Gaoyi County

County under Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province
zero Useful+1
Gaoyi County, subordinate to Hebei Province Shijiazhuang City be located North China Plain west, Taihang Mountain Donglu, Hebei Province South central, Shijiazhuang City South end, east Baixiang County , Nanlian Lincheng County , west Zanhuang County , adjacent to the north Yuanshi County , Northeast and Zhaoxian County The total area is 222 square kilometers. [1] In 2023, there will be 178086 permanent residents in Gaoyi County. [1] [31] As of October 2022, Gaoyi County has 5 towns under its jurisdiction. [4] The county government is located at 151 Liuxiu Road.
Qin, home 鄗 County Sui Dynasty, Analysis of Gaoyi County Baixiang Praise the emperor In 1993, Shijiazhuang And Shijiazhuang City Combined, Shijiazhuang governs Gaoyi County. [1] It is the protection and utilization of revolutionary cultural relics [9] National Health County. [10]
In 2023, the county's GDP will be 10.08 billion yuan, up 8.5% year on year. Among them, the added value of the primary industry was 2.55 billion yuan, up 8.9% year on year; The added value of the secondary industry was 2.77 billion yuan, up 7.2% year on year; The added value of the tertiary industry was 4.75 billion yuan, up 9% year on year. The contribution rate of the primary industry to economic growth is 24.3%, that of the secondary industry is 22.4%, and that of the tertiary industry is 53.3%. The ratio of three industrial structures is 25.3:27.5:47.2. The annual per capita GDP was 56618 yuan, up 8.3% year on year. [31]
Chinese name
Gaoyi County
area number
one hundred and thirty thousand one hundred and twenty-seven
Administrative Region Category
Hebei Province Shijiazhuang City
geographical position
North China Plain west, Taihang Mountain Donglu, Hebei Province South central, Shijiazhuang City southernmost,
222 km²
Area under jurisdiction
5 towns
Government residence
151 Liuxiu Road
Area Code
Postal Code
climatic conditions
Warm temperate semi humid area
population size
178086 persons (2023)
License plate code
Ji A
RMB 10.08 billion (2023)

Construction history

Fenghuang Terrace in Gaoyi County
Zhou Dynasty Land, early spring and autumn, genus Xianyu State , called 鄗 Yi. Jin, Mixian Yuhou Jin state during Spring and Autumn period At the beginning of the Warring States Period, Zhao, Wei, and Han Sanqing were divided into three parts Zhao
Qin, home 鄗 County , genus Julu County
At the beginning of the Western Han Dynasty Hengshan County In the first year of Lvzhi (187 BC), Hengshan Prefecture was granted the title of Hengshan State, which still governs Yuxian County. In the eighth year, except for the state as a county, the subordination of 鄗 County remained unchanged. In the first year of Emperor Wen (179BC), Hengshan County was changed to Changshan County From then on until the end of the Western Han Dynasty, it was either a county or a country, and all of them had jurisdiction over Que County. In the first year of Jianwu in the Eastern Han Dynasty (25 years), it was changed into Gaoyi County, and the vassal state of Baixiang was abolished to enter Gaoyi. Changshan County was incorporated in the 17th year of Jianwu (41st year) Zhongshan , Gaoyi changed to Zhongshan In the 20th year of Jianwu, Changshan Prefecture was separated from Zhongshan State, and Gaoyi still belonged to Changshan County Since then, Changshan was a county and a state, both of which had jurisdiction over Gaoyi.
In the Three Kingdoms Wei Dynasty, Gaoyi belonged to Changshan Prefecture. In the sixth year of Taihe (232), Changshan County was granted Zhao And still governs Gaoyi County.
In the second year of Xianhe in Jin Dynasty (327), Zhao was changed to Zhaojun Zhaojun still leads Gaoyi.
The Northern and Southern Dynasties, the early Northern Wei Dynasty, and the Zhao Prefecture Pingji County Gaoyi still belongs to it. In the seventh year of Tianbao in the Northern Qi Dynasty (556), Gaoyi County was moved to the current location, and Fangfang County Enter Gaoyi.
At the beginning of the Sui Dynasty, Gaoyi was under the jurisdiction of Zhao County. In the third year of the reign of Emperor Kaihuang (583), it was changed from Zhao County to Zhaozhou And governs Gaoyi County. In the sixth year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, Gaoyi County was analyzed for restoring houses. In the 16th year, the analysis of Gaoyi County Baixiang Praise the emperor The two counties belong to Zhaozhou. In the third year of Daye (617), Zhaozhou was changed into Zhaojun, and Gaoyi County belonged to Zhaojun.
In the first year of Wude in the Tang Dynasty (618), Zhaojun was changed into Zhaozhou, with Gaoyi County under its jurisdiction. In the fifth year of Wude, Zhaozhou was changed into Luanzhou Gaoyi belongs to Luanzhou. In the first year of Zhenguan (627), Luanzhou was renamed as Zhaozhou, and in the first year of Tianbao (742), Zhaozhou was dismissed as Zhaojun In the second year of Zhide (757), Bajun was restored as a state, during which time Gaoyi County was under the jurisdiction.
From the Five Dynasties to the early Song Dynasty, Gaoyi's subordination remained unchanged. In the third year of Zhidao (997), the Tang Dao was changed to Lu, and Zhaozhou belonged to Hebei Road , governing Gaoyi. In the fifth year of Xining (1072) Baixiang The two counties of Zanhuang entered Gaoyi. In the first year of Yuanyou (1086), Baixiang Praise the emperor The two counties were demarcated from Gaoyi to restore the original organizational system. In the first year of Xuanhe (1119), Zhaozhou was promoted to Qingyuan Prefecture and Gaoyi belonged to Qingyuan Mansion
In the seventh year of the Jin and Yuan Dynasties (1129), Qingyuan Prefecture was reduced to Zhaozhou, still governing Gaoyi County. In the third year of Tiande (1151), Zhaozhou was changed into Wozhou, still governing Gaoyi County.
In the first year of Zhongtong in the Yuan Dynasty (1260), Wozhou was renamed as Zhaozhou, and Gaoyi County belonged to Zhongshu Province True definite path Zhaozhou. In the second year of the Zhiyuan era (1265), Zanhuang County of Sichuan Province entered Gaoyi. In the seventh year, Gaoyi was restored Zanhuang County
In the first year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1368), Gaoyi County belonged to Henan Province Zhending Mansion Zhaozhou. In the ninth year, the whole country was divided into thirteen administrative envoys and two Zhili, Gaoyi Northern Zhili Zhending Prefecture is Zhaozhou. In the 19th year of Yongle (1421), Hebei was located in the capital and belonged to Gaoyi County capital Zhending Prefecture is Zhaozhou.
In the early Qing Dynasty, Gaoyi County Zhili Province The Zhending Mansion in Zhaozhou was changed to the Zhending Mansion in the first year of Yongzheng (1723) Zhengding Mansion , Gaoyi is a Zhili Province Zhengding Mansion Zhaozhou. In the second year of Yongzheng (1724), Zhaozhou was promoted to Zhili Prefecture Gaoyi still belongs to Zhaozhou.
In the second year of the Republic of China (1913), except Shuntian Mansion Outside, the prefecture and prefecture were changed into counties, and Gaoyi belonged to Zhili Province In the same year, roads were set up below the provincial level and above the county level, and Gaoyi County was subordinate to South Hebei Road In the third year of the Republic of China (1914), the South Hebei Road was changed to Daming Path Gaoyi still belongs to it. In the 17th year of the Republic of China (1928), Taoism was abolished and Zhili Province was changed to Hebei Province Gaoyi County belongs to Hebei Province. In the 26th year of the Republic of China (1937), Lugouqiao Incident Japan occupied Gaoyi, and Gaoyi County established the puppet regime. In the 34th year of the Republic of China (1945), after the victory of the Anti Japanese War, Gaoyi belonged to the Taihang District.
In 1949, the People's Republic of China was founded, and Gaoyi belonged to Shijiazhuang Special District, Hebei Province.
In May 1958, Gao Yi Yuanshi The two counties are merged into Gaoyuan County In December, Gaoyuan County and Zanhuang County Consolidation, collectively referred to as Yuanshi County
In January 1962, Gaoyi County separated from Yuanshi County and restored its county-level system, still under the jurisdiction of Shijiazhuang.
In 1970, Shijiazhuang District was renamed Shijiazhuang And governs Gaoyi County.
In June 1993, Shijiazhuang and Shijiazhuang City Combined, Shijiazhuang governs Gaoyi County. [1]

administrative division


Division evolution

In 1958, Wangtongzhuang Township was abolished and transferred to Wancheng Township and Zhonghan Township, and Xifu Village Township and Xizhang Village Township were merged into Xibeiying Township. [16]

Zoning Details

By October 2022, Gaoyi County has five towns under its jurisdiction: Gaoyi Town Daying Town Fucun Town Wancheng Town Sino Korean Township [4] 107 villages. [1] No. 151, Zhufuqian Road, County Government.

geographical environment


Location context

Gaoyi County, located in North China Plain west, Taihang Mountain Donglu, Hebei Province South central, Shijiazhuang City The southernmost end is between 114 ° 26 ′~114 ° 43 ′ E and 37 ° 33 ′~37 ° 42 'N. To the east Baixiang County , Nanlian Lincheng County , west Zanhuang County , adjacent to the north Yuanshi County , Northeast and Zhaoxian County Junction. It is 23.75 kilometers wide from east to west and 16.5 kilometers long from north to south, with a total area of 222 square kilometers. [1]
People's Government of Gaoyi County


The stratum exposed in Gaoyi County is very incomplete. From ancient times to new times, it is composed of Paleozoic Ordovician limestone, Paleozoic Carboniferous sand shale, Cenozoic Tertiary and Cenozoic Quaternary. [16]

topographic features

Gaoyi County
Gaoyi County is located at the eastern foot of Taihang Mountains, the plain in front of the middle mountain of Hebei Province, and the alluvial proluvial fan of the Sister River and Huai River. Due to the influence of the Taihang Mountains and the 1963 catastrophic flood, the ground in the county is divided into three types: hilly area, dune land and plain land. [16]


Gaoyi County has a warm temperate semi humid continental monsoon climate with four distinct seasons. [16] The annual precipitation is 679.0 mm, and the annual average temperature is 13.3 ℃. The annual precipitation is 679.0 mm, and the annual sunshine hours are 2081.3 hours. [1]


The rivers in Gaoyi County mainly include Huaihe River and Nihe River. [16]


Gaoyi County is divided into 2 soil groups, 4 sub groups, 5 soil genera and 21 soil species. [1]

natural resources


water resource

As of 2016, Gaoyi County has 15.15 million cubic meters of groundwater resources, with an average burial depth of 55.29 meters. The maximum burial depth of monitoring points is 64.52 meters, and the minimum burial depth is 48.22 meters. The underground water supply is 68.02 million cubic meters, including 57.31 million cubic meters of agricultural irrigation water, 2.95 million cubic meters of industrial water, 2.35 million cubic meters of urban residents' domestic water, 3.86 million cubic meters of township residents' domestic water, 1.5 million cubic meters of urban public water, and 50000 cubic meters of urban environmental water. [1]

land resource

In 2016, Gaoyi County had 12750.2 hectares of basic farmland, 156.2 hectares of garden land, 405.5 hectares of forest land and 4342.2 hectares of construction land. [1]

Biological resources

Gaoyi County is rich in biological resources, with 315 kinds of terrestrial vertebrates, including 238 kinds of birds, accounting for the highest proportion, 22 kinds of mammals, 17 kinds of amphibians and reptiles, and 38 kinds of fish. There are 651 kinds of plant resources, including 199 kinds of landscaping plants and 452 kinds of wild vascular plants. Among them, there are 82 kinds of trees, 41 kinds of shrubs, 1 kind of bamboo, 4 kinds of vines, 63 kinds of herbs and 11 kinds of aquatic plants. In the wild vascular plant flora, Compositae is the most, followed by Arbor, Leguminosae, Rosaceae, Liliaceae, Labiatae, etc. Compositae, Arbor, Leguminosae and Rosaceae account for more than 30% of the species in the whole flora, and herbaceous plants account for more than 80% of the flora. [1]

mineral resources

Gaoyi County has good coal quality, with 206900 tons of recoverable reserves. As the coal seam is deep and the reserves are relatively small, it is in a long-term storage state. Oil fields are rich in geological reserves, with an annual output of 25000 tons of crude oil. It has limestone, clay for building ceramics and other mineral resources, including more than 13 billion tons of limestone reserves. The soil for building pottery includes pottery clay, lead clay, glaze clay, kaolin and peach blossom clay, with a total reserve of 13 million tons. The river sand reserves are 14 million tons in total, and the sand reserves for casting are 4 million tons. [1]


In addition to the Han nationality, Gaoyi County has 199 ethnic minorities, accounting for 0.1% of the total population. Ethnic minorities include 17 nationalities, mainly including Manchu, Hui, Miao, Zhuang, Tujia, Mongolian, Yi, Bai, etc. [1]
In 2022, the total permanent population of Gaoyi County will be 177700, an increase of 398 over the previous year. Among them, the urban permanent population was 101608, an increase of 704 over the previous year; The proportion in the total population (urbanization rate of permanent residents) was 57.2%, 0.3 percentage points higher than that of the previous year. [29]
By the end of 2023, the total permanent population of the county was 178086, an increase of 290 over the end of the previous year. Among them, the urban permanent population was 103608, an increase of 2000 over the end of the previous year; The proportion in the total population (urbanization rate of permanent residents) was 58.2%, 1 percentage point higher than that at the end of last year. [31]




In 2022, the GDP of Gaoyi County will be 8.85 billion yuan, an increase of 7.6% over the previous year. Among them, the added value of the primary industry was 2.01 billion yuan, up 9.5%; The added value of the secondary industry was 2.81 billion yuan, up 6.9%; The added value of the tertiary industry was 4.03 billion yuan, up 7.1%. The ratio of the three industrial structures is 22.8:31.7:45.5. The added value of private economy was 5.91 billion yuan, up 5.3%, accounting for 66.8% of GDP. [29]
In 2022, the total social power consumption of Gaoyi County will be 967.522 million kWh, an increase of 1.9%. The electricity consumption of the primary industry was 3.558 million kilowatt hours, down 31.1%; The electricity consumption of the secondary industry was 673.24 million kilowatt hours, up 1.4% (including 665.174 million kilowatt hours of industrial electricity, up 1.6%); The electricity consumption of the tertiary industry was 136.168 million kilowatt hours, down 2.7%; Domestic electricity consumption of urban and rural residents was 154.557 million kilowatt hours, up 10%. [29]
In 2023, the GDP of Gaoyi County will be 10.08 billion yuan, up 8.5% year on year. Among them, the added value of the primary industry was 2.55 billion yuan, up 8.9% year on year; The added value of the secondary industry was 2.77 billion yuan, up 7.2% year on year; The added value of the tertiary industry was 4.75 billion yuan, up 9% year on year. The contribution rate of the primary industry to economic growth is 24.3%, that of the secondary industry is 22.4%, and that of the tertiary industry is 53.3%. The ratio of three industrial structures is 25.3:27.5:47.2. The annual per capita GDP was 56618 yuan, up 8.3% year on year. [31]
Investment in fixed assets
In 2022, the investment in fixed assets of Gaoyi County will increase by 11.5% over the previous year. Among them, construction projects increased by 12.8%, and real estate investment increased by 7.6%. In the total investment, the primary industry dropped by 4.7%; The secondary industry declined by 31.9%; The tertiary industry grew by 31.7%. During the year, there were 89 construction projects, including 20 projects worth more than 50 million yuan. During the year, 56 new projects were started, including 15 projects worth more than 100 million yuan. The sales area of commercial housing is 154873 square meters. [29]
In 2023, the investment in fixed assets in the county will increase by 1% year on year.
Among the fixed asset investment, the investment in the primary industry increased by 3.9% year on year; Investment in the secondary industry increased by 40.2% year on year; Investment in the tertiary industry dropped by 6% year on year. Infrastructure investment increased by 91.9% year on year, accounting for 18.5% of fixed asset investment. Investment in industrial technological transformation increased by 72.3% year on year, accounting for 51.2% of industrial investment. Investment in high-tech industries dropped 62.4% year on year, accounting for 4% of fixed asset investment.
In 2023, among the fixed asset investment projects, the completed investment of projects with a total investment of more than 100 million yuan will decrease by 0.5% year on year, accounting for 84% of the fixed asset investment.
The investment in construction projects in the whole county increased by 21.8% year on year, and the investment in real estate development decreased by 50.5% year on year. [31]
People's life
In 2022, the per capita disposable income of urban residents in Gaoyi County will be 35096 yuan, an increase of 4.3%; The per capita disposable income of rural residents was 19192 yuan, up 5.9% year on year. [29]
In 2023, the per capita disposable income of urban residents will be 37518 yuan, up 6.9%; The per capita disposable income of rural residents was 20574 yuan, up 7.2%. [31]
In 2022, the general public budget revenue of Gaoyi County will be 693050000 yuan, an increase of 6.2%. The general public budget expenditure was 2162.89 million yuan, an increase of 20.9% over the previous year. Among them, the expenditure on general public services was 265.56 million yuan, up 31.4%; Public security expenditure was 92.17 million yuan, an increase of 25.5%; Education expenditure was 36.203 million yuan, up 20%; Expenditure on social security and employment was 306.98 million yuan, up 32.4%; Medical and health expenditure was 122.56 million yuan, up 1.5%; Energy conservation and environmental protection expenditure was 32.02 million yuan, down 61.3%; Expenditure on urban and rural communities was 464.7 million yuan, up 37.3%. [29]
In 2023, the county's general public budget revenue will be 720 million yuan, up 4% year on year. The general public budget expenditure was 1.83 billion yuan, down 15.3% year on year. [31]

primary industry

In 2022, the current total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery in Gaoyi County will be 2.98 billion yuan, an increase of 10%. The added value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery was 2.12 billion yuan, up 9.9%. The grain sown area is 363000 mu. The grain output is 170000 tons, including 8.4 tons of summer grain and 8.6 tons of autumn grain. The vegetable planting area is 6169 hectares, and the vegetable output is 472000 tons. The forestry output value was 3.12 million yuan, up 12.2%. The output value of animal husbandry was 450 million yuan, up 4.9%. The output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery services was 210 million yuan, up 14.1%. The sales revenue of the leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization under the unified management was 1 billion yuan, down 29.4%. The industrialized operation rate is 28.6%. [29]
In 2023, the grain sown area will be 363000 mu, up 0.1% year on year; The total grain output was 172000 tons, up 1.4% year on year. Among them, the summer grain area was 172000 mu, up 0.1%; The total output was 84750 tons, up 0.8% year on year. The area of autumn grain was 191000 mu, up 0.1% year on year; The total output was 87341 tons, up 2%. The total planting area of vegetables was 6385.2 hectares, up 3.5% year on year; The total output of vegetables was 513960.9 tons, up 8.8% year on year. The total output of garden fruits was 4665 tons, up 16% year on year.
In 2023, the output of meat (pigs, cattle, sheep, poultry) in the county will be 11404.7 tons, an increase of 17.2% year on year. Of which, the pork output was 8912 tons, up 26% year on year; The beef output was 437 tons, up 22% year on year; The mutton output was 223 tons, up 1.5% year on year; Poultry meat output was 1831 tons, down 12% year on year; The output of eggs was 12789 tons, basically the same as that of last year; The milk output was 5286 tons, up 6.4% year on year. At the end of the year, 127319 pigs were sold, up 19.9% year on year; 2312 cattle were sold, up 3.7% year on year; 17615 sheep were sold, up 0.3% year on year; 1.504 million poultry were sold, up 5.7% year on year. [31]

the secondary industry

In 2022, the added value of industries above designated size in Gaoyi County will increase by 11.4%. In terms of categories, the manufacturing industry grew by 11.2%, and the power, heat, gas and water production and supply industries grew by 62.4%. In terms of industries, the added value of the three major industries increased by 4.5%, of which the textile industry increased by 53.6%, the ceramic products manufacturing industry increased by 332.7%, and the zinc oxide industry decreased by 15.3%. The added value of high-tech industries above designated size dropped by 12.8%. The added value of the whole society's construction industry was 300 million yuan, up 21.3%. [29]
In 2023, the added value of industries above designated size will increase by 8.6% year on year. In terms of categories, the added value of ceramic products manufacturing increased by 78% year on year, accounting for 42.8% of the industrial added value above designated size; The added value of basic chemical raw material manufacturing increased by 44.5% year on year, accounting for 10.5% of the industrial added value above designated size; The added value of general parts manufacturing increased by 59.9% year on year, accounting for 8.5% of the industrial added value above designated size. From the perspective of key industries, the general equipment manufacturing industry increased by 52.3% year on year; The textile industry increased by 48.5% year on year; Non metallic mineral properties increased by 37.3% year on year. These three industries have driven a total increase of 19.7 percentage points in the added value of industries above designated size, which is the main force driving the growth of industries above designated size in the county.
In 2023, the building construction area of qualified construction enterprises will be 98995 square meters, down 13.7% year on year. [31]

the service sector; the tertiary industry

Domestic trade
In 2022, the total retail sales of consumer goods in Gaoyi County will be 1.54 billion yuan, an increase of 2.9% over the previous year. Among wholesale and retail enterprises (units) above the designated size, the retail sales of grain, oil and food increased by 67%; Beverages increased by 63.8%; Tobacco and alcohol decreased by 2.3%; Clothing, shoes, hats, needles and textiles increased by 57.7%; Cosmetics increased by 39.9%; Gold, silver and jewelry increased by 77.4%; Daily necessities increased by 61.6%. [29]
In 2023, the total retail sales of social consumer goods in the county will reach 1.78 billion yuan, up 16.1% year on year. The retail sales of consumer goods above designated size in the county were 120.14 million yuan, up 38.9% year on year.
Among the retail sales of commodities above the designated size, the retail sales of petroleum and products increased by 81.9% year on year; The retail sales of grain, oil and food increased by 72.5% year on year; Cultural and office supplies increased by 51% year on year; Daily necessities increased by 36.1% year on year; Construction and decoration materials increased 26.6% year on year; Gold, silver and jewelry increased by 17.3% year on year; Clothing, shoes and hats, knitwear and textiles increased by 3.1% year on year. [31]
foreign trade
In 2022, the total import and export value of Gaoyi County will be 340 million yuan, a decrease of 3.5% over the previous year. Among them, the total export value was 340 million yuan, down 4.7% over the previous year; The total import value was 7.08 million yuan, up 154.2%. The actually utilized foreign capital was US $310000. [29]
In 2023, the total import and export value of the county will be 370 million yuan, up 7.3% year on year. Among them, the total export value was 330 million yuan, down 1.1% year on year; The total import value was 40 million yuan, up 409% year on year.
The actual use of foreign capital throughout the county was 670000 US dollars, up 116% year on year. Two new foreign-funded enterprises were established. [31]
In 2022, the balance of deposits of financial institutions (RMB) in Gaoyi County will be 15.4 billion yuan, an increase of 2.36 billion yuan over the beginning of the year. The balance of household deposits was 12.88 billion yuan. The balance of various loans of financial institutions (RMB) was 6.82 billion yuan, an increase of 1.71 billion yuan. [29]
By the end of 2023, the balance of various loans of banking financial institutions in the county was 8.29 billion yuan, an increase of 1.47 billion yuan over the beginning of the year, with a year-on-year growth rate of 21.6%. The balance of various deposits was 18.26 billion yuan, an increase of 2.86 billion yuan over the beginning of the year, with a year-on-year growth rate of 18.5%. The deposit loan ratio is 45.4%. [31]
In 2022, Gaoyi County will only spend 90 days to build an immersive and experiential characteristic commercial street of Phoenix Never Night City, and the "July 1st" will officially open for business, receiving more than 1.8 million tourists in total; The planning scheme of 3A scenic spot has been completed. [29]
In 2023, Phoenix Never Night City won the honorary titles of "Provincial Tourism and Leisure Block", "The Second Batch of Provincial Night Culture and Tourism Consumption Cluster", "Shijiazhuang City Demonstration Block 2", etc. It has organized and held tourism and cultural activities for many times, actively responded to the policy of "between mountains and waters" activities, and held three "Shijiazhuang Rock and Roll Music Performance Season - between mountains and waters" performances.


Gaoyi West Station
Jingci Highway, [16] Jingguang Railway Beijing Hong Kong Macao Expressway National Highway 107 National Highway 339 Hengyang Xichang Expressway, Beijing Guangzhou High Speed Railway Go through Gaoyi County. [18]
In 2022, Gaoyi Shijiazhuang Passenger Dedicated Line in Gaoyi County will have 10 passenger cars in operation. At the same time of realizing the road connection between villages and villages in the county, 39 buses will be put into operation and 8 bus operation lines will be opened, so as to realize the full coverage of the main streets of the county and extend to 107 administrative villages, realizing the integration of urban and rural passenger transport. There are 84 freight enterprises, 4500 freight vehicles, 4 Class II maintenance enterprises and 71 Class III maintenance enterprises among motor vehicle maintenance enterprises. There are 4 motor vehicle comprehensive performance testing stations, 1 secondary maintenance plant, 2 taxi companies and 30 taxis.
International dry ports have been successfully selected into the list of cities with national comprehensive freight hub chain reinforcement, the fourth batch of national multimodal transport demonstration projects, and the third batch of used car export business regions in China. The reconstruction of three arrival departure tracks was completed, the main parts of two special railway lines were completed, and the south extension of Gangzhong Road and Fuxing Road were completed and opened to traffic. The number of outbound ports has expanded to 7, 14 international routes, and the business scope covers more than 50 countries and regions. The annual arrival and departure of China Europe trains is 506. Domestic trains have successively opened 8 "+Shijiazhuang Europe" trains, including "Beijing Shijiazhuang Europe", "Xing Shijiazhuang Europe" and "Baosteel Europe", which have reached 73000 standard boxes, an increase of 108%. With the opening of the new Beijing Tianjin Hebei land sea channel, the Haitie Express has delivered 102 trains, 9318 TEUs and a value of 4.66 billion yuan, an increase of 48%. [29]


Current leaders
secretary of the county Party committee:
Li Yutao
county magistrate:
Miao Runtao
Deputy county head:
Wang Dalei, Li Dongrui, Mi Lin, Li Zhiqiang, Sun Shiqiang, Li Yongqiang
As of December 2023 [14] [19] [30]

social undertakings



By 2022, Gaoyi County has 60 schools at all levels, including 48 primary schools (41 complete primary schools, 5 incomplete primary schools, and 2 teaching sites), 6 junior middle schools, 1 nine-year consistent school, 1 complete middle school, 1 special education school, 1 ordinary high school, 1 vocational education center, and 1 teacher training school. There are 33426 students in total, including 18046 in primary schools, 9724 in junior high schools, 4316 in senior high schools, 1237 in vocational education and 103 in special education. The enrollment rate of nine-year compulsory education is 100%, the consolidation rate is 99.1%, and the gross enrollment rate of senior high school is 99.5%. There are 2222 in-service teachers in primary and secondary schools, including 1105 in primary schools, 643 in junior high schools, 373 in senior high schools, 90 in vocational education and 11 in special education. There are 56 kindergartens (including 38 public kindergartens and 18 private kindergartens), 6161 children in kindergartens, 678 preschool teachers, and the gross enrollment rate of preschool three years is 98.7%. There are 161 special children in school, including 103 students in special education schools (46 in school, 57 sent to school). There are 57 students in compulsory education, including 40 students in regular classes and 17 sent to school. 7.5 million yuan was invested to improve school running conditions. [29]
In 2023, there will be 58 schools of all levels and types in the county, including 46 primary schools (38 complete primary schools, 8 teaching sites), 6 junior middle schools, 1 nine-year consistent school, 1 complete middle school, 1 special education school, 1 ordinary high school, 1 vocational education center, and 1 teacher development center. There are 32573 students in total, including 16877 in primary schools, 9969 in junior high schools, 4289 in senior high schools, 1354 in vocational education and 84 in special education. The enrollment rate of nine-year compulsory education is 100%, the consolidation rate is 99.2%, and the gross enrollment rate of senior high school is 95.5%. There are 2164 in-service teachers in primary and secondary schools, including 1090 in primary schools, 616 in junior high schools, 376 in senior high schools, 70 in vocational education and 12 in special education. There are 47 kindergartens (including 33 public kindergartens and 14 private kindergartens), 4692 children in kindergartens, 599 preschool teachers, and 98.7% of the gross enrollment rate in the three preschool years. There are 128 special children in the county, including 84 students in special education schools (24 in school, 60 sent to school), 44 students in compulsory education, including 41 students in regular classes and 3 sent to school. 17 million yuan was invested to improve school running conditions. [31]

Science and technology

In 2022, Gaoyi County will have 16 high-tech enterprises above designated size, 350 million yuan of added value of high-tech industries above designated size, and 347 technology-based SMEs. [29]

Cultural undertakings

National tertiary libraries: Gaoyi County Library. [20]
In 2022, the main body of the transformation and upgrading project of Fengcheng Theater in Gaoyi County will be completed, and more than 50 fitness facilities will be newly built, which will be rated as the best county for sports work in Hebei Province. [29]
By 2023, Gaoyi County will have achieved full coverage of cultural stations in towns (communities). There will be 5 cultural stations in towns and 112 comprehensive cultural service centers in villages (communities), with a coverage rate of 100%. The stations are equipped with multi-functional cultural activity rooms, cultural and sports squares, book reading rooms, audio equipment, art equipment and mass sports equipment. [31]


In 2020, Gaoyi County will hold the first half marathon and the second "Fengcheng has an appointment with the beautiful Gaoyi" hiking activity. The 300 square meter indoor skating rink in the community fitness center has been completed and put into use. [17]
In 2023, Gaoyi County was selected by the Municipal Sports Bureau as an outstanding county in the National Fitness Implementation Plan (2021-2025). A total of 45 national fitness venues and facilities around the masses were updated, including 40 updated fitness facilities, the Gaoyi Olympic Sports Park was repaired and upgraded, a fitness trail was built, and one football, basketball, and badminton venues were built. [31]

medical and health work

In 2022, Gaoyi County will complete the construction of remote diagnosis and treatment at 15 points in counties, towns and villages. Zhonghan Town was rated as "Health Township in Hebei Province", and 10 villages including East and West Korea were rated as "Health Villages in Hebei Province". There are 157 health institutions in total, with 729 planned beds and 729 actual beds. There are 2 public hospitals, 4 private hospitals and 5 health centers. There are 443 doctors (including 330 in the county and 113 in the village). [29]
By the end of 2023, there were 166 medical and health institutions (including clinics) in the county. Among them, there are 6 hospitals, 1 disease prevention and control center (epidemic prevention station), 1 maternal and child health hospital (station, station), 5 township hospitals, 1 community health service center (station), and 108 village clinics. At the end of the year, there were 752 beds in health institutions. Among them, the hospital has 625 beds and 96 township hospitals. The county has 1148 health technicians. Among them, there are 366 licensed doctors, 136 licensed assistant doctors and 486 registered nurses. [31]

social security

In 2022, 1881 new jobs will be created in Gaoyi County, 567 unemployed people will be re employed, and 240 people will be re employed due to difficulties in employment. At the end of the year, the registered urban unemployment rate was controlled within 3.25%. [29]
In 2022, 178368 people should be insured by Gaoyi County's basic medical insurance, and the actual number of insured people is 175256, with a coverage rate of 98.3%. 12059 people participated in the basic medical insurance for urban employees and 163197 people participated in the basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents. Among the residents, the number of low-income people in rural areas is 6387, and the actual number of low-income people in rural areas is 6387, with the participation rate of low-income people reaching 100%. No non local insurance. [29]
At the end of 2023, 97062 urban and rural residents participated in endowment insurance, an increase of 138 over the end of the previous year. 164.62 million urban employees participated in pension insurance, 1068 more than at the end of the previous year. Among them, 118.43 million are on duty employees and 46.19 million are retirees. 171081 people participated in basic medical insurance. Among them, 12672 people participated in basic medical insurance for urban employees; 158408 people participated in basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents. 7821 people participated in unemployment insurance, an increase of 502 people. 16855 people participated in industrial injury insurance, including 9117 migrant workers who participated in industrial injury insurance. 12672 people participated in maternity insurance. [31]

famous scenery

Qianqiu Platform
Liu Xiu Statue
Qianqiu Platform Located in the south of Huayuan Village, 1 km south of Gaoyi County, the original platform is 2 meters high, 15 meters long from north to south, and 12 meters wide from east to west. On the platform is the monument of "Thousand Autumn Platform" built in Jiajing years of the Ming Dynasty. In 25 AD, Han Guangwu reigned as Guangwu Di He built a platform at Qianqiu Pavilion in the south of Que to ascend the throne, and changed Que into Gaoyi. In 2008, it was named as a provincial key cultural relics protection unit by the People's Government of Hebei Province. [1]
Ruins of Fangfangcheng
Ruins of Fangfangcheng
Ruins of Fangfangcheng , 7.5 kilometers southwest of Gaoyi County Fucun Town To the northwest of the ancient village, it was initially the site of Zhaoyi City in the Warring States Period. According to historical records, it was at least 377 BC, about 2400 years ago. The remaining city wall is 250 meters from north to south, 274 meters from east to west, 28 meters wide and 6.5 meters high. In 1993, it was named as a provincial key cultural relics protection unit by the People's Government of Hebei Province. [1]

Famous people

Han Zhenji
Han Zhenji He was born in Gaoyi, Hebei Province in 1905. In 1920, he entered Baoding A Industrial School, graduated in 1924, and was admitted to Baoding Army Martial Arts Lecture Hall in the same year. Participated in 1931 Ningdu Uprising , compiled into Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army Former post Ministry of Heavy Industry of the Central People's Government Director of the Bureau of Machinery, Head of the Veterinary Management Department of the General Logistics Vehicles of the People's Liberation Army, Head of the Management Department of Automobiles and Tractors. Military officer of the Chinese Embassy in the Soviet Union. General Logistics Department Deputy Minister. [21]
Gu Guangshan
Gu Guangshan , born in June 1909 in Gaoyi, Hebei Province. Attended in December 1931 Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army , joined in January 1936 Communist Party of China He was the first head of the Logistics Department of the People's Air Force and the Fifth Academy of the Ministry of National Defense( The Fifth Research Institute of the Ministry of National Defense of the People's Republic of China )Vice President, Seventh Ministry of Machinery Industry Deputy minister. [22]
Luo Dingfeng
Luo Dingfeng , born in March 1915 in Gaoyi, Hebei Province. In 1935, participated in "December 9" Movement In December 1937, he entered Shanxi Linfen National Revolutionary University to study. In May 1938, entered Yan'an Counter-Japanese Military and Political University study; July, join Communist Party of China In September, admitted to Yan'an Lu Xun Art College Study in literature department; Former post North China Administrative Committee Secretary General of the Culture and Education Commission, Beijing Deputy Director of Publicity Department of CPC Committee, CPC Liaoning Province Member of the Standing Committee, Secretary General. [23]
Cheng Zhenshan
Cheng Zhenshan He was born in May 1957 in Gaoyi, Hebei Province. He started working in December 1975 and joined the Communist Party of China in July 1982 Hotan Secretary of prefectural Party committee, 14th Agricultural Division of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps First Secretary of the Party Committee, First Political Commissar. Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Vice Chairman of the CPPCC, President of the Red Cross Society of the Autonomous Region. [24]
Li Lintian
Li Lintian He was born in January 1917 in Gaoyi County, Hebei Province. He joined the revolution in February 1938 and joined the Communist Party of China in June of the same year. Former post Hubei Enshi Secretary of prefectural Party committee, Ministry of Higher Education ministry of education Deputy Director General and Director General of Technical Secondary School Department and Vocational Education Department. Retired in 1982 (enjoy Deputy ministerial level Individual treatment). [25]

Honorary title

In 2017, Gaoyi County was selected as the first civilized county in Hebei Province. [6]
In February 2019, Gaoyi County was awarded the National Advanced Unit for Grassroots TCM Work. [7]
In September 2019, Gaoyi County was honored as the pilot county for the construction of a compact county medical and health community. [8]
In January 2020, Gaoyi County was awarded the fourth batch of demonstration counties that took the lead in basically realizing the mechanization of the whole process of production of major crops. [5]
In June 2020, Gaoyi County was selected into the second batch of revolutionary cultural relics protection and utilization areas and counties. [9]
In July 2020, Gaoyi County was selected as a national health county in the 2017-2019 cycle. [10]
On December 15, 2020, Gaoyi County was selected into the fourth batch of agricultural product quality and safety counties in Hebei Province. [26]
On December 22, 2020, Gaoyi County won the title of Digital Rural Pilot Area in Hebei Province. [3]
On December 30, 2020, Gaoyi County reexamined and confirmed to retain the title of civilized county town in Hebei Province. [11]
In February 2021, Gaoyi County won the title of National Advanced County for Village Clean Action in 2020 [12]
In May 2021, Gaoyi County was selected as the best county for sports work in 2020 [2]
In June 2021, Gaoyi County was selected as a pilot unit for improving the quality of farmers' cooperatives throughout the county. [13]
In October 2021, Gaoyi County won the pilot county of urban and rural passenger transport integration in Hebei Province [15]
In January 2022, Gaoyi County was selected as a model county for safe Hebei construction in 2017-2020. [27]
In March 2022, Gaoyi County was selected as an advanced county for village cleaning action in Hebei Province in 2021. [28]