Yellow Emperor

[huáng dì]
Ancestor of Ancient Chinese Humanities
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Yellow Emperor, yes Chinese nation His ancestor was an emperor in ancient China Huaxia The first ancient emperor of [76] , the leader of the Five Emperors. The Yellow Emperor was worshipped as“ Humanistic ancestor ”。 [34] Shangshu · the Lu thesis on the criminal code 》The Yellow Emperor Heaven God [77] On《 shanhaiching 》The Yellow Emperor was only one of the emperors until Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period Only then was the time appointed. [36] It is said that he is Shaodian And Accessory treasure His son, whose surname is Gongsun, was later changed Ji surname [53] , and some said they had surnames. [50] The name of Xuanyuan is the name of Mingxuan. [50] Established in Youxiong, also known as Youxiong Some people call it“ Dihong Family ”。 [2]
According to historical records, the Yellow Emperor was named Yellow Emperor because of his virtue. During the reign of the Yellow Emperor, he planted hundreds of grains of grass and trees, vigorously developed production, and began to make clothes, boats, music and music《 Inner Canon of Huangdi 》Etc [3]
Chinese name
Yellow Emperor
Xuanyuan Family Youxiong Dihong Family
Mythological system
Chinese mythology
Image Origin

historical origin



Redords of the Grand History of China ·According to the Five Emperors Record, "The Yellow Emperor is the son of Shaodian. His surname is Gongsun and his name is Xuanyuan. The Yellow Emperor lives on the hill of Xuanyuan". The birthday of the Yellow Emperor is the third day of the third lunar month, Shangsi Festival. It is a festival for Han people to drink and feast beside the water and spend time in the countryside. Since ancient times, there has been a saying in China that "on February 2, the dragon raises its head; on March 3, the dragon raises its head". As for the specific place of birth, there is no unified view in the history circle. [75]
Legend 1: The Yellow Emperor was born in Jianglong Gorge, Juyuan Pass, on the Loess Plateau in northwest China. According to legend, the mother of the Yellow Emperor was a girl on the Loess Plateau. One evening (also known as at night), she suddenly saw the Northern Lights, and then became pregnant and gave birth to the Yellow Emperor. [75]
Legend 2: Before 4856 B.C., there was a dragon totem country in Xuanyuan Hill of Xinzheng, Henan Province. The monarch was named Shaodian. He was the seventy seventh emperor directly related to Fuxi Emperor and Nuwa Emperor. His wives were Ren Si (Nudeng) and Fu Bao. They were sisters and daughters of the Qiaoshi family. In the palace of Xiongguo at Xuanyuan Hill in Beiguan, Xinzheng City today, there came the cry of "wow wow" when the baby was born and breathed the breath of nature. This statement was recognized by some non-governmental organizations, including the Ancient Capital Society of China. [75]
Legend 3: The Yellow Emperor was born Shandong province Qufu Around the city. According to ancient records, "Yellow Emperor was born Shouqiu ”"Shouqiu is in the north of Ludong Gate", and Shouqiu be located Qufu Four kilometers to the east of the city is the east of Jiuxian Village. [75] [79]
Born in Xuanyuan, Yellow Emperor Shouqiu (Today Shandong province Qufu Or Tianshui or bears (in today's Xinzheng City, Henan Province), grows up in Jishui (in today's Wugong County, Shaanxi Province), and lives in Xuanyuan Hill (in today's Xinzheng City, Henan Province). Jin Dynasty Huangfu Mi Imperial century 》Yun, "The Yellow Emperor had the Xiong surname, the son of Shaodian, and the Ji surname Shouqiu , longer than Jishui. The dragon face, with noble virtue, receives the country from the bear, and lives on the hill of Xuanyuan, so it is called "Longyan". " Redords of the Grand History of China • The Five Emperors' Chronicle "Solicit Yin from the Jin Dynasty Huangfu Mi The Emperor Century says, "The Yellow Emperor was born Shouqiu , longer than Jishui, because he thought his surname was ", Zhengyi said“ Shouqiu North of Ludongmen, today Yanzhou Qufu Six li in the northeast of the county ". Redords of the Grand History of China • The Five Emperors' Chronicle "Justice Citation《 Geographical geography 》As the saying goes, "Zhuolu was originally called Pengcheng, the capital of the Yellow Emperor, and moved to Xiongye." [79]
The Yellow Emperor is Chinese nation First of all, because he is Chinese nation Ancestors of. The Yellow Emperor is Huaxia The ancestor of humanity, Xia Shang Zhou They are descendants of the Yellow Emperor. [76-78] Zhou Ren The ancient history system of the Zhou Dynasty was constructed for three times. The Zhou people gradually advanced the age of their ancestors and finally took the Yellow Emperor as their ancestor. [37] According to the research Baipu One of the ethnic groups entered the edge of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau and went north to form the ancient Qiang nationality, Ancient Qiang Later, it developed to Gansu, Qinghai and Shaanxi, known as Xirong, Beidi, Yiqu, etc; One of them entered the interior of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, forming the zang or tibetan people Another branch entered the Weihe River basin and became Huaxia nationality Ancestors of. [43]

Pre Qin

shanhaiching 》It is recorded that "there was a man dressed in blue, named the Yellow Emperor Female Ba." (There was a man dressed in blue, named the Yellow Emperor Female Ba.) Chiyou To fight against the Yellow Emperor winged dragon Attack in the wild of Jizhou. (Jizhou, Zhongtu) Water storage should be carried out at the request of Chiyou Fengbo rain god From the storm. The Yellow Emperor was called a demon by the Heavenly Maiden. When the rain stopped, he killed Chiyou; "The wife of the Yellow Emperor Lei Zu , raw Changyi Changyijiang If water , creating the main stream, taking the table and saying River Girl , born emperor Zhuan Xu 。” [50]
The Book of Mountains and Seas, the Book of Western Mountains records: "It is four hundred and twenty miles to the northwest 峚 Mountain 。…… Most of them are white jade Jade paste The Yellow Emperor is a feast for food. " [12]
pipe 》It is recorded that "the Yellow Emperor obtained Chiyou And it is clear from heaven; Too often and consider the geographical advantages; Get the black dragon and distinguish the east; have to Zhu Rong And distinguish the south; have to Dafeng And distinguish between the West; have to Laterite And distinguish the north; Yellow Emperor Hexaphase The world governs. "; "The Yellow Emperor drilled the flint to make a fire, and cooked the meat. People ate it, and there was no stomach disease."
Corpses 》It is recorded that Zi Gong said, "In ancient times, the Yellow Emperor was surrounded by four people, and did you believe it?" Confucius said, "The Yellow Emperor took four people who were in harmony with himself, and made use of them to govern the four places, regardless of the coupling, and did not make an appointment. This is called the four sides." [50]

Shang dynasty

It is recorded in "Returning to Tibet" that the Yellow Emperor fought with the burning god in the past Zhuolu In the wild, you can fight and divine Wuxian Wu Xian said, "What a result [50]

Zhou dynasty

Shangshu · the Lu thesis on the criminal code 》The Yellow Emperor Heaven God , such as《 the Lu thesis on the criminal code 》He said: "Chiyou only started to make trouble... The emperor asked the people..." He also said: "God supervises the people... The emperor is not guilty of killing people with great sorrow, repays the evil and threatens them, curbs the Miao people, and lives in the world. He is determined to respect heaven and earth." [77] Easy to pass ·Tie Ci: "The Yellow Emperor, Yao and Shun hung their clothes to govern the world." [77] Mandarin · Jin 》He said, "In the past, Shaodian married Youdang and became the Yellow Emperor and the Yan Emperor. The Yellow Emperor took Ji Shuicheng as his wife, and the Yan Emperor took Jiang Shuicheng as his wife. The success of Yan Emperor took Jiang Shuicheng as his wife, and the virtue of Yan Emperor was different. Therefore, the Yellow Emperor was Ji and the Yan Emperor was Jiang." [77] Mandarin · Jin 》It said: "There are twenty-five clans of the sons of the Yellow Emperor. Fourteen of them have obtained their surnames, including twelve: Ji, You, Qi, Ji, Teng, Zhen, Ren, Gou, Xi, Ji, Xuan, Yishiya. Only Qingyang and Canglin are the same as the Yellow Emperor, so they are both Ji surname 。” [77] Mandarin · Lu language 》It is recorded that "the Yellow Emperor can make hundreds of things happen and make people share wealth". Shiben ·Zuo Pian records the period of the Yellow Emperor, including the various inventions and creations of the so-called Yellow Emperor's officials, such as "the Yellow Emperor made the Zhanmian", "the Yellow Emperor saw everything before crossing the well", "the Yellow Emperor made Xihe make the Zhanri", "Ling Lun make the Lv", "Dayao make the Jiazi", "Rongcheng make the Diao Calendar", "Ju recite, Cang Jie make the books". [78]

spring and autumn

The Internal Affairs of the Spring and Autumn Period records: "The Xuanyuan family, with Tude as the king, began to have courtrooms, tall buildings and deep buildings to avoid wind and rain." [50] Mandarin · Jin 》Record: "Once upon a time Shaodian Married to Youdang , born Yellow Emperor and Yan Emperor. The Yellow Emperor Ji Shui Cheng, Emperor Yan with gingerale Cheng. Success is different from virtue, so the Yellow Emperor is Ji and the Yan Emperor is Jiang. The two emperors used teachers to help each other, which is why they are different from each other. " [7]

the warring states

The tribes in the Yellow River, Huaihe River, Yangtze River and Han Dynasty merged to form Chinese nation The various clans that merged into this nation originally had their own ancestors. As a common nation, we will keep those influential ancestors, compile them on a common pedigree, and recognize them as the ancestors of the nation. This is《 Redords of the Grand History of China ·The pedigree of "Five Emperors" in the Five Emperors' History. [38] The Yellow Emperor appeared in the Chinese literature memory, and the more reliable time was about the Warring States period In the "Pre Qin Documents" written from the Warring States Period to the early Han Dynasty, the Yellow Emperor was gradually widely mentioned Fuxi Coproduction Shennong Shaohao When ancient emperors were promoted simultaneously, there was no common ancestor of clan or tribe. Astronomers in the Warring States Period proposed that the Yellow Emperor was named Xuanyuan or its surname, which was later accepted by historians and written into history books. The legend of the Yellow Emperor originally originated in the East, and then spread around with the migration of nations. [46]
The Works of Liezi 》It is recorded that the Yellow Emperor has been enthroned for five years. He has exhausted his intelligence and wisdom to support the common people. He has become more and more anxious. (Pornography is regarded as deep.) If you have nurtured everything, you can cure everything. (If you let it go, you will turn your life around and the world will be at peace.) So it's time to set aside all opportunities, lay down your palace and bed, go to direct service, remove suspensions, reduce cooking and food, and retire to live in the hall of the court. If you have a fast heart, you can take shape. (If you have no desire, you can take shape.) In March, you are not close to government. Sleeping in the daytime and dreaming, (I can't ask for the Ming Zhili clearly, so I send it to my dream. The sage has no dream.) I travel to Huaxu Kingdom. Huaxu National Yanzhou To the west, to the north of Taizhou, (there is no need to have this country. It must be true in the Ming Dynasty. According to Huainanzi, the right west is called Yanzhou, and the northwest is called Hezhou.) I don't know that the State of Siqi is tens of millions of miles away; (The strength of the boat is like the ears of the people who are in shape, and the gods are in a trance. If they can't, they will come.) It is beyond the strength of the boat. It is just wandering. Its country has no teachers, its people have no appetite, do not know happy life, do not know evil death, so there is no premature injury; I don't know who I am and who I am, so I have no hatred; I don't know how to go against and follow, so I have no interest; (There is no life or death, so there is no joy or evil, and there is no love or hate, so there is no intimacy, and there is no obedience or rebellion, so there is no interest.) There is no love or hate, and there is no fear. There is no drowning in water, no heat in fire, and no pain in Zhuo Tart. Clouds and fog do not cut off their vision, thunder does not disturb their hearing, beauty and evil do not bury their hearts, valleys do not stumble their steps, God is just walking. The Yellow Emperor was pleased with himself. In another eight years, the world was under great governance, almost like the country of Huaxu, and the emperor ascended to leave. (If you pretend, you will become a reverie.) [50]
Zhuangzi 》Record: Beimencheng Ask the Yellow Emperor: "Zhang Saltwater pond I was happy in the fields of Dongting. I was afraid when I first heard it, but confused when I heard it again. "The emperor said:" I will play it with people, levy it with heaven, act it with righteousness and propriety, and build it with Taiqing. "(It is played by people, and it is judged by the sky. Heaven and man are united in virtue. You know that spring is the rite, autumn is the righteousness, and Taiqing is the foundation.);" The Yellow Emperor will see A large kuei to Utz On the mountain of Zhishan, Fang Ming is the emperor, Chang Yu rides, Zhang Ruo, Xi Peng horses in front, Kun Men, funny cars behind. In the field of Xiangcheng, the seven saints are all lost and have no way to ask. When meeting the shepherd boy, he asked Tuyan: "If you know the mountain of Juci?" He said: "Yes." The Yellow Emperor said: "What a strange child! Not only do you know the mountain of Juci, but also know the existence of Dawei?" He said: "Yes." The Yellow Emperor said: "Although my son's business is, I ask that it is the world." The little boy said. The Yellow Emperor asked again. The little boy said, "If the man is the one under heaven, he will be ridiculed as a different horse herder. He will also kill those who hurt the horse."; Huang Diwen Guangchengzi On the top of the Kongtong, I met him and said, "dare to ask the best of the Tao." Guangchengzi said, "We should rule the world from now on. The clouds do not wait for the cluster to rain, the vegetation does not wait for the yellow to fall, and the light of the sun and the moon will become scarce. Another taunt is enough to talk about the Tao." The Yellow Emperor withdrew, donated to the world, built a special room, sat on a white thatch, and stayed idle for three months. He returned to invite him. Guangchengzi lay down on his head in the south, and the Yellow Emperor walked from the downwind knee. Then he bowed to Jishou and asked, "When I heard that my son has reached the highest level of Tao, I dare to ask how the governance of the body can last long." Guangchengzi fell down and rose up, saying, "What a good thing to ask! Come, let me speak to you, the essence of the Tao, and live in the dark; and the extreme of the Tao, be faint and silent. Ignore no listening, embrace God and be quiet, and shape will be upright. I have been cultivating myself for hundreds of years, and my shape has not failed." The Yellow Emperor paid homage to Ji Shou again and said, "Guangchengzi is called Heaven!" [50] Zhuangzi Zaiyou records: "Ignoring no listening, holding the god in silence, the form will be self righting. If you must be quiet, you must be clear. If you do not work, you can live forever. If you see nothing, if you hear nothing, if you know nothing, the goddess will keep the form, and if you form, you can live forever." [15] Zhuangzi Grand Master records: "The way of husband, love and sex, inaction is invisible,... the Yellow Emperor gets it to climb the sky." [16] Chuang Tzu's Journey to the North recorded: "You can only know when you have no thought, when you have no place to obey, and when you have no way, you can get the way. People who do the way will lose it day by day, and they will lose it, so that they can do nothing, and do nothing without doing." [17]
Lu's Spring and Autumn Period Ancient Music Chapter: "Emperor Zhuanxu ordered the alligator to be the first Advocacy , alligator To retire to sleep With its tail and belly, and its sound is English. " [13]
sell one's own child 》It was recorded that "the Yellow Emperor was ten years old, and he knew the Shennong's fault and changed his politics." [50]
Zhuangzi ·Qi Wu Lun "is what the emperor listens to.". [77]
During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period Chinese nation Under the condition of deepening integration, "Yellow Emperor" can not only cooperate with "Huangtian"“ Heaven God ”"Heaven Emperor" is connected, also known as Chinese Civilization The first human ancestor of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period Chinese nation Common identification of. [77]

Han dynasty

Redords of the Grand History of China 》It is recorded: "The Yellow Emperor, the son of Shaodian, was named Gongsun and Xuanyuan. There were some princes who were not compliant with the rule, so they had no choice but to live in peace. They reached the sea in the east, the Maru Mountain, and the Daizong Mountain in the west, and Kongtong in the west Jitou Mountain Reaching the river in the south, climbing Xiong and Xiang. arctic Meat porridge , which is consistent with Busan, and the city is located in Zhuolu. The division soldiers are the camp guards in the places where the migration is impermanent. Official names are all destined for Cloud Master Put the left and right wardens in charge of all countries. Won Baoding. lift Afterwind Li Mu Often precede Dahong To govern the people. It is called Yellow Emperor because of its virtue. There are twenty-five sons, fourteen of whom have taken their surname. The Yellow Emperor lived on the hill of Xuanyuan and married the daughter of the Xiling family. She was Lei Zu. (Sound of Luo) She was an imperial concubine and gave birth to two sons. Then came the world: Xuanxiao , is for Qingyang, down to the river; The second one is Changyi, who falls into the weak water. Changyi married a Shushan girl, called Changfu, and gave birth to Gao Yang. Gaoyang has saints and virtues. The Yellow Emperor collapsed and buried the bridge mountain. Gao Yangli, the son of Changyi, was the emperor Zhuanxu. "; The Emperor Century records: "The Yellow Emperor, the son of Shaodian of the Xiong family, had a surname of Ji. His mother said Accessory treasure First, the Yan Emperor's mother's family had a daughter of the Tang family, who was married to the Shaodian family, so Guoyu was also called Yan. At the end of Shennong, Shaodian He also took the accessory treasure and saw the big lightning shining around the Beidoushu star in the countryside. He felt the accessory treasure. Twenty five months pregnant, he was born to the Yellow Emperor at Shouqiu and grew up in Jishui. The dragon face, with noble virtue, is the recipient of a country with a bear, and lives on the hill of Xuanyuan, so it is both named and nicknamed. And Divine Husbandman Fight at Banquan In the wild, three battles will defeat it. Limu, Changxian, Dahong Shennong Huang Zhi, Feng Giant Town Dashan, Ji Gui, Yu District Seal a beard Kongjia, Kongjia, etc., either as a teacher or as a general, are divided into four hands, each as his own, so they are called the four eyes of the Yellow Emperor. He also made Qibo taste all kinds of herbs, which are typical of medical diseases. The books of classic prescriptions and herbal medicines are salty. History Cang Jie They also took bird like traces and began writing. The historiographer's work has been covered since then. Remember his words and deeds, and keep them in mind. They are called deeds. Huangdi No.1 Dihong Family , or Guizang surname , or Dixuan. He had four concubines and twenty-five sons. After a hundred years of rule, he died at the age of 110. " "The Shennong family is declining, the Yellow Emperor cultivates virtue and cultivates people, and the princes return. So the Yellow Emperor is harassing and taming beasts, and Divine Husbandman Fight at Banquan In the wild, three battles will defeat it. They also recruited princes, and sent Limu, Shennong, and Huangzhi to beg for the Chiyou family, and captured them Zhuolu Wild; send winged dragon Kill it on the Hill of Evil Li. Fifty five battles, and the world is in great clothes. It was said that he was immortal, or that he would live 300 years and be buried in Shangjun Yang Zhou Qiaoshan. " [50]
Yellow Emperor Ascending to Heaven by Dragon
According to the Records of the Historian and the Book of Zen, "The Yellow Emperor picks up Shoushan Copper, cast tripod in Jingshan Now that the tripod is completed, the dragon beards droop and the beard descends to greet the Yellow Emperor. The Yellow Emperor rode up, and more than 70 officials followed the leader in the imperial palace. Yu Xiaochen was not allowed to go up, but he learned that he was holding a dragon beard, which was pulled down and dropped the bow of the Yellow Emperor. The people look up to the Yellow Emperor, who has gone to heaven, but hold his bow and beard. " [9]
According to the Records of the Historian, Tianguan Book, "The Yellow Emperor was virtuous, and Tianyao began to do so." [10]
The Chronicle of the Five Emperors in the Records of the Historian records that the Yellow Emperor was ruled by the Shennong family before. At the end of the Shennong family, there was a political chaos of "vassals invaded and oppressed the people, while the Shennong family could not levy", so "Xuanyuan was accustomed to fighting, so he could not enjoy it", and finally passed Battle of Sakamoto And Battle of Zhuolu , defeated two important opponents—— Emperor Yan And Chiyou On behalf of Shennong Divine Husbandman It is for the Yellow Emperor ". [41] Its capital is Zhuolu. After the war, the Yellow Emperor led his troops into the Jiuli area, and then met all the tribes in the world at the top of Mount Tai, held a grand ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven and earth. Suddenly, a big worm and a big mole appeared in the sky, and the color was still yellow, so he called himself king by virtue of earth, and the color of earth was yellow, so he was called the Yellow Emperor. The Yellow Emperor was in 2697 BC. [6] Redords of the Grand History of China ·It is recorded in the Five Emperors' Chronicle that the vassal Xian Zun Xuanyuan was the Son of Heaven, representing Shennong as the Yellow Emperor. The Yellow Emperor will levy those who are not going well in the world, and the average people will go there. They will walk through the mountain and never settle down.
Redords of the Grand History of China ·According to the Five Emperors' Chronicle, it reached the sea in the east, climbed Maru Mountain, and another name for Taishan As for the empty tung in the west, climb the chicken head. As far as the south as the river, climb the bear and Hunan. The north pursues meat porridge, which is consistent with Busan, and the city is located in Zhuolu. When moving to and from places where there is uncertainty, the division soldiers are the camp guards. The official names are all named Cloud Master. Put the left and right wardens in charge of all countries. All nations are in harmony, and there are many ghosts, gods, mountains, and rivers to worship. Imperial century 》It is recorded that "the Yellow Emperor, the son of Shaodian of the Xiong family, had a surname of Ji. His mother's day was treasured." [18]
Buddhist seal book 》It is recorded: "The Yellow Emperor made a bronze tripod from the first mountain at the foot of the Jingshan Mountain. Once the tripod was completed, a dragon hung down its beard to greet the Yellow Emperor. The Yellow Emperor rode on the dragon, and more than 70 officials followed the leader in the imperial palace. The rest of the junior officials were not allowed to go up. Instead, they learned to hold the dragon's beard, pull out the dragon's beard, and fall down the emperor's bow. The people looked up to the tripod. Once the emperor went up, they took his bow and dragon's beard and called it". So later generations called it " emperor's death , its bow said Wu Hao " [70]
Filial Piety Sutra Hook Life Decision 》It is recorded that: "The attached treasure comes out, subdues the spirit, and gives birth to the Emperor Xuan." (The attached treasure is also the mother of the Emperor Xuan. The electric Huangjing Xuanyuan Qi is also. Xuan, the name of the Yellow Emperor. It is attached or used as Fu.) [71]
Shangshu Zhonghou 》It is recorded that "Emperor Xuan raises the image with Yongxunji, (Xuan, the name of the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan. Yong, long also. Xun, shun also. The Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan observes the image of raising, and goes with it, taking long as shun, and promoting opportunity as government.) The heaven and earth are closed, and the five elements are phased, (Xiu, beautiful also. The beauty of the heaven and earth passes together, and should change in the four seasons.) The river dragon is drawn, (The dragon is drawn with its title.) Luo Gui wrote the book. (The tortoise bears the book and comes out. Wei, too.) The red characters are like characters to give Xuanyuan. "
Han Shiwaizhuan 》Record: Huang Dizhao Tianlao And asked: "What is the phoenix like?" The old man said: "The husband and the phoenix are like a rainbow in front of a forest, a snake with a fish tail, a dragon with a chicken body, a swallow with a chicken pecking." The Yellow Emperor was fast in the middle palace, and the phoenix came out of the sun. The Yellow Emperor descends to the east and pays homage to the Jishou in the west. The emperor is willing to accept his orders. Feng Naizhi Emperor's East Garden.
The Book of Rites of Da Dai 》Record: Zai I asked Confucius: "In the past, I asked Zhu Rongjun. In the three hundred years of the Yellow Emperor, I asked the people of the Yellow Emperor to suppress African people. Why did it last three hundred years?" Confucius said: "The Yellow Emperor, the son of Shaodian, is also called Xuanyuan. He was born a god, weak and able to speak. He taught bears, bottoms, pikes, wild animals, leopards and tigers to fight with the Red Emperor in the wild of Banquan. After three wars, he achieved his ambition. The Yellow Emperor axe Buddha wears large clothes with axe clothes. He rides the clouds by the dragon. He works hard to pay attention to his eyes and ears. He uses water and fire sparingly. The people have benefited from the birth of property for hundreds of years. The people have benefited from their gods for hundreds of years after death. The people have taught for hundreds of years after death, so it is called 300 years. "Zaiyu expressed doubts about the identity of the Yellow Emperor. [39]
It is recorded in "Poems with Divine Mist" that the great electricity around the pivot shines on the countryside, feeling the treasure attached, and born the Yellow Emperor.
On Balance 》Record: posthumous title: Jingmin called Fa the emperor, and Dexiang called Tiandi the emperor. The emperor is the posthumous title of Anmin, which is not the title of Daodao.
Writings of Prince Huainan 》It is recorded that, according to Zhuan Xu's method, women who do not avoid men on the road are registered in the four reaches of the Qu. (Register, Yin Fu. Except for its bad luck.)
Huai Nanzi Astronomical Instruction records: "East Muya, its emperor is too howling, and its words are mang, and its return is to govern spring; South Huoya, its emperor Yan, and its Zhuming (Zhu Rong), and its balance is to govern summer; Central Tuya, its emperor Huang Di; West Jinya, its emperor Shaohao, and its production is to harvest, and its moment is to govern autumn; North Shuiya, its emperor Zhuan Xu, and its emperor Xuanming (Yujiang) We should exercise power and govern winter. " [20]
Jiao Yilin 》It is recorded that "the Yellow Emperor was the son of Shaodian in Xiong State"; "Born by the Yellow Emperor, Fuxi Zhiyu. If you can't reach the weapon, you should stop with the advantage. "
It is recorded in Hetu Grasping the Pivot that "the Yellow Emperor's famous pavilion is the essence of the Yellow Emperor, and the daughter of the mother earth Accessory treasure In the countryside, there is a big electricity around the Doushu, and the stars are shining. The feeling is attached to the treasure. The pavilion is born, and the chest text says: 'The Yellow Emperor's son'.
"Hetu Tingzuofu" records: The Yellow Emperor cultivates morality and righteousness, and the world is under great governance. So he called the old man and asked him: "I dreamed that Yu Yu had been granted the capital of the river because of the picture of the rain dragon rising from the sun. I was ignorant of what was good, and I didn't know the reason, so I dared to ask the son." The old man said, "The river has a picture of the dragon, the Luo has a turtle script, and the emperor has recorded the records of the saints. His surname is Xing, and he has sought peace, and then the phoenix has been there. Now the phoenix phoenix has been under 360 days. When the picture is combined with the record, the sky has given the emperor a picture?" The yellow emperor was Fu Zhai for seven days, dressed in yellow, Crown the yellow crown, ride the yellow dragon, and wear the dragon flag. The heaven and the five saints all swim between the river and the Luohe River, seeking the place where they dream, the Buddha. To the deep of Cuigui, the Dalu fish came upstream. He asked Tianlao, "Do you see the river in your husband?" He said, "See it." All the five sages of the consultant said that they could not see it. They left and right and knelt with Tianlao alone to greet him. Five colors are matched with each other, and the Yellow Emperor is awarded by the Heaven. Shu Shizhi, the Yellow Emperor, was named Lu Tu.
"The Dragon Fish River Map" records that the yellow dragon, with its scales and armour in characters, came out of the river and handed it to the Yellow Emperor, who ordered his courtiers to write their own pictures to show the world. [50]
It is recorded in the Spring and Autumn Annals, that the Yellow Emperor's dragon face gained Tiantianyang, went up to the Dharma and stayed in the middle of the night, took Wenchang as an example, wore the heaven and walked on the yin, and grasped the number and made the hardness. (Yan Youlong is like a Xuanyuan. Tingyang is too small. Dai Tian has astronomy in the first place. Walking on Yin, Yin characters are also at the bottom of his feet. He has the ability to control hardness, discipline, and discipline.); Zhuan Xu joined hands and went up to the moon ginseng. Gather the power into the history, and manage the yin and yang. (It is also important. The water essence is the master of the month, and the ginseng feller is the master of cutting and mowing. He successfully holds the post of this month, and his help fee is a token.) [50]
The Painting of Taicheng in Spring and Autumn Period records: "Xuanyuan is the god of thunderstorm." [19]

three countries

Jiang Zi's Theory of Wanji 》Said: At the beginning of the Yellow Emperor, he nurtured his character and loved the people, and was not fond of war. The four emperors, each with a square and colored title, conspired with each other, and the border city was shocked and Jiezhou did not release. The Yellow Emperor sighed: "The husband is in danger, the people are in peace, the lord is lost to the country, and his officials remarry. The reason for his sudden illness is not to support the bandits! Today, he is above the people, and the four thieves are strong and balanced, which shocks his teachers." So he was in the camp of Suishi to destroy the four emperors. If the Yellow Emperor doesn't change like a dragon and a tiger, but is in line with the common customs, his people and officials will also harm the four emperors! [69]

Wei-Jin period

Textual research on ancient history 》It is recorded that "the surname of Xiong is Si, or Gongsun." [50]
Embrace Puzi 》It is recorded that the Yellow Emperor was born with the ability to speak and used Bailing as a slave. It can be said that he was born with nature. I still dare not sit upright to get the Tao, so I went to the king's house and received the Dan Sutra, flew to the Dinghu Lake and flew to the Pearl River, climbed the Kongtong to ask Guangcheng, went to the east to do great things, adapted to the East Dai and served the Middle Yellow River, went to the Golden Valley to consult Laozi, talked about the Tao and raised the two daughters, pushed the steps carefully to visit Shanji and Limu, talked about Zhanhou and asked about the wind, went to the physical examination and received Lei Qi, reviewed the attack and war, accepted the five tone strategy, and the poor gods and traitors remembered the chaos of the four lakes, Xiang Geography is a book about birds, and saving the disabled is an art of metallurgy. Therefore, we can finish remembering secret essentials and exhaust the truth. It is recorded in Baopuzi's Internal Part - Micro Order: "Huang Laoxuan is a sage who has deep knowledge and unique vision. He has opened a secret text on a famous mountain, received the immortal scriptures on gods and men, and overcame dust to relieve tiredness. Ling Dayai is ranked high. Gold and stone cannot be as strong as them, and tortoises and cranes cannot live as long as them." [11]
Emperor Zhuan Xu Zan records that the son of Changyi was born in Xuanyuan. The first is to kill Jiuli, and the water virtue is to unify the sky. Take the country as the name, and proclaim the spirit of weathering. Wei and Hong are eight poles, and evil is not just godliness. [50]
Water injection ·The Weishui River records: "The Yellow Emperor was born in Tianshui Shanggui Xuanyuan Valley is seventy miles east of the city. "

Southern and Northern Dynasties

According to The History of the Later Han Dynasty, Biography of the Western Qiang, Qiang people were widely distributed in Qinghai and other western regions during the Shang, Zhou, Qin and Han dynasties. The Chinese people are very particular about returning to their roots and call themselves descendants of the Chinese people. In the history of Chinese civilization, Fuxi Emperor Yan Lieshan's Gong Gong , Siyue, Jintian the third of the three legendary emperors who created the Chinese state They are all ancient Qiang people Emperor Yan The Qiang tribes represented by the Yellow Emperor and the Huaxia tribes represented by the Yellow Emperor, in promoting historical development, merged to form the Huaxia nationality, the ancestor of the Han nationality. [44]

Tang dynasty

Soyin in Historical Records 》It is recorded that "the soil is yellow, so it is called the Yellow Emperor, just like Shennong Huode King, so it is called Yan Emperor." [8]
Zhoushu records:“ Emperor Yan Divine Husbandman , destroyed by the Yellow Emperor, descendants Recluse Shuoye. " [74]

Song dynasty

Taiping Imperial Survey 》Volume 79 quoted an anecdote book, "The Corpse", which said: "Zi Gong said, 'The Yellow Emperor was surrounded by ancient people, do you believe it?' This is Zigong's question of consulting Confucius, which shows that he also has doubts about the existence of the Yellow Emperor. Volume 582 of" Taiping Yulan "quoted" The Emperor Century ":" The Yellow Emperor killed Kui, using its skin as a drum, heard five hundred times. "
According to the "Cloud Collection Seven Xi · Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor", "Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor is the second son of Xiong Guoshaodian." [21]

the Ming dynasty

Unified Annals of the Ming Dynasty ·Historic Sites:“ Xuanyuan Hill , on Xinzheng In the county, there was a country of Xiong in ancient times. The Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan was born here, hence the name. " [5] Guang Yu Ji 》: "Xuanyuan Qiu Xinzheng, the Yellow Emperor was born here, hence his name."; According to the Annals of Henan, Historic Site, during the Chenghua period of the Ming Dynasty, "Xuanyuan Hill is located in Xinzheng County, where Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor was born."

the Qing dynasty

A Guide to Imperial Approvals of Successive Dynasties: "The mother of the Yellow Emperor is called Fu Bao. In the countryside, seeing the big electricity circling the Big Dipper Pivot Star, she felt pregnant. In the 24th month, the emperor was born at Xuanyuan Hill, which is known as Xuanyuan. Xuanyuan Hill is in Xinzheng County, Kaifeng Prefecture."; At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, there was a "Yellow Emperor craze" in China. The intellectuals in the late Qing Dynasty, under the impact of western nationalism, tried to construct their own national identity, so they chose the mythical figure Huang Di and emphasized that he was the "ancestor" of the Chinese nation. At this time, the concept of "descendants of the Yellow Emperor" also became a commonly accepted self title [68] Bamboo Chronicle Collection 》Zheng Huan, Taichang Shaoqing of the Ming Dynasty, was quoted as saying: "The son of Shaodian, the Yellow Emperor, was born in Xuanyuan Hill of Xinzheng, not in Shouqiu of Yanzhou."; According to the Textual Research on the Capitals of Successive Dynasties, "The Yellow Emperor was born in Shouqiu".


Battle of Zhuolu
At the beginning of the 20th century, Gu Jiegang said in his article On Ancient History with Mr. Qian Xuantong: Yu When Confucius arrived Yao Shun , the Yellow Emperor Shennong in the Warring States Period, the Three Emperors in the Qin Dynasty, and after the Han Dynasty Pangu And so on. " "The worship of the Yellow Emperor started in the State of Qin. Maybe the Yellow Emperor is the" Yellow Dragon Earth Yin "or something.". It can be seen that he believed that the Yellow Emperor was created in the Warring States Period, not a real historical figure. He Xin demonstrated that the Yellow Emperor was a mythical figure rather than a historical figure in his "Origin of Gods". First of all, he researched the meaning of the yellow character: "Yellow, Shuowen pointed out that its character was also pronounced as light from the ancient Chinese word" light ". In fact, yellow and light not only have the same ancient sound, but also have the meaning of light." Custom Pass "said:" yellow, light also. "" Shi Ming "said:" yellow, shake (sunlight) also. It is also like the sun. "The natural color of sunlight is yellow. Therefore, in ancient astronomy, the path of the sun is called the ecliptic. The emperor's robe is yellow instead of red. In feudal times, apricot yellow of the Yellow River was the most important and noble color among the five colors, and its customs should all be based on it. " Then he came to the conclusion: "All this can be proved. Yellow, Huang, Huang, Huang and light are synonymous in ancient times and can be used together. The Yellow Emperor is the emperor's variant writing, namely the Emperor of Light, and this light is the sun, and the Yellow Emperor is the sun [40] An addendum 》Record: "The Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan came from the country with bears"; According to the Outline of Chinese History (Part 1), "In Shaanxi, there are tribes with the surname of Ji, the Yellow Emperor, and Jiang, the Yan Emperor. They have intermarried for generations."
Professor of Tsinghua University Zhang Guizhi It is believed that: "The Yellow Emperor was born on the Loess Plateau in northern Shaanxi, and the Yan Emperor was born in the Jiangshui area of Baoji City today. The Yellow Emperor and the Yan Emperor tribes once moved along the river, developed to the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River and the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, and later became the Huaxia nationality." [31]
Gods and Heroes: the Motif of Ancient Chinese Mythology 》Record: "On the Loess Plain of Shaanxi, there are some clans that live together with women as blood ties... Among these clans, the most famous are the Huangdi and Yandi, who live next to Jiangshui and Jishui, two tributaries of the upper reaches of the Weishui River."
"On the Establishment of the Yellow Emperor as the Ancestor of the Chinese Nation" records: "Here, the parents of the Yellow Emperor and the Yan Emperor are called Shaodian and Youdang respectively, and the Ming Dynasty is the name of the two clans; The place where Emperor Huang and Emperor Yan grew up is just two small tributaries of the Weishui River basin in Shaanxi. They got their own surnames because of these two rivers. It can also be seen that their identities are clan leaders in a remote corner. " [32]
Concise Chinese History Reader 》: "The Huangdi people first lived on the Loess Plateau in what is now northern Shaanxi, and the Yandi people first lived in the Baoji area in what is now Shaanxi. Later, the Huangdi and Yandi people gradually moved eastward. The migration route of the Huangdi people was slightly north. After crossing the Yellow River eastward, they came to the northern Hebei along the mountain side of Zhongtiao Mountain and Taihang Mountain. The migration route of the Yandi nationality was slightly south, and developed along the Wei River and the Yellow River to Henan, southern Hebei and northeastern Shandong. During their migration, they fought with the indigenous tribes in the area where they moved. In the northern part of Hebei Province today, the Huangdi people joined the Yandi people in the battle of Zhuolu with the Chiyou people. Later, the Huangdi people fought with the Yandi people in the battle of Banquan. In the Yan and Huang Dynasties, there were conflicts and struggles among various ethnic groups, but there were also alliances and integrations. " [73]

Cultural characteristics



brief introduction
Yongfu Chongmi
Yongfu, a minister of the Yellow Emperor, has the ability to chisel stones. Yongfu was ordered by the Yellow Emperor to successfully develop a pestle and mortar for husking rice between the Hongshui River and the Juci Mountain, and taught people to husk grain and boil rice for food. Since Yongfu had made the pestle and mortar, the Yellow Emperor granted the place where he made the pestle and mortar as his food town. Yongfu built a city here and lived there, called Yongshi City. It is also today's ancient town of Yuzhou City.
Wengcheng Pottery
Wengcheng, today's ancient town Wengxiang Village. In ancient times, the Central Plains was flooded all the year round, and people lived in caves. When they went to the foot of the mountain to get water, they suffered from no container. One day, Ning Fengzi, an important official of the Yellow Emperor, got hard mud in the fire when he was roasting wild animals, so he understood the truth of pottery burning. So he used local materials to build kilns and burn pottery all the year round. The burnt urn has no place to accumulate, so it is used to build walls. It has been like a city for a long time, and is called the urn city. Since then, Yudi has been burning colored pottery, black pottery, celadon and even Jun porcelain, and the kiln fire has never been extinguished, which has been handed down from generation to generation.
Qihuang medical disease
After being educated by Guangchengzi, the Yellow Emperor built a Taoist temple on Kongtong Mountain to understand the natural cycle and the growth law of all things. He often sat down with Qi Bo, who was proficient in medicine, Lei Gong, who was proficient in the processing of traditional Chinese medicine, and other ministers to discuss medicine, explain the pathology, and teach people to cure all diseases with "Qi Huang's skill". Finally, the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic was a medical masterpiece.
Thunder blasting
thunder god He is an important official of the Yellow Emperor. He was granted by the Yellow Emperor in the Fangshan area of Yuzhou because he knows pharmacology and is good at acupuncture. He is the ancestor of the Kuang family of Fanglei. Lei Gong devoted his whole life to studying medicine here and wrote many medical monographs such as "Lei Gong's Roasting Theory", which became the source of Yuzhou's traditional Chinese medicine culture. The processing technology of traditional Chinese medicine passed down has been used up to now. In addition, Yuzhou is rich in traditional Chinese medicine, laying the foundation for later Yuzhou to become one of the four major distribution centers of traditional Chinese medicine.
Huanglong Fitness
According to legend, when the Yellow Emperor traveled around the world, he got a divine beast called“ Baize ”The Yellow Emperor was accompanied by "Bai Ze" when he practiced Taoism in Xiaoyao Temple, and was renamed "White Ape". In order to strengthen the body, the Yellow Emperor often fights with the white ape and gradually develops a set of fist techniques. Because people regard the Yellow Emperor as the Yellow Dragon, it is called the Yellow Dragon Boxing. At first, the secret of Huanglong Boxing was not spread to the public. It was only in the Ming and Qing Dynasties that it was introduced into the people by the Taoist of Xiaoyao Temple. Today, it is still practiced in Yuwanggou Village and Jiangzhuang Village of Yuzhou City. It is said that the secret collection of Huanglong Boxing was sealed in the Stone Gate Cave of Kongtong Mountain, leaving a mystery to the world.
Guangchengzi passed on the Yellow Emperor's "Natural Classic", and gave him the essence of governing the country, managing politics, heaven and earth, and longevity. The Yellow Emperor obtained the essence of governing the world, led his officials to be diligent, think hard, and strive for governance, and launched the long-standing Chinese civilization. It is said that the Yellow Emperor visited Guangchengzi again in his old age, retired from Kongtong Mountain, lived for 120 years, and became an immortal in the Xiaoyao Temple. [3]

Commemorative activities

Activity name
Related pictures
Official Memorial Ceremony of the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor
Huang Di Mausoleum , located in the north bridge mountain of Huangling County, Yan'an City, Shaanxi Province. In ancient times, it was called "Bridge Mausoleum", and it was a place for Chinese emperors and celebrities to worship the Yellow Emperor. [67]
On the morning of April 14, 2021, the ancestor worship ceremony in the hometown of Yellow Emperor in Xinzheng, Zhengzhou, Henan Province was held. The ceremony was co sponsored by the People's Government of Henan Province, the Henan Provincial Committee of the CPPCC, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, the All China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, the All China Friendship Association of Taiwan Compatriots, and the Chinese Yanhuang Culture Research Association. [1]
Ancestor Worship Ceremony in the Hometown of the Yellow Emperor
On October 14, 2021, the Xinchou (2021) China Xiandu Sacrifice Ceremony to the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan was held in Jinyun County, Zhejiang Province. The grand ceremony was hosted by the People's Government of Zhejiang Province, with the theme of "carrying forward the Yellow Emperor's culture and condensing the national spirit", and the theme of "sacrificing the ancestors to common prosperity and enlightenment". [47]
China's Celestial Capital Sacrifice Ceremony for the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan

Memorial site

Name of scenic spot
brief introduction
Related pictures
In the yard of Xuanyuan Temple (the cemetery of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor) in Huangling County, Yan'an City, central Shaanxi Province, there is a hand planted cypress of the Yellow Emperor, more than 20 meters high, 11 meters in diameter at breast height, more than 5000 years ago, which is the oldest cypress in the world. [14]
Xuanyuan Temple
Xinzheng Huangdi Hometown Scenic Spot Located in Zhengzhou, Henan Province Xinzheng City Xuanyuan Road, recorded in the history books of Han Dynasty Youxiong Is the place where people live, so Bear Country The ruins. [4]
Huangdi's hometown
Huangdi City, namely Zhuolu Ancient City , also known as Xuanyuan City, located in Zhuolu County Fanshan Town 50 meters north of Sanbao Village. Huangdi City is an irregular square rammed earth city, 450-500 meters wide from east to west, 510-540 meters long from south to north, and the remaining city wall is 5-10 meters high, about 10 meters thick at the bottom, and about 3 meters thick at the top.
Huangdi City
Huangdiyuan Scenic Spot is located in Mount Huangshan In Xinhong Village and Luocun Village, Tanjiaqiao Town, east gate. The scenic spots include Tiantai, Dinghu, Zizhiyuan Grand Canyon, Karst Cave and Ancient Cultural Relics. There are dozens of major scenic spots. [54]
Huang Diyuan
The predecessor of the Yellow Emperor Temple was called Jinyun Hall. In the seventh year of Tianbao (748 AD), Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, Li Longji, decreed that Jinyun Mountain should be changed to Xiandu Mountain. In order to commemorate the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan, it was renamed the Yellow Emperor Temple. It was written by Xiaozhuan calligrapher and Jinyun County magistrate Li Yangbing. [55]
Yellow Emperor Temple
Huangling County Huang Di Mausoleum
Huangdi Mausoleum in Huangling County, Shaanxi Province Huangling County The bridge mountain in the north of the city is the Yellow Emperor's Tomb of Clothes. The Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor was called the "Bridge Mausoleum" in ancient times, and it was a place for Chinese emperors and other people to worship the Yellow Emperor. [30]
Huangdi Mausoleum in Huangling County
Jingshan Yellow Emperor Mausoleum, located in Henan Province Lingbao City 20 km west of the urban area Yangping Town Later, because of its name, it was called Dinghu "its bow was called Wu Hao". People buried the boots of the Yellow Emperor on the Zhuding Plateau to form the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor, and built a temple to offer sacrifices. [9]
Jingshan Yellow Emperor Mausoleum
be located Qufu 4 kilometers east of the city Shouqiu It is the birthplace of the Yellow Emperor, the ancestor of the Chinese nation. Song Zhenzong Respecting the Yellow Emperor as the first ancestor Shouqiu Build Jingling Palace to offer sacrifices. There are 1320 Jingling palaces, carved with jade as statues, and worshipped with the Taimiao ritual. It was the highest ritual temple at that time and was destroyed at the end of the Yuan Dynasty. Now the site has been turned into a park, which is the largest stele park in China. The garden covers an area of 37 mu, with two steles and a pool reflecting the clouds. Shaohao Mausoleum is to the north. [75]
Jingling Palace Site

Artistic image


Literary image

In March 2006, the book "Yanhuang Ancestor: One Body, Blood and Family Names" was launched in Zhengzhou. The book mainly introduces the origin of Chinese surnames. [57]

Film and television image

particular year
Play title
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four
yellow [56]
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five
TV play
The Ancestor of Yan and Huang
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six
TV play
two thousand and three
Music art film
Lei Zu Silkworm Mother
Yan Dan
two thousand and six
TV play
Yang Qianli
Xuanyuan [58]
two thousand and ten
TV play
Yellow Emperor [59]
two thousand and eleven
TV play
Xuanyuan [60]
two thousand and thirteen
TV play
Zhu Xiaoyu , Wenti
Ji Xuanyuan
two thousand and sixteen
two thousand and seventeen
Qin Chuming
great emperor
two thousand and nineteen
TV play
Xuanyuan Family [61]

Animation image

particular year
Huangdi Epic ·Six Part Combination
Little Lighthouse: Stories about the Classic of Mountains and Rivers for Children [62]

Game image

Game name
Role Name
Ji Xuanyuan [64]
Yellow Emperor [65]
Yellow Emperor [66]

Relationship description

Name and Introduction
Fuxi , Fu Xisheng Shaodian [49]
brief explanation Shaodian : It is said that it is from Shaodian monarch
brief explanation Shao Hao "The Yellow Emperor is the son of Shaohao" in Confucius Family Sayings. [48]
brief explanation Dijun :《 shanhaiching 》"Emperor Junsheng Dihong", Dihong, Yellow Emperor also. [51]
brief explanation Qi Kun , or Qikun.
Accessory treasure In the 25th month of pregnancy, the Yellow Emperor was born on Wusi.
Lei Zu : One work“ Rezu ”。 Xiling Family The daughter is the imperial concubine of the Yellow Emperor. Lei Zu Invented Sericulture , historical title“ Lei Zu Beginning Silkworm ". Born Xuanxiao (i.e. Qingyang and Shaohao, once said that their mother was a female festival) [26] , Changyi. [28]
肜 Yushi : taboo Qiong , a famous entertainment, Emperor Yan Her daughter, the third imperial concubine of the Yellow Emperor, was responsible for people's food, housing and transportation. Be respected by later generations cooking Primogenitor living Yi drum [26]
Mo Mu : Ugly, but virtuous and gentle, she was the fourth imperial concubine of the Yellow Emperor and helped the Yellow Emperor defeat Yan Emperor and kill Chiyou. living Canglin (It is said that Cang Forest is the Yi Drum, which was born by the surname of Tangyu.). [26] [29]
Mandarin 》It is recorded that the Yellow Emperor had twenty-five sons, fourteen of whom were granted surnames. These fourteen people got twelve surnames, which are in turn: woman Unitary Qi Already Teng let a kind of fragrant grass happy Add clothing [33] Qinghua Bamboo Slips 》The Five Periods Theory in Chiyou He is the son of the Yellow Emperor: "The Yellow Emperor also (has) Ziyue Temple (Chi You), who has grown up as a man and is a five soldier." According to the Chronicles of Marquis since Jianyuan in the Records of the Historian, Tian Qianqiu wrote to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty: "If you play with your father's soldiers, you should be punished. The anger of father and son has existed since ancient times. Chiyou is the father beside Chiyou, and the Yellow Emperor wades across the river." From this, Chi You is the son of the Yellow Emperor in the Five Chronicles, As well as the related legend of being a soldier and betraying his father when he became an adult, it still spread in the Han Dynasty. [52]
The book Records of the Historian established the pedigree of the Yellow Emperor, Sima Qian The founders of the Xia Dynasty, the Shang Dynasty and the Zhou Dynasty are all regarded as descendants of the Yellow Emperor. [35] At that time, people's understanding was: "The destiny is hard to say, and it can't be seen without saints. Shun Yu , Qi and Houji are all descendants of the Yellow Emperor. The Yellow Emperor ruled the world according to the mandate of heaven, and his virtue was profound in later generations, so his descendants were all restored to be the Son of Heaven, and it was the report of heaven that had virtue ". This explanation has a mysterious color of prophecy, but the emphasis is on moral education, which is just the expression of the use and transformation of the Yellow Emperor culture by the Western Han Dynasty Confucianism. [45] Sima Qian not only described the Huaxia nationality as the descendants of the Yellow Emperor, but also described China's ethnic minorities as the descendants of the Yellow Emperor. Sima Qian It is believed that the people of Qin, Chu, Wu, Yue, Shu, Southwest Yi, Xiongnu, and ancient Korea are all descendants of the Yellow Emperor. [35]

Historical data index

Dynasty and Author
Name of historical materials
Author unknown (Pre Qin period)
shanhaiching ·West Mountain Classic [22]
Author unknown (Pre Qin or Western Han Dynasty)
Yizhou Book ·Taste Maijie
Zuo Qiuming (Spring and Autumn Period)
Mandarin, Jin Language IV [23] Master Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals [24]
Li Daoyuan (late Northern Wei Dynasty)
Sima Qian (Western Han Dynasty)
Historical Records: Five Emperors [25] Buddhist seal book [50]
Ban Gu (main author), Ban Zhao, Ma Xu (Han Dynasty)
Book of the Han Dynasty - Ancient and Modern People Table [26]
Author unknown (Han Dynasty)
Dai De (Western Han Dynasty)
Liu An and his guests (Western Han Dynasty)
Jiang Ji (Three Kingdoms)
Huangfu Mi (Western Jin Dynasty)
Imperial century [27]
Ge Hong (Jin Dynasty)
Embrace Puzi [11]
Qiao Zhou (Wei and Jin Dynasties)
Fan Ye (Southern Song Dynasty)
Later Han Dynasty ·Biography of Western Qiang [44]
Sima Zhen (Tang Dynasty)
Li Fang, Li Mu, Xu Xuan (Song Dynasty)
Li Xian, Peng Shi, etc. (Ming Dynasty)
Unified Annals of the Ming Dynasty ·Historic Site [5]
Fu Heng et al. (Qing Dynasty)
"Guidelines for Imperial Approval of the Government of Past Dynasties"

Image evaluation

In the 1920s, Gu Jiegang and Hu Shi pointed out that the "emperor" before the Qin Dynasty was the god of heaven, and the "Yellow Emperor" was the god of the northwest Qin people, not the human emperor. There are many "Di" characters in the Shang Dynasty oracle bone inscriptions and gold inscriptions. Summarizing the usage of these "Di" characters can be divided into three types: first, as a sacrificial verb, it means to sacrifice; Second, as a noun, it refers to the god; The third is to make temple numbers to show that the king of Shang was not called "emperor". From this point of view, since the Shang Dynasty three thousand years ago, "emperor" still refers to the gods and gods, and the Shang kings are not called emperors, then the so-called Yellow Emperor, which is said to have lived four or five thousand years ago, does not refer to the human emperor. (Comment on Chang Yuzhi's "The so-called" Yellow Emperor "from the" Emperor "of the Shang Dynasty) [42]
"Yellow Emperor" was originally in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River during the three generations of ancient times, especially in Dongyi The supreme god and ancestor god jointly worshipped by all tribes. "Yellow Emperor" is a honorific title. Its name is called "worry" (Wang Guowei's interpretation of "夒" is incorrect) and "rely" in oracle inscriptions. Later, it was changed into "Ku (俈)" in ancient books; Or the shape is changed into "You", and the sound is changed into《 shanhaiching 》"Emperor Jun" in Chinese, and other documents have changed into "Emperor Shun". Therefore, the "Yellow Emperor" mentioned in the Book of Mountains and Rivers is Dijun; The "Yellow Emperor" in other documents is Emperor Ku or Emperor Shun. (Wang Ning's review of "The Origin of the Yellow Emperor") [46]