High School Physics

Books published by People's Education Press in 2011
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High School Physics is a book published by People's Education Press in 2011. The author is People's Education Press, Curriculum and Textbook Research Institute, and Physics Curriculum and Textbook Research and Development Center.
Physics in senior high school is one of the basic subjects of science (natural science) in senior high school. This book is an experimental textbook of curriculum standards for ordinary high schools.
Chinese name
High School Physics
Foreign name
high school physics
Curriculum and Textbook Research Institute
Publication time
January 2011
Number of pages
75 pages
nine trillion and seven hundred and eighty-seven billion one hundred and seven million one hundred and eighty-six thousand one hundred and three [1]
6.08 yuan
paperback [2]
Deep and wide
Three volumes in total

Physical characteristics

High School Physics
1. Deepen knowledge and understanding
In high school physics, to deepen the understanding of important physical knowledge, some will go from qualitative discussion to quantitative calculation, such as the relationship between force and motion, the concept of kinetic energy electromagnetic induction , nuclear energy, etc.
2. Knowledge breadth and scope expansion
High school physics should expand the scope of physical knowledge and learn many new contents that have not been learned in junior high school, such as Synthesis and decomposition of forces Newton Law of universal gravitation Momentum theorem Law of conservation of momentum , the nature of light, etc.
3. Knowledge application and ability improvement
High school students should not only learn physical knowledge, but also improve their ability to learn physical knowledge and apply physical knowledge. In high school, they are mainly self-study ability and physics problem solving ability ability And learn some common physical research methods.
In short, compared with junior high school physics, senior high school physics is spiraling.
There are three volumes of senior high school physics textbook, of which volumes 1 and 2 are compulsory, and volume 3 is compulsory plus Elective In most provinces, physics is not only an examination subject It is also a subject of college entrance examination, which plays an important role in high school learning.

Knowledge points


Compulsory Course I

(1) Description of motion
1. Content standards
(1) Through historical facts, we can preliminarily understand the background of the emergence of modern experimental science and the role of experiments in promoting the development of physics.
Example 1 Understanding Aristotle Main viewpoints and research methods on force and motion.
Example 2 Understanding Galileo To understand Galileo's scientific thought and method
(2) By particle Understand the characteristics of physical models in physical research, and understand the role of physical models in exploring the laws of nature.
Example 3 Recognize the conditions under which objects can be regarded as particles.
(3) Experience uniforn variable rectinear motion To understand the displacement, speed and acceleration, understand the law of linear motion with uniform speed change, and understand the role of experiments in discovering natural laws.
Example 4 ticker-tape timer , stroboscopic photography or other experimental methods to study the linear motion with uniform speed.
Example 5 Understand Galileo research through historical facts free falling movement Experiment and reasoning methods used.
(4) Available formulas and Image description Realize the importance of mathematics in the study of physical problems when moving in a straight line with uniform speed.
2. Activity suggestions
(1) The falling of objects with the same mass and different sizes in the air is studied through experiments to understand the influence of air on the falling motion.
(2) Understand and discuss the significance of Galileo's research on the movement of objects in scientific development and human progress by searching information.
(2) Interaction and motion law
1. Content standards
(1) Understanding through experiments sliding friction Static friction Can be used Dynamic friction coefficient Calculate friction.
(2) Know the common deformation, understand the elasticity of objects through experiments, know Hooke's law
Example 1 Investigate the shape and purpose of the spring used in daily life and production (such as obtaining elasticity or reducing vibration).
Example 2 Making a simple Spring scale Explain its working principle with Hooke's law.
(3) Through experiments, we can understand the composition and decomposition of force, know the balance conditions of common force, distinguish vector and scalar, and analyze the problems in daily life through the composition and decomposition of force.
Example 3 studies the resultant force of two equal forces at different included angles.
(4) Through experiments, the relationship between acceleration and object mass, force on object is explored. understand Newton's law of motion Explain the relevant problems in life with Newton's law of motion. Understand the phenomenon of overweight and weightlessness through experiments.
Example 4 The acceleration, force and mass are measured through experiments, and the images representing the relationship between acceleration and force, acceleration and mass are respectively made. The relationship between acceleration and force, mass is written according to the images. Experience what is used in the process of inquiry scientific method
Example 5 Based on Newton's second law Explain the relationship between gravity and mass of objects.
(5) Understand the importance of the unit system in physics. Know the mechanical units in the International System of Units.
Example 6 equation Given in k =1, which defines the unit of force.
2. Activity suggestions
(1) Investigate the use in daily life and production Static friction Examples of.
(2) Learn about and experience weightlessness and overweight through various activities, such as taking an elevator, taking a roller coaster to an amusement park, etc.
(3) According to Newton's second law, a device that can display the magnitude of acceleration is designed.
(4) Through listening to lectures, watching videos and other activities, we can learn about the life of astronauts and how they are carried out on artificial satellites microgravity Experiment under the condition of, try to design an experiment scheme under the microgravity condition on the artificial satellite or spaceship.

Compulsory Course 2

(I) mechanical energy And energy
1. Content standards
(1) Illustrate that work is a measure of energy change, and understand work and power. Care about common problems in life and production Mechanical power The size and meaning of.
Example 1 Analyze the work done by the force when the moving direction of the object and the direction of the force are not in a straight line.
Example 2 The relationship between traction and speed is analyzed when the power of an automobile engine is fixed.
(2) Explore through experiments Constant force Work And objects kinetic energy Changing relationships. Understanding kinetic energy and Kinetic energy theorem Explain the phenomena in life and production with the kinetic energy theorem.
For example 3 ticker-tape timer Or photoelectric timer to explore the relationship between the work done by constant force and the change of kinetic energy of objects.
Example 4 The kinetic energy theorem is derived from Newton's second law.
(3) Understanding Gravitational potential energy Know the relationship between the change of gravitational potential energy and the work done by gravity.
(4) Validate through experiments Law of conservation of mechanical energy Understand the law of conservation of mechanical energy. The law of conservation of mechanical energy is used to analyze the relevant problems in life and production.
(5) Understand that there are many forms of energy in nature. Know that energy conservation is one of the most basic and universal laws of nature.
(6) Via Conservation of energy And the directionality of energy transformation and transfer, and recognize the importance of improving efficiency. Understand the relationship between energy and human survival and social development, and know the significance of sustainable development.
Example 5 Evaluate the benefits of nuclear energy for mankind and Possible Problems.
2. Activity suggestions
(1) Design an experiment to measure the power of a person in a certain movement.
(2) Through searching information and visiting relevant departments, collect data on the relationship between braking distance and vehicle speed, and try to use Kinetic energy theorem Explain.
(II) Projectile motion And circular motion
1. Content standards
(1) Be able to analyze projectile motion by means of motion synthesis and decomposition.
Example 1 uses the horizontal and vertical displacement of the object as the abscissa and ordinate, respectively, to describe the trajectory of the object in projectile motion.
(3) Can use Newton's second law to analyze uniform speed Circular motion The centripetal force of. Analyze life and production Centrifugal phenomenon
Example 2 Estimate the impact of bicycle turning centripetal force
(4) Attention Projectile motion And the relationship between the law of circular movement and daily life.
2. Activity suggestions
(1) By looking up the data, the difference between the shape of the actual trajectory and the parabola is compared to try to explain.
(2) Investigate the inclination at road turns or the height difference between two rails at railway turns.
(3) Achievements and Limitations of Classical Mechanics
1. Content standards
(1) Understand through relevant facts Law of universal gravitation The discovery process of. Know the law of universal gravitation. Understand the significance of discovering the law of universal gravitation, and understand the role of scientific laws in human exploration of the unknown world.
Example 1 Through the fact that unknown celestial bodies are discovered by the law of universal gravitation, the role of scientific laws in human understanding of the world is illustrated.
(2) Can calculate the satellite Orbit speed know Second cosmic speed and Third cosmic speed
(3) Have a preliminary understanding of the classic space-time concept and relativity Time and space, know the impact of relativity on human understanding of the world.
(4) Preliminary understanding of quantization Phenomenon, know the characteristics of energy changes of macro objects and micro particles, and realize that the establishment of quantum theory has deepened human understanding of the material world.
(5) Through examples, we can understand the development process and great achievements of classical mechanics, understand the value and significance of the creation of classical mechanics, and understand the practical scope and limitations of classical mechanics.
Example 2 Understand the significant contribution of classical mechanics to the development of aerospace technology.
Example 3 Understand the relationship between the weight falling and Celestial motion The diversity and unity of Law of universal gravitation It plays an important role in scientific development.
(6) Understand the important role of scientific research methods in people's understanding of nature. Illustrate the promotion of the progress of physics to natural science.
2. Activity suggestions
(1) Watch about Artificial earth satellite Videos of space shuttle and space station.
(2) Collect information on the development history and prospects of China's and the world's space industry, and write a survey report.
Elective Modules
Elective courses are designed to meet students' learning needs on the basis of common compulsory courses. In elective courses, students' basic learning needs are considered, and space is provided for further development of students; It not only designs different modules suitable for students' interests and abilities, but also considers the mutual connection and common requirements of different modules.

Elective Course 1-1

1. Content standards
(1) Using the microscopic model of matter and Law of conservation of charge Analyze electrostatic phenomena. know Point charge The interaction law between them.
(2) Through experiments, learn electric field And magnetic field, can use Electric field line electric field intensity Describe electric field, and use magnetic induction line Magnetic induction Describe the magnetic field. know Magnetic flux
Example 1 depicts the electric field around two equal heterogeneous point charges with electric field lines.
Example 2 depicts the magnetic field around the electrified straight wire with magnetic induction line.
(3) Understanding Oster The experimental research of scientists such as Ampere plays an important role in people's understanding of electromagnetic phenomena. know Uniform magnetic field Impact on electrified conductor in Amberi Factors of size and direction.
Brief description of Example 3 Oersted experiment It plays an important role in revealing electromagnetic laws.
(4) Know Lorentz force through experiment. Know the factors that affect the direction of Lorentz force. Understand the principle of magnetic deflection of electron beam and its application in technology.
Case 4 Observation Cathode ray Deflection in a magnetic field.
Example 5 Preliminary understanding of the working principle of the picture tube.
(5) Collect data and understand Law of electromagnetic induction Know the law of electromagnetic induction. list Electromagnetic induction phenomenon Through the application in daily life and production, we can experience the scientific attitude and spirit of human beings to explore the laws of nature.
(6) Preliminary understanding maxwell Electromagnetic field theory And realize its significance in the development of physics. It is preliminarily understood that field is one of the forms of matter existence.
2. Activity suggestions
contrast Law of universal gravitation And Coulomb's law Discuss the diversity and unity of natural laws.
(2) Electromagnetic Technology and Social Development
1. Content standards
(1) Collect information about major technological inventions in the electromagnetic field. From a historical perspective, we should understand the important role of these technological inventions in human life style and social development.
Example 1: Elaboration of ancient China Magnetic phenomenon And its influence on social development.
Example 2 Collection Edison Electricity related Technical Invention Information.
Example 3 briefly describes the important role of telephone in people's lifestyle and social development.
(2) Understand the role of generators and motors in energy utilization and industrial development.
Example 4 Compare the working principles of heat engine and motor, and discuss the effect of the technological transformation from heat engine to motor on industrial development.
(3) Learn about common Sensors and their applications Realize the convenience brought to people by the application of sensors.
Example 5 Know that the temperature sensor can convert the temperature signal into electrical signal Role of.
(4) List the wide applications of electromagnetic waves in daily life and production. Understand the impact of electromagnetic wave technology application on human life style, and express opinions in combination with specific examples in daily life.
Example 6 discusses the impact of the development of communication technology on human life style.
(5) Give examples to illustrate the positive and negative effects of the application of science and technology on human modern life, and express their views on the importance of coordinated development of science, technology and society.
Example 7 illustrates the positive and negative effects of the application of electromagnetic waves on human life.
2. Activity suggestions
(1) Collect information and hold seminars or exhibitions on the theme of "science, technology and society".
(2) Investigate and discuss whether the use of mobile phones will cause adverse effects on the human body.
(3) Household appliances and daily life
1. Content standards
(1) Have a preliminary understanding of the basic working principles of common household appliances, and be able to correctly use household appliances according to the instructions.
Example 1 Understand the structure and working principle of the microwave oven by observing and consulting data, and be able to use the microwave oven correctly according to the instructions. Example 2 Through observation and data review recorder The structure and working principle of the recorder can be used correctly according to the instructions.
(2) Know the meaning of technical parameters of common household appliances, and be able to reasonably select household appliances according to needs. Discuss various ways to save electricity in the home.
Example 3 Read the washing machine manual and know the meaning of its technical parameters.
(3) Identify resistors, capacitors and inductors, and preliminarily understand their roles in the circuit. Have the awareness of preliminarily judging the cause of household appliance failure.
(4) Understand the knowledge of household circuit and safe use of electricity, and have the awareness of safe use of electricity.
2. Activity suggestions
(1) From resource utilization From the perspective of environmental protection and social development, discuss the continuous renewal of electrical appliances and the disposal of waste electrical appliances.
(2) Visit shopping malls, collect information on different brands and models of washing machines, and discuss how to choose and buy washing machines.

Elective 1-2

1. Content standards
(1) Understanding Molecular kinetic theory And enumerate relevant experimental evidence. Understanding temperature Gas pressure And internal energy.
Example 1 Observation and explanation Brownian motion
(2) Understanding First law of thermodynamics know Conservation of energy It is the basic law universally followed by nature.
(3) Learn about the directionality of heat conduction in nature The second law of thermodynamics It is preliminarily understood that entropy is a physical quantity describing the degree of disorder of the system.
Example 2 Try to illustrate the second law of thermodynamics with examples from life.
(4) Able to use thermodynamics The first and second laws explain the transformation, transfer and directional Question.
Example 3 discusses the first type of perpetual motion machine and Type II perpetual motion machine
2. Activity suggestions
(1) Experiment and estimate Oleic acid molecule size.
(2) Use the Internet to collect pictures and text materials, and discuss Perpetual motion machine The reason why it can not "move forever".
(2) Heat and life
1. Content standards
(1) Give examples of different ways people use internal energy.
Example 1 Understand the different ways of solar power supply and heating. Preliminary understanding of home use solar heater New technology.
(2) Understand the energy conversion and conservation of heat engines. Through the conservation of energy and the directionality of energy conversion and transfer, the awareness of Heat engine efficiency The importance of.
Example 2 Understand the conversion and conservation of energy when the vehicle is running.
(3) Understand the basic principle of household appliance refrigeration equipment, try to reasonably choose and purchase household appliances according to technical parameters and family needs, and be able to correctly use household appliances according to the instructions.
Example 3 Understand the technical parameters of the air conditioner and select it reasonably according to the needs.
Example 4 Know the causes and consequences of ozone layer destruction, and understand human efforts to protect the ozone layer.
2. Activity suggestions
(1) Visit shopping malls, collect information on different brands and models of air conditioners, and discuss how to reasonably purchase air conditioners.
(2) Discuss the social problems caused by the widespread use of automobiles.
(3) Energy and social development
1. Content standards
(1) Understand the influence of the invention and application of steam engine on human development and utilization of energy. Preliminary understanding The first industrial revolution Understand the role of the widespread use of heat engines in science, social development and the transformation of human life style.
Example 1 Know watt The characteristics of steam engine and the promotion of its application, development and innovation on physics research are discussed.
Example 2 Collect historical data and discuss the tremendous impact of the extensive application of steam engines in textile, transportation and other industries on the development of human politics, economy, culture and society.
(2) Through the historical data of human utilization of electric energy, understand the relevant electromagnetics The impact of the research results and technology application on human energy utilization. Preliminary understanding The Second Industrial Revolution To understand the role of the use of electric energy in science, social development and the transformation of human life style.
Example 3 briefly describes the role of the use of electric energy in promoting social development.
(3) Preliminary understanding of some typical radial Know the application and protection of radiation phenomenon. Understand the impact of the application of nuclear technology on human life and social development. understand Einstein's equation of mass and energy Meaning of. know Fission reaction and Fusion reaction Understand the development and utilization of nuclear energy through historical data of human use of nuclear energy.
Case 4 shows the application of liberating radiosity in medicine and agriculture.
Example 5 Understand the achievements and prospects of China's development and utilization of nuclear technology.
Example 6 Application of Einstein Mass energy equation It shows that the energy involved in nuclear reaction is very huge.
(4) Collect information, discuss the environmental pollution caused by energy utilization, understand the harm of environmental pollution, think about the relationship between science, technology and social coordinated development, know the significance of sustainable development, and have awareness and action of environmental protection.
Example 7 Collect data to understand the necessity and method of proper disposal of radioactive waste in nuclear power plants.
Example 8 Collect data and investigate the main sources of local air pollution.
Case 9 Investigation and study to understand the main causes of local water pollution.
2. Activity suggestions
(1) Investigate the power generation of a power plant, and estimate how many large vehicles are needed to transport the daily coal consumption of the power plant.
(2) Design the solar heating scheme, consider the impact of the surrounding environment on solar energy utilization, exchange and discuss the design scheme.
(3) Investigate the use of heat related appliances in families and discuss how to use them to save energy.
(4) Investigate the local energy utilization and environmental pollution, analyze the main pollutants and pollution sources of the local environment, and put forward suggestions for environmental protection to the relevant departments.

Elective Course 2-1

(1) Circuit and electrician
1. Content standards
(1) Know the closed circuit Ohm's law Know the power supply emf And internal resistance. Observe common power supplies and read the instructions to understand their main features. Know the impact of batteries on the environment.
Example 1 explains why the light turns dark when the power load increases.
Example 2 discusses the main features of lithium battery, nickel hydrogen battery and nickel cadmium battery and their respective applications.
(2) Learn to use through practical operation Multipurpose meter Know the principle of multi-purpose meters.
Example 3 A multi-purpose electricity meter is used to replace the electricity meter used by students in physical experiments.
Example 4 Using a multipurpose meter as a measuring tool, determine the positive and negative side of the diode negative pole Judge whether the large capacity capacitor is open circuit or leakage.
(3) Understanding electric field And electric field intensity Know the function of capacitor.
(4) Understand magnetic field Magnetic induction and Magnetic flux Understanding through experiments Amberi , will judge the direction of ampere force.
Example 5 Observe the structure of magnetoelectric instrument and analyze its working principle.
(5) Know Lorentz force through experiment. Understand the principle of magnetic deflection of electron beam and its application in science and technology.
Case 6 Observation Cathode ray Deflection in a magnetic field.
(6) Understanding through experiments Induced electromotive force And the factors affecting the magnitude of induced electromotive force. Can judge when the straight wire moves in the magnetic field induced current Direction of. Examples of the application of electromagnetic induction in technology are listed.
(7) Yes Alternating current and Three phase alternating current The relationship between voltage and turns of transformer is explored through experiments. Explain the basic principle of long-distance transmission.
Example 7 Know the peak value and effective value of communication and their relationship.
Example 8 Know the line voltage and phase voltage of three-phase current, and know the three-phase four wire power supply.
(8) Via electric energy To understand the significance of physics for the development of technology, economy and society.
2. Activity suggestions
(1) Compare the main technical indicators and application scope of various battery chargers on the market.
(2) Understand the disposal of local waste batteries, contact the environmental protection department and establish waste batteries recycle bin
(3) Collect several small electromagnetic relays, compare their structures, understand their applications, and use one of them to design a practical control circuit.
(4) Through searching information, the characteristics of DC transmission and AC transmission are compared, and the development of DC transmission at home and abroad is investigated.
(5) Assemble small transformer.
(2) Electromagnetic wave and information technology
1. Content standards
(1) Understand the principles of electromagnetic wave and its transmission, propagation and reception. Know the electromagnetic nature of light and Electromagnetic spectrum Examples are given to illustrate the application of electromagnetic waves in social life.
Example 1 Comparison of long wave Medium wave Different propagation characteristics of short wave and microwave.
(2) Collect information to understand the working mode, common terms and common functions of mobile phones.
Example 2 Understand the working principle of mobile phones.
(3) Understand the working principle of common sensors through experiments or examples, understand the application of sensors in production and life, and realize the convenience brought to people by the application of sensors.
Example 3 Take microphones, electronic scales, automobile exhaust detectors, etc. as examples to understand the role of sensors. Cognitive sensor is a device that converts non electrical quantity into electrical quantity.
Example 4 The sensor connected to the computer is used for real-time measurement and physical experiment.
(4) Understand the development of integrated circuits and the significant impact of microelectronics technology on daily life, economy and society.
(5) Have a preliminary understanding of the working mode of television, radio and television, and know the main structure of television. Understand the new progress of television and radio technology.
Example 5: Understanding HDTV The main difference from ordinary TV.
(6) Have a preliminary understanding of the composition of home computers.
(7) Know the difference between analog signal and digital signal. Understand the development of information dissemination, processing and storage technology. Understand the impact of network technology on economy and society, and be able to express their own opinions.
2. Activity suggestions
(1) Make a radio with discrete components or integrated circuits.
(2) Make a wireless microphone.
(3) Using sensors to make simple automatic control device.
(4) Observe the internal structure of the home computer.
(5) Understand the meaning of VCD, DVD, MP3, MPEG, etc., and understand the relevant technical principles and use methods through searching information, consulting people and other ways.

Elective Course 2-2

(1) Force and machinery
1. Content standards
(1) Can distinguish translation and rotation. The rotation will be described. Observe the common transmission device to understand its function.
Example 1 Find out examples of translation to rotation or rotation to translation on stamping machines, internal combustion engines, cranes and other machines through models, pictures or videos.
Example 2 Make a simple hydraulic actuator with a syringe and rubber hose, and verify the force and plunger Cross sectional area And moving distance.
Example 3 Analysis Variable speed bicycle When going uphill, how to adjust the rotation ratio can save effort.
(2) Through experiments, learn Copoint force balance Conditions. Examples are given to illustrate the application of the conditions for the balance of common forces in life and production.
(3) Understand the application of elasticity and normativeness in technology through examples.
Example 4 The cross section of the rail is made into an I-shape, and the pipe is used to replace the bar in the steel frame of the house. The purpose of this is discussed.
(4) Through experiments, learn rigid body The balance condition of rigid body can be used to analyze the balance of objects.
Example 5 analyzes the relationship between the maximum lifting mass of tower crane and the cantilever length, body mass and counterweight mass.
(5) Through examples, the common load-bearing structures and their characteristics are recognized. Know the impact Stability Factors.
Example 6 analyzes the mechanical characteristics and economy of various new and old structures of rural houses.
(6) Understanding the importance of the use of machinery for the development of human society. Have a preliminary understanding of the development of modern machinery.
Example 7 Collect data to understand the application of robots in production and life.
2. Activity suggestions
(1) Observe the transmission mechanism of machine tools or other machines and vehicles.
(2) Collect data, classify the structures of common large, medium and small bridges, and discuss their characteristics from the perspective of mechanics.
(3) Observe the transmission and steering system of the car (or tractor).
(4) Visit the factory and investigate the application of various machines in the factory.
(5) Design or improve a machine to make daily life more convenient.
(6) Collect information to understand the application of robots in production and life.
(2) Heat and heat engine
1. Content standards
(1) Understand the working principle of internal combustion engine, gas turbine and jet engine. Understand the significance of main technical parameters of internal combustion engine.
Example 1 Understand the working principle of an electronically controlled fuel injection internal combustion engine.
(2) Know the efficiency of the heat engine and the main influencing factors. Through an example, the flow direction of energy when the heat engine works is analyzed. Know how to improve Heat engine efficiency Methods and approaches.
(3) Know the composition and main structure of refrigerators and air conditioners, and understand their cooling principles.
Example 2 analyzes the working principle of the cold and warm air conditioner.
(4) Know the impact of heat engine on the environment. Learn how to reduce the impact of heat engines on the environment.
Example 3 Investigate the main sources of local air pollution through data.
(5) Realize the significance of science and technology for economic and social progress through the development of heat engines. Pay attention to the development trend of new heat engines.
2. Activity suggestions
(1) Decompose pesticide sprayers or internal combustion engines of walking tractors and motorcycles, and understand their structures and working principles.
(2) Check the data and compare the main technical parameters of several domestic automotive internal combustion engines.
(3) Investigate the type, main technical performance and recent development of internal combustion engines used in the region.
(4) Observe the car (or tractor) engine, cooling system, oil supply system, air supply and exhaust system.
(5) Consult the data and analyze the changes of vehicle exhaust emission standards in China in recent years.
(6) Investigate local varieties atmospheric pollutant The relationship between the pollution index of and the weather of the day, residents' heating conditions, vehicle flow, analysis of the main factors affecting local air pollution.

Elective 2-3

(1) Light and optical instruments
1. Content standards
(1) Understand through experiments Law of refraction of light The refractive index of the material will be measured.
(2) Epistemic total reflection Phenomenon. Have a preliminary understanding of the working principle of optical fiber and the application of optical fiber in production and life. Understand the significant impact of optical fiber technology on economic and social life.
Example 1 shows the propagation of light along the water column (or curved glass column).
Example 2 Observe the structure of optical cable.
(3) Explore and understand the rules of lens imaging. Can measure the focal length of convex lens.
Example 3 Through experiment and drawing Lens imaging law
Example 4 The lens imaging rule is expressed by formula.
(4) Understand the meaning of the main technical parameters of the camera. Know the principle of microscope and telescope.
Example 5 Exposure Under certain circumstances, change the combination of aperture and shutter Depth of field
Example 6 Understand the principle of automatic light measurement and distance measurement of camera.
Example 7 Understanding Kepler telescope and Galileo telescope Structure of.
(5) Understanding through experiments Interference of light diffraction polarization Phenomenon and its application in life and production.
Example 8 Polarizer Observe the glass surface reflected light , sky scattering Polarization of light Phenomenon.
(6) Understand the characteristics and applications of laser. Understand common solids and Gas laser Principle of. Examples are given to illustrate the application of laser technology in life and production.
Example 9 The laser pen is used for light interference and diffraction experiments (it is forbidden to directly shoot the laser into the eyes).
Example 10 Understand the application of laser technology in medicine.
(7) Know the characteristics and application of new electric light source.
Example 11 Observe the structure of high-pressure mercury lamp and understand its luminous principle. Compare the different characteristics of tungsten halogen lamp and ordinary incandescent lamp.
Example 12 Study the function of the white balance control key of the camera or digital camera, and realize the difference of the images taken under different light sources.
2. Activity suggestions
(1) Self made simple telescope, use it to observe the sky, and exchange observation results with classmates.
(2) Go to the optician's shop to understand the principle of optometry and lens matching, and visit the process of lens grinding.
(3) Investigate the new features of various cameras on the market.
(4) Help biological laboratory teachers maintain and repair microscopes.
(5) Use Polarizer Identify ordinary glass and natural crystal, and explore the physical principle of this technology.
(6) Make power switch indicator with LED.
(7) Take pictures with digital cameras under the guidance of teachers, and discuss the different characteristics of digital cameras and ordinary cameras.
(II) atomic structure And nuclear technology
1. Content standards
(1) Know that atoms and Nucleus Structure of. Know that some nuclei will decay. The half-life will be used to express the rate of decay. Understand the application of decay.
Example 1 Know the principle of dating ancient trees with carbon 14.
(2) Know X-ray Alpha ray Beta ray γ ray and its characteristics. Know the effect of radiation on organisms. The main applications of radiation in medical treatment are listed. Know the hazards and protection of radiation.
Example 2 Understand the necessity and common methods of proper disposal of radioactive waste in nuclear power plants.
Case 3: Preliminary understanding of the principle of radiation therapy for cancer.
Case 4 investigated the development of medical imaging technology in recent years.
(3) Preliminary understanding radio isotope Concept and application.
(4) Yes Nuclear fission and chain reaction And have a preliminary understanding of the reactor type and working principle. Know the working mode of nuclear power plant. Know the basic principles, main characteristics and protection essentials of nuclear weapons often involved in the mass media.
(5) Know about nuclear fusion. Focus on controllability Fusion reaction Research progress of.
Example 5 Analysis Plasma To understand the principle of magnetic confinement and the progress in this field.
(6) Discuss the significance of the application of nuclear energy for economic and social development and possible problems.
2. Activity suggestions
(1) Investigate the local use of radiation.
(2) Visit the hospital to learn about the development of radiation diagnosis and radiotherapy, visit the radiation diagnosis and radiotherapy equipment, and understand the treatment methods of radioactive sources after use.
(3) Investigate the radioactivity of commonly used building materials and relevant national standards.
(4) Collect data, analyze the current situation and prospects of nuclear power development in the world and China, and write a summary.

Elective Course 3-1

(1) Electric field
1. Content standards
(1) Understanding Electrostatic phenomenon And its application in life and production. use atomic structure and Charge conservation The knowledge of static electricity analysis.
Example 1 Understand the common measures to prevent static electricity in the environment with combustible gas.
(2) Yes Point charge Experience the ideal model method. Know the law of interaction between two point charges. adopt Electrostatic force Compare with gravity, and realize the diversity and unity of natural laws.
(3) Understanding electrostatic field It is preliminarily understood that field is one of the forms of matter existence. understand electric field intensity Be able to describe electric field with electric field lines.
(4) Yes Electric potential energy , potential, understanding Potential difference Understand the relationship between potential difference and electric field strength.
Example 2 The reason why infinity and the earth are often regarded as the zero point of electric potential in analytical physics.
Example 3 Observe electrostatic deflection, understand the structure of cathode ray tube, and discuss its working principle.
(5) Observe the structure of common capacitors to understand their capacitance. Illustrate the application of capacitor in technology.
Example 4 Use flash to take photos. Check the information to understand the role of capacitors in camera flash.
2. Activity suggestions
(1) Understand the basic principles of lightning rod, electrostatic precipitator, electrostatic copier, laser printer and other facilities by consulting materials, reading instructions, observing objects, etc., and write a scientific report.
(2) Collect data and summarize the hazards and prevention methods of static electricity.
(2) Circuit
1. Content standards
(1) Observe and try to identify common circuit components, and initially understand their role in the circuit.
(2) Preliminary understanding Multipurpose meter Principle of. Learn to use multi use meters through practical operation.
Example 1 A multi-purpose electricity meter is used instead of a student's electricity meter to conduct various electricity experiments.
Example 2 Using a multipurpose meter as a measuring tool, judge the positive and negative poles of the diode, and determine whether the large capacity capacitor is open circuit or leakage.
(3) Through experiments, explore the factors that determine the wire resistance, and know Resistance law
(4) Know the power supply emf and internal resistance Understand Ohm's law of closed circuit.
(5) Measure the electromotive force and internal resistance of the power supply.
(6) Yes Joule's law Understand the application of Joule's law in life and production.
Example 3 Observe the structure of common electric heaters and know the key points of their use.
(7) Through experiments, the basic function of the gate circuit is observed. Understand the basic principle of logic circuit and its application in automatic control.
(8) Have a preliminary understanding of the role of integrated circuits. Pay attention to the development of integrated circuit and component research in China.
2. Activity suggestions
(1) Describe electric furnace wire, small light bulb and semiconductor diode respectively I-U Characteristic curve, compare the characteristics of their conductivity.
(2) The light-sensitive diode and micro microphone are used to make the light control voice control switch of the corridor light.
(3) Collect the information of the new electric heater to understand its heating principle.
(4) Make a simple gate circuit.
(5) A simple practical device is made by using the integrated block.
(3) Magnetic field
1. Content standards
(1) Enumeration Magnetic phenomenon Application in life and production. Understand the research results of magnetic phenomena in ancient China and their impact on human civilization Impact. Pay attention to the development of modern technology related to magnetism.
Example 1 Observe the structure of the computer disk drive and roughly understand its working principle.
(2) Understand magnetic field, know Magnetic induction And magnetic flux. Be able to describe magnetic field with magnetic induction line.
Example 2 Understanding geomagnetic field The distribution, change and impact on human life.
(3) Can judge the direction of the magnetic field around the electrified straight wire and the electrified coil.
(4) Through experiments, learn Amberi Can judge the direction of ampere force. Calculate the magnitude of ampere force in uniform magnetic field.
Example 3 Using Current balance Or other simple device, measuring or comparing Magnetic force
Example 4 Understand the structure and working principle of the magnetoelectric meter.
(5) Know Lorentz force through experiment. Can judge the direction of Lorentz force and calculate the magnitude of Lorentz force. Understand the principle of magnetic deflection of electron beam and its application in science and technology.
Example 5 The deflection of cathode ray in magnetic field was observed.
Example 6 Understand the working principle of mass spectrometer and cyclotron.
(6) Understanding Electromagnetic phenomenon The role of research in social development.
2. Activity suggestions
(1) Install an automatic control circuit with an electromagnetic relay.
(2) Observe the structure of TV picture tube deflection coil and discuss the control Electron beam deflection Principle of.

Elective Course 3-2

1. Content standards
(1) Collect data, understand the discovery process of electromagnetic induction phenomenon, and experience the scientific attitude and spirit of human beings in exploring natural laws.
(2) Understand through experiments induced current Production conditions of. Examples are given to illustrate the application of electromagnetic induction in life and production.
(3) Understand through inquiry Lenz's law understand Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction
Example 1 analyzes the phenomenon of back EMF when the motor is running, and explains the viewpoint of force and energy respectively.
(4) Through experiment, understand Self induction phenomenon and Eddy current phenomenon Examples are given to illustrate the application of self induction phenomenon and vortex phenomenon in life and production.
Example 2 Observe the circuit of fluorescent lamp and analyze the function and principle of fluorescent lamp ballast.
Example 3 Observe the household electromagnetic cooker and understand the structure and principle of the electromagnetic cooker.
2. Activity suggestions
Look up information from the Internet and scientific books and periodicals to understand the application of electromagnetic induction in life and production, such as magnetic cards reader Principle of recorder, video recorder, etc.
1. Content standards
(1) Know the alternating current, and can use the function expression and Image description Alternating current.
Example 1 Observe the waveform of alternating current with an oscilloscope and calculate its peak value and effective value.
(2) Through experiments, understand the conduction of capacitors and inductors to alternating current and Hindrance
Example 2 Use a bulb or an AC ammeter to observe the blocking effect of capacitors and inductors on the alternating current.
(3) Through experiments, the relationship between transformer voltage and turns is explored.
Example 3 Observe the common transformers in life and understand their functions.
(4) Understand the transmission process from substation to residence, and know the reason of applying high voltage in long-distance transmission.
Example 4 Consult the data, understand the principle of DC transmission, and compare the characteristics of AC transmission and DC transmission.
2. Activity suggestions
(1) Visit local small power plants to understand the power generation process. Investigate the generator capacity, residential and industrial power consumption. Write a survey report.
(2) Observation substation and High voltage transmission line
(3) Sensor
1. Content standards
(1) Know the technical significance of converting non electrical quantities into electrical quantities.
(2) Through experiments, we know the working principle of common sensors.
Example 1 Understand the function of temperature sensor to transform temperature signal into electrical signal through experiment.
(3) List the applications of sensors in life and production.
Example 2 Learn about photosensitive sensors and their applications in daily life.
2. Activity suggestions
(1) Investigate the application of sensors in daily life, and analyze the working principle, technical significance and economic benefits of one of them.
(2) A simple automatic control device is made by using sensors.

Elective Course 3-3

(I) Molecular kinetic theory And statistical thinking
1. Content standards
(1) Understand the basic idea of molecular kinetic theory and its experimental basis. know Avogadro constant The meaning of.
Example 1 Estimation Oleic acid molecule Experience the application of modeling and estimation methods in studying physical problems.
Example 2 Observe and explain Brownian motion.
(2) Understanding the molecular motion rate statistical distribution law. Understanding temperature is a sign of molecular average kinetic energy. Understand the concept of internal energy.
(3) Explain with molecular kinetic theory and statistical point of view Gas pressure
(4) Understand the performance in daily life through investigation Statistical law Examples of.
2. Activity suggestions
(1) When tossing a coin, calculate the percentage of the number of occurrences of the front and back of the coin for 10, 100 and 500 times respectively.
(2) Track and record the“ Precipitation probability ”The accuracy of precipitation forecast in different seasons is evaluated according to the actual precipitation situation.
(2) Solid, liquid and gas
1. Content standards
(1) Understand the microstructure of solids. Will distinguish between crystals and Amorphous , list the common crystalline and amorphous in life.
Example 1 shows the anisotropy and isotropy of mica sheet and glass sheet with melted paraffin.
(2) Understand the relevant knowledge and application of materials science and technology, and understand the impact of their development on human life and social development.
Example 2 Know some characteristics of semiconductor and understand the application of semiconductor technology in life and production.
Example 3 Understand the characteristics of nanomaterials and pay attention to the research and application of nanomaterials.
(3) Understand the microstructure of liquid crystals. Understand the main properties of liquid crystal and its application in display technology through examples.
(4) Observe the liquid's surface tension Phenomenon, explain the cause of surface tension, and exchange and discuss examples of surface tension in daily life.
Example 4 Gently put some small coins into a cup filled with water, and observe the shape of the water on the edge of the cup.
(5) Through experiment, understand Gas experiment law , know the ideal gas model. Explain with molecular kinetic theory and statistical point of view Gas pressure And gas experimental laws.
(6) Yes Saturated steam Unsaturated steam And saturation pressure. Understand the relative humidity. Illustrate the impact of relative humidity of air on human life and plant growth.
Example 5 Experience and tell how people feel under different humidity.
Example 6 Record the main indicators of weather forecast of TV stations and radio stations, and understand the meaning of these indicators and their impact on human life.
2. Activity suggestions
(1) Experiments were designed to compare the surface tension of soapy water and clean water.
(2) Observe the structure of the air pressure thermos and discuss the water outlet principle of the air pressure thermos.
(III) Thermodynamic law And energy conservation
1. Content standards
(1) Understand the first law of thermodynamics and conservation of energy The discovery process of. Experience the frustration and failure in scientific exploration scientific discovery The meaning of.
(2) Know the first law of thermodynamics. Understand the law of conservation of energy. use Conservation of energy Viewpoints explain natural phenomena. Realize that the law of conservation of energy is one of the most basic and universal laws of nature.
(3) Through macroscopic processes in nature directional Understand the second law of thermodynamics. It is preliminarily understood that entropy is a physical quantity reflecting the degree of disorder of the system.
Example: Explain why the second type of perpetual motion machine cannot be made.
2. Activity suggestions
(1) If an asteroid with a diameter of 1 km impacts the Earth, estimate the energy released. Discuss the harm this will cause to the earth.
(2) Through discussion, it is envisaged that a kind of technical equipment can make heat flow from low temperature to high temperature, and it is explained whether this equipment violates the second law of thermodynamics.
(4) Energy and sustainable development
1. Content standards
(1) Understand the relationship between energy and environment and human survival, and know the significance of sustainable development.
(2) Discuss the problems caused by energy development and utilization and the countermeasures that should be taken. Be aware of environmental protection.
Example 1 Understanding combustion fossil fuel The generated gas pollutes the environment, and know how to reduce these pollution.
(3) Try to estimate the energy consumption of some factories, mines, vehicles and household appliances. Have a sense of responsibility for sustainable development and a sense of energy conservation. Pay attention to the recycling of natural resources.
Example 2 According to the estimation of "fuel consumption per hundred kilometers" of a car, the energy consumed by a car every 100 kilometers is equivalent to the electricity consumption of a family for many days.
2. Activity suggestions
(1) Investigate the main goods transported from the region to other places, and discuss the feasibility plan of transporting these goods on the basis of comprehensive consideration of factors such as reducing energy consumption, facilitating transportation, reducing pollution, ensuring safety, reducing costs, and reducing traffic congestion.
(2) Discuss the impact of technological progress on the utilization of natural resources and energy conservation.

Elective 3-4

(1) Mechanical vibration and Mechanical wave
1. Content standards
(1) Understand through observation and analysis Simple harmonic motion Characteristics of. Available formulas and Image description The characteristics of simple harmonic motion.
Example 1 Compare the force, speed, acceleration kinetic energy and potential energy
Example 2: Use two pendulums with the same length Simple pendulum Demonstrate the phase difference of simple harmonic motion.
(2) Through experiments, the relationship between the period and the length of a simple pendulum is explored.
(3) Know the relationship between the period of a simple pendulum and its length, gravity acceleration. Be able to measure gravity acceleration with a simple pendulum.
(4) Know the characteristics of forced vibration through experiments. Understand the conditions of resonance and its application in technology.
Example 3 Investigation of life and production Forced vibration Examples of the application and the use and prevention of resonance.
(5) Through observation, we can know that wave is the form of vibration transmission and energy transmission. Can distinguish transverse wave And longitudinal waves. Available Image description transverse wave. Understand the relationship between wave speed, wavelength and frequency (period).
(6) Understanding Huygens principle Can be used to analyze the reflection and refraction of waves.
(7) Through experiments, learn Interference of waves Phenomenon Diffraction phenomenon
Example 4 Use oscilloscope to display wave superposition.
Example 5 Observe the water waves excited by the vibration of the tuning fork arms Interference phenomenon
(8) Experimentation Doppler effect Explain the cause of Doppler effect. Examples of applications of Doppler effect are listed.
2. Activity suggestions
(1) Students stand in a row, squat down, stand up in turn, and simulate Mechanical wave
(2) A practical device using Doppler effect is designed.
1. Content standards
(1) Understand the basic idea of Maxwell's electromagnetic field theory and its significance in the history of physics.
(2) Understand the generation of electromagnetic waves. Realize the materiality of electromagnetic field through electromagnetic wave.
(3) Understand the emission, propagation and reception of electromagnetic waves.
Example 1 Demonstration Hertz experiment
(4) Understand through examples Electromagnetic spectrum Know that light is electromagnetic wave.
(5) Understand the application of electromagnetic wave and its role in the development of science, technology, economy and society.
2. Activity suggestions
(1) Understand the principle of mobile communication through self-study, information search and access. Investigate the development of local mobile communication.
(2) Carry out market research and list the application examples related to infrared ray and ultraviolet ray in household appliances and daily necessities.
(3) Light
1. Content standards
(1) Understand the refraction law of light through experiments.
(2) Determine the refractive index of the material.
(3) Know the phenomenon of total reflection of light.
Example 1 shows the propagation of light along the water column (or curved glass column).
Example 2 Observe the structure of optical cable.
(4) Observation Interference of light diffraction and polarization Phenomenon. Know about interference Diffraction phenomenon Conditions. use Double slit interference The wavelength of light is measured experimentally.
Example 3 Observing optical Film interference Phenomenon.
(5) Understand the characteristics and applications of laser. Observe holography with a laser.
2. Activity suggestions
(1) Take the diffraction picture when the laser irradiates the needle tip.
(2) Collect through investigation and research Polarization of light Phenomenon application examples.
(4) Relativity
High School Physics
(1) Know the experimental basis, basic principles and main conclusions of special relativity.
Example 1 Know the relativity of simultaneity, length and time interval.
Example 2 Know the law of relativistic velocity superposition.
Example 3 Know the Theory of Relativity Mass energy relation
(2) Understand the main differences between the classical space-time view and the relativistic space-time view. Experience the influence of the establishment of relativity on human understanding of the world.
Example 4 Understand the relativity of time and space through examples, and realize the difference between the relativistic space-time view and the low-speed world situation.
(3) Have a preliminary understanding of several main points of general relativity and main observational evidence.
(4) Attention cosmology New progress in research.
2. Activity suggestions
(1) Read popular science books and periodicals about relativity, and hold small seminars among students.
(2) Watch about The origin of the universe To learn about the evolution and development of the universe.

Elective 3-5

(1) Collision and Momentum conservation
1. Content standards
(1) Explore objects Elastic collision Some characteristics of. Know elastic collision and Inelastic collision
(2) Understand momentum and momentum conservation law through experiments. Conservation law of energy momentum quantitative analysis one-dimensional Collision problems Know the general meaning of the law of conservation of momentum.
Example 1 The launch of the rocket made use of the recoil phenomenon.
Example 2 Collect data to understand how neutrons were discovered. Discusses the role of momentum conservation law in it.
(3) Realize the harmony and unity of nature through the conservation law in physics.
2. Activity suggestions
Make "water rocket".
(2) Atomic structure
1. Content standards
(1) Understand human exploration atomic structure The history of and related classical experiments.
Example 1 Use video or computer simulation to demonstrate Alpha particle scattering experiment
(2) By Atomic hydrogen spectroscopy To understand the atomic energy level Structure.
Example 2 Understand the application of spectral analysis in science and technology.
2. Activity suggestions
Watch popular science films about atomic structure.
(III) Nucleus
1. Content standards
(1) Know the composition of atomic nuclei. Know radioactivity and nuclear decay. Can use half life Describe the decay rate and know the statistical significance of half-life.
(2) Understand the application of radioisotopes. Know the hazards and protection of radiation.
Example 1 shows the application of radiosity in medicine and agriculture.
Example 2: Investigate the content of radioactivity Understand relevant national standards.
(3) Yes Nuclear force The nature of. Can simply explain the light and heavy nuclei Neutron number The proton number has different proportions. Will be based on Mass number Conservation sum Charge conservation Write the nuclear reaction equation.
(4) Understanding Nucleus Binding energy. Know fission reaction and fusion reaction. Focus on control Fusion reaction Research progress.
(5) Yes chain reaction The occurrence condition of. understand fission reactor Working principle of. Understand the types of common fission reactors. Know the working mode of nuclear power plant.
(6) Via nuclear energy Utilization and thinking of Science, technology and society Relationship.
Example 3 Consider the social problems caused by nuclear energy development.
(7) Get a preliminary understanding of the evolution of stars. Preliminary understanding Particle physics Basic knowledge of.
Example 4 Understanding the accelerator in nuclear physics Role in particle physics research.
2. Suggestions:
(1) Understand the commonly used radiographic testing methods by consulting data.
(2) Watch videos about the use of nuclear energy.
(3) Hold popular science lectures on the use of nuclear energy.
1. Content standards
(1) Understand the quantization phenomenon in the micro world. Compare the energy change characteristics of macro objects and micro particles. The establishment of quantum theory has deepened people's understanding of the material world.
(2) Understand photoelectric effect through experiments. know Einstein Photoelectric effect equation And meaning.
(3) Understanding Compton effect
(4) According to the experimental instructions wave-particle duality of light Know that light is a kind of Probability wave
(5) Know that the physical particles have fluctuation. Know the electronic cloud. Have a preliminary understanding of the uncertainty relationship.
(6) Understand the limitations of human direct experience through typical examples. Realize that human exploration of the world is constantly deepening.
Example 1 passed Electron diffraction experiment , preliminarily understand the wave particle duality of microscopic particles, and experience the continuous deepening of human understanding of the material world.
2. Activity suggestions Read popular science books about the micro world and write your reading experience.

learning method


Several methods of observation

1. Sequential observation method: observe in a certain order.
2. Characteristic observation method: observe according to the characteristics of the phenomenon.
3. Comparative observation method: compare the observation of several experimental phenomena or experimental data before and after.
4. Comprehensive observation method: conduct a comprehensive observation of the phenomenon to understand the full picture of the observation object.

Process analysis method

1. Resolution process level: Generally speaking, complex physical processes are composed of several simple "sub processes". Therefore, the most basic method to analyze physical processes is to hierarchize complex problems and resolve them into multiple interrelated "sub processes" for research.
2. Find out the intermediate state: sometimes the division of stages is not easy, and it is necessary to find out the decision physical phenomenon The intermediate state (or process) from quantitative change to qualitative change correctly analyzes the key links of the physical process.
3. Straighten out the constraint relationship: the occurrence, development and change process of physical phenomena described in some comprehensive questions is a "comprehensive effect" of interdependence and mutual restriction of many factors. To correctly analyze, it is necessary to observe and analyze from all directions and angles, grasp the rules from the internal links, straighten out the relationship, and seek solutions.
4. Distinguish the change conditions: physical phenomenon They all developed under certain conditions. When conditions change, the physical process will also change accordingly. When analyzing problems, special attention should be paid to distinguishing the changes in physical processes caused by the changes in conditions, so as to avoid confusing the problems of homogeneity in shape and dissimilarity in quality.

Causal analysis

1. Distinguish the causal position: there are many physical quantity It is defined by ratio. For example, I=U/R, E=F/q, etc. In this definition method, not all physical quantities are proportional to each other. But students are using Physical formula When dealing with physical exercises and problems, we often do not understand the meaning of physical quantities in the formula, and can not distinguish which quantities have causal links and which quantities have no causal links.
2. Pay attention to causal correspondence: any result is caused by a certain reason, and a certain reason produces a certain result. Cause and effect are usually one-to-one and cannot be confused.
3. Follow the cause and guide the result, and grasp the cause: in the training of physical exercises, use different ways of thinking from different directions Causal analysis It is conducive to the development of multi-directional thinking.

Prototype heuristics

Prototype enlightenment is a way to inspire people to solve new problems through something that is similar to what is supposed to be. The thing that can enlighten is called prototype. Prototypes can come from life, production and experiment. The shape of a fish is the prototype for creating a hull. Whether prototype inspiration can be realized depends on whether there is a prototype in the mind, and the prototype is related to the image reserve in the mind. There are three ways to increase the prototype: 1. Pay attention to observing various phenomena in life, and try to use the knowledge learned to give a preliminary explanation; 2. Through watching extracurricular books, TV, science and education movies; 3. We should attach importance to experiments.

general law

Generalization is a cognitive method from individual to general. Its basic feature is to find their commonalities from the individual objects of the same kind, and to expand from the specific and small range of knowledge to the more universal and large range of knowledge. From the perspective of psychology, generalization has two different forms: one is a high-level, scientific generalization, and the result of this generalization is often a concept, which is called conceptual generalization; The other is the generalization of experience in the primary form, which is also called the generalization of similar characteristics.
The generalization of similar characteristics is to compare different things according to their external characteristics, abandon their different characteristics, and summarize their common characteristics, which is the generalization of the perceptual representation stage. The results are often perceptual and primary. To transform into high-level generalization, we must make in-depth analysis and synthesis of various things and phenomena on the basis of empirical generalization, abstract the essential attributes of things and phenomena, and abandon the non essential attributes.


The inductive method is Classical physics An important method in research and theoretical construction. The main tasks to be solved are as follows: first, the cause leads to the effect, or the cause leads to the effect, so as to understand the causal relationship between things and phenomena, and to provide an auxiliary cushion for understanding physical laws. Second, grasp the essence through the phenomenon, classify certain physical facts (phenomena, processes) into a certain category, and find the dominant laws. The way to accomplish this inductive task is: on the basis of observation and experiment, through careful investigation of various cases, and by using a series of logical methods such as comparison, analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, and exploration of causality, a general guess or hypothesis is derived, and then it is corrected and supplemented by deduction, until the universal conclusion of physics is finally reached. Comparison Method Return
New Oriental The physics teacher of Yoneng Middle School said that the comparative method is a common way of thinking in physics research, and it is also the most basic method we often use. The essence of this method is discrimination physical phenomenon The concepts and laws are different in the same, and the same in the different, so as to grasp their essential attributes.


Analogy is composed of physical phenomenon , imagine another physical phenomenon, compare the two physical phenomena, deduce the laws of another physical phenomenon from the laws of known physical phenomena, or the thinking method of solving problems in another physical phenomenon. Analogy can not only be carried out within the physical knowledge system, but also can combine many physical knowledge with other knowledge such as mathematical knowledge, chemical knowledge Analogy of philosophical knowledge and common sense of life can often play the role of enlightening difficulties and opening up ideas.

Hypothetical reasoning

Hypothetical reasoning is a scientific way of thinking, which requires us to flexibly apply laws according to the physical process, boldly assume, break through the limitations of thinking methods, and simplify problems. It mainly includes the following aspects:
1. Physical process assumption
2. Assumption of physical circuit
3. Reasoning process assumptions
4. Critical state assumption
5. Assumption of vector direction. In addition, the reading of physics textbooks is also particularly important.