Pistacia chinensis

[huáng lián mù]
Coptis L. in the family Anacardiaceae
zero Useful+1
Pistacia chinensis( Pistacia chinensis Bunge), It is a deciduous arbor plant of Coptis chinensis in the family Rhus verniciferae. Twisted trunk, dark brown bark; Young branches grayish brown, with small lenticels; Leaflets opposite or subopposite, papery, lateral veins and veinlets raised on both sides; The flowers are unisexual, and the flowers are small after the leaves; Ovary spherical, glabrous, style extremely short; Drupe obovate spherical, purple red when mature, with longitudinal fine stripes after drying, apex apical. [13] The flowering period of Pistacia chinensis is from February to April, and the fruit period is from August to November. [14] Pistacia chinensis is bitter and sweet, [15] Because its wood is yellow in color and bitter in taste, it is named Coptis chinensis. [16]
Pistacia chinensis is produced in provinces and regions south of the Yangtze River, North China, Northwest China, and the Philippines. [13] Pistacia chinensis is mostly grown on dry and barren hillsides, and it likes light and is suitable for growing in high altitude stone mountain forests. [17] Pistacia chinensis is bred by sowing, grafting and container seedling raising. [18]
Pistacia chinensis forest has ecological functions such as water and soil conservation, microclimate regulation, wind prevention and soil fixation, and anti pollution. [17] Pistacia chinensis seeds have a high oil content, and the oil composition is similar to diesel oil, so they can be called diesel trees. Therefore, they are highly valued by the state, and all regions plan to develop them in large quantities. [20] Pistacia chinensis Bunge also has good medicinal value. Its leaves and bark can be used as medicine to treat dysentery, cholera, rheumatism, lacquer sore, etc. The wood is tough, dense, yellowish brown, shiny, easy to dry, easy to process, resistant to compression and corrosion, and has good paint and adhesive properties. It can be used for civil construction, box and board manufacturing, farm tools, furniture, etc. [19-20]
Chinese name
Pistacia chinensis
Latin name
Pistacia chinensis Bunge
Pistacia chinensis Cockscomb wood Coptis chinensis
Magnolia [12]
Pistacia chinensis
Named by and date
International Endangered Level
No risk (LC) [21]

History of botany

Because its wood is yellow in color and bitter in taste, it is named Coptis chinensis. [16]

morphological character

Deciduous trees , as high as more than 20 meters; The trunk is twisted, and the bark is dark brown, flaking in scales. The young branches are gray brown, with small lenticels, sparsely puberulent or nearly hairless.
Even pinnate compound leaves alternate, 5-6 pairs of leaflets, leaf axis striped, puberulent, petiole The upper surface is flat, puberulent; Leaflets opposite or nearly opposite, papery, lanceolate or ovoid lanceolate or linear lanceolate, 5-10cm long, 1.5-2.5cm wide, apex acuminate or long acuminate, base oblique, entire, both sides curled puberulent or nearly hairless along midvein and lateral vein, lateral vein and veinlets protruding on both sides; The petiole is 1-2 mm long. [1]
The flowers are unisexual, first flowering and then leafing, Panicle Axillary, male inflorescences closely arranged, 6-7 cm long, female inflorescences loosely arranged, 15-20 cm long, all puberulent; Flowers small, pedicels about 1 mm long, puberulent; Bract It is lanceolate or narrow lanceolate, concave, about 1.5-2 mm long, slightly fluffy outside, with eyelashes on the edge; male flower : Perianth segments 2-4, lanceolate or linear lanceolate, varying in size, 1-1.5 mm long, margin with eyelashes; Stamens 3-5, filaments very short, less than 0.5 mm long, anther Oblong, large, about 2 mm long; Pistil absent; female flower : Perianth segments 7-9, varying in size, 0.7-1.5 mm long and 0.5-0.7 mm wide, 2-4 outer segments are far narrower, lanceolate or linear lanceolate, with soft hairs on the outside and eyelashes on the edge, and 5 inner segments are oval or oblong, hairless on the outside and eyelashes on the edge; Sterile stamen deficiency; Ovary spherical, glabrous, about 0.5 mm in diameter, style Extremely short, stigma 3, thick, fleshy, red.
Drupe obovate spherical, slightly compressed, about 5 mm in diameter, purple red when mature, with longitudinal fine stripes after drying, apex apical. [1] [22]
 Pistacia chinensis Pistacia chinensis Pistacia chinensis Pistacia chinensis Pistacia chinensis Pistacia chinensis - branches Pistacia chinensis - branches and leaves Pistacia chinensis - branch flower Pistacia chinensis - branch fruit Pistacia chinensis - branch fruit Pistacia chinensis - ink line diagram Pistacia chinensis - ink line diagram
Pistacia chinensis

Distinction of recent species

Pistacia chinensis
Fragrant wood
Deciduous trees.
Small trees or shrubs.
Up to 25 meters in height and 1 meter in diameter at breast height.
Up to 8 meters high.
Even pinnate compound leaves with 10-14 leaflets, leaf axis and petiole puberulent.
Even pinnate compound leaves with 8-18 leaflets, leaf axis with narrow wings, puberulent.
Pistacia chinensis
Fragrant wood


Distributed in the Philippines and China; In China, it is distributed in provinces and regions to the south of the Yangtze River, North China and Northwest China. Born in the stone mountain forest at an altitude of 140-3550 meters. [1] It is widely distributed in China and can grow normally in temperate, subtropical and tropical regions. The distribution of Pistacia chinensis in the north of the resource survey is from west to east: Luxi in Yunnan, Lushui Chayu in Tibet, Ganzi in Sichuan, Xunhua in Qinghai, Tianshui in Gansu, Fuxian in Shaanxi, Yangcheng in Shanxi, Wanxian in Hebei, Shexian in Beijing. This geographical distribution boundary is roughly consistent with the - 8 ℃ isotherm of the average temperature in January in China, and is widely distributed to the south of this line. The area to the north and west is relatively rare. [2] [9]
In 2022, Huang Lianmu et al Fossil flora. [10]

Growth habit

In the whole life activity process of Pistacia chinensis, with the rhythm of climate change, the phenological phenomena such as sprouting, flowering, leaf spreading, fruit bearing and defoliation occur regularly and alternately. The first flowering of Pistacia chinensis takes 8-12 years. The grafted Pistacia chinensis, due to its different scion development stages, blooms early or late, and some grafted plants can bloom in the same year. The male plant of Pistacia chinensis develops earlier than the female plant, generally flowers first and leaves later, but there are also flowers and leaves unfolding at the same time. [3]

Reproductive methods

Pistacia chinensis is bred by sowing, grafting and container seedling raising. [18]

Pre broadcast preparation

  • Build nursery
The plot with convenient transportation, flat terrain, convenient water source, good drainage, and a soil layer thickness of more than 45cm should be selected as the nursery land. The soil is loam, sandy loam, and salt free. The nursery should not be replanted. Before sowing, about 3.75kg organic fertilizer shall be applied per hectare. Deep turning and fine harrowing, leveling and making border. The border width is 1.2-1.5m, and the border length and ridge height are suitable for irrigation. [4]
  • Seed harvesting and selection
Select fully mature Ear , pluck the fruit, and use water to remove the worm fruit (usually red) and the plump fruit. Remove the sinking green fruit, soak the harvested fruit in 35-45 ℃ plant ash warm water for 2-3 days in time, rub the pulp, remove the wax, wash the seeds with clean water, and store them after drying in the shade. The seed quality inspection shall be carried out, and the seed moisture content shall not be higher than 10%, the purity shall not be lower than 85%, and the germination rate shall not be lower than 35%. [4]
  • Seed storage
It can be divided into dry storage and wet storage. Dry storage is suitable for storing seeds in large quantities, and wet storage is suitable for storing seeds in small quantities or accelerating germination.
Dry storage: dry the fruit after harvest, put it into a well ventilated bag, and store it under low temperature and dry conditions for standby.
Wet storage: the seeds dried in the shade are mixed according to the seed sand ratio of 1:3, and then placed in the stratification pit or stacked on the leeward and sunny ground, covered with straw mat or plastic cloth to prevent water loss. Several bundles of straw are vertically embedded in the stratification pit for ventilation. It is better to hold the river sand in a ball without dripping water. Cover with sand to form a steamed bun. Sow when 1/3 of the seeds are white in the spring of next year. [4]
  • Seed treatment before sowing
Seeds sown in autumn and winter can be sown as soon as they are picked, without germination treatment, or after seed selection, they can be soaked in water for 2 days to rub off the pulp and then Repellent And other chemicals to prevent birds and animals from harming. Spring sowing seeds need seed treatment, and there are two treatment methods: treatment before spring sowing of seeds stored in sand in winter: seeds stored in sand in winter can be directly sown, or can be sown when 1/3 of the seeds are exposed after germination. Pretreatment of seeds not stored in sand in winter before spring sowing: before sowing, dry stored fruits shall be treated with clean water, 35-45 ℃ Vegetation ash Soak the seeds in warm water or 5% lime water for 2-3 days, wash the pulp, and then expose the seeds in the sun for 2-5 hours. More than 70% of the seeds can be sown after cracking. [4]


  • Sowing time
Sowing in autumn, winter and spring. The autumn and winter sowing shall be carried out before the soil is frozen, and the frozen water shall be poured after sowing. Spring sowing should be carried out from the first ten days of March to the middle of April. [4]
  • Seeding rate
According to the characteristics of Pistacia chinensis seeds with an average of about 11000 seeds per kilogram, the reasonable sowing amount is proposed to be 75-120 kg per hectare, and it is expected that 300000 to 450000 seedlings will be cultivated per hectare. Seeds with low purity and low germination rate should be sowed more. [4]
  • Sowing method
Trenching and drilling shall be adopted, with row spacing of 20-30cm, plant spacing of 5-10cm, and sowing depth of 1-2 cm. Manual sowing or mechanical sowing shall be adopted, and soil shall be covered after sowing. For winter seeds, about 1cm thick topsoil should be removed in the spring of the following year soil moisture Watering for 1-2 times. If there is no irrigation condition, cover with plastic film in early spring to keep moisture. For spring sowing seeds, it is better to take soil moisture and cover with plastic film (also to prevent bird damage), grass and pine needles. If the moisture content is poor after sowing, water first and then cover with film. [4]

Seedling management

When the emergence rate reaches more than 45%, it can be seen that the temperature gradually uncovers the film or uncovers the grass. Continuous sunny days and high temperature can cut the film at an indefinite distance to prevent burning seedlings. After most of the seedlings emerge, gradually cut all the mulch. When the seedlings are fully exercised, remove the mulch or grass after they emerge neatly. [4]
When seeding seedlings and time seedlings are about 5cm long in the same year, remove seedlings that are too dense, poorly developed, injured, or infected with diseases and pests. At the same time of thinning seedlings, replanting should be carried out in places where seedlings are too sparse. When the seedling height is 7-10 cm, it can be fixed. It is advisable to reserve 2.2-3 million seedlings per hectare. [4]
When the seedling height is more than 15 cm, 75-120 kg urea shall be applied per hectare, and immediately watered after fertilization. Nitrogen fertilizer and phosphorus fertilizer are mainly applied in seedling stage. In fast-growing stage, more nitrogen fertilizer should be applied, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied. In hardening stage, potassium fertilizer is mainly applied. In late August, nitrogen fertilizer should be stopped, and nitrogen fertilizer should be applied 2-3 times in growth stage. Do a good job of drainage and irrigation facilities, adopt different irrigation methods, so that water is evenly distributed in the soil layer where the seedling roots move. According to the drought conditions, irrigation shall be carried out in a timely and appropriate manner, and ponding shall be removed immediately if found. [4]
Carry out intertillage for moisture conservation and soil loosening and weeding according to the seedling raising routine. Weeding should be done in an early, small and free manner, so that there is no weed in the garden. In addition to soil loosening combined with weeding, it is generally necessary to loosen the soil after rainfall or irrigation to prevent soil hardening from gradually deepening, fully loosening, not damaging or pressing seedlings. [4]

cultivation techniques


Seedling planting

The seedlings that cannot be transported out or planted immediately after lifting shall be planted temporarily. The false planting ditch shall be dug in the shade and the roots of seedlings shall be buried in wet sand or soil for false planting. If the seedlings are planted for a long time, especially in winter, it is advisable to disband the seedlings, dig ditches to bury the roots of the seedlings in wet soil or sand, and the height of soil and sand covering is generally more than 1/2 of the height of the seedlings. Hang the variety signboard and check the temperature and humidity in time to prevent mildew or air drying. [4]
a seedling

Land preparation and afforestation

Pistacia chinensis likes light and is afraid of waterlogging. When choosing a forestation site, choose a leeward and sunny section. Pistacia chinensis is not strict with the soil, and can grow normally in most soil conditions. But the sandy loam with fertile soil, good permeability and pH between 6-7 is more conducive to the growth of Pistacia chinensis. After selecting the forest land, the stones and weeds around the planting hole shall be removed, and the cleaning work can be carried out at the same time as the land preparation work. If the forest land is mountainous or hilly, the land preparation method of fish scale pit can be used to prevent water and soil loss. If the forest land is plain, it can be prepared in the form of holes. The size and number of holes can be determined according to the size of seedling roots and the purpose of afforestation. [5]

Seedling planting

Pistacia chinensis seedlings can be planted in spring or autumn. In spring, it is appropriate to plant about 10 days before the germination of seedlings after the soil thaws, and in autumn, it is appropriate to plant seedlings after falling leaves. When lifting seedlings, 1-2 year old strong seedlings with similar height shall be selected to facilitate water and soil conservation and later tending management. After the seedlings are lifted, they should be transported and planted in time. When planting, the seedlings should be placed in the pre dug holes at a depth of about 7cm from the root neck to the bottom edge. Then, the planting holes should be filled with wet soil. The backfill height is slightly higher than the root, and the seedlings should be gently lifted up to keep the root system in a stretched state in the soil. Then, the soil should be compacted with feet and continue to be compacted, The backfill height shall be flush with the soil surface. Finally, pour root setting water and attach a 15cm soil pile. [5]

maintenance management

After afforestation, Pistacia chinensis should be fertilized once a year and scarified 2-3 times until the trees are closed. In addition, the Pistacia chinensis tree body should be shaped and trimmed to promote the growth of the tree body. [5]
  • Water and fertilizer management
When the seedlings are in the young stage, the growth of vegetative body is mainly carried out. The fertilization in this period should be mainly nitrogen fertilizer, supplemented by phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, to promote the growth of young trees. Fertilization for adult trees can be conducted 2-3 times a year. After fruit picking in autumn, organic fertilizer should be applied once, 50kg per plant. Fertilization should be conducted in a ring ditch manner. The position of fertilization should be at the drip line of the tree crown. Before germination, in order to promote the growth of vegetations, a topdressing can be carried out, with nitrogen and potassium fertilizer as the main topdressing. The nutrient consumption in full bloom stage is relatively large, and nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers are mainly applied at this time to increase the fruit quality. Top dressing is best carried out after rain or irrigation to improve fertilizer utilization. If there is no irrigation condition, attention should be paid to water and soil conservation. In areas with heavy rainfall, attention should also be paid to digging drainage ditches to avoid ponding in forest land. [5]
  • Shaping trimming
The young trees of Pistacia chinensis after planting should be pruned in late autumn. The purpose of pruning at this time is to keep the young trees in a good shape. The main tree shapes are heart shape and round head shape. When young trees are in the early fruiting stage, pruning techniques such as pinching and budding are mainly used to deal with the relationship between branches, continue to cultivate the tree skeleton and fruiting branches, and lay the foundation for the results. The pruning in the full fruit period is mainly based on thinning branches, and weak branches, diseased branches, cross branches, etc. should be removed during pruning to increase the ventilation and light transmission inside the crown. When the tree body enters the aging period, it can be shortened and retracted to promote the extraction of new branches and achieve the purpose of rejuvenation. [5]

Disease and insect control



The main disease that harms Pistacia chinensis is anthracnose, which mainly harms the fruits, and can also harm the fruit stalks, cobs and tender shoots. After fruit damage, the growth of grains slowed down, the fruit stalks and cobs dried up and died on the trees in serious cases. The year of serious disease had a great impact on the yield of Pistacia chinensis, and some plants even failed to harvest. [6]
After the ear is damaged, brown to dark brown spots appear on the stem, rachis and pericarp, round or nearly round, with the center sinking, and black spots are produced at the diseased part. When the humidity is high, the black spots at the diseased part are pink protrusions, that is, the conidia and conidia of the pathogen. After the leaves become infected, the disease spots are irregular, and some are withered and yellow 1 cm around the leaf edge. In serious cases, the whole leaves are withered and yellow and fall off. After being infected, the tender branches often wither from the top down, and the leaves fall off in a scorched manner. [6]
Rhizoctonia solani occurs at seedling stage, and the infection of seeds at the time of sowing and germination is of seed rot type; After seed germination, the seedlings were infected before coming out of the soil, which showed bud rot type; After the seedlings are unearthed, the young stems are infected suddenly before lignification; After the seedlings become lignified, the infected roots will rot, causing the seedlings to wither without lodging. When wet, the disease grows white mycelium or pink mold layer, and in serious cases, the diseased seedlings wilt and die. [6]
Damping off disease

Insect pest

The insect mainly harms fruits with larvae. The adults lay eggs on the inner wall of the fruit, and the newly hatched larvae feed on the inner wall of the pericarp and the sponge tissue outside the embryo. When they are slightly larger, they bite the seed coat, drill into the embryo, and feed on the endosperm and the developing cotyledons. When the larvae mature, they can eat all the cotyledons. The fruits of the affected Pistacia chinensis are easy to become black, dry and fall off in bad weather when young [6]
Also called wood inchworm. The feeding habits are very mixed, and the larvae are very harmful to Pistacia chinensis, black locust, walnut, etc., which can reduce the output of Pistacia chinensis by 20-50%. The Pistacia chinensis foot moth is very harmful. Some branches have 2-5 5-6 instar larvae, and the leaves are almost eaten up. It is a gluttonous pest to nibble leaves with larvae, which can eat all the leaves of the whole tree in 3-5 days in case of large occurrence, seriously affecting the tree vigor and yield. [6]
Mainly in May September every year, resulting in prominent saclike or cockscomb shaped on the reverse side of the injured leaves Gall , it turns light yellow green at the beginning, turns red after maturity, and finally leaves wither and fall off. [6]
It mainly feeds on the harmful leaves. The larvae spin a net between the two leaves and make a nest of small branches and leaves to feed on them. With the increase of insect body and food intake, the number of leaves is increased from less to more, and multiple leaves are formed into a large nest. In serious cases, all leaves are eaten up, resulting in bare branches and affecting the normal growth of Pistacia chinensis. The main species of the prickly moth are Yellow prickly moth Green armyworm It occurs sporadically in Pistacia chinensis production area. It is omnivorous, mainly harming leaves with larvae, affecting tree vigor and yield. [6]

Prevention suggestions

  • silvicultural measure
Pistacia chinensis mostly grows in arid and barren mountain areas, and its growth potential is weak. Measures such as soil tillage, tree disk trimming, stone removal, tree disk covering with grass, and strengthening fertilizer and water management can be taken to enhance the tree vigor and improve the resistance of the tree to diseases and pests. [6]
  • plant quarantine
The migration capacity of the adults of Pistacia chinensis seed wasps is limited, and seed allocation is the main way of long-distance transmission of the insect. Therefore, the quarantine of the origin should be well controlled, and the seeds should be strictly quarantined. It is strictly prohibited to transport the insect seeds with the seeds to prevent the insect from being transported with the seeds and spread artificially. [6]
  • Select insect resistant varieties
The adults of Pistacia chinensis seed wasps mainly choose Pistacia chinensis fruit with a diameter of more than 4.5 mm, but do not choose Pistacia chinensis varieties with small fruits and short fruit stalks to spawn. Breeding insect resistant varieties can be an important measure to control the insect. In addition, in the same area, the cultivation of the same species of Pistacia chinensis can also shorten the optimal time for adults to lay eggs and reduce the harm. [6]
Adults of such pests as Pistacia chinensis, prickly moths and Pistacia chinensis Phototaxis During the adult eclosion period, the black light lamp or fire can be used at night to trap and kill the adults to reduce the population density and harm. [6]
  • Artificial killing
Before freezing in autumn and after thawing in spring, manually dig out the pupae of Coptis chinensis, the cocoons of the leafstalk borer, or plow the soil under the crown (5-10cm in depth) to eliminate the overwintering cocoons; From the first ten days of June to the middle ten days of September, the aphid gall on the comb root of Pistacia chinensis was removed manually; At the initial stage of the occurrence of the larvae of the leafy moth and the prickly moth, they often patrol the Coptis chinensis forest land to remove the nests and leaves at any time, significantly reducing the degree of damage. [6]
  • Biological control
Protection and utilization of natural enemies: The natural enemies of the larvae and pupae of Pistacia chinensis seed wasps are various birds, and the natural enemies of adults are spiders, ants, etc; The natural enemies of Pistacia chinensis in the egg stage include mantis and ladybug, the parasitic natural enemies in the larval stage include various parasitic wasps such as cocoon wasps and wasps, and the predatory natural enemies include many beneficial birds such as tits, sparrows, grey magpies, thrushes, orioles, and anemones; Shanghai Green Bee It is the dominant population of yellow armyworm; There are many natural enemies such as parasitic wasps, pathogenic microorganisms, beneficial birds and so on in the larval stage of Parenchyma furnacalis. We should make full use of these natural enemies to continuously inhibit the proliferation of pest population and control pest damage for a long time. [6]
  • Chemical control
Spraying shovel agent before sprouting: before sprouting of Pistacia chinensis in spring, spray the tree body and surrounding gramineous plants evenly with 5 Baumedol sulfur agent; Kill the overwintering anthracnose pathogen and overwintering hairy root aphid eggs. [6]
Ground application of pesticide: during the emergence period of Pistacia chinensis seed wasps and the period when the larvae of Parenchyma lacinifera are buried in the trees, the ground application of pesticide shall be carried out; In case of continuous rainy weather after the seedlings of Pistacia chinensis are unearthed, the soil shall be removed immediately after the rain stops, and the medicine shall be applied at the root and stem parts to prevent seedling damping off. [6]
Crown spray: Pistacia chinensis seed wasps spray pesticide once respectively in the first half of May and the first ten days of June at the peak of adult emergence; Before the 3rd instar of the larvae, the Pistacia chinensis, the leafed armyworm and the prickly moth should be sprayed to control the larvae; The control of hairy root aphid was carried out in early May, mid June and mid September. Anthrax was controlled by spraying fungicides at the early stage of the disease. [6]
Smoke control: For the mountainous areas where the growth of Pistacia chinensis is concentrated, the canopy density is high, or water is scarce, the insect killing smoke can be applied during the emergence of the adult of Pistacia chinensis seed wasps, which can achieve good results. [6]
Seed fumigation: after seed collection, it is used in the seed bank Aluminium phosphide Methyl bromide Chloropicrin Fumigation treatment can kill the seed wasps. [6]
Disinfection of soil in nursery to prevent damping off: soil for seedbed and soil for container seedlings must use disease-free new soil or sterilized soil. [6]

Key values



Pistacia chinensis is an excellent woody oil tree species with high oil yield and good oil products. The research results show that the oil content of seeds is 42.26% (the oil content of seeds is 56.5%), the oil yield of seeds is 20-30%, and the oil content of fruit shells is 3.28%. It is a non drying oil with light yellow green color and bitter taste. It can be used after refining; The fresh leaves contain 0.12% aromatic oil, which can be used as health food additives and fumigants. The fatty acids contained mainly include palmitic acid , oleic acid, linoleic acid, palmitoleic acid, stearic acid, arachidonic acid and linolenic acid, of which the sum of oleic acid, linoleic acid and palmitic acid accounts for about 95% of the total amount of fatty acids. [7]
Its tender leaves are fragrant. After braising and frying, it can replace tea as a drink, cool and refreshing. It can also be pickled as a vegetable. Textual Research on Plant Names and Facts 》As the saying goes, "Pistacia chinensis is abundant in Jiangxi and Huguang. It can be hugged together, several feet high, and its leaves are as small as a Chinese toon. In spring, the new buds are reddish yellow. People compete to pick them for salting. When exposed, they think they can drink. The taste is bitter and sweet, like olives. In summer, it can clear away heat and generate saliva. [7]


The bark and leaves of Pistacia chinensis can be used as medicine, and the roots, branches, leaves and bark can also be used as pesticides. The bark can be taken all year round, and the leaves can be harvested in summer and autumn. It is bitter in nature and taste, and has slightly cold functions. It has the effects of clearing heat, removing dampness, and detoxifying. It can be used to treat dysentery, gonorrhea, swelling, psoriasis, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, and early lacquer sores. In addition, the composition containing pistacia chinensis gum can be used on the skin to control sebum secretion, improve oil control and skin feel, prevent brightness and greasy, and also provide anti-aging efficacy, so as to reduce wrinkles and improve the appearance and skin color of aging skin, treat photoaging skin, and improve skin luster, cleanliness and beauty. It is a natural beauty care product. [7]
Pistacia chinensis root


Oil: Pistacia chinensis seed oil can be used to make soap, lubricating oil and lighting, and oil cake can be used as feed and fertilizer. The leaves contain 10.8% tannin, and the fruits contain 5.4% tannin, which can be used to extract baking gum. Fruits and leaves can also be used as black dyes. Pistacia chinensis is a woody oil tree species with high oil content and rich oil content. With the development of biodiesel technology, Pistacia chinensis is known as the "new oil plant", which is a good raw material for biodiesel production. [7]
Honey source and feed: Pistacia chinensis is an important nectar source plant in early spring. Its flowering period is from March to April. The dregs of oil extracted from seeds contain protein and a large amount of crude fiber, which is an excellent animal feed. [7]
Material use: The wood of Pistacia chinensis is ring hole wood. The sapwood is wide, grayish yellow, and the heartwood is yellowish brown. The material is hard, the texture is dense, the structure is uniform, and it is not easy to crack. The air dried volume weight is 0.713g/m3. It can resist corrosion and has strong nail force. It is a high-quality material for buildings, furniture, vehicles, farm tools, sculpture, and home decoration. [7]


Pistacia chinensis blossomed first, its crown was round, its branches and leaves were luxuriant and beautiful, its tender leaves were red in early spring, its leaves turned dark red or orange yellow in autumn, and its red female inflorescences were also very beautiful. Pistacia chinensis is an excellent greening tree species in cities and scenic spots. It is suitable for shade trees, street trees and ornamental landscape trees. It is also often used as "four side" greening and low mountain afforestation tree species. It is suitable to plant on the lawn, slope, valley or beside the rocks and pavilions in the garden. If you want to form a large autumn red leaf forest, you can mix it with maple, maple, etc. for better results. [7]


Pistacia chinensis forest has ecological functions such as water and soil conservation, microclimate regulation, wind prevention and soil fixation, and anti pollution. [17]

Protection status

Included《 Red List of Biodiversity in China - Higher Plants Volume 》(September 2, 2013) - no risk (LC). [8]
In June 2023, it will be listed as a key protected wild plant in Beijing. [23]