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Discrete disc

term in astronomy
synonym Ecliptic discrete objects (Ecliptic discrete objects) generally refers to discrete disks
The Scattered disc is in the solar system Scattered sporadically in the farthest area, mainly composed of ice asteroid Is more extensive Outer Sea Uranus (trans Neptunian objects (TNO)). Discrete disc The innermost part and Kuiper belt Overlap, but its outer edge extends outward and Traditional ancient cypress belt celestial body Away Ecliptic Above and below. [1]
Chinese name
Discrete disc
Foreign name
Scattered disc
Ecliptic discrete objects scattered Kuiper belt object [1]
Applied discipline

Basic overview

Discrete disc
We know very little about the discrete disk, although the mainstream view of astronomy believes that it was in the early process of the formation of the solar system, because Neptune The gravitational disturbance caused by outward migration is Kuiper belt Scattering into high tilt and high Eccentricity In the track. In contrast, the Kuiper Belt is like a relatively "round" and "flat" doughnut with a flat circular orbit( QB1 like objects )And slightly elliptical resonance Track( Plutonian Object ), constraining the celestial body within a circle of 30 to 44 astronomical units; The orbit environment of the ecliptic discrete objects in the discrete disk is strange. The discrete celestial bodies of the ecliptic are represented by dwarf planet Eris For example, the distance in the vertical direction of the ecliptic is almost as far as the distance from the sun in the parallel direction; The orbital simulation also shows that the orbits of the ecliptic discrete objects are strange and unstable, and will eventually be thrown from the core region of the sun to Oort Cloud Even more distant places.
There are some indications Centaurs Objects that are simply ejected inward from the Kuiper Belt, rather than outward, can be called "cis Neptunian objects". In fact, some celestial bodies, like 1999 TD10 These views have been blurred, so Asteroid center The ecliptic discrete objects and centaurs have been listed together. According to this confusing category, some scientists have changed to“ scattered Kuiper belt object ”(scattered Kuiper belt object, SKBO) to cover or collectively refer to the centaur herd and the celestial bodies in the discrete disk.
although ExtraNeptune objects Sedna In the official Asteroid center It was identified as a discrete celestial body of the ecliptic, but the discoverer Michael Brown Because of its Perihelion The distance is up to 76 astronomical units, and it is not likely to be affected by the gravitational disturbance of the planet, so it should be Oort Cloud The inner celestial body should not be a discrete celestial body of the ecliptic.

Similar celestial body

Traditional Kuiper Belt Objects ( QB1 like objects )
Resonance KBOs
Small Celestial Bodies of the Pluto (2:3 resonant celestial body)
Ecliptic discrete objects (SDOs)
Resonance SDOs