Thirteen Schools" were attacked and destroyed by the Qing army.
Qing Army Attacks Zhoushan And other coastal islands, Zhang Huangyan was killed.
1674 (the 13th year of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty, the 28th year of Yongli in the Southern Ming Dynasty)
Taiwan Zheng Jing It attacked Fujian on a large scale and was later repulsed by the Qing army.
1683 (the 22nd year of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty, the 37th year of Yongli in the Southern Ming Dynasty)
The Qing army captured Taiwan, and the Nanming forces collapsed. The Qing Dynasty completely established China The rule of.

historical background

16. In Europe in the 17th century, the long Middle Ages have ended, and the Renaissance has brought about people's awakening and bound people Freedom of thought Developmental Tedious philosophy And theological dogmas were gradually destroyed. feudal society Start to disintegrate, and replace it with capitalist society The productive forces have been greatly liberated. The prosperity of handicraft industry in capitalist workshops and the transition to machine production promoted Technical science And mathematics developed rapidly.
For example, in navigation, more precise Astronomical observation On the military side, Ballistics It has become the central topic of research. Manufacture of accurate hour meters, canal The digging, the construction of dams, the planetary Elliptical orbit Theory and so on also need a lot of complex calculations. ancient Greek Since Elementary mathematics , has gradually failed to meet the needs of the time.


stay History of Science During this period, there were many important events, which raised new topics for mathematics. First Copernicus Putting forward the theory of earth movement, which is an important theoretical pillar of theology Geocentric theory A fundamental shake has taken place. His disciple Reticus The astronomical observation was becoming more and more precise, and the calculation was detailed trigonometric function The watch has become a matter of urgency, so we began to make sine tangent and Secant Table. At that time, it was all calculated by hand. Reticus and his assistant worked hard for 12 years, until his death, his disciples Otto Done.
In the second half of the 16th century, Denmark Astronomer Tycho made a lot of precise astronomical observations. On this basis, German astronomer Kepler summarized the three laws of planetary motion, which led to Newton Universal gravitation Discovery of.
Kepler's The New Solid Geometry of the Wine Bucket regards the wine bucket as the accumulation of countless circular slices, and then calculates its volume. This is Integral calculus The precursor work of.

Classical Advanced Mathematics

Italy Galileo, a scientist, advocated that systematic observation and experiment must be carried out in natural science research to make full use of Mathematical tools To explore the mysteries of nature. These views have a great impact on the development of science (especially physics and mathematics). His students Kavalieri The principle of indivisibility was founded. Based on this principle, he solved many problems that could be solved in the 17th century integration method Problems solved. The idea of "indivisibility" sprouted in 1620 and was deeply influenced by Kepler and Galileo Odexsos Of Exhaustion method To Newton, Leibniz Calculus Transition of.
Italy in the 16th century also made a series of achievements in algebraic equation theory. Tatalia Caldano Ferrari Bombelli People have successively discovered and improved three times Quartic equation And used for the first time imaginary number This is from Greece Difantu The biggest breakthrough in algebra since then. French Weida Based on the achievements of our predecessors, we created a large number of algebraic symbols, used letters to represent unknowns, improved the calculation method Algebra Great changes.
In terms of numerical calculation, Steven He systematically elaborated and used decimals, and then Napier created logarithm , which greatly speeds up the calculation speed. in the future Pascal Invented Adder Leibniz invented the multiplication machine. Although it was not practical, it opened up a new way of mechanical calculation.
At the beginning of the 17th century, the main subjects of primary mathematics (arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry) have basically taken shape, but the development of mathematics is just in the ascendant, and it has stepped into History of mathematics The difference between this period and the previous period (often referred to as the primary mathematical period) is that the previous period was mainly static method study objective world This period is the process of exploring the changes and development of things from the perspective of movement.
Variable mathematics analytic geometry The establishment of Calculus The rise of. In this period probability theory and Projective geometry And other new fields. But it seems to be covered by the powerful brilliance of calculus. Analytics It developed with a surging trend and reached an unprecedented level in the 18th century. Its rich content and wide application make people dizzy.
The mathematics established in this period is roughly equivalent to the learning content of the first and second year of the university. In order to distinguish from elementary mathematics in middle school, it is sometimes called classical mathematics Advanced mathematics This period is also called the period of classical higher mathematics.


The generation of analytic geometry is generally based on Descartes The publication of Geometry is the symbol. This book is not only about geometry, but also about algebra. There is a big gap between it and the analytic geometry textbooks of the 17th century, which can not even be seen“ Cartesian coordinate system ”。 But what is valuable is that it introduced revolutionary ideas and made contributions to opening up a new field of mathematics.
The main achievements of Geometry can be summed up in three points: unifying the two opposite research objects "shape" and "number" in the past, introducing variables, and using algebraic method To solve classical geometric problems; Finally, he abandoned the Greek uniformity restrictions; Improved algebraic notation.
French mathematician Fermat also shared the honor of founding analytic geometry. His discovery may be earlier than that of Descartes, but it was published very late. He is a Amateur mathematician He has made important contributions to number theory, probability theory and optics. He has got the gist of calculus and has proposed the method of finding the maximum and minimum of functions. He established many number theory theorems, among which“ Fermat's big theorem ”The most famous one asserts that when the integer n>2, the equation x ^ n+y ^ n=z ^ n has no positive integer Solution. After being put forward, it went through many people's conjectures and dialectics, and after more than 300 years of history, it was finally recognized by British mathematicians in 1995 Andrew Wiles prove.
The interest in probability theory originally came from Insurance But it is the request of gamblers that impels mathematicians to think about some special probability problems. Fermat, Pascal and Huygens were the early founders of probability theory. Later, after the 18th and 19th centuries Laplace Poisson With the research of others, probability theory has become a huge branch of mathematics that is widely used.
At the same time as analytic geometry, another major change took place in the field of geometry in the 17th century, which was the establishment of projective geometry. The decisive progress is the work of Dezag and Pascal. The former introduces Infinity point Infinity line , discussed pole and Polar line The "Dezag theorem" he discovered is the basic theorem of all projective geometry.
Pascal published in 1640《 Conic theory 》, is from Apollonius The greatest progress in conic theory since then. But most mathematicians at that time devoted themselves to Analytics The study of projective geometry did not receive much attention until the end of the 18th century.

The Invention of Calculus

The 17th century was a period of rich creation, and the most brilliant achievement was the invention of calculus. Its appearance is the whole history of mathematics as well as the whole Human history It's a big event. It comes from Production technology and Theoretical science At the same time, it profoundly affects the development of production technology and natural science. Calculus for scientific and technical worker For example, it is already like a grain of cloth, which can not be left for a moment.
Calculus came into being after a long period of gestation. The idea of integration dates back to Archimedes The era has sprouted. At the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries, Kepler, Cavallieri, Ferma Wallis In particular, Barrow and others have made many preparations. As Differential calculus Central problem tangent The discussion of the problem is relatively late, so the starting point of differential calculus falls far behind that of integral calculus.
Famous mathematicians (mainly French) in the 17th century, such as Fermat Descartes Lobeval Dezag People have been involved in the debate of "tangent problem". Descartes and Fermat think that the tangent is when two intersection points coincide secant From the point of view of motion, Lobeval regards the tangent line as the direction of the motion that describes the curve at this point, which has practical significance in mechanics.
Newton and Leibniz's greatest contribution is to connect two seemingly unrelated problems, one is the tangent problem (the central problem of differential calculus), the other is the quadrature problem (the central problem of integral calculus), to establish a bridge between them Basic Theorem of Calculus Or "Newton - Leibniz formula ”Express it.
On Newton's May 20, 1665( Gregorian calendar 31) There was the earliest record of calculus in a handwritten document, but his work was unknown for a long time. It was not until 1687 that he was abstracted in geometric form in his masterpiece《 Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy 》Medium. Newton established calculus mainly from kinematics Leibniz considered it from the point of view of geometry. Special and Barrow's“ Differential triangle ”There is close relationship.
Leibniz's first article on differential calculus was published in Xueyi in 1684, and his first article on integral calculus was published in the same magazine in 1686. The symbols he created were far superior to Newton's, so they were used by later generations. Its theory will soon be known L'Hopital Bernoulli Family The inheritance and development of Euler and others entered a harvest period in the 18th century.
No great invention can be complete from the beginning. Calculus in the 17th century has serious logic difficulties, which has been criticized in many aspects. It is based on Limit theory However, Newton and Leibniz's concept of limit is very vague. What is the limit, Infinitesimal What was it? It was a problem of fundamental nature at that time. Nevertheless, the victory of calculus in practice is convincing enough. Most mathematicians put aside their logic foundation for the time being, and went forward bravely to open up this new garden.

Characteristics of mathematical development

The characteristics of the development of mathematics in the 17th century can be summarized as follows.
It has produced several new fields with great influence, such as analytic geometry, calculus, probability theory, projective geometry, etc. Every field dwarfs the achievements of the ancient Greeks.
The main body of Greek mathematics is geometry, and algebraic problems are often demonstrated by geometric methods. Algebra in the 17th century occupied a more important position than geometry. It broke through the Greek frame and further transformed into symbolic algebra. Geometric problems were often solved by algebraic methods in turn.
A large number of new concepts have emerged, such as irrational numbers, imaginary numbers Instantaneous rate of change , derivatives, integrals, etc Empirical fact Of Direct reflection It is produced by further abstraction of mathematical theory.
Mathematics is more closely related to other natural sciences, Experimental science The rise (from Galileo) promoted the development of mathematics, and the achievements of mathematics penetrated into other scientific departments. Many mathematicians, such as Newton, Leibniz, Descartes and Fermat, are astronomers, physicists or philosophers themselves.
Mathematical knowledge was widely exchanged and spread. In the Greek era, only a few people were studying mathematics. Until the 16th century, the situation did not change much. In the 17th century, researchers increased greatly, academic groups (societies or colleges) were established successively, and printing business The mathematical knowledge has been widely popularized and applied.
In general, the 17th century was the initial stage of many new subjects, the 18th century was the stage of enrichment and development, and the 19th century was the stage of review, promotion and reform, and entered the next century with a new attitude.

Chronology of the 17th century

1600 A.D
britain London establish East India Company
·China Suzhou Weaver Ge Cheng Launch a tax strike
·Italian missionary Matteo Ricci Ming Shenzong Presenting oil paintings for the Painting species The beginning of importing China
·Chinese thinker Li Zhizu
Early Italy Utopian socialism By T Campanella Of《 Sun City 》Publication
·Japan Edo Bakufu period
Anglo Spanish War At the end, the London Treaty was signed, which was beneficial to the Western Portuguese Empire as a whole and restored to the pre war situation.
·Cervantes'《 Don Quixote 》Creation completed
· Netherlands painter Rembrandt Living, the representative works are《 The preaching of Christ 》Etc
·Britain in North America Build 13 colonies
Xu Guangqi and Matteo Ricci began to co translate
Li Zhizao has finished《 Hungai Tongxian Diagram 》, used to introduce the celestial phenomena.
·Hudson, England Magnetic north pole
Yu Ren and Yu Jie cooperated to complete《 Yuan Heng Horse Healing Collection 》, Ming Dynasty veterinary medicine It is the most abundant and widely spread veterinary book in the book.
·German astronomer Kepler published New Astronomy, and created the ellipse law and ellipse of planetary motion Area law (that is, the first planet movement Second law
·The first one was made by Galileo, Italy Astronomical telescope , observed the sky with a telescope for the first time
·"Spanish dramatist" Vega Representative works of《 Fuenteovejuna 》Complete
·The first set was created in Santorino, Italy Current meter
·Germany J. Trautmann successfully implemented the first case with accurate records caesarean birth operation
. Zhao Shizhen Death of illness, written《 Divine Instrument Manual 》, "Continuation of Divine Weapon Manual", "Divine Weapon Manual or Question", "Preparation of Border Garrison Trucks" and other works, including 24 types of firearm patterns
·Implemented by King Gustav II of Sweden military streamline
Li Zhizao based on the introduction of practical arithmetic by European Kravis and China Cheng Dawei Of《 Algorithm statistics 》Focus and complete《 The same text refers to
·British J. Napier founded logarithm theory
·Italy S San Torio Published On Medical Measurement, creating medicine Quantitative experiment
·China Nurhachi Formally established Eight Banners system
·China's Nurhachi rebelled against the Ming Dynasty and became independent Khan. His country was called Jin, and was known as Later Jin in history (see Qing Dynasty)
· Chinese opera writer Tang Xianzu Pawn. He wrote such legends as Peony Pavilion
British "father of drama", playwright William Shakespeare Pawn.
Chen Shigong Complete《 Orthodox surgery 》(A large number of effective prescriptions have been collected. He pays attention to practice, dares to innovate, and creatively carries out toe amputation (finger amputation), tracheal suture, etc surgical operation And made contributions to our foreign science. Some of the books tumour It is also discussed.)
Zhao pupa finished《 Plant
. Zhang Xie By《 A study of eastern and western cultures 》Record the detailed information of marine climate.
·Outbreak in Europe Thirty Year War
·German J. Kepler created the third law of planetary motion
·China's Ming Dynasty divided forces to attack in four directions Later Gold , defeat. The Battle of Sarhu The West Route Army was annihilated
Around 1621
·The discovery of W. Snell in Holland Law of refraction of light A.D
publish Mao Yuanyi Wu Beizhi 》This book is composed of five parts, namely, the evaluation of military tactics, the strategic examination, the array training system, the military personnel, and the accounting records. However, in the Qing Dynasty Qianlong Banned during.
·Tang Ruowang, a German Jesuit missionary, came to China. Participate in revision《 Chongzhen almanac
Zhang Jingyue Complete《 Analogy 》, following the Sui Dynasty Yang Shangshan Taisu, another book that conducts a comprehensive study of Neijing.
·China's Later Jin Dynasty moved its capital to Shenyang for Shengjing
·China Suzhou Civil Commotion , against eunuch faction Indiscriminate capture Donglin Party People; Yan Peiwei Five people were killed when they surrendered to the crime and buried in Tiger Hill, known as the tomb of five people
Wang Zheng compiled the first systematic monograph on mechanical engineering in China
one thousand six hundred and twenty-seven Apocalypse Emperor Death, Chongzhen Execute Wei Zhongxian , Donglin Party's one party dominance completely out of control, collusion between government and business, national Tax system Complete collapse
·Continuous drought in Shaanxi, China. Wang Jiayin Gao Yingxiang Wait for the uprising, Peasant War in the Late Ming Dynasty burst
·UK W Harvey "Research on Animal's Blood Movement", established Blood circulation theory
Completed by Xu Guangqi《 Complete Book of Agricultural Administration 》This book summarizes many aspects of ancient China agricultural production Experience and technology
Gustav Adolf II died in battle
·British T. Mann (first translation) thomas mun )Of《 Britain's wealth derived from foreign trade 》Written (published in 1644), systematically elaborated mercantilism economic thought
·Built in India Taj Mahal
·Dutch thinker B Spinoza Live, propose“ Self cause ”Concept, becoming Rationalism The main representative of philosophy
·UK Materialism empiricism Philosopher J. Locke is alive and proposes that knowledge comes from experience“ Whiteboard
·China Xu Guangqi died. Author《 Complete Book of Agricultural Administration 》, co translated with Matteo Ricci Euclid Geometric primitives
·Issued by Japan National lock order
The Ming Dynasty was completed Chinese history Previous First Astronomical telescope , named 筩, which means cylinder
stay Minister of Rites Compilation was completed in the Ming Dynasty under the leadership of Xu Guangqi《 Chongzhen almanac 》, 46 kinds in total, 137 volumes. In the book, Tycho created sphere systems And geometry
·Huangtaiji, the emperor of China in Shengjing, changed the country name to Qing (1636-1911)
·First set made in Greece seeder , the prototype of modern seeder
·China Song Yingxing By《 Tiangong Kaiwu 》First issue, for summary handicraft industry And agricultural production technology
Song Yingxing In On Qi, Qi Sheng, he made a theory similar to that of modern times on the generation and transmission of sound, believing that sound is generated by rapid movement hitting air or objects vibrating, while sound is transmitted through air, which is very similar to that of modern theory in the same year, Fang Yizhi The concept of space-time that time and space cannot exist independently is put forward.
In the same year, Fang Yizhi explained Masking difference (now called Atmospheric refraction )Phenomenon.
Song Yingxing Completed《 Tiangong Kaiwu 》It is a comprehensive scientific and technological masterpiece in ancient China. Some people call it a“ encyclopedia ”A book of style. In Tiangong Kaiwu, Song Yingxing regards lead, copper, mercury, sulfur and other elements as basic substances, and the substances they produce as derivatives, resulting in the concept of similar modern chemical elements.
Fang Yizhi developed the method of coke burning
Xu Hongzu Complete《 Xu Xiake Travel Notes, a famous Chinese tourist geographer Xu Hongzu His travel diary records the geography and other information he has visited.
·Chinese geographer Traveler Xu Xiake (1586-1641) pawns. Author《 Xu Xiake's Travels
Wu Youke Complete "On Plague", also known as《 Pestilence theory 》, the first study in the world Acute infectious disease Medical books.
·France B Pascal Invented a computer that uses gear rotation to add and subtract
·Italian scientist E Torricelli And V Viviani Put forward the concept of air pressure and invented Mercury barometer
·UK physical scientist 1. Newton alive, found Law of universal gravitation , established classical mechanics Of Basic system make Newtonian disk , observed Newtonian ring And determine the thermal Cooling law Representative works include《 Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy 》Etc.
·China Li Zicheng (See Li Zicheng Uprising )Capture Beijing. Emperor Chongzhen Hanging oneself
·Chinese Qing Army Enters Beijing
·China Mingfu King Zhu Yousong In Nanjing, the emperor established Southern Ming Hongguang regime
·China Qing government Issued Enclosure order , large-scale enclosure of land
·The Qing Dynasty occupied Nanjing, and the Hongguang regime in the Nanming Dynasty died
·Chinese litterateur Feng Menglong Pawn. Compile a script《 Yu Shimingyan 》、《 Convincing Arguments Warning the World 》、《 Awakening aphorism 》(See Three words
·Poland Herville Publish the first more detailed Lunar chart
·The Qing court of China conferred the title of Dalai Lama V Luo Sang Gyatso
·Created by C. Huygens of the Netherlands Simple pendulum Mechanical clock
·The largest garden buildings in Japan Shugakuin Imperial Villa
From the middle of the 17th century to the second half of the 18th century
·The slave trade became Africa , Europe and America Important trade activities between
·UK Stuart Dynasty Restoration
·Defoe, the British novelist, is alive, and his representative work is Robinson Crusoe
Ming History Case Burst, since then Manchu More than 100 years old Literary inquisition In the era, Chinese classics were systematically tampered with and destroyed
·British chemist R. Boyle proposed chemical element To establish chemistry as science
·Built in France Palais de Versailles , the largest palace in Europe
·W. Petit's《 Tax theory 》Publish labour productivity And commodity value Inversely proportional to size
·German O.von Gellick created the first rotating large Sulfur Ball friction Starting motor , and found that geomagnetic field Enable iron filings magnetization
·A. van Leeuwenhoek of the Netherlands and R Hooke Invention microscope
britain London Fire , which occurred from September 2-5, 1666, and was the worst fire in the history of London, England
·English poets Milton Representative works of《 Paradise Lost 》Publication
·Beijing, China Rongbaozhai
·The measurement by C. Huygens of the Netherlands using the principle of pendulum Absolute gravity value
·A. van Leeuwenhoek of the Netherlands first discovered marine protozoa
·Established in Britain greenwich observatory
·Denmark O C. Romer calculates the speed of light
·W. Petit's《 political arithmetic 》And German Kangling《 On national conditions 》It was published almost at the same time, becoming the cause and evidence of 200 years' debate between the two major schools of statistics
·For France casting Legal system plate glass
· Zheng Kepeng Qing Dynasty, Emperor Kangxi of China Unify Taiwan Open the sea ban the next year
·Germany G W. Leibniz He published his first differential calculus paper and his first integral calculus paper two years later Calculus
·German composer Bach Being alive, becoming famous as《 Creative music 》Etc
·Chinese Thirteen Factories Yanghang The system starts here
·Happened in England Glorious Revolution
·Chinese Drama Writers Hongsheng Write a legend《 Hall of Longevity
·China and Russia《 Treaty of Nerchinsk 》Signed to delimit the eastern boundary between China and Russia
·Russia Peter I Begin reform [2 ]
·French enlightenment thinker in the 18th century Montesquieu Living, against Absolute monarchy , claim Constitutional monarchy , put forward the theory of "separation of three powers"
·Published by C. Huygens, Netherlands《 Light theory 》, proposed Wave theory of light , exported Linear propagation of light And reflection Law of refraction , and explained the double Refraction phenomenon
·Chinese thinker and writer Wang Fuzhi Pawn
·First built in Beijing, China Yonghe Temple
·Germany G W. Leibniz invented something that can add, subtract, multiply and divide Mechanical computer
· French bourgeoisie Enlightenment thinker Voltaire Living, advocating Natural rights theory , advocating belief, thought and speech Freedom of the press and Natural human rights , claim Political reform And "enlightened monarchy
·Chinese thinker and historian Huang Zongxi Pawn. Author《 Song Yuan School Case 》、《 Ming Confucian School Case 》、《 Record of Ming Yi to Be Visited 》Etc
·J. Woodward of the United Kingdom published "Discussion on the Natural History of the Earth", and put forward the theory of diluvium that floods kill organisms
·UK T Safari Make the first one practical for mine water pumping steam engine , using steam as industrial power for the first time
·Chinese Drama Writers Kong Shangren Write a legend《 The Peach Blossom Fan
17th century
·Modern European currency (paper currency) came into being in Britain
·Landscape painting matures first in Holland
·Italian Baroque art Popular in Europe
· staff It was gradually improved in Europe, finalized in the 18th century, and became universal in the world Notation
· Ballet Formed in the French court
Late 17th century AD
· Glass painting Produced in Europe.