World of Warcraft

A multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Blizzard Entertainment
open 6 entries with the same name
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World of Warcraft is a famous game company Blizzard Entertainment The first online game produced belongs to Large multiplayer online role-playing game The game is a real-time strategy game produced by the company《 Warcraft 》Based on the historical events and heroes of Warcraft, World of Warcraft has a complete historical background timeline. [1] Players take adventures, complete tasks, take new adventures, explore unknown worlds, conquer monsters, etc. in World of Warcraft.
2003 Warcraft III: Icebound Throne 》After the release, Blizzard Entertainment officially announced the development plan of World of Warcraft (which had been developed secretly for several years). World of Warcraft 2004 Public testing in North America began on November 23 of the same year U.S.A New Zealand Canada Australia And Mexico Issuance. By the end of 2008, the number of paid users of World of Warcraft had exceeded 11.5 million worldwide, and they had successfully entered Guinness World Records In April 2008, World of Warcraft MMORPG The market share reached 62%. As of January 2014, the total number of accounts created worldwide has exceeded 100 million (including trial version accounts), and the number of personas has reached 500 million. A total of 244 countries and regions are playing World of Warcraft, including antarctic Bahamas Christmas Island , and Tokelau Islands And so on.
The original agent in mainland China is The Ninth City On March 21, 2005, the limited test began, and on June 6 of the same year, it was officially commercialized. From June 7, 2009, the operator in mainland China was changed to Netease [2] On November 17, 2022, NetEase announced that since the term of the agreement between the company and its partner Blizzard Entertainment was about to expire, the World of Warcraft operated by the company in mainland China would terminate at 0:00 on January 24, 2023. [60] [67] In December, World of Warcraft officially opened a temporary recharge channel [63]
On August 6, 2024, World of Warcraft was updated to support the Mac system and complete server expansion to alleviate the queuing problem. [90]
Chinese name
World of Warcraft
Original name
World of Warcraft
Game platform
Warcraft series
North America, Europe, China, Southeast Asia, South Korea
Blizzard Entertainment
Issuing company
Blizzard Entertainment
Issue Date
November 23, 2004 (Meifu) [9]
William Petras Chris Metzen
Number of players
Large multi person
Game screen
Game rating
16+(CADPA) [30]
Latest version
9.2.5 [6]
Issuance stage
Official edition
Key roles
Saar Illidan Angry Wind Khadgar Arthas Menethil
Netease (Mainland China)
Game language
English, Chinese, etc
Highest grade
Grade 60 [7] [51]

Version evolution


early version

Story background (the disaster of Blackstone)
Version 1.9: The Gate of Angela
Having experienced the invasion of natural disasters Aizelasi The mainland is devastated, Felwood The forest became a dead place. The decayed bodies of those who had already died but had stood up again in Tirisfa's woodland. The night town was filled with thick fog all day long. The undercurrent in the desert of Hilysus was surging. The Kingdom of Lordaeron was destroyed. Illidan betrayed the night elves and was exiled to Outland, Alsace The once prince finally ascended the icebound throne and became the new Lich King in Northrend. It seems that the war has temporarily subsided, because the fragile agreements reached by the war tribe and the alliance seem to have been gradually forgotten.
On the dry land of Durongtar, the tribes led by Sar set up camp and continued to expand the size of the army. They invited the former High Elf Ranger who also hated the Alliance, the current leader of the forgotten, Sylvanas, and the forgotten under his command, to join the tribes of orcs, tauren, and trolls.
meanwhile, Dwarf dwarf And ancient Night Elves And vowed to join the human king Varian Wrynn In order to solve the problems of interests after the war, the allies and tribes are hoarding combat power.
But at this time, the king of Storm City, Varian Urien, suddenly disappeared mysteriously, Bolvar Fordragon As the regent, the Duke assisted the young Prince Anduin Urien, but anyone can see that the political trend of the whole Stormwind City completely depends on the noble and mysterious female nobility of mankind Carter Lana Presto, the distrust between the alliances is growing day by day. At the same time, the black iron dwarves who are dormant in the Blackstone Mountain began to lead a series of strange events Reginald Windsol The Marshal disappeared mysteriously in the Blackstone Abyss. It seems that there is a force behind everything that controls the fate of the world.
The shamans of the tribe found that the elements in different sides began to become unstable, and the source of everything pointed directly to the Black Rock Mountain, where the King of Black Iron Dwarves, Soryson the Great, summoned the Yan devil Lagnaros during the Three Hammer War. It seemed that everything began to develop in a bad direction. So the brave adventurers of the Alliance and the tribe are ready to move towards the Blackstone Tower, the Blackstone Abyss, the Heart of Molten Fire, and the Nest of Black Wings.
Story background (Angela invasion)
The world was almost destroyed by the hand of the black dragon prince Nefarian. The heroes of the Alliance saved Marshal Windsol and revealed that it was actually the black dragon princess Onyxia The true face of Katrina, Stormwind City, from top to bottom, reunited, and the alliance became more solid.
The warriors of the tribe went deep into the Black Rock Mountain and bravely defeated the burning devil. At last, the heroes of the Alliance defeated the black dragon prince Nefarian in the Black Wing Nest on the top of the Black Rock Mountain, as if the world was back to peace.
But far away in the Hilisus Desert at the southernmost end of Kalimdor continent, the outpost battle of the Senario Council found that there began to be abnormal movements in the desert, a large number of alien insects poured out from the ground, and a group of Twilight believers who believed in the ancient gods began to appear. This scene can not help but remind people of the quicksand battle that almost destroyed Azeroth, As the Senario Parliament and the night elf great druid, Vandal Helmet could no longer bear it. In the quicksand battle, he lost his only son. Finally, relying on the three color dragon as bait, he sealed the terrorist creatures who claimed to be his Lazarus forever behind the huge beetle wall of Helisus. Is history going to repeat itself? No, never this time. Our adventurers will collect the fragments of the quicksand stick that was damaged that year, reopen the beetle wall, and we will go deep into the temple of Angela to make a real end with these Chila Zerg and their behind the scenes.
Therefore, for the first time in history, the tribe and the alliance have truly abandoned their past grievances, jointly raised war preparedness materials, and worked together to find the fragments of the quicksand stick. In the face of disaster, ethnic interests, collective contradictions, and personal grievances are so insignificant. Under the scorching sun, in the Hilysus Desert, the hero held the quicksand stick and sounded the gong of thousands of years of confinement, Start here.
Story Background (Shadow of Naxxramas)
Old Gods C'thun Hidden in the depths of the Ancelor Temple, this monster, called the Thousand Eye Devil, was like a nightmare. In order to curse the flesh and blood and eat, it madly seduced the Chila insects to invade the Azeroth continent. Unfortunately, it was finally defeated in the hands of the Alliance and the army under the leadership of the bronze dragon, as if the world had once again ushered in a brief peace.
Arthas, once Prince of Lordaeron, now Lich King After the fierce battle with Illidan on the icebound throne, he spent too much time to cultivate and recover. Now he is more powerful than before. What the Lich King Ner'zhul did not do in those years, he will do better today, so the Scourge Army comes back again as the leader, The leader and loyal servant of Arthas will lead the huge floating war fortress Naxxamas to visit this familiar and unfamiliar Azeroth continent.
Since breaking away from the Bloody Crusade, the Silver Dawn has been active in the Eastern Plague as the backbone of the resistance to natural disasters. However, recently they found that a large number of dark magic formations suddenly appeared in the dead place, accompanied by those bodies that had already become decayed and stood up again, and the huge floating fortress hung over the Eastern Plague like the shadow of death, It seems that everything has returned to the terrible years of the invasion of natural disasters, but this time, the heroes who have experienced the baptism of the war of Angela will once again take up arms for the world.
Version Introduction
In June 2005, World of Warcraft officially landed in China. World of Warcraft was capped at level 45 in the public beta stage. The initial settings, such as master 's changing sheep can be cast on players for 45 seconds, and they can eat and drink; Tauren There is no mount, but there is a skill of grassland galloping; hunter Use energy, baby use blue; There is a GM Island in the middle and so on.
Later, the 60 level version was officially opened, and many new replicas were added, such as Bloody Monastery Sunken Temple Etc. then The heart of fire (60+level 40 person raid replica), and Stansom , Spiritual Institute Blackstone Tower And other replicas.
In version 1.09, World of Warcraft opened the only server level epic task - Anqi Open Door Task. Due to the difficulty and scale of the task, it requires the joint efforts of a whole server alliance and tribal players to complete it. In the CTM version, this task has been removed.
In version 1.11, World of Warcraft opened a new 40 member team instance - Naxamas This is also the last team copy of the classic Paleozoic era. Due to its popularity (including the T3 suite that players think is out of print), it reappeared at WLK.
Final Boss: Kel'Thuzad

Burning expedition

Story background
Doomsday Lord Kazzak The dark door to Outland was reopened, and Azeroth was engulfed by a flood of Burning Legion demons. The expeditionary forces of tribes and alliances become more powerful with the joining of new races of blood elves and Delaney. They pass through the portal to block the invasion of the Burning Legion from the source. In the dry Hellfire Peninsula in Outland, the Alliance found many heroes who had stationed here through the portal many years ago. At the same time, the tribe also Maghan Contact, a group of "uncorrupted" orc tribes who did not participate in the initial invasion of Azeroth. The expeditionary forces in other regions are arguing about the command of the army and who will take the role of fighting against those who have taken the broken territory as their own Illidan Angry Wind Adjutant triggered further conflict. [8]
Version 2.1: Dark Gate
Version Introduction
On September 6, 2007, World of Warcraft in mainland China officially opened its expansion after maintenance and update《 Burning expedition 》。 The initial content of the expansion film includes: the maximum level has been raised to level 70, and two new races, namely, blood elves and draenei, have been added. New area: The Outland reached through the Dark Gate is not the hero mode instance in the team instance, so you can experience higher difficulty and get better rewards. A flying mount that can be used in Outland, adding new tasks and items. New specialty: Jewelry processing specialty can produce magic gems for inlaying in new perforated items. And openness arena System, new battlefield Eye of Storm Or the world PvP content in various regions can be used for confrontation. [9]
Final BOSS: Kil'jaeden

Wrath of the Lich King

Story background
Version 3.3: The Fall of the Lich King
After the world has only enjoyed a short period of peace, Scourge of the Dead A massive attack was launched on the town of Azeroth. The war spread to the Eastern Kingdom. Faced with the great pressure to fight against a whole army, the great chief Saar was appointed Garrush Hellscream Led the expeditionary force to conquer Northrend. Meanwhile, the missing human king Varian Wrynn Finally, he returned to Storm City to regain power. He appointed Bolvar Fordragon Commanding the same elite coalition forces, go to eradicate the Lich King and any tribal forces that dare to block their way.
Version Introduction
On August 31, 2010, the Chinese mainland is releasing the second expansion film of World of Warcraft《 Wrath of the Lich King 》。 The player's role can be upgraded to level 80 at most, with some new areas and replicas. The Wrath of the Lich King also provides players with more PVP battle options, new siege equipment and destructible buildings, as well as a new hero class - Death Knight. And opened directly Audur The secret of, and the summoning content of the Northern Expedition, which added a high-level team copy for level 80 players, new daily tasks, and the Battle of Conquering Island. [10]
Final BOSS: Alsace Menethil
Version update
In April 2022, at the content update conference of World of Warcraft, Blizzard announced that nostalgic clothes would be updated to "Wrath of the Lich King". [55]
On June 6, 2024, the official WeChat of World of Warcraft said that the technical test of deleting files from the national service will be launched on June 11. Through this test, the "Wrath of the Lich King" officially opened in June. [83]

Fission of the earth

Story background
When the victorious Northrend Expeditionary Force returned home, it found that all the elemental creatures in Azeroth were in turmoil. This turmoil marked the return of the crazy guardian dragon destroyer, Death Wing, who broke out of his nest deep in the element plane and tore Azeroth to pieces. With the opening of the field of elements to the world now, chaotic element creatures and their cruel lords have emerged one after another, helping the destroyers and horrible followers of the Twilight Hammer guide the Twilight Judgment: the end of all creatures in Azeroth.
Version 4.3: Twilight Trial [11]
Version Introduction
The third expansion of World of Warcraft on July 12, 2011《 World of Warcraft: Fission of the Earth 》Officially launched in mainland China. The highest level of characters at level 85 has introduced new optional races of werewolf and goblin. [12]
The remake classic area has changed from a wasteland to a barren land in two. Many areas familiar to players in Kalimdor and the original continent of the Eastern Kingdom have been completely changed under the baptism of disaster, and many new tasks and content have been added. And open flying mounts to fly in Azeroth, adding a new second professional skill: archaeology. The new guild system can improve the level of the guild and gain guild achievements. Talents are added to the specialization system. The final Boss in the expansion is Wings of Death [13]
Final BOSS: Wings of Death

Mists of Pandaria

Story background
Mists of Pandaria
After the threat of Death Wing is eliminated, the tribal chief Garrush Hellscream Take the opportunity to attack the Alliance and expand the tribe's territory in Kalimdor. The first target is the human city of Selamo in the dust and mud marsh. After stealing the blue dragon's artifact Focus Rainbow, Garrush Hellscream attacked Selamo with a bomb made of Focus Rainbow. Selamo was completely destroyed, and Dalaran leaders during the involvement Ronin For cover Gianna Proudmoore People died bravely, but the old and new hatred between the alliance and the tribe broke out again, and the war spread all over the world.
After a large-scale maritime conflict, the remnants of the fleet of the Alliance and the tribe were washed up by the sea on a mysterious land shrouded in fog in the endless southern part of Hainan. After landing, the two sides still fought endlessly, but the mysterious native tribes that suddenly entered broke the balance. These creatures who call themselves Pandaren advocate peace, and this is their hometown - Pandaria It has existed here for more than a thousand years without being invaded by natural disasters or damaged by the Burning Legion. Until the arrival of these uninvited guests, they looked at the two sides who fought with each other and wondered: "Why is the fire of war burning, why are the autumn leaves falling? Nature is inexorable, and we also have doubts in our hearts. Who holds the angry fist? Protect the country and pacify the country and punish evil, and the Taoism will naturally eliminate the demons. Why should we fight when wars are endless and disasters are endless? ".
World of Warcraft: The Mystery of Panda Man
But the emergence of tribes and alliances has not only brought about disputes, but more terrifying is that they have awakened the terrorist forces buried under this ancient land, which pandas call evil creatures. These terrible beings transformed from negative feelings in people's hearts are gradually eroding the whole continent, As the alliance and tribe that triggered the awakening of evil spirits, it is natural to assume the important mission of restoring peace to Pandalia. On the other hand, the mantis demon, who has fought against pandas for generations, has once again awakened after a century of rebirth and invaded the Great Wall in a large scale. The ancient race, the Mogu, is also ready to move, and everything is driven by a dark hand behind the scenes.
Final BOSS: Garrush Hellscream
Version Introduction
October 2, 2012《 World of Warcraft: The Mystery of Panda Man 》It is the first time to go online globally in mainland China. The upper limit of level 90 for roles. Open a new race of panda people, a new professional monk, and a new pet war system. Redesign career positioning (specialization) and new talent system, [14] Account sharing achievements, cross server maps, scene campaigns, black market shooting, new replica challenge mode, etc. [15]

King of Draenor

Story background
Delano It is a vast world full of magma, metal and steam. The melting furnace in the city shrouds the double moon here in smoke, and the wheels run over the earth, causing the deformation of the ground. The evil Cybertron, the winged crow man, and the skin is full of thorns Golon It haunts the edge of the world with other rare creatures, hunting edible prey. mysterious Delaney The exiles once built the seaside stronghold into a shining country, which is full of libraries and worship halls recording their eternal civilization. But later, the shackled slaves of the Iron and Steel Tribe attacked Delaney and the outside world with their war equipment. The kingdom, clans, tribes, men, women and children are all ready for war. [2]
"King of Draenor" Chinese LOGO
In Draenor, a desolate primitive jungle and a war poisoned plain, the heroes (players) of Azeroth fell into the legend of the conflict between the Draenei heroes and the orc tribes, and fought with Gromash Hellscream, the Black Hand Clan, Ner'zhul and others who had not yet drunk the blood of the devil.
Version Introduction
2013 Blizzard Carnival At the opening ceremony, Blizzard Vice President Chris Metzen Announce to global players that the 6.0 expansion of World of Warcraft has been officially named《 King of Draenor 》。 World of Warcraft: King of Draenor 》According to the classic races of World of Warcraft, the redesigned player role modules and animations will be launched, so that orcs, humans and other residents who have lived in Azeroth for a long time can also obtain new effect textures like the newly launched races; But at the same time, it maintains the signature movements and characteristics of its race. The maximum character level is increased to Level 100; Players build their own fortress system; New dungeons and team dungeons, monsters, world PvP regions, items and rewards; And hundreds of tasks.
Final BOSS: Archimonde

Return of the Legion

Story background
Return of the Legion
The tomb of Sargeras opens again, and the demons of the Burning Legion pour into our world. Their powerful and terrifying power is enough to summon the Dark Titan to Azeroth - and they have found the key to bring Sargeras back.
Both the Alliance and the tribe have exhausted their strength in the war. Only the most legendary artifact in the world can find the remains of Titans on the broken islands, challenge the Burning Legion and defend the last hope of Azeroth. [16]
Version Introduction
The 6th expansion of World of Warcraft《 World of Warcraft: Return of the Legion 》It was announced at the 2015 Cologne Game Fair that World of Warcraft was about to usher in the terrible era of the full invasion of the Burning Legion. Players would become the elite guards of Azeroth, and the conflict between the alliance and the tribe would also climb to a new peak. The new expansion is full of sincerity. In addition to the new professional demon hunter and Illidan, many new elements are enough to make players crazy again for World of Warcraft. In addition, the final designer of the release also revealed that World of Warcraft: The Second Coming of the Legion will start beta testing within the year. On September 1, 2016, it was launched globally simultaneously.
Open a new continent: Broken Islands, new professional devil hunters, increased the upper limit of the level to 110, restructured the PvP rating system, improved the hallucination system, improved social functions, and upgraded the role -- upgraded a role to 100!

Strive for supremacy in Azeroth

Story background
Strive for supremacy in Azeroth
The people of Azeroth paid a heavy price in order to prevent the Burning Legion from destroying the sky and the earth. Even though the wounds of the world can be healed, the broken trust between the alliance and the tribe is difficult to rebuild. The two sides have a long history of resentment, and conflict is imminent. Hurry to gather allies to fight for your camp - this battle will shape the future of Azeroth.
Version Introduction
The seventh expansion film of World of Warcraft, Desperate for Azeroth, was released at Blizzard Carnival 2017 on November 4, 2017 Beijing time. In "Fight for Azeroth", the fall of the Burning Legion triggered a series of disastrous events, and rekindled the war between the glorious alliance and the powerful tribes. With the beginning of the new era of war, the heroes of Azeroth must embark on a hard journey to find new allies and fight for the most powerful force in the world to turn the war around. The two sides will fight on multiple fronts, and the winner will lead Azeroth to an unknown future. [17]
New World: Kurtilas (Alliance), Zandala (Tribe); Six new alliance races: Nether Elves, Light Casting Draenei, Black Iron Dwarf, Son of the Night, Altogether Kaolin Tauren, and Zandala Troll. New play: island expedition, war front, heart of Azeroth. New dungeons and team copies; The role has risen to 110 levels; The upper limit of level was increased to level 120.
On September 1, 2016, World of Warcraft 7.0 was launched globally.
In March 2018, the preview of Zudasa, the new main city of World of Warcraft 8.0 tribes [3]
In the early morning of July 19, 2018, the national service of World of Warcraft was briefly maintained and version 8.01 of the national service was officially launched. [4]
In the early morning of June 19, 2019, the official WeChat of World of Warcraft officially announced that the latest version of World of Warcraft 8.2, Rise of Azshara, will be officially launched on June 27, and players will return to the seabed to fight and surrender N'zoth Queen Naga of Azshara At the same time, the official released the preview animation of the Rise of Azshara. The animation shows that the new version will add a new undersea map of Nashatar, where Azshara's palace will also be located. In addition, a new map with the theme of dwarf machinery - Makagon will be added.
The Rise of Azshara will bring new inheritance armor and "Chapter II of the Pathfinder", allowing players to unlock the flying ability, and players can unlock the full potential of the artifact "Heart of Azeroth" in this version. As for the plot, it will also take a big step forward. Sarufar, the tribal elder who "betrayed" the great chief Sylvanas, went to Nageland to find Sal in seclusion, and destroyed the Queen's plan to assassinate Sal. Sal was forced to change his job as a soldier and returned to the mountain. In the test clothes Gianna And Saar The reunion CG, the perennial invisible leader of the blood elves, Regent Lothma, also seems to join hands with Wolf King Greyman to raid Azshara, and all this Sylvanas Not knowing [5]


World of Warcraft: Classic
On May 14, 2019, Blizzard Entertainment announced the nostalgic server《 World of Warcraft: Classic 》It will be opened on August 27, 2019 [20]

Shadow Country

Shadow Country
In the early morning of August 25, 2020, Blizzard released the original animation Afterlives of World of Warcraft, officially known as The Land on the Other Side in Chinese. The official introduction of the film is "The choices we make when we are alive will shape us and pave the way for our destiny after death. Next, we will enter the four major countries in the shadow world - Promotion Fortress, Mazhuksas, Hot Blue Fairy and Ravenders, and explore the journey of the soul behind the eternal curtain. [18] On September 10, 2020《 World of Warcraft: Shadow Kingdom 》The login interface of is displayed. [19]
Story background
Sylvanas Windrunner, once the chief of the tribe, broke the crown of the Lich King and pierced the curtain between Azeroth and the dead world. Her action triggered a series of events, and even threatened the balance of life and death in the whole universe.
Version Introduction
Players will go to the mysterious territory - the Shadow World, which is an endless plane, where the souls of the dead will be reborn, serve, fight or endure endless torture. The heroes of Azeroth must establish relations with the powerful existence, because they dominate the shadow world - some of which are the most iconic characters in the story of World of Warcraft - and at the same time gain mysterious power to further reveal Sylvanas's plot.
In June 2022, World of Warcraft updated version 9.2.5 of "Shadow Country". The biggest highlight of this version is the online cross camp teaming function. [56]

Chain of command

World of Warcraft: The Chain of Governance was released at 09:48 CST on July 1, 2021
Story background
The treacherous Thenarceus the Great has been defeated, but the power of devouring the abyss is still growing. In the next content update, he returned to the Abyss with Grien, the psychic lord, Faye and Wencil, who had recovered their strength, and fought back against the warden side by side.
Version Introduction
The latest content update has brought many new content - a new area of intruding into the abyss - Cehia, a top secret city. Break through the dungeon of the ruling sanctuary team and meet the warden at the core of Torgast. Explore the new large underground city - Tazavish, Veil Market, and learn how to fly in the shadow world. [50]

Dragon Age

On April 20, 2022, World of Warcraft held a content update conference, and the 10.0 "Age of the Dragon" version of World of Warcraft was officially announced.
Version features
  • Explore the Dragon Islands: In the journey up to level 70 of the new level upper limit, players will enjoy the original wonders and ancient mysteries of the Dragon Islands, and travel to four new areas - the Awakening Coast surging with the power of elements, the vast Ouerhala Plain, the icebound mountain tops of the blue forest sea, and the magnificent spires and shrines of Sodrasus.
  • New playable racial career combination: Players will play the role of Dragon Hill, the first racial and professional combination of World of Warcraft, to call magicians to frighten enemies (or inspire allies) with the appearance of giant dragons. Dragon Hill calls the magician in human form and dragon family form. You can choose to join the tribe or alliance to control the power of all dragon families, and act as a healer or remote damage exporter.
  • Soaring in the sky: The "Age of the Giant Dragon" has introduced a new technique of controlling the dragon, which enables players to ride their own baby dragons of the Giant Dragon Islands and move freely in the air. As players continue to explore content updates, they can collect appearance options and customize their young dragons to make them fly faster and higher.
  • Remake of talent system : The new talent system enables players to choose talent combinations with more creativity and style without worrying about losing strength - most importantly, now they can make meaningful choices every time they upgrade.
  • Professional skill improvement: All craftsmen and craftsmen, cheer up! In the "Dragon Age", players who aspire to become famous by virtue of their professional skills will get a whole set of new functions and tools, including player led manufacturing orders, new professional skills and equipment, and new specialized systems.
  • User interface update: The "Dragon Age" will revolutionize the user interface of World of Warcraft, improve the appearance and feel of the mini map and other elements, and provide new options for players to customize the interface as they wish.

Cataclysm Classic

In November 2023, Blizzard released World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic at the 2023 Blizzard Carnival, which will be launched in the first half of 2024.
Version features
"World of Warcraft: Classic Clothes" launched the "Discovery Season", which will include some new functions and will change the way the game is played. It will be launched on November 30.
In the "exploration season", the player's level is limited to 25. "Players will find new secrets by searching for Azeroth's ability to change careers. Tank warlocks, mages and healers will become possible," Blizzard said in its announcement that it will also have a new final game, and a new 10 person Blackfathom Deeps raid, It includes new and redesigned Boss, mechanism and reward. [71]

"Wrath of the Lich King" nostalgic clothes

In June 2024, the launch of "Wrath of the Lich King" in World of Warcraft has started. [86]

Official Career Details

Explain in detail
Official career pictures
warrior Equip yourself carefully for the battle, rush to the enemy, and attack their heavy armor. They use various combat strategies and weapons to protect their vulnerable allies. Soldiers must carefully control their anger, which is the energy used to cast skills, so as to give full play to combat effectiveness.
Warrior talent specialization: weapons, rage, protection.
Type: tank, melee damage output
Standard bar: life, anger
Available armor: cloth armor, leather armor, mail armor, plate armor, shield
Available weapons: bow, crossbow, dagger, glove, gun, one handed axe, one handed hammer, one handed sword, long handled weapon, staff, two handed axe, two handed hammer, two handed sword
Optional specialization: weapon (damage output), rage (damage output), protection (tank)
Available races: all races.
ORC Warrior
Druid They are versatile warriors, because they can almost meet the requirements of each character's treatment, meat shield and damage output. Druids must decide what form they choose according to the situation, because each form has a special purpose.
Druid talent specialization: balance, wildness, guardian, recovery.
Type: tank, healing, remote magic damage output; Melee damage output.
Standard bar: life, mana, anger, energy
Available armor: cloth armor, leather armor
Available weapons: dagger, glove, one handed hammer, long handled weapon, staff, two handed hammer
Optional specialization: balance (damage output), wildness (damage output), guardian (tank), recovery (healing)
Available races: tauren, night elves, trolls, werewolves
Night Elf Druid
hunter When they fight with the enemy from a long distance, when they use bows and arrows or guns to attack the enemy, they will also command pets to fight. Although their long-range weapons are extremely powerful, the hunters will still be at a disadvantage when the enemy attempts to encircle them. At this time, they will try to escape or control the enemy, so that they can keep a safe distance to fight.
Hunter talent specialization: beast control, shooting, survival
Type: Remote physical damage output
Standard bar: life, concentration value
Available armor: cloth armor, leather armor, lock armor
Available weapons: bow, crossbow, glove, gun, one handed axe, one handed sword, long handled weapon, staff, two handed axe, two handed sword
Optional specialization: beast control (damage output), shooting (damage output), survival (damage output)
Available races: orcs, tauren, trolls, blood elves, forgotten, goblins, dwarves, night elves, draenei, humans, werewolves, bearcats
Night Elf Hunter
master They use mysterious spells to destroy their enemies. Although they use powerful offensive spells, the mage's thin armor and low defense make them particularly vulnerable to close attack. The shrewd mage will carefully use magic to limit their enemies to a certain distance or control them in an appropriate position.
Mage talent expertise: arcane skills, fire, frost
Type: Remote magic damage output
Standard bar: life, mana value
Available armor: cloth armor
Available weapons: wand, dagger, one handed sword, magic staff
Optional specialization: arcane skill (damage output), fire (damage output), frost (damage output)
Available races: human, dwarf, goblin, werewolf, dwarf, draenei, forgotten, troll, blood elf, orc, bear cat
Human Mage
The paladin Stand straight in front of their enemies and rely on heavy armour and healing techniques to be invincible and undamaged. Whether using huge shields or wielding destructive two handed weapons, paladins can always protect their companions from the enemy, and they can also use healing to make them invincible.
Paladin talent specialization: holy, protection, punishment
Type: tank, healing, melee damage output
Standard bar: life, mana value
Available armor: cloth armor, mail armor, leather armor, plate armor, shield
Available weapons: one handed axe, one handed hammer, one handed sword, long handled weapon, two handed axe, two handed hammer, two handed sword
Optional specialization: Holy (healing), Punishment (damage output), Protection (tank)
Available races: humans, dwarves, draenei, blood elves, tauren
Draenei Paladin
minister They use powerful healing magic to protect themselves and their companions. They can also cast powerful offensive spells at a distance, but because of their physical weakness and thin equipment, they may be knocked down. Experienced priests will use their offensive spells carefully when they are responsible for protecting the life of the Alliance.
Pastor talent specialization: discipline, holiness, shadow
Type: healing, remote magic damage output
Standard bar: life, mana value
Available armor: cloth armor
Available weapons: dagger, one handed hammer, magic wand, magic wand
Optional Specialization: Discipline (healing), Holy (healing), Shadow (damage output)
Available races: human, night elf, dwarf, draenei, dwarf, werewolf, blood elf, undead, troll, tauren, goblin, bearman
Dwarf Priest
Stalker They often attack from the dark by sneaking attacks, and take the lead in vicious close combat. In a protracted war, they will use a set of carefully selected continuous attacks to weaken the enemy's strength in order to execute a deadly strike. Sneakers must be very careful when choosing targets, so that their combined attacks will not be wasted. If the battle is against them, it must be clear when to hide or escape.
Stealth talent specialization: assassination, combat, agility
Type: melee damage output
Standard bar: life, energy
Available armor: cloth armor, leather armor
Available weapons: bow, crossbow, dagger, glove, one handed axe, one handed hammer, one handed sword
Optional Specialization: Assassination (damage output), Combat (damage output), Agility (damage output)
Available races: human, dwarf, night elf, dwarf, werewolf, blood elf, orc, undead, troll, goblin, bear cat
Human thieves
In the battle, Shaman Priest Place benefit reducing totem or manipulation totem on the ground to restrain the enemy and maximize the effect of gain totem. Shaman priests are versatile and can attack from both close and long distances, but wise shaman priests choose attack positions according to the advantages and disadvantages of the enemy.
Shaman priest's talent specialization: element, enhancement, recovery
Type: healing, remote magic damage output, melee damage output
Standard bar: life, mana value
Available armor: cloth armor, leather armor, lock armor, shield
Available weapons: dagger, glove, one handed axe, one handed hammer, staff, two handed axe, two handed hammer
Optional specialization: element (damage output), enhancement (damage output), recovery (treatment)
Available races: Delaney, Dwarf, Orc, Tauren, Troll, Goblin, Bear Cat
Draeney Shaman
Warlock Use the combination of debilitating diseases and dark magic to burn and destroy those weakened enemies. Although demon pets protect and strengthen them, warlocks still attack their enemies from afar. Because the body was too weak to wear heavy armor, the shrewd warlock let their servants bear the brunt of the enemy's attack to ensure their own safety.
Type: Remote magic damage output
Standard bar: life, mana value
Available armor: cloth armor
Available weapons: dagger, one handed sword, magic wand, magic wand
Optional specialization: pain (damage output), demonology (damage output), destruction (damage output)
Available races: human, dwarf, dwarf, werewolf, blood elf, orc, undead, goblin, troll
Gnome Warlock
Death Knight Engage the enemy at close range, use dark magic to strengthen weapons, and use evil power to hurt or make the enemy vulnerable. They draw the enemy into a one-on-one fight, forcing them to divert attacks on weaker companions. In order to avoid the enemy escaping from their control, the death knights must be careful to use their power to summon runes and attack appropriately.
Type: tank, melee damage output
Standard bar: life, charm
Available armor: cloth armor, leather armor, lock armor, plate armor
Optional specialization: blood (tank), frost (damage output), evil (damage output)
Available weapons: one handed axe, one handed hammer, one handed sword, long handled weapon, two handed axe, two handed hammer, two handed sword
Available races: all races except Panda Man
Orc Death Knight
No matter what role they play in the battle, Warrior Monk Show your strength with your fists and feet, and strengthen your ability with the true qi flowing in your body. Some skills of the monk can heal allies and damage enemies at the same time. For example, grafting and Qi wave.
Martial Monk's talent expertise: Jiuxian, Fog Weaver, Windrunner
Type: tank, healing, melee damage output
Standard bar: life, qi, energy, mana
Available armor: cloth armor, leather armor
Available weapons: gloves, one handed axe, one handed hammer, one handed sword, long handled weapon, staff
Optional specialization: Jiuxian (tank), Weaving Fog (treatment), Stepping on the Wind (damage output)
Available races: human, dwarf, dwarf, night elf, draenei, blood elf, tauren, orc, undead, troll, bearcat
Human Warrior Monk
Demon Hunter , abandoning heavy armor and focusing on improving speed, you can shorten the distance with the fastest speed and launch a deadly attack on the enemy with one handed weapons. At the same time, you can also use the agile body method to defend, so as to ensure that the battle develops in the direction they want.
Type: melee damage output, tank
Status bar: life, energy
Available armor: cloth armor, leather armor
Available weapons: dagger, glove, one handed axe, one handed hammer, one handed sword
Optional specialization: havoc (damage output), revenge (tank)
Available races: night elves, blood elves [21]
Night Elf Devil Hunter
Call the magician With a special power storage skill, you can change the intensity of casting spells and skills. Wise summoning magicians can make good use of the power accumulation magic to engage in fierce battles in the middle distance, to destroy the enemy by breathing in hot flames, or to protect the battle state of allies.
Type: healer, damage output
Standard bar: HP, Mana, Essence
Available Armor: Lock Armor
Available weapons: dagger, glove, axe, hammer, sword, staff
Selectable expertise: Zenghui, Annihilation, Enpro
Available races: Longhill [94]
Long Hill called the magician

Camp and race

Players can choose to join union or tribe Two camps. The two camps are opposed to each other, and they can't deal and socialize normally. There are different races. Each race has its own distinctive characteristics, including its own story background, cities, ability talents, and different modes of transportation and mounts.


The noble alliance race advocates power, sacrifice, glory, inheritance, justice, and justice. Countless members have contributed their science and technology, magic mysteries, and spiritual wisdom to the alliance, aiming to build a peaceful and just world, and implement their beliefs on this great land.
Main towns
Other representatives
Army and organization
Players can choose roles
Stormwind Kingdom
human beings
Storm City
King Anduin Urien
Varian Urien (the late), Ryan Urien (the late), Anduin Lothar (the late), Medivh Valera Sangunar (the blood elves), General Jetaris, Tulajan, Boval Fortagan (the new Lich King), Madias Shaw, Admiral Taylor (the late), Air Force Admiral Rogers
The 7th Corps, the 7th Military Information Division, the Yuexi Brigade, the Fearless Expeditionary Force, and the 1st Corps (the Gate of Scourge is defeated)
All optional classes of human except death knight
Kingdom of Gilneas
Human, werewolf
Gilneas City (under competition)
Gene Greyman
Prince Liam Gremain (the late), Queen Mia Gremain, Princess Tess Gremain, Lord Dalius Crore, Ronald Crowley, leader of the wolf pack, King Iva Xueya Akibad Gremain
Gilneas Brigade, Blood Toothed Werewolf
All optional professions of werewolf
Kul Tiras
human beings
The City of Bralles
Gianna Proudmoore
Delin Proudmoore (late), Catherine Proudmoore, Derek Proudmoore (late), Tanred Proudmoore, Priscilla Ashfan (mutiny) [3] Arthur Vickers (mutiny), Meredith Vickers (mutiny) [4] Lucille Vickers, Lord Stosong (mutiny) [5] Brannon Stosong, Teria Fortagan
Proudmoore Admiralty
All optional classes of Kurtilas
Humans, high elves
Selamo City (destroyed)
Gianna Proudmoore
Delin Proudmoore (late), Aegwynn (late), Jindi Spark (late)
Selamo Guard, Northern Guard
Kingdom of Lordaeron (perish)
human beings
Lordaeron City, Stansom, Andohar (in contention), the hand of Tyre, Hearthplace Valley
Terenas Menethil (deceased)
Alliance, neutrality
Alonsos Fao, Arthas Menethil (dead), Galia Menethil Uther the Messenger of Light (dead), Tirion Fordring (dead), Alexandros Mograine (dead), Darian Mograine, Sasalian, Tyran Fordring (dead), Attorney General Ethan Lane, Attorney General Whiteman Lord Maxwell Tyrosos, Bridget Abidis
Silver Hand (perish), Blood Crusade (perish), Silver Dawn
All optional professions of the human death knight under the alliance camp and the forgotten under the tribe camp (the character background belongs to the Kingdom of Lordaeron)
Kingdom of Stomgad
human beings
Danas Tolbain
Sauras Tolbain (late), Galin Tolbain (late)
Arahi coalition
Humans, high elves
Six member parliament
Alliance, neutrality
Archmage Antonidas (the late), Ronin (the late), Gianna Proudmoore, Archmage Kadega, Archmage Madeira, Archmage Kalai, Archmage Ansram Ruin, Archmage Vargus, Krasus (the late), Aisas Seizer (exile)
Kenrito, Violet Council, Kenrito Expeditionary Force, Violet Eye
Silver Covenant
high elf
Wenleisa Windwalker
Wenleisa Windwalker, Urek Sun Hunter
Silver Covenant, Kenrito Expeditionary Force
Nomorigan, Craftsman Town
Great craftsman Gerbin Mecatok
McNeil Semaphrag (late), master craftsman Ovorsback
Nomorigan's Secret Force
All optional classes of dwarf
Bronze Beard Dwarf Tribe
Muradin Bronzebeard
Magny Bronzebeard (turned into diamond), Brian Bronzebeard
Mountain Patrol and Explorer Association
Dwarves can choose all professions except Shaman
Wildhammer Dwarf Tribe
Grem Bator (lost), Yingchao Mountain
falstad wildhammer
Kudran Hammer
Griffin Knights
Dwarf Shaman and all optional professions, Dwarf's unique hammer battle pattern (9.0 unlocked)
Dark Iron Dwarf Tribe
Dark Furnace City
Moira Sorison
Dagran Soreson the Great (deceased)
Black Iron Dwarf
All optional professions of Black Iron Dwarf
Frost Vein Dwarf Tribe
Muradin Bronzebeard (Jorge Rexin)
Frost Vein Dwarf
Night Elves, Upper Elves
Darnassus (destroyed)
Tyrande · Style of Speech
Great Druid Malfurion Stormrage, Cenarius, Malone, Maiev Shadowsong, Ishel Windsong, Broll Bear Skin, Jarod Shadowsong
Silver Wing Sentinels, Watchers, Hyjal Guardians, Senario Council (allies), Senario Expeditionary Team, natural allies
All optional classes of night elves. Mages are upper class elves
Delaney, Crusher
Prophet Velen
Garrison Mallard (the late), prophet Nurbolton, and the three member ruling group (Garrison Paulus, Garrison Kulus, Garrison Isom)
The Hand of Argus
All optional professions of Delaney
Tu Shui Sect Panda Man
Aisha Yunge
Jojo Tiemei
Local water school
All optional occupations of Panda Man
Holy Light Corps
Delaney, Light Casting Delaney, Human
Archbishop Turayan
Captain Faria, Tipatos, Sword Saint Tramont
Holy Light Corps
Light cast all optional professions of Delaney
Void Spirit
Void Spirit
Tyrogus fissure
Aurelia Windwalker
Master Ubrick
Crack Guard, Dark Blade
All optional professions of the void spirit
Makagon Kingdom
Mechanical dwarf
Makagon Island
Megatok, the great craftsman (co leader of gnomes and mechanical gnomes)
Prince Alazmin, King Macagon (overthrown and dead)
Rust Bolt Resistance Army
All optional occupations of mechanical dwarf
Zhisong Tribe
Bear monster
Milan Island
Chief Zhisong


The tribe is a faction composed of Orcs from Outland and Azeroth's native race. They are connected through glory and survival, and overcome these obstacles as families, comrades, and even uneasy allies.
The leader of the tribe is called the chief. Since Sar integrated some old tribes and formed a new tribe with other allies, after the end of the Fourth World War, the tribe no longer set up the post of chief under Sar's proposal, but changed to a system of government under the joint leadership of heads of various ethnic groups.
Main towns
Other representatives
Army and organization
Saar Grom Hellscream (deceased) Garrush Hellscream (deceased) Ogram, Hammer of Destruction (late) Drake Talgaian's grandmother Varoc Sarufar (The late) Itri Greke, Sanaz Greyer, Bloxhiga Sarufar (the late), General Nazgoering (the late, has now been revived and joined the Black Front Knights), King of Agama, King Cromga, King Bragon, Chief Commander of Bloodfast, Horne, Heavy Fist, Brolik, High level Governor, Krumshriga, Earth Wrath, Agna Garona, Ohan, Cannibal Sword
Kukalong, Frost Wolf Clan, Battle Song Clan, Blackstone Clan, Blood Ring Clan, Battle Song Expeditionary Force, Hellscream Guards, Command Vanguard, Glory Corps
Thunder Cliff
Bain Bloodhoof
Cairne Bloodhoof (The late) Hamul Fuwen Totem Magasa Terror Totem Prophet Regukut Lieri Walker Dezkogamore
Bloodhoof Clan Rage Totem Clan Morning Walker Clan Rune Totem Clan Terror Totem Clan Star Chasing Clan Lei Jiao Clan Ice hoof Clan Yunge Clan Stone hoof Clan Man Mane Clan Sun Walker
Darkspear tribe
Darkspear Trolls
Echo Isles [52]
Senjin (deceased) Woking (late), Zara Zanen (late), Shadow Hunter Luokan (Locke Khan), Master Jiadelin, Shadow Hunter Tajin, Zekan
The Dark Spear Rebellion, the Spear of Wojin, the Front of Wojin
Human undead, high elf undead
Dark City
Terenas Menethil (Alliance), Lillian Worth
Sylvanas Windrunner (mutiny), Sanos Litter (mutiny) Pharmacist Faraniel, death hunter commander Belmonta, Lilian Voskila
The Hand of Revenge of the Polluter Royal Pharmacist Association Royal Terrorist Guard Forgotten Shadow Church Dark Ranger
Quel Thalas
Blood spirit
Lor'themar Theron
Kelsas, the Sun Runner (The late) Archmage Romance, Hadulan Mingyi, Isas Riviera Countess Liadrin
The sun snatcher, the vanguard of the sun snatcher, the distant walker blood knight, the mage swears to the sun, the sun anger army, the Holy Relics Society, and the blood eagle army
Rust water goblin
Rusty Water Port, Jingchi City
Gary Vickers, the king of trade The trade magnate Dunais Hobart Hook Hammer Goblin Team: patch, pendulum, newt, gravel, volt
Goblin Team of Rust Water Battalion
Huojin Sect
Season Fire Palm
Master Liu Lang Shangxi (deceased) Elder Shao Bai
Huojin Sect
Zandala Tribe
Zandala Troll
Princess Tarangi
King Rastaha (Late) Prophet Zur (Late) King's Sword King Zorani King's Shield Habutu War Druid Rothi Demon Lord Lal Grand Priest Yazma (Late) Volka (Late) General Zakaze (Late)
Zanzuli Council, Golden Fleet, Lezan Holy Spirit Warrior, Lora Spirit Council
To Gaoling
Gaoling Tauren
Thunder Totem
Mela Kaoling
Hoon Kaoling (deceased) Ulan Gaoling (The late) Soul Walker Blackhorn Rashan Tianjiao Jie He Zong Navarrog
Gaoling Tribe, Tianjiao Tribe, Zuhe Mane Tribe, Dark Stone Tribe, Blood Totem Tribe
Son of the Night
Surama City
Chief Arcane Talisa
Great Mage Eli Sander (the late), chief teleporter of Hill Green, Okuleswalto, Iris Yuejun
The Son of the Night Rebellion, Twilight Lily
Maghan Orcs
King Gaiyala
Gromarsh Hellscream (Drano) Lantrizo Fire Blade
Maghan Iron and Steel Tribe
(Zhange Clan, Leiwang Clan, Blackstone Clan, Jitou Clan, Broken Hand Clan, and Blood Ring Clan)
Fox man
Fox People's Refuge
Nisha Milla, weaver Jena
Wrath of the Fox Man Wotonnai
Shichui Tribe
Yanqiang Village
Stone Hammer Chief
Orcs, half ogres
Thunderlord Stronghold
Consume people
Consume people
Evil tooth troll
Forest Troll
Evil Teeth Village
Evil Teeth Clan Leader
Spear Breaking Troll
Jungle Troll
Shapiao Village
Mokso and Zmkaga, the decapitators

Game music

Classic Old World Original Sound
Song title
Main Title: Legends of Azeroth
Game login interface
Jason Hayes
Tracy W. Bush
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Theme music
Exclusive Track: The Shaping of the World
Early official website
background music
Exclusive Track: Legacy
Exclusive Track: Song of Elune
In the ash valley Elune temple
Exclusive Track: Echoes of the Past
Novice Tutorial
A Call to Arms
Intro Movie: Seasons of War
Opening animation
Main city music
Thunder Bluff
The Undercity
Elwynn Forest
background music
Stranglethorn Vale
Shimmering Flats
Hotel music
Clip music
World Of Warcraft: Taverns Of Azeroth
Song title
Lion's Pride
Lion's Pride Inn
David Arkenstone
Hotel Music
Tielubao Shihuo Hotel
Pig and Whistle
Pig and Whistle Hotel in Storm City
Salty Sailor/Sailor's Home
Deepwater Hotel at Minethil Port
Album World of Warcraft: Mosaic Soundtrack
Song title
Black Temple
Russell Brower;Matt Uelmen;
Derek Duke;Glenn Stafford;
David Arkenstone; Edo Guidotti
Honor Hold
Call of the Crusade
The Crusader's Call
David Arkenstone
Wrath of the Lich King [23]
Original sound of expansion film Burning Expedition
Song title
The Burning Legion
Menu login interface
Russell Brower
Derek Duke
Matt Uelmen
Neal Acree
Brian David Farr
David Arkenstone
Sinfonia Orchestra
and Chorus
The song is divided into three sections, which begins to show the feasibility of the Burning Legion
Afraid, the middle part shows that Azeroth is about to encounter
Finally, the tragedy of the battle of Mount Hyjal was shown.
Main Title: Legends of Azeroth
The Battle of Mount Hyjal
The Dark Portal
Opening animation of the expansion film
Animation soundtrack
Outland Suite
Outland regional suite
Regional Fire Peninsula
Lament of the Highborne
Task song name
Silvermoon City
Main city music
Shards of the Exodar
Caverns of Time - The Battle of Mount Hyjal
Score of the Cave of Time [24]
Original sound of expansion film Wrath of the Lich King
Song title
Wrath of the Lich King [Main Title]
Login interface
Russell Brower
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Neal Acree
Arthas, My Son [Cinematic Intro]
Opening animation
Animation soundtrack
The Wrath Gate
" Scourge Gate "Transition animation
Air metropolis Dalaran
Neutral City Music
Howling Fjord
Northrend Regional Music
Garden of Life
Totems of the Grizzlemaw
The Culling
Old Stansom
Music of the Cave of Time
Assault on New Avalon
Death Knight
Background music for novice tasks
Citadel & Ice Fortress
Special music [25]
The original sound of the expansion film "Fission of the Earth"
Song title
The Shattering/Cataclysm
Login interface
Russell Brower
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
David Arkenstone
Neal Acree
Xaxas/Wings of Death
Opening animation
Animation soundtrack
Goblin race
Main city: Kozan Island
Curse of the Worgen
Werewolf race
The main city Gilnis
Restoring the Balance
Old World Map
Regional music [26]
Defenders of Azeroth
Main regions of the Old Age Alliance
Guardians of Nordassail
Nordahir related areas
Ash Valley and Feilas
Original sound of the expansion film The Mystery of the Bear Hunter
Track list
Details of production personnel
Heart Of Pandaria
Why Do We Fight?
The Wandering Isle
Album Pictures [27]
Temple Of The Fife Dawns
The Traveler's Path
Way Of The Monk
Sha(Spirits Of Hatred)
The August Celestials
Thunder King
The Path Of The Huojin
Going Hozen
Valley Of The Four Winds
The Path Of Tushui
Go Ask The River
Townlong Steppes
The Golden Lotus
Wisdom Of Yu'lon
Stormstout Brew
Serpent Riders

Characteristic system


Copy PVE

In World of Warcraft, the concept of dungeons is similar to other dungeons of the same type of game. Players can enter these dungeons as a team to explore the dungeons. In order to avoid mutual interference between different teams, for the same copy, the system will generate independent dungeons for each team, and use map data as a distinction.
World of Warcraft has a large number of replicas, with a large number of elite monsters that are more difficult to kill than ordinary monsters, and the equipment rewarded by the task and dropped by the monster and boss will also have better quality than the reward of ordinary tasks. According to the size of dungeons, replicas are generally divided into small replicas (which can be used for 5 to 10 person teams to take risks) and large team replicas (25 person teams are allowed to take risks in all replicas after the Burning Expedition, but most of the previous level 60 replicas were 40 person teams to take risks), while the difficulty and intensity of large team replicas are significantly higher than those of small replicas.
The copy cool down time (CD) usually means that after the copy enters the team, whether it is completed or not, after the Boss is killed, a team number will be generated, and each team number will have a cool down time. [28]

PVP system

World PvP
Aizelasi The mainland is full of conflicts, especially on PvP servers. In other words, the encounter between members of opposing camps.
The challenge between friendly players will not bring actual rewards.
Scramble for interests
Angry Devil
Opportunity objectives
(Kasangang jungle)
Morning Seeker Cape (Thor Island)
Players fight with members of the enemy team in order to achieve various goals. Only by winning can they get more honor points. Win PvP currency to buy all kinds of exclusive weapons and armor equipment.
Race for resources
Arahi basin land
(Level 10)
(Grade 35)
(Grade 75)
Deep Wind Canyon
(Grade 90)
Silver ore vein
(Grade 90)
(Grade 90)
Snatch the flag
Warsong Gulch (Level 10)
Gemini peak (Grade 75)
Ordinary offensive and defensive warfare
Autlanke Mountain valley
(Grade 45)
(Level 65)
(Grade 75)
(Grade 75)
(Grade 85)
The competition in the arena consists of a team of two, three or five players. The key of the arena team is cooperation. If this is achieved, the team will win, or the whole army will be destroyed; The form of competition is arranged at the top of the pyramid. Winning in the battle can improve the ranking of individuals and teams. At the same time, you will obtain the conquest points, which is a high-level currency, to buy epic armor, weapons and accessories to face the future battle. But the most powerful equipment can only be purchased with corresponding arena points. The battle scenes in the arena are divided into the Blade Edge Mountain Arena the underbelly , Nageland Arena Ruins of Lordaeron , Tiger Ju Peak, Torvillon Arena.

Reputation System

  • The reputation of a character affects the interaction between a monster or creature and a character. Reputation can be divided into several levels.
  • Worship: the highest level of reputation that can be achieved
  • Respect: special camp reserved for special heroes
  • Respected: There is a certain discount for buying goods from merchants
  • Friendly: the standard reputation of the player's camp
  • Neutral: non KOS standard reputation that does not belong to the player's camp
  • Cold: unable to buy, sell and interact.
  • Hostility: kill at sight
  • Hate: Kill at sight.

Prop Shop

Prop Shop [29]
The props store of World of Warcraft was officially opened on December 11, 2013, which is also known as the "Battle Shop". Different from other online games, the props mainly sold in the game are mounts and pets, rather than improving the character's ability and practical equipment. The store can be opened through web page and in game interface, and the items will be directly sent to the player's item bar after the purchase. In addition, props can also be given to other players as gifts. [29]

Configuration requirements

Minimum configuration
Recommended configuration
operating system
Windows® 7 64-bit(SP1)
Windows® 10 64-bit
Graphics card
DirectX ® 12 compatible 3GB GPU
NVIDIA® GeForce ® GTX 900 Series
AMD™ GCN 4th gen
Intel® Iris ® Xe Graphics
DirectX ® 12 compatible 8GB GPU
Intel® Arc 7 Graphics
Storage space
Solid State Disk (SSD) 128GB free space
input device
Keyboard and mouse required
Multi button wheel mouse
4-core, 3.0GHz processor
4th generation Intel ® Core™ Haswell
AMD Ryzen™ Zen
6-core, 3.5GHZ processor
8th generation Intel ® Core™ Coffee Lake
AMD Ryzen™ Zen 2
Internet broadband connection
resolving power
Minimum 1280 x 720 display resolution [93]

Award record

particular year
E3 exhibition
The Wargamer
Best Performance Award
World of Warcraft [31]
The Most Stable Online Game Award
IGN Vault
Second place in the Best Image Award
Game of the Year
World of Warcraft [32]
PC Game of the Year
The best large-scale multiplayer online game
Editor's Choice Award
PC Game of the Year (No. 2)
Best role-playing game (RPG or MMORPG)
Top 10 Games of the Year (No. 5)
PC RPG/MMORPG Player Choice Award
Special Achievement Award for Art Design
Cosmos, the best game tool
Editor's Choice Award
Best Game Environment of the Year
Editor's Choice Award
Best PC role-playing game
Voodoo Extreme
Best massively multiplayer game
best sound
Top 5 games of the year (second place)
Game of the Year
Best massively multiplayer online game of the year
Editor's Choice Award
Punch Jump Games
Best role-playing game
Best Time to Play
Game Engine of the Year
Operation of the Ninth City [33]
Best Massive Multiplayer Game of the Year
World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade [31]
Design Award: Best Mac OSX Game
VES website
Best expansion film of the year
Editor's Choice Award
Best expansion film of the year
The best 50 games of the year, the best 50 games voted by readers
No. 5 PC Game of the Year
No. 7 of the annual best game of the whole platform
Player's favorite PC role-playing game of the year
Editor's Choice Award
Game Informer
Best PC game of the month
IGN Reader Vote Award
Best expansion
The 12th Interactive Art Achievement Award
Best Massive Multiplayer Game of the Year
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King [31]
Best expansion
Editor's Choice Award
Top 10 PC and full platform games of the year
Editor's Choice Award
Top 5 PC Games of the Year
Special station for American game review Metacritic
Game of the Year (score: 91)
Top 50 Games of the Year
Game Informer
Top 50 Games of the Year
Player's favorite expansion of the year
Best large-scale multiplayer online role-playing game
GameStooge Awards
Best expansion film of the year
Editor's Choice Award
PC Gamer
Editor's Choice Award
Emmy Technical Engineering Award
Research organization Nielsen
Top 10 PC Games (Champion)
World of Warcraft [34]
The world's most popular MMORPG game
Blizzard Entertainment
Video game media/review website
Best online game
World of Warcraft: The Cataclysm of the Earth [35]
Most fascinating
American Science and Technology Website Cnet
The best PC game of 2010
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm [36]
Best Game of the Decade (No.1)
World of Warcraft
Game media GameTrailers
Best Extension Award
World of Warcraft: The Mystery of Panda Man [37]
American Time Magazine
Top 100 games in history (three online games in total)
World of Warcraft [38]
American Online Game Developers Conference
The highest honor of online game industry
(Enter the third online game in the Hall of Honor of Selected Online Awards)
World of Warcraft
World game website
Top 10 most addictive games (No.1)
World of Warcraft [39]

Version introduction

Time of issue (national service)
Upper level
World of Warcraft: Classic Old World
June 6, 2005
Grade 60
September 6, 2007
Grade 70
August 31, 2010
Grade 80
July 12, 2011
Grade 85
October 2, 2012
Grade 90
November 20, 2014
Level 100
September 1, 2016
Grade 110
August 14, 2018
Grade 120
November 24, 2020
Grade 60
November 29, 2022
Grade 70

Production team

Because the number of personnel is too large, only a small number of people who are at the top of the list are listed, which is derived from the animation shown by the producers in the game.
Classic Old Age
Division of duties
name list
Division of duties
name list
Game Design
Blizzard Entertainment
Executive producer
Mike Mohan( Mike Morhaime
Team Leader
Mark Kern
Art Director
William Petras
Creative Director
Chris Metzen (Chris Metzen)
Animation Team Leader
Kevin Beardsley
Chief Art Designer
Justin Thavirat
Chief role designer
Brandon Idol
Chief Designer
Rob Pardo( Rob Pardo )Allen Adham
Chief Game Programming
John Cash
Lead Technical Artist
Kyle Harrison
Lead Producer
Shane Dabiri、Carlos Guerrero
additional production personnel
Chris Sigaty
Burning expedition
Division of duties
name list
Division of duties
name list
Executive producer
Frank Pearce
Art Director
Justin Thavirat
Creative Director
Chris Metzen
Chief Game Programming
John Cash
Server master
Joe Rumsey
Chief Designer
Tom Chilton、Jeffrey Kaplan、
Rob Pardo
Lead Producer
Shane Dabiri
Character design
Chris Robinson
Chief environmental art designer
Gary Platner
Chief Interior Art Designer
Brian Morrisroe
Chief level designer
Cory Stockton
Chief Task Designer
Alex Afrasiabi
Wrath of the Lich King
Division of duties
name list
Division of duties
name list
Executive producer
Frank Pearce
Art Director
Chris Robinson
Creative Director
Chris Metzen
Former Game Director
Jeffrey Kaplan (left halfway to develop another project of Blizzard)
Chief Designer
Tom Chilton
technical guidance
Mike Elliott
Production Director
J.Allen Brack
Animation Team Leader
Steve Aguilar
City filling and underground city art director
Wendy Vetter
Scene Art Supervisor
Cary Platner
Lead Technical Artist
Thomas Blue
Chief World Designer
Alex Afrasiabi
Chief System Engineer
Grieg Streit( Greg Street
Landscape level designer
Aaron keller、 Jesse McCree
Fission of the earth
Division of duties
name list
Division of duties
name list
Executive producer
Frank Pearce
Game Director
Tom Chilton
Production Director
J.Allen Brack
Art Director
Chris Robinson
technical guidance
Mike Elliott
Creative Director
Chris Metzen
Chief visual animation design
Steve Aguilar
City filling and underground city art director
Wendy Vetter
Scene Art Supervisor
Cary Platner
Art support
Eric Browning、Jason Morris
Chief Content Designer
Cory Stockton
Chief System Engineer
Greg Street
Chief World Designer
Ales Afrasiabi
Chief Combat Designer
Scott Mercer
Gate Design Supervisor
Gate Design Supervisor
Chief environmental landscape artist
Ely Cannon
Mists of Pandaria
Division of duties
name list
Division of duties
name list
Executive producer
Frank Pearce
Game Director
Tom Chilton
Production Director
J.Allen Brack
Art Director
Chris Robinson
technical guidance
Mike Elliott
Creative Director
Chris Metzen
Chief visual animation design
Steve Aguilar
Art supervisor of underground city
Wendy Vetter
Scene Art Supervisor
Cary Platner
Chief System Engineer
Greg Street
Chief Combat Designer
Scott Mercer
Gate Design Supervisor
Jonathan Dumont
Chief Task Designer
Dave Kosak
Chief game engine programmer
(Technical Director)
Marco Koegler
chief Gameplay designer
Patrick Magruder
Chief server programmer
Alec Dun [40]

Game evaluation


Positive comments

Special comment station in the United States Metacritic Comments from 57 well-known critics from various media. Only one company scored 60 points (full score 100), four companies scored more than 80 points, nine companies scored full, and others generally praised more than 90 points. [41]
Mike Laidlaw, the chief designer of Dragon Century: Origin in 2009, believes that online game production must consider the impact of World of Warcraft on players, and it is unwise to ignore the share and influence of World of Warcraft in the online game market. Like《 Thor's Hammer 》For FPS Just like the basic framework of the game, World of Warcraft MMO The game has the most popular user interface.
In China, online games are criticized and questioned more than appreciated, especially CCTV as the mainstream official media. However, in the video of CCTV-13 in 2011, the host affirmed the online game World of Warcraft for the first time, and praised its creativity and innovation, which is in sharp contrast with domestic products.
The jury of 2012 American Online Game Developers Conference praised that World of Warcraft not only greatly promoted the development of online game industry, but also remained popular for nearly eight years of operation. So far, users from all over the world are still actively joining. The new expansion film to be launched is expected to create a new record of the game, making this brand more and more prominent as an important symbol of contemporary popular culture.

Negative comments

2009 Tao Hongkai Publicly expressed that World of Warcraft is a "drug" in CCTV programs, and criticized that World of Warcraft makes teenagers addicted to the Internet. [42] Then in 2012, Tao Hongkai became《 Bright Sword 2 》Chief game appraiser. And in conjunction with the TV program Games Tao Hongkai said in the connection: "In terms of content, this (Sword 2) is better than" Warcraft "《 legend 》This kind of game is many times better. " [43]
At the 2007 Montreal Game Fair, Canada, IGF Jonathan Brow, winner of the Design Innovation Award, said that World of Warcraft is like drugs, and its rules are the meaning of fool's life.
2013 League of Heroes Morello, the designer of World of Warcraft, once made a speech, saying that World of Warcraft was always catering to players, but never realized that players' complaints on the forum were not what they really wanted to change. [44]
On October 17, 2014, the new expansion of Blizzard's masterpiece World of Warcraft King of Draenor It was opened on the eve of last year. After 12 hours of maintenance, NetEase officially announced that it was not ready, and the server will be gradually opened at 17:30. However, when the time came, many players encountered the same problem when logging in - Kalan Bar.

Operational issuance



In 2005, the World of Warcraft China public beta of 500000 people was online at the same time, breaking the historical record of online games. [45] On January 11, 2007, the number of World of Warcraft players worldwide exceeded 8 million. The number of players in each region exceeded 2 million in North America, 1.5 million in Europe and 3.5 million in China, respectively; [46] As of July 24, it had reached 9 million. [47] On April 11, 2008, the maximum number of online servers in China reached 1 million, [48] On October 28, the number of global registered players exceeded 11 million. [49] However, in May 2013, the total number of users of World of Warcraft decreased from 9.6 million in the previous quarter to about 8.3 million, and most of the loss of users came from Asia.
In February 2022, according to the official news of World of Warcraft, the content update of Shadow Kingdom: "the eternal end" will be launched on February 24. [53]
In August 2022, Blizzard canceled an unannounced World of Warcraft MMORPG Large hand tour. [57]
On November 17, 2022, as the agreement between Netease and its partner Blizzard Entertainment is about to expire, World of Warcraft in mainland China will officially stop operation on January 24, 2023.
On November 20, 2022, it was reported that 41674 accounts in World of Warcraft and Wrath of the Lich King of World of Warcraft had illegal behaviors such as plug-in/cheating this week, Among them, 1005 were permanently frozen and 1676 were temporarily frozen in World of Warcraft; The Wrath of the Lich King in World of Warcraft has permanently frozen 399; 38594 were temporarily frozen. [61]
  • From November 23, 2022, close the recharge service and user registration portal of Blizzard game products on Battle. net and in the client. During the period from November 23, 2022 to January 23, 2023, the servers of Blizzard game products will be open normally, and the content update of "Dragon Age" of World of Warcraft will be launched as usual, so that users can continue to log in and experience the game content. At the same time, the Battle. net points and virtual currency saved in the user's account can still be consumed in Battle. net Mall.
  • From 0:00 on January 24, 2023, the operation of Blizzard's game products will be officially stopped, and Battle Net login and all game servers will be closed, as well as client downloads. After the game server is closed, all account data and character data (including but not limited to character, remaining game time, game props, materials, recharge information, etc.) in each game will be sealed. Netease will arrange refunds for the online game virtual currency that has been recharged but not consumed by players in the game and the game time (if any) that has been paid and has not expired. [60]

Refund settlement

On February 1, 2023, the Netease Blizzard game customer service team released a statement on the opening of refund upon expiration of Blizzard game product operation. Today (11:00 on February 1, 2023), the refund application channel will be opened for players who have recharged but not consumed virtual currency in "Blizzard game products" or game services that have not expired. The deadline for submitting a refund application is June 30, 2023. Players who fail to submit a refund application before the deadline will be deemed to have voluntarily waived relevant rights and interests. [70]
World of Warcraft cash settlement standard for refundable goods. The virtual currency or game services that have been recharged but not consumed in "Blizzard game products" are: [68]
Refund scope and settlement standard of World of Warcraft [68]


On June 5, 2024, Warcraft World Service Battle. com has been officially launched. Players can log in through their account passwords. The Battle. com page is the same as the old version, and the transaction record is still available. At 10am on June 6, the official will share more latest news about the return of World of Warcraft with players. [81]


On January 23, 2007, World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade has broken the record of fastest selling PC games in North America and Europe on the same day, and 2.4 million copies of clients have been sold in the world within 24 hours since the spontaneous sale.
The second expansion film of World of Warcraft, The Wrath of the Lich King, broke the PC game sales world record again 24 hours after its release, with the sales volume of 2.8 million copies on the same day, breaking the record of single day sales of the first expansion film of World of Warcraft, The Burning Crusade, which lasted for 22 months. Ranked first in monthly PC game sales in the United States for three consecutive months.
On the first day of its release, it sold 3.3 million copies, and "Fission of the Earth" broke the fastest sales record previously set by the second expansion of "Wrath of the Lich King". As of January 11, 2011, the third expansion film had sold more than 4.7 million sets in the first month of listing, setting a new record for the monthly sales of PC games.

Open the clothes

On the morning of August 1, 2024, World of Warcraft announced that the content update had been launched on the eve of the "Geocentric War", but users who tried to log in later said that the server could not log in. [88] On the same day, World of Warcraft announced that it would stop maintenance Protect for 3 hours. [89]

Extended Reading

Game background story《 Chronicle of World of Warcraft 》; Two camps union tribe Detailed explanation; Development history of game operation《 World of Warcraft Events 》。
because character Too many. Below are just some of the main characters in the game (not the story background).
Bolvar Fordragon (Regent, transformed into Lich King)
Katrina Presto (disguised as Princess Black Dragon)
Benedictus (Archbishop of the Church of Light)
Reginald Windsol (Grand Marshal)
Magni Bronzebeard (King of Tongxu Tribe)
Moira Sorison (Three Hammer Parliament, Black Iron Tribe)
Forstad Man Hammer (Three Hammer Council Man Hammer Tribe)
Night Elves( Darnassus )
Tyrande · Style of Speech (Priestess of the Moon)
Malfurion Stormrage (Grand Druid)
Fandal Deer Helmet (Grand Druid)
Dwarf( Nomorigan)
Gelbin Mekkatorque (Great craftsman)
Delaney( Essoda)
Warren (Prophet)
Nubolton (Prophet)
Mallard (garrison officer)
Ariel (Archbishop)
Liam Greyman (Prince)
Dalius Crore (Highlord)
Rona Crowley (Princess)
Pandaren (Tu Shui Sect)
Aisha Yunge (Headmaster)
Alonsos Fao (Archbishop of the Church of Light)
Turalyon ( Storm Five Heroes , Alliance Leader)
Sedan Datsohan (The finger of silver waves the official) ✟
Khadgar (Five Heroes of Storm)
Kurdran ·Wild Hammer (Five Heroes of Storm)
Aurelia Windwalker (Five Heroes of Storm)
Danas Tolbain (Five Heroes of Storm)
Ronin (Grand mage)
Valera Sangunar (Blood Spirit)
Edwin van Clive (Difia Brotherhood)
Sasalian (Death Knight)
Old Human Alliance
Eden Pirenord( Alterac )✟
Sauras Tolbain (Stomgad)
Main city
Storm City (Storm Kingdom Human)
Darnassus (Night Elf)
Iron Furnace Castle (Bronze Beard Dwarf)
Nomorigan (dwarf)
Essoda (Delaney)
Gilneapolis (werewolf)
Dark Furnace City( Black Iron Dwarf )
Yingchao Mountain( Wild Hammer Dwarf )
Dalaran (Dalaran Kingdom)
Orcs( Augrema)
Saar (Chief, abdicate)
Garrush Hellscream (Chief, betrayal)
Valloc Sarufar (Leader)
Natzgreen (General)
Etrigo (Military adviser)
Dractal (Shaman Prophet)
Nazgrer (Deputy Sar)
Sarufar, Bloxhiga (Ancient War Hero)
Kromka Wang
Orcus (tribal hero)
Senjin (Chief)
Woking (Chief)
Zarathanen (Witch Doctor)
Lorkhan (Scout)
Hamur Rune Totem (Grand Druid)
Sylvanas Windrunner (The king of banshees)
Puteres (pharmacist)
Faraniel (pharmacist)
Lillian Worth (Assassin)
Blood spirit( Yinyuecheng)
Kelsas, the Sun Runner (Prince, betrayal)
Hadulan Mingyi (General Ranger)
Romance (Grand mage)
Liadrin (Blood Knight Grand Lord)
Goblin (Rust water chaebol)
Gary Vickers (Trade king)
Panda Man (Huojin Sect)
Season Fire Palm (Headmaster)
Garona Assassin
Rexxar (Mocknasa)
Chen Stormstout (Panda Man Warrior Monk)
Lornauk Ice Mist (Cow Consumer)
Old Orc Tribe
Cargas Blade Fist (Suishou Clan)
Kilrog Dead Eye (Blood Ring Clan)
Nekruz (Dragon Roar Clan)
Burning Legion
Sargeras (Fallen Titan)
Kil'jaeden (fraudster)
Archimonde (Polluter)
Martha Ritton (Abyss Demon King)
Tichondrius (Lord of Fear)
Anatheron (Lord of Fear)
Azgalo (Abyss Lord)
Kazloga (Doomsday Guard)
Manolos (Abyss Lord)
Fear Demon /Nasredzim
Fear Guard
Evil Power Lord
Demon Guard
Angry Guard
Demon of Destruction
Evil Blood Orc
Void terror
Lagnaros (Fire)
Olakir (wind)
Niptulon (Water)
Sunderland (wind)
Smoderon (fire)
Alexstasa (Life bound)
Nozdom Eternal/ Mzdono Eternal
Marigos (weaver)
Isera (Awakened/Sleeping)
Nesario (Earth Guardian)/ Wings of Death (Destroyer)
Kalecgos (Codex)
Wilderness Gods
Malorne (White deer)
Eisenna (elf)
Agamagan (Boar)
Ursoc (Giant bear)
Ursol (Giant bear)
Avina Crow
Tortola (Tortoise)
Godlin (Giant Wolf)
Hemispermia (Red Crane)
Arrow Soap (Xuan Niu)
Snow Wrath (White Tiger)
Yulong (Qinglong)
Azshara (Night Elf Queen)
Savis ( Sartre Chief)
vashj (Queen of Teeth)
Arthas Menethil (Lich King)
Victor ( Angela The Twin Emperors)
Shakohill( thri-kreen Queen)
Medivh (Guardian of Tirisfa)
Aegwyn (Guardian of Tirisfa)
Nefarian (Prince of the Black Dragon)
Onyxia (Princess Black Dragon)
Sinastra (Black Dragon Queen)
Olgaron (Observer)
Liu Lang (Ancestor of Misheng Island)
Galaclone (King of the Dragon of the Yuan Dynasty)
arathi (King of Arasso Empire)
Shao Hao (Emperor of Panda Man)
Thor (Demon Ancient Emperor)
Eli Sander (night elf mage)
Talisa (Night Elf Arcane)

world record

Online games with the largest number of players in the world: As of January 2014, the total number of accounts created worldwide has exceeded 100 million, and the number of personas has reached 500 million, making it the online game with the largest number of players in the world. (Guinness World Records)

Production and distribution

On April 13, 2022, Blizzard confirmed the live broadcast time and platform of the latest expansion of World of Warcraft. Players can watch the new live broadcast program on YouTube and at 0:00 Beijing time on April 20. [54]
In October 2022, Blizzard announced that World of Warcraft's "Dragon Age" animated short series "Inheritance of the Dragon" will premiere on October 26. [58]
On November 16, 2022, Blizzard officially released the new CG animation of the expansion film "Dragon Age" of World of Warcraft, which was officially launched at 7:00 a.m. Beijing time on November 29, 2022. [59]
On November 29, 2022, according to the official news of Warcraft, the latest expansion film "The Age of the Dragon" of the last big version update of World of Warcraft was officially launched at 7:00 this morning [62]
On December 22, 2022, Blizzard Entertainment shared a roadmap for 2023, and will launch six content patches in 2023. [64]
At 0:00 on January 1, 2023, the temporary recharge channel will be closed. [65]
In January 2023, in the data mining of the latest patch 10.0.5 of World of Warcraft, information about the progress of players' saving will appear; According to the save description, "The Warcraft server will be unavailable in this region after January 23, 2023. You can download the game progress now so that it can be restored in the future. Saving your game progress locally will lock your account and prevent you from playing. Please protect your file, because we hope to use the archive in the future." [66]
On the afternoon of January 23, 2023, NetEase released a farewell letter to Blizzard National Service players: Thank you for being with us for 14 years.
At 0:00 on January 24, 2023, all operations of the World of Warcraft and other series of products represented by Netease in the mainland China market will be officially terminated. At that time, Blizzard will shut down Warnet login and all game servers, and also shut down client downloads. NetEase said it will announce the refund schedule of Blizzard game products after the service is stopped [69]
On December 25, 2023, we learned from several independent sources that Blizzard negotiated with many domestic game manufacturers about the "return of national service", and finally chose to re join hands with NetEase. The reporter asked NetEase for confirmation of this news, and NetEase did not respond as of the time of publishing. [72]
From December 20, 2023, the World of Warcraft community has been re launched in "Netease God". The World of Warcraft community has begun to update relevant "blue posts", including new content such as the Geocentric War and the World of Warcraft Discovery Service. [73]
On April 10, 2024, NetEase Game reported that it would work with Blizzard Entertainment again to return Blizzard games, including World of Warcraft, to the Chinese market from this summer. At the same time, it reminded players that when the server is opened, your account data will be guaranteed to be completely preserved. [74] As of press release, more than 220000 people have made reservations for World of Warcraft in Netease's game community Netease players. [75-76] As of 23:59 on April 10, 2024, there were 2 million people making reservations for the World of Warcraft national service. [74] [77]
On May 10, 2024, according to the latest news from the official Wechat of World of Warcraft, the "Blood Roar Recast" message activity will end on June 6, and the current number of messages has exceeded 1.63 million. At the end of this activity, the official will bring more information about the return of the "World of Warcraft" national service. [78]
On the morning of June 5, 2024, the official website of World of Warcraft showed that the national service war website has been officially launched, and players can log in through their account passwords. Many players feedback that the Battle. com page is the same as the old version, and the transaction record is still there. [80]
On June 6, 2024, the official WeChat of World of Warcraft said that the technical test of deleting files from the national service will be launched on June 11. Through this test, "Wrath of the Lich King" is believed to be officially opened in June. [82]
On June 11, 2024, news: World of Warcraft has now launched the technical test of deleting files from the national service. The nostalgic service "Wrath of the Lich King" was the first to go online. As soon as the server was opened, it was crowded by players, and related topics were also on the microblog hot search. [84]
On August 1, 2024, the official service of World of Warcraft will return, and the expansion film of World of Warcraft: Battle of the Earth Center will be launched globally on August 27. Give all players 14 days of game time and exclusive mounts of national service. [87]

Related events

Suspect that the account password has been modified
In the early morning of May 25, 2024, many World of Warcraft users received an email or SMS saying "Your account password has been modified", suspecting that their account was stolen. Later, the official WeChat of World of Warcraft replied: "During the recovery of Warnet service, some SMS and email messages about password modification were triggered at the wrong time, which does not mean that your account is at risk.". [79]
The head of World of Warcraft announced his resignation
In June 2024, John Hight, the head and senior vice president of Blizzard's World of Warcraft, announced his resignation. He has worked for Blizzard for 12 years. [85]
Queuing problem of the anger of the Lich King in the national service
On August 7, 2024, it was reported that the Wrath of the Lich King, the national service of World of Warcraft, met with a queuing problem, and some players questioned the official "hell soldiers queuing". The official response said that queuing is a normal login process and has nothing to do with refusing players. Players will enter the queue no matter what information they fill in before they log in successfully. [91]
Multiple accounts often make mistakes
On August 15, senior players of World of Warcraft usually had multiple accounts, but they often made mistakes when recharging. They wanted to charge the large one, but accidentally filled the small one, which was not used very much, making players distressed. The official also noticed this situation and launched the "game time transfer" service. All sub accounts of Battle. net under the same ID number can be used for game time transfer. [92]