Baikal Skullcap

[huáng qín]
Scutellaria in Labiatae
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Scutellaria baicalensis( Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi) belongs to Labiatae Scutellaria Perennial herb Stems branched, subglabrous, or upward to spreading puberulent; Rhizome fleshy, branched; Leaves lanceolate or linear lanceolate, apex obtuse, base rounded, entire, glabrous or sparsely puberulent on both sides; Pedicel puberulent; Calyx densely puberulent, ciliate; Corolla purplish red or blue, densely glandular pilose, lobes in lower lip triangular ovate; Nutlets black brown, ovoid, ventral surface with umbilicate protuberance near the base; Flowering from July to August; The fruiting period is from August to September. [8] According to Compendium of Materia Medica, "Ling Shuowen's works are yellow in color. [9]
Scutellaria baicalensis is distributed in the north, northwest and southwest of China; It is also distributed in the Soviet Union, Mongolia, Korea and Japan. [10] Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi has strong ability of sun, temperature, drought and cold resistance; The soil requirement is not very strict, neutral or slightly acidic, and contains a certain humus layer, which grows well in sandy soil. [11] Euonymus japonicus is mainly propagated by seeds. It can also be propagated by branches or cuttings. [12]
Compendium of Materia Medica records that Scutellaria baicalensis is bitter in taste, flat in nature and non-toxic; It is mainly used to treat various diseases such as fever, yellow pox, edema, sore, fire ulcer, etc; [13] At present, it appears and is used in the prevention and treatment plan of new coronary pneumonia issued by the local government, [14] With the rapid development of the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine, the active ingredients of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi used in traditional Chinese medicine are increasingly valued. The demand for Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi in clinical practice is increasing year by year, resulting in serious damage to its wild resources. [15]
Chinese name
Baikal Skullcap
Latin name
Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi [7]
Baikal Skullcap
Distribution area
China, East Siberia of the Soviet Union, Mongolia, Korea, Japan

History of botany

According to Compendium of Materia Medica, "Ling Shuowen's works are yellow in color. [9]

morphological character

Perennial herb The rhizome is plump, fleshy, up to 2 cm in diameter, elongated and branched. The stem base is lying on the ground, rising, 30~120cm high, 2.5-3 mm in diameter at the base, obtuse quadrangular, with fine stripes, nearly hairless or slightly pubescent, green or purplish, with many branches from the base. [1] [16]
The leaves are hard papery, lanceolate to linear lanceolate, 1.5-4.5 cm long, 0.5-1.2 cm wide, blunt at the top, round at the base, entire, dark green at the top, hairless or sparsely attached to the spreading puberulent, light at the bottom, hairless or sparsely covered with puberulent along the midvein, densely covered with sunken glandular spots, Lateral vein 4 pairs, sagging and protruding below the midrib; Petiole short, 2 mm long, ventral concave and dorsal convex, puberulent. [1]
The inflorescence is terminal on the stem and branches, racemose, 7-15cm long, and often gathered at the top of the stem cone Inflorescence; Pedicel 3 mm long, puberulent with rachis; The lower part of the bract is like a leaf, and the upper part is much smaller, oval lanceolate to lanceolate, 4~11 mm long, nearly hairless. The calyx is 4mm long when it blooms, and the scutellum is 1.5mm high. It is densely puberulent outside, and the calyx margin is sparsely pubescent, and the inner surface is glabrous. In fruit, the calyx is 5mm long and has a 4mm high scutellum. Corolla purple, purple red to blue, 2.3~3 cm long, densely glandular pubescent on the outside, and pubescent on the inside at the cystic swelling; The crown tube has obvious knee flexion near the base, the middle diameter is 1.5 mm, and the width to the throat is 6 mm; The crown brim is 2-lipped, the upper lip is helmet shaped, the apex is slightly absent, the middle lobe of the lower lip is triangular oval, 7.5 mm wide, and the lobes on both sides are close to the upper lip. Stamens 4, slightly exposed, the front pair is longer, with half medicine, the degenerate half medicine is not obvious, the rear pair is shorter, with full medicine, the anther chamber has white beard hairs at the opening, and vesicular hairs at the back; Filaments flat, anteroposterior below middle to medial to posterior to puberulent on both sides. style Slender, apex acute, microcrack. Disk annular, 0.75 mm high, slightly enlarged in front, extending into a very short ovary handle in the rear. Ovary brown, glabrous. [1]
Small nut Ovoid, 1.5 mm high, 1 mm in diameter, dark brown, tuberculate, ventral with umbilicus near the base. Flowering from July to August, fruiting from August to September. [1]
 Baikal Skullcap Baikal Skullcap Baikal Skullcap Baikal Skullcap Baikal Skullcap Baikal Skullcap Baikal Skullcap Scutellaria baicalensis - flower - flower Scutellaria baicalensis - flower Baikal Skullcap Scutellaria baicalensis - flower Scutellaria baicalensis - flower Scutellaria baicalensis - flower Scutellaria baicalensis - flower Scutellaria baicalensis - ink line diagram Scutellaria baicalensis - flower Scutellaria baicalensis - flower Scutellaria baicalensis - flower Scutellaria baicalensis - flower Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi seed Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi - Figs
Baikal Skullcap

Distinction of recent species

Baikal Skullcap
Scutellaria erectus
Annual herb; The plant is 1.2 meters high.
Perennial herb; The plant is as high as 25 cm.
Calyx 4 mm long, densely puberulent, ciliate, scutellum 1.5 mm high.
Calyx light purple, 1.5-2.5 mm long, glandular pilose, scutellum round, about 1 mm high.
Baikal Skullcap
Scutellaria erectus

Growth environment

Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi has strong ability of sun, temperature, drought and cold resistance; The soil requirement is not very strict, neutral or slightly acidic, and contains a certain humus layer, which grows well in sandy soil. [11]
 Baikal Skullcap Baikal Skullcap Baikal Skullcap Baikal Skullcap
Baikal Skullcap

Distribution range


Artificial cultivation

Scutellaria baicalensis is mainly distributed in four major production areas of Shandong, Shaanxi, Shanxi and Gansu, including Nanfan Town, Jiangxian County, Shanxi Province, Yaofeng Town, Xiaxian County, Yuncheng City, Wan'an Town, Wanrong County, Xinjiang County, Xuedian Town, Wenxi County, etc; Shangluo, Shaanxi, Qiaonan Town, Linwei District, Weinan, Xiaoyi Town, Shangzhou District, Shangzhou City, Jingcun Town, Luonan County, Dihua Town, Danfeng County, Yecun Town, Shangluo City, Shangzhen Town, Danfeng County, etc; Shandong Yimeng Mountain Area, Kushan Township of Ju County, Chakou Town of Laiwu City, Fuguanzhuang Township and other places; Gansu mainly produces Longxi, Weiyuan Zhangxian County The secondary products are Minxian County, Dangchang, Hexi, etc.


Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi is mainly distributed in several major production areas with the largest scale, such as central and eastern Inner Mongolia and most of the three northeastern provinces in China, Chengde, Hebei, and Chifeng, Inner Mongolia. It is one of the main production areas of wild Chinese medicinal materials in northern China.

Growth habit

Root growth: Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi is a straight root. The main root grew normally in the first three years. The length, thickness, fresh weight and dry weight of the main root increased year by year. The content of baicalin in the main root is high. After the fourth year, the growth rate began to slow down, some of the main roots began to wither, and then increased year by year. Almost all the main roots and thicker lateral roots of eight year old family weight scutellaria baicalensis were withered, and the content of baicalin also decreased significantly. [2]
Stem and leaf growth: After emergence, the main stem gradually grows tall, the number of leaves gradually increases, and then forms branches, buds, flowers, and seeds. May to June is the long term of stem and leaf growth. The annual main stem of Scutellaria baicalensis can grow about 30 pairs of leaves, of which the first five pairs of leaves grow one pair every 4-6 days, and the subsequent leaves grow one pair every 2-3 days. [2]
blossom fruit: The annual plants generally begin to bud two months after emergence, and the biennial and later scutellaria baicalensis skullcap begin to bud more than 70 to 80 days after returning to green and emerging. The flowering begins about 10 days after bud emergence, and the fruit begins to mature about 40 days. If the environmental conditions are suitable, the flowering and fruiting of scutellaria baicalensis skullcap can continue to the frost and dry period. [2]
Growth environment
Born on sunny grass slope and fallow land, with an altitude of 60~1300 (1700~2000) meters. [1]
Scutellaria baicalensis is wild in dry places facing the sun, such as mountain tops, mountain slopes, forest edges, and roadsides. It likes warmth and is resistant to severe cold. The underground part of adult plants can survive the winter safely at - 35 ℃, and will not die at 35 ℃, but cannot withstand continuous high temperature weather above 40 ℃. Drought tolerance, fear of waterlogging, excessive water or rain in the ground, poor growth, and even root rotting death. The land with poor drainage should not be planted. The soil is loam and sandy loam, and the pH value is neutral and slightly alkaline, and continuous cropping is forbidden. [2]

Reproductive methods

Euonymus japonicus is mainly propagated by seeds. It can also be propagated by branches or cuttings. [12]
Seed reproduction:
Live broadcast method
The seed propagation is mainly direct seeding. The direct seeding of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi has a straight root system, few root forks, good product appearance and labor saving. The direct seeding is carried out more than in spring. Generally, the seeding is carried out when the ground temperature is stable at 12 ℃ - 15 ℃ 5 cm below the ground. In northern areas, it is mainly around the first half of April. [2]
Seedling raising and transplanting method
The seedling raising and transplanting method can save seeds, prolong the growth time, and ensure the whole seedling, but it is laborious. At the same time, the main root of transplanted Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi is short, there are many root forks, and the appearance quality of goods is poor. It is generally used when the seeds are expensive or it is difficult for direct seeding in dry land to emerge and maintain seedlings. [2]
Cutting propagation: Although cuttings can be propagated, they are seldom used in production. The key to the success of cutting is the cutting season and the cuttings. The survival rate of cutting is high from May to June in spring. The young part of semi lignified shoot tip should be selected for cuttings, and the survival rate of cuttings can reach more than 90%. [2]
Rooting propagation: That is, the 3-year-old rhizomes of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi that have not germinated in the hole are dug, the main roots are cut for medicinal use, and then cut into several pieces according to the natural shape of the rhizome growth. Each piece can be planted with 2-3 bud eyes. [3] Although root splitting propagation grows fast, its propagation coefficient is too low and is rarely used in production. [2]

cultivation techniques


Thinning and seeding

When direct seeding is adopted, when the seedlings grow to 4 cm high, dense and thin seedlings shall be interspersed, and the seedlings shall be fixed according to the plant spacing of 10 cm. Seedlings need not be thinned in the nursery. [2]

Intertillage weeding

After the seedlings are unearthed, the soil shall be loosened and weeded in time, and the soil shall be properly filled around the seedlings in combination with the loosening soil to keep loose and free of weeds. Weeding is required for 3-4 times a year. [2]

Fertilization irrigation

When the seedling height is 10-15cm, topdressing is once, and the application amount is 1500-2000kg of human and livestock manure water per mu. At the end of June to the beginning of July, 20 kg of superphosphate and 5 kg of urea were applied per mu. Ditching was conducted between rows and watering was conducted after soil covering. After the plants harvested in the next year wither, ditch between rows and apply 2000kg of decomposed manure, 20kg of superphosphate, 5kg of urea and 150kg of plant ash per mu, and then cover with soil. [2]
Scutellaria baicalensis is drought resistant and afraid of waterlogging. Pay attention to drainage in rainy season, and do not pond in the field, or the root will rot easily. In case of severe drought or after topdressing, water properly. [2]

Remove a bud

Before the inflorescence is pulled out, the pedicel is reduced to reduce the nutrient consumption, promote the root growth and increase the yield. [2]

Disease and insect control

The disease includes leaf blight, which can be cleaned in the countryside. At the initial stage, spray 1:1:200 Bordeaux solution, or use 50% carbendazim 1000 times solution to control it.
Disease and insect control
Root rot, pay attention to drainage and implement rotation; The diseased plants shall be allocated and burned as soon as possible, and the soil at the diseased plants shall be sterilized with lime.
Insect pests include Scutellaria baicalensis Moth, which can be controlled by 90% trichlorfon. [3]

Key values

Compendium of Materia Medica records that Scutellaria baicalensis is bitter in taste, flat in nature and non-toxic; It is mainly used to treat various diseases such as fever, yellow pox, edema, sore, fire ulcer, etc; [13] At present, it appears and is used in the prevention and treatment plan of new coronary pneumonia issued by the local government, [14] With the rapid development of the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine, the active ingredients of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi used in traditional Chinese medicine are increasingly valued. The demand for Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi in clinical practice is increasing year by year, resulting in serious damage to its wild resources.
 Scutellaria baicalensis in the form of medicinal materials Scutellaria baicalensis in the form of medicinal materials Scutellaria baicalensis in the form of medicinal materials Scutellaria baicalensis in the form of medicinal materials Scutellaria baicalensis in the form of medicinal materials Scutellaria baicalensis in the form of medicinal materials Scutellaria baicalensis in the form of medicinal materials Scutellaria baicalensis in the form of medicinal materials Scutellaria baicalensis in the form of medicinal materials Scutellaria baicalensis in the form of medicinal materials Scutellaria baicalensis in the form of medicinal materials Scutellaria baicalensis in the form of medicinal materials Scutellaria baicalensis in the form of medicinal materials Scutellaria baicalensis in the form of medicinal materials
Baikal Skullcap
Nature and taste: bitter, cold.
The Classic: bitter and flat.
Bielu: Cold, non-toxic.
On the Nature of Medicine: bitter and sweet.
Channel tropism: enter the heart, lung, gallbladder and large intestine channels.
Essence of Pinhui: Xingshou Taiyin and Yangming Sutra.
Compendium: Start with the Six Meridians of Shaoyin and Yangming, Hand and Foot Taiyin and Shaoyang.
"Lei Gong Processing Medicine Property Solution": four channels of entering the lung, large intestine, bladder and gallbladder. [4]
Functional indications
It can purge solid fire, remove damp and heat, stop bleeding, and prevent miscarriage. It can cure strong heat and thirst, lung heat and cough, damp heat and diarrhea, jaundice , hot shower, vomiting, bleeding, collapse, leakage, red eyes, swelling, pain, fetal movement, carbuncle and furuncle.
The Classic: It focuses on all kinds of jaundice, intestinal obstruction, catharsis, expelling water, blocking blood flow, (treating) ulcers, gangrene, and fire ulcers.
"Bie Lu": to treat phlegm heat, stomach heat, abdominal cramps, eliminate grain, benefit the small intestine, women's blood stasis, blood drenching, children's abdominal pain.
Tao Hongjing: Cure the flying dolphin. It's hot and painful under the navel.
"Drug Nature Theory": It can cure heat toxin, bone steaming, cold and heat flowing, stomach and intestines being disadvantageous, breaking the obstruction of qi, treating five kinds of gonorrhea, making people feel relaxed, relieving joint boredom, relieving heat and thirst, treating pain in the hot abdomen and abdominal distention.
"Rihuazi Materia Medica": lower qi, promote the movement of heat disease, furuncle, and discharge pus. Treatment of mastitis, hair back.
Pearl Sack: More than Yang, cool the heart to remove heat, and connect with cold.
Li Gao: It's hard to cure fever.
Southern Yunnan Materia Medica: It can purge lung fire upward and bladder fire downward. It can (cure) five gonorrhea in men, collapse in women, regulate menstruation and clear away heat. The fetus is hot and restless. It can clear away heat and eliminate excess heat in the six meridians.
"Compendium": cure wind heat, damp heat, headache, running dolphin, hot pain, fire cough, lung impotence, throat odor, all blood loss.
"Materia Medica Zheng": The withered person clears the fire of the upper energizer, relieves phlegm and qi, calms down asthma and coughs, stops bleeding, relieves cold and heat, wind heat and damp heat, headache, relieves plague, clears the throat, cures impotence, lung carbuncle, breast carbuncle, especially removes the heat on the surface of the muscles, so it cures macular rash, rat fistula, sores, and red eyes; The solid is cool and hot, it can remove dysentery, heat accumulates bladder, five kinds of gonorrhoea, astringent pain, large intestine closure, blood in stool and blood leakage.
Scientific Folk Herbs: It can be used to wash wounds and prevent them from corrosion. [4]
Usage and dosage
Internal use: decoction, 1-3 yuan; Or into pills, powder. External use: decoct and wash with water or grind and remove. [4]
chemical composition
The root of Scutellaria baicalensis contains flavonoids: baicalein, neobaicalein, namely skullcap flavone II, baicalin, wogonin, wogono side, oroxylin, Oroxylin A), 7-methoxybaic alein, scutellaria flavone I, dihydroxylin A, chrysin, 2,5,8-trihydroxy-7-methoxyflavone, 2,5,8-trihydroxy-6,7-dimethoxyflavone, 4,5,7-trihydroxy-6-methoxyflavanone, 2,3,5,6,7-pentahydroxyflavanone, wogonin-5-beta-D-glucoside, 2 - (3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl) - ethyl-1-O - α - L-rhamnosyl (1 → 3) - beta-D (4-feruloyl) -Glucose [2 - (3-hydroxy-4-methodophenyl) ethyl-1-O - α - L-rhamnosyl (1 → 3) - β - D - (4-feruloyl) glucoside], chrysin-6-C - β - D-glucoside-8C - β - L-arabinoside, chrysin-6-C - α - L-arabinoside-8C - β - D-arabinoside, (2S) -2,5,6,7-tetrahydroxyflavanone, OroxylinA-7-O-glucuronide, 5,7,2-trihydroxy-6-methoxyflavone, 5,2-dihydroxy-6,7,8-trimethoxyflavone, 5,2-dihydroxy-6,7,8-trimethoxyflavone, 5-hong-7,8-dimethoxyflavone, norwogonin, Dihydrobaicalin, 5,7,2-trihydroxyflavone, 5,7,2-trihydroxy-8,6-dimethoxyflavone, 5,7,2-trihydroxy-8,6-dimethoxyflavone, 5,7,2,5-tetrahydroxy-8,6-dimethoxyflavone, 5,7,2,5-tetrahydroxy-8,6-dimethoxyflavone, Vis ciduiin Ⅲ, 5,2,5-trihydroxytrimethoxyflavone, baicale-7-O - β - D-glucopyranoside, 5,7,2-trichyroxy-8-methoxyflavone, 5,7,2,3-trichyroxy-8-methoxyflavone, 5,7,2,3-trichyroxy-6-methoxyflavone, 5,7,2,3-tetrahydroxyflavone, 5,7,2,3-tetrahydroxyflavone, 3,5,7,7,2,5,6-pentahydroxyflavone, viz. viscidulin I, (2S) - 7,2,6-trihydroxy-5-methoxyflavanone, 2,6,2,4-tetrahydroxy-6-methoxyflavanone droxy-6-methoxychalcone), 5,7,2,5-tetrahydroxyflavone, L-eriodictyol, rivularin, viscidulin III-2-O - β - D-glucopyranoside, etc. In addition, it also contains β - sitosterol, campesterol and stigmasterol. [3]
pharmacological action
Antibacterial effect: Scutellaria baicalensis decoction 100% concentration, plate test Typhoid bacillus , paratyphoid bacillus, vibrio cholerae, Escherichia coli, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus, hemolytic streptococcus (a, B), pneumococcus Diphtheria And so on. Huangqin decoction test tube Method test 1:1280 concentration can inhibit typhoid bacillus Streptococcus hemolyticus a. 1:640 concentration inhibits hemolytic streptococcus B, Diplococcus pneumoniae And Shigella flexneri, human Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37, 1:320 concentration can be inhibited Vibrio cholerae Shigella dysenteriae; 1: At the concentration of 80, Shigella sonnei has inhibitory effect. Baicalin alcohol extract 0.5g/ml or 0. 05g/ml, with agar Slant culture , liquid medicine and culture medium 1: 1 Mix, right Pseudomonas aeruginosa It has inhibitory effect. The concentration of baicalin alcohol extract is 2g/ml, and the effect of plate test on large intestine bacillus Tangerine grass Bacillus Staphylococcus aureus It has inhibitory effect. The concentration of scutellaria baicalensis decoction and alcohol extract is 1g/ml meningitis All the cocci had inhibitory effect. [5]
Antifungal effect: Scutellaria baicalensis decoction, test tube slant method, 4% concentration inhibits Microodontocystis canis and Trichophyton violaceus, 8% concentration inhibits Psoriasis schlan, 10% concentration inhibits Psoriasis schlan Mongolian variety, 15% concentration inhibits Trichophyton communis and Rust Trichophyton spp. The 1:3 concentration of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi aqueous extract in test tube Cordiery Trichophyton, concentric trichophyton, Chrysophyton Schlangevi, Microcystis Audouon, Microcystis laniformis, red epidermis Tinea, K, W, Epidermophyton, Nocardia stellata, etc Bacteriostasis effect. [5]
Antiviral effect: The concentration of Huangqin decoction is 25-100%, which can inhibit the replication of hepatitis B virus DNA in vitro. [5]
Anti inflammatory and anti allergic reactions: The 70% ethanol extract of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi 200500mg/kg gavage baicalein, baicalin, wogonin 50100mg/kg gavage, can inhibit acetic acid Increased peritoneal exudation in mice and foot edema in rats caused by 48/80 (a compound name, produced by Sigma). Gastrointestinal administration of 70% ethanol extract of scutellaria baicalensis georgi (500mg/kg) and gastric administration of baicalein, baicalin and wogonin (100mg/kg) have adjuvant effects on rats arthritis It has inhibitory effect. The water extract of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi 100200mg/kg was administered by gavage to rats Passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (PCA) has inhibitory effect, but Chloropicrin Caused by mice Contact dermatitis (Ear swelling) No obvious effect. [5]
Effect on central nervous system: Scutellaria baicalensis decoction 4g/kg intraperitoneal injection, defensive to mice Conditioned reflex It can prolong the positive reflection time, and Unconditioned reflex And differentiation, indicating that Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi can strengthen the process of cortical inhibition. Huangqin decoction 2g/kg has antipyretic effect on rabbits with fever caused by typhoid mixed vaccine. However, it has also been reported that baicalin water decoction or wine extract 5-9g per mouse stomach, or 2g per mouse im, can not prove that baicalin Typhoid vaccine The febrile rabbits have antipyretic effect. [5]
Cardiovascular effects: Alcohol extract of Scutellaria baicalensis 1g/kg intravenous injection , which can reduce the blood pressure of anesthetized dogs. Scutellaria baicalensis decoction 0. 06g/kg intravenous injection has obvious hypotensive effect on anesthetized dogs. The intravenous injection of baicalein 20mg/kg can reduce the blood pressure of anesthetized dogs by 40-50%. Baikal extract was administered by gavage/kg three times a day for four consecutive weeks, which reduced the blood pressure of dogs with chronic renal hypertension, heart rate Slow down. Baicalin 2 × 10 (- 4) mol/l has competitive antagonism in isolated guinea pig aorta, pulmonary artery, trachea and right atrium adrenaline , norepinephrine and dopamine The contraction caused by Isoproterenol Relaxation of trachea and increase of spontaneous frequency of right atrium suggest that baicalin can block a, B1 and B2 receptors. [5]
Antiplatelet aggregation and anticoagulation: Baicalein, wogonin, laminarin A, scutellaria flavanone II and chrysin at concentration 1. At 0 mM, it can inhibit the platelet aggregation induced by collagen in rats, chrysin can also inhibit the platelet aggregation induced by ADP, baicalein and wogonin can also inhibit the platelet aggregation induced by arachidonic acid, and baicalein and baicalin can also inhibit the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin induced by thrombin; Baicalein and baicalin 20, 50mg/kg were administered by gavage to rats induced by endotoxin Diffuse intravascular coagulation It can prevent the decrease of platelet and fibrinogen content. [5]
Reduce blood fat: After 10% 2ml of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi aqueous extract was administered by gavage for 7 weeks, the serum cholesterol content of cholesterol fed rabbits decreased. Baicalein and baicalin 100mg/kg can reduce the experimental Hyperlipidemia Rat corn oil cholesterol- Cholic acid Feeding free fatty acids, triglycerides and liver triglycerides in serum and baicalin Ⅱ 100mg/kg by gavage can reduce the content of serum total cholesterol and liver triglycerides and increase the content of serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL ch), Wogonin 100 mg/kg intragastric administration can prevent the deposition of liver triglycerides and increase the content of HDL ch in serum. Baicalein and baicalin 100mg/kg by gavage can reduce the content of total cholesterol, free cholesterol and triglyceride in liver of rats with hyperlipidemia caused by ethanol. Hanbaicalein can reduce the level of serum triglyceride, and baicalein can increase the content of HDL ch in serum. [5]
Liver protection, cholagogic, antioxidant: The methanol extract of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi 1000mg/kg is injected intraperitoneally, which can inhibit the liver damage induced by naphthalene isothiocyanate (ANIT) in rats serum bilirubin Increase of. The ethanol extract of baicalin 50100mg/kg and baicalin 50100mg/kg by gavage have cholagogic effect on rabbits. Wogonin In vitro test of 10 (- 4) - 10 (- 6) mol/l concentration on rat liver microsome Lipid peroxidation It can inhibit malondialdehyde (MDA) content decreased. Baicalein and baicalin 2. 5 × 10 (- 4) mol/l, 1.0 × 10 (- 4) mol/l, wogonin 2.5 × 10 (- 4) mol/l, baicalin Ⅱ 2. 5 × 10 (- 4) mol/l, wogonin-7-O-D glucuronic acid 2.5 × 10 (- 4) mol/l, 1.0 × 10 (- 4) mol/l, inhibited the lipid peroxidation of rat liver homogenate induced by FeC12-vitamin C-ADP mixture, significantly decreased the formation of liver MDA, and also inhibited the lipid peroxidation induced by NADPH-ADP. [5]
Anti cancer: Effect of baicalin ether extract on mice leukemia L1210 cells have cytotoxicity, and the half effective dose is 10.4mg/ml. The half effective dose of baicalin Ⅱ on mice L1210 cells is 1.5 μ g/ml. Baicalin, baicalein and wogonin have no significant effect on L1210 cells. [5]
Other functions: Baicalein 10, 20mg/kg intravenous injection has diuretic effect on anesthetized dogs. Huangqin decoction
4g/kg intragastric administration can prevent and treat galactose induced cataract in rats and delay the formation of cataract. Effect of baicalin on rat crystal aldose reductase It has inhibitory effect, and its ID50 is 1.81 × 10 (- 3) mg/ml. Baicalin 150mg/kg by gavage Streptomelanin Diabetic rats blood sugar The level did not decrease significantly, but red blood cell The sorbitol content decreased significantly after treatment, suggesting that it also has the effect of inhibiting aldose in animals, which may be used for the prevention and treatment of diabetic complications. Baicalin, baicalein and Wogonin 50-125 μ g/ml pair mice liver Sialidase It has inhibitory effect. Baicalin 100mg/kg, glucuronic acid 43mg/kg subcutaneous injection It can antagonize the death of mice caused by strychnine, but the aglycone baicalein is ineffective. It is believed that the glucuronic acid after the hydrolysis of baicalin Detoxification Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi has a wider impact on the metabolism of PGs, and the water extract has a greater impact on the biosynthesis It has inhibitory effect. [5]

Plant culture

Li Shizhen was born in the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty. He was smart and eager to learn from an early age. Shine the door. However, something unexpected happened. When Li Shizhen was ten or six years old, he suddenly suffered from an acute disease, coughed and could not recover for a long time. As his condition worsens, he spits more than a bowl every day, gets bored and thirsty, gets drunk, steams the bones and gets tired and hot, and the six channels flow. Although he takes bupleurum root, ophiopogon japonicum, schizonepeta tenuifolia, bamboo juice and other drugs to relieve exterior and fever, moisten the lungs and clear the heart, and clear away heat and phlegm, they have no effect. The famous doctors who lived a hundred miles around were helpless and thought they were beyond remedy. Xiaozhen's life is at stake.
When Li Shizhen's parents were sad and desperate, a Taoist came to the village from afar. The Taoist had white hair and long beard, which was quite like a fairy. Hearing that the Taoist priest specializes in curing difficult and miscellaneous diseases, Xiaozhen's parents hurriedly invited the Taoist priest to his home to see him. After giving her pulse, the Taoist stroked her long beard and said, "Well, well, just take 30g of Scutellaria baicalensis, add two cups of water, fry it to one cup, and take it for half a month to recover." Shizhen's parents were skeptical about the prescription. The miracle occurred. Half a month later, Xiaoshizhen's body heat completely subsided, his phlegm and cough disappeared, and his body gradually recovered. Scutellaria baicalensis has an immediate therapeutic effect.
Li Shizhen was deeply impressed by the magic of Chinese medicine and admired the Taoist with his unique skills. Since then, he has followed the Taoist to study medicine, read medical books through the ages, and traveled all over the mountains and rivers. Li Shizhen finally made great achievements in medicine and became a master of medical science. In his Compendium of Materia Medica, Li Shizhen highly praised the traditional Chinese medicine Huangqin, which had saved his life, and called it "a medicine that can cure the problem like a drum that responds to a beam, and a medicine that is wonderful."! [6]