high school

[gāo zhōng]
Schools that provide higher secondary education
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High school, yes Senior high school Short for, Chinese middle school Divided into junior middle school And senior high school (commonly referred to as junior middle school And high school), both belong to secondary education Range of.
High school is the place where China Nine year compulsory education After the end of the educational institutions, generally for three years, that is, senior one, senior two, senior three.
Chinese High school education include: Ordinary high school (Complete middle school, senior middle school 12 year consistent school ), adult high school, ordinary technical secondary school, adult technical secondary school Vocational high school Technical school. [8]
In 2016, there were 24700 senior high schools (including ordinary high schools, adult high schools and secondary vocational education) in China, with 13.963 million students enrolled and 39.701 million students enrolled. [1-2]
In 2020, there will be 24400 senior high schools in China. It enrolled 15.040 million students and 41.278 million students. The gross enrollment rate in senior high school is 91.2%. There are 14200 ordinary high schools in China. 8764400 students were enrolled, and 24944500 students were enrolled. There are 1933200 full-time teachers in ordinary high schools. [5] There are 326 adult high schools in China, with 52000 students and 39500 graduates. There are 2361 teaching staff and 1769 full-time teachers in adult high schools. [11]
In 2023, the gross enrollment rate of senior high school students will be 91.8%, 0.2 percentage points higher than that of the previous year. There are 15400 ordinary high schools in China, 355 more than the previous year; [13]
Chinese name
Senior high school
Foreign name
Regular High Schools [3]
high school
Nature of running a school
publicly maintained school Private schools
School characteristics
Senior secondary education [10]
Senior secondary school [9]
Ordinary high school, adult high school [8]
Senior secondary education (high school education for short)

Educational organizations

Senior high school
high school
Chinese Official school Before the school system reform in the late Qing Dynasty, education basically followed the traditional Central Government School and Local Official Studies Two categories. Central Imperial College Equivalent to the nature of a university, local Fuzhou County School It has the nature of secondary education, while urban and rural community school Righteousness study Such is the nature of primary education.
At the end of the 19th century, the founding fathers of the 1911 Revolution China modern education founder He Ziyuan Qiu Fengjia He was the pioneer of the trend, eliminated the interference of obstinate conservative forces, successfully introduced western learning, and founded New school , including civilian education in Manchuria Qing Dynasty Ting's vision.
Qing government Under the pressure of the situation, we had to make an exception to the educational reform, and at the end of 1905, we promulgated a new school system to abolish it Imperial examination system The new school system divides schools into "small schools", "middle schools"“ Higher school ”And“ Great School ”But the definition between "small school" and "middle school" is vague until Xuantong The first year (1909), local The imperial examination After stopping, it became clear and gradually divided into junior high school and senior high school.
The teaching content of high school and its previous primary education (Primary school) secondary education The primary stage (junior high school) has a stronger theoretical color. If the goal of primary and junior high school education is to grant students basic viability in modern society, then the knowledge of senior high school has permeated the professional and theoretical basic knowledge and research method stay epistemology Compared with the experience of primary school and junior high school, the experience of senior high school tends to be subjective Study period Learning requires students to learn Basic theory After that, the tools of these systems are used to analyze and solve the problems that are somewhat abstract in the corresponding fields.
Students have mastered the knowledge level required by ordinary high school education, and can theoretically invest directly after passing the graduation examination Social work At the same time, because high school education provides many theoretical tools suitable for further study, which is convenient for students to continue to receive higher education, it is also considered a reasonable way to enter the university after graduating from high school. Ordinary high school graduates can take the college entrance examination to enter the university for further study.



brief introduction

High school is nine years in China compulsory education After the end of the higher education institutions, accept junior high school graduates, the general length of schooling is three years, that is, senior one, senior two, senior three. High school education in China refers to the education after junior high school, including: Ordinary high school , vocational high school Secondary professional school , intermediate technical schools, etc., belong to the scope of high school education. High school education in China is not compulsory, and students must pay the necessary tuition and other fees to study. Since 2009, the country has carried out high school in some poor areas Free tuition Policy.
Chinese ordinary high school Education system It is still improving and reforming. From the initial unification of all parts of China to the emergence of liberal arts and science, then some provinces and cities were given the right to independently carry out the curriculum reform of high schools, and competent publishers were given the right to publish high-quality high school textbooks, breaking the situation that the PEP textbooks once stood out. Later, the emergence of elective courses made high schools show new vitality.
In 2003, the most extensive, deepest and largest senior high school curriculum reform since the founding of the People's Republic of China was gradually carried out. The new curriculum no longer distinguishes the learning content by semester, but by module, such as mathematics, which used to be based on function, algebra Plane geometry Solid geometry Probability and statistics, limit and derivative are studied in order. In the new mathematics course Mathematics, compulsory 1 is mainly function, compulsory 2 is geometry, compulsory 3 is mainly practical mathematical knowledge, and compulsory 4 is trigonometric function and Plane vector , Compulsory 5 Yes Solve triangle , sequences and inequalities. At this point, students can complete the required courses of high school mathematics, and the new curriculum adopts the required courses+ Elective Courses Activity courses+ Subject courses Vocational education courses+ Academic courses In the form of experiment and promotion in various places.
Only because of the influence of traditional educational concepts and the influence of all walks of life Entrance rate of college entrance examination As a result of blind pursuit, there are still some high school education in many areas that emphasize knowledge education or knowledge only Accuracy , neglecting the comprehensive education of students, the education of sound personality Thinking ability and innovation ability Our training elementary education Reform still There is a long way to go
high school
Comprehensive High School It is mainly for students to enter a higher school, supplemented by employment teaching model To cultivate comprehensive talents who have solid basic cultural knowledge and reach certain professional skill standards. Its main feature is that Major categories of enrollment literacy class The textbook of general high school is adopted, and students are allowed to be transferred to vocational secondary schools after one or two years, and their internships are completed in winter and summer. Students can participate Ordinary high school academic level test Or comprehensive high school Examination , those who pass the exam will be given the academic proficiency test of ordinary high school or comprehensive high school Certificate of Conformity And corresponding graduation certificates, graduates can apply for the examination of ordinary colleges and universities, Fresh graduates It can also be recommended by the graduating school, two-way choice, and self employment.
High school graduates can participate National Unified Examination for Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities As of May 30, 2016, National colleges and universities 2879 in total, including 2595 ordinary colleges and universities (including independent college 266), students can choose their own schools according to their examination results.


Cultural courses: nine in total.
chinese mathematics , foreign language( English Japanese French German Russian Spanish );
Physics Chemistry , Biology.
Quality education courses: five in total.
Art and music;
Information technology, general technology.


The United States is one of the most developed countries in education in the world. The education system of the United States has taken shape since its founding. After more than 200 years of development and gradual improvement, it has formed today's three-level system of primary education, secondary education and higher education.
The United States implements a universal policy for primary education. All states stipulate that children before the age of 16 must attend school, and every child must receive at least eight years of education. This kind of education popularization policy has made the United States one of the countries with the largest number of educated people in the world. Only 1% of Americans can't read and write.
There are many two-year technical professional training school and community college , provide social needs Skills and expertise. These schools have low tuition fees and are also a bridge between high schools and regular four-year universities. In the United States, 18 year old high school graduates can enter colleges and universities without entrance examinations, and more than 60% of high school graduates can continue their studies in universities.
Regular four-year universities in the United States College of Arts and Sciences , Independent Professional College And comprehensive universities to train high-level professionals, representing American technology And the highest level of education. The faculty of four-year universities is very strong. Teachers must have a doctor's degree and adapt to professional needs in teaching methods and teaching content. In addition to education, these institutions also undertake U.S. government A large number of sophisticated scientific research tasks. More than half of American colleges and universities are private because they were originally founded mainly by churches and other religious groups. Although these schools are still inextricably linked with the church (at the beginning of the 21st century), they are no longer religious education For the most part. Almost every of the 50 states in the United States has at least one public university funded by the state government or local government. Although the source of funding is different from that of private universities, the educational system and curriculum are not much different.
The credit system is implemented in American higher education. Teachers assign a large number of reading lists and materials to students every semester to cultivate students' self-learning and academic research ability, and strive to obtain 6-18 credits in each subject on this basis. Four year undergraduate students who want to obtain a bachelor's degree must complete 120-128 credits, pass the examination and write Thesis , you can obtain a degree only after passing the exam.
The American degree system is divided into five levels, namely Associate Degree , bachelor's degree, master's degree, doctor's degree and first professional degree. Only after graduating from the university and obtaining a bachelor's degree can you continue to study for a master's degree. There are two ways to obtain a master's degree, one is to write a dissertation, the other is not required to write a dissertation, but there are higher requirements for credits, and oral and written examinations are also required. The length of schooling for a master's degree is usually two academic years, and that for a doctor's degree is 2-3 years. PhD candidate The guidance group composed of experts and professors is responsible for the guidance and passing the professional examination oral defense To earn a degree.
American colleges and universities provide various kinds of financial aid for college students in various ways, such as scholarships, grants, and long-term on campus low-interest loan short-term loan , long-term low interest loans for principals federal government Work study program, on campus and off campus part-time job Work, etc.

Curriculum model



Ordinary high school Curriculum Mode: Examination (non examination) subjects+elective (combined elective+optional)
1. Overview
sixth form It's Britain compulsory education The organizational form of the later senior middle school stage is equivalent to the senior middle school stage in China. Students who have completed compulsory education at or above the age of 16 shall decide whether to continue their studies at the sixth grade according to their own and their parents' wishes. The duration of study varies from 1 to 3 years, most of which are two years.
The sixth grade has two systems. One is located in grammar middle school, technical middle school, modern middle school and Comprehensive Middle School Among them, this system accounts for the majority. Most students over the age of 16 study at the sixth grade of grammar middle schools and comprehensive middle schools; One is set up separately sixth form college General absorption From several schools in a local education authority Comprehensive school Of the students over 16 years old, this kind of school has superior teachers, funds and equipment, and its curriculum is also better than that of those schools that independently run the sixth grade school. The requirements of the sixth grade for 16 year old students are different. Generally speaking, the sixth grade of grammar schools and the independent sixth grade colleges have higher requirements than the sixth grade of comprehensive schools. The sixth grade of comprehensive middle schools has relatively low requirements for students to enter, but the curriculum is not completely without requirements.
2. Curriculum
The sixth level courses, taking the two-year system as an example, are divided into examination subjects and non examination subjects. At the same time, students are given certain Self selection jurisdiction.
The examination subjects are mainly "Advanced General Education Certificate" courses and "Advanced Supplementary Level" courses General Education Certificate ”According to the statistics of 185 middle schools, the total number of "Advanced General Education Certificate" courses offered to students at the sixth level reached 49.
Due to different conditions, different schools have different courses. In a comprehensive way, the "Advanced General Education Certificate" courses provided by the sixth level for students can be divided into seven categories: language, mathematics, natural science, humanities and Social Sciences , art, economy and technology, enterprise management. Students take a wide range of Elective system , usually there are several provisions below, and students can choose one of them:
A Choose 3 courses of "Advanced General Education Certificate";
B Choose 2 courses of "Advanced Level General Education Certificate", plus 2 courses of "Advanced Supplementary Level General Education Certificate";
C Choose two "Advanced General Education Certificate" courses, plus four "Advanced Supplementary General Education Certificate" courses;
D Choose 2 courses of "Advanced General Education Certificate", plus 1 course Senior Secretary Courses.
There are two ways to take elective courses: either choose from dozens of courses provided by the school according to the above provisions, or the school can arrange different course groups according to the above provisions for students to choose one group at random. The typical subject combination has the following forms: 1. Mathematics, physics, chemistry; 2. Physics, chemistry and biology; 3. Strengthened mathematics and physics; four Latin French German 5. English, French and Latin; 6. English, history and geography; 7. Latin, Greek and ancient history.
In addition to traditional sports and religion, the non examination subjects of the sixth grade have also added some new subjects since the 1960s, mainly including: General Studies liberal education (Liberal Studies)、 career education (Careers Education) and various lectures.
3. Examination
The sixth grade of the current one-year system is mainly "ordinary" at the end of compulsory education Certificate of Secondary Education ”(GCSE) Examination results Students who are not ideal should set up remedial courses for such certificates in order to take the exam again. At the same time, students should be offered“ Pre service education certificate ”(CPVE) courses. The sixth grade of the three-year system can be divided into two situations: one is that in the first year, students will take the "General Secondary Education Certificate" course, and after passing the exam, they will continue to study as two-year courses in the second and third years; On the other hand, in the first two years, they studied and passed the examinations according to the two-year system, and in the third year, they stayed at the sixth level to continue their studies, in order to obtain better examination results, so as to enter famous universities and obtain high scholarships.
Higher level general education certificate examination The target is 18 year old students who have completed compulsory education and have studied at the sixth grade, but adults and overseas students can also participate. The main purpose of students taking the exam is to obtain the qualification to enter the university. Therefore, although the advanced level exam involves a wide range of subjects, students generally choose three or four exam subjects, and most of them focus on several academic subjects required for entering the university. Therefore, the advanced level exam is famous for its deep, difficult and heavy academic subjects.
In order to pass the exam, many students give up some important subjects and focus on arts or science, or even specialize in a certain field of arts or science. A large number of candidates who take part in the advanced general education certificate even do not go to mathematics, English, foreign languages, science or technology subjects. The examination scores of the advanced level are A, B, C, D and E, and it is customary to obtain two C level or higher advanced certificates is the minimum standard for entering colleges and universities. In addition, there are more difficult special papers (S paper for short) to help select top students. There are two grades of S test scores: excellent and good.
The Higher Supplementary Level General Education Certificate Examination is newly established to make up for the shortcomings of the Higher Level General Education Certificate Examination. Because the previous higher level general education certificate examination had too narrow and too high requirements for students, it was impossible for the sixth grade students to broaden the scope of courses. The purpose of adding the higher level supplementary examination was to further broaden the breadth of the higher level examination course without lowering the level. To this end, England and Welsh In 1987, an advanced supplementary level general education certificate course was officially added to the sixth grade, and the first advanced supplementary level general education certificate examination was held in the summer of 1989. Advanced supplementary level examination subjects are more extensive than advanced level examination subjects, and students can use more economical time to learn a wider range of content. A simple equation To represent: 2AS=1A. That is to say, selecting two advanced supplementary level courses is equivalent to selecting one advanced level course. 1 Certificate of General Education at the Advanced Supplementary Level content of courses The teaching time and exam scores are equal to 1/2 courses of general education certificate at advanced level.
4. Analysis
Because the British general high school stage belongs to College preparatory course Due to the pressure of examination and entrance requirements, the curriculum is very specialized. In terms of curriculum, schools tend to incline to exam subjects, and non exam subjects are difficult to get attention. At the same time, however, the school still attaches great importance to providing students with the freedom to make their own choices. Students can either take combined courses or take them by themselves. Although there are many types of courses offered by various schools, up to dozens, each student is under great pressure to enter the university and has limited types of courses to learn. Some students tend to focus on two or three subjects to be examined, preferring to study in a certain aspect. Students usually spend 2/3 of their time studying their own specialized areas, and sometimes 90% of their time is concentrated on two or three subjects. Students who specialize in mathematics and physics can have 20 hours of mathematics courses every week.


Curriculum setting mode of ordinary high school: common compulsory+module compulsory+elective (combined elective and optional)
1. Overview
Lycee, a local public educational institution, implements the second phase of secondary education France High school education By general education technical education And vocational education. Respectively by Ordinary high school , technical high school and vocational high school.
The school system of ordinary high schools is three years. Grade 1 is called Grade 2, Grade 2 is called Grade 1, and Grade 3 is called Grade 3 (for the convenience of narration, this article adopts the Chinese custom to call Grade 1, Grade 2, and Grade 3 in turn). Students pass Senior High School Graduation Examination After that, you can get ordinary Industrialist Diploma. This diploma has a dual significance. It is not only a proof of graduation from high school, but also a proof of entry into colleges and universities pass check There are more than 20 kinds of practitioners in France, and the general practitioners' diplomas are listed as follows:
Series A:
A1: Literature and Mathematics
A2: Literature and Language
A3: Literature and Art
Series B: Economic and Social Sciences
Series C: Mathematics and Physics
Series D: Mathematics and Natural Science
D 'series: agronomy and technology
Series E: Mathematics and Technology
Since 1992, France has reduced the original 24 professional diplomas to 7 large ones Division General education includes literature, economics and sociology, science, and technical education includes industrial science and technology, experimental technology the service sector; the tertiary industry Technology, etc.
2. Reform trend
According to the law issued by France on July 10, 1989“ Education Guidance Law ”And the decree issued on February 23, 1990“ National curriculum The committee "is the national Course outline The compiling organization of. The committee published a《 Course Charter 》And take it as a programmatic document to guide the formulation of the national curriculum in the future.
According to the Curriculum Charter basic principle The French Curriculum Commission and its various specialized committees have made a pioneering attempt at the modern curriculum reform facing the 21st century, and have successively put forward reports on curriculum reform proposals. The suggestions on curriculum reform of senior high school are as follows:
The first grade of French high school is High school education Because in this year, each student should determine their own future direction. These junior high school students who have just entered high school are very different from each other. They should not only accept the common Basic courses At the same time, we should be prepared to choose the future learning direction. Therefore, the idea of the first grade curriculum reform is to unify the requirements of the curriculum outline, and at the same time, use a variety of methods to enable students to find their own learning ways. Specifically, on the one hand, we should help students with knowledge gaps and difficulties in a certain subject, on the other hand, we should help students Determine learning Direction.
In addition, while consolidating basic courses Elective Courses Each grade one student must choose two elective courses.
Senior high school students choose their majors after their second year, so the courses for the second and third year are arranged according to professional series, and each series of courses is composed of professional ordinary courses and additional courses. Ordinary courses usually account for more than 80% of all courses. It aims to ensure that students can obtain solid ordinary courses Cultural knowledge To make them in the future Career Zhonghe is critical in performing his civic duties and has a strong sense of Surrounding world Have a better understanding. The purpose of additional courses is to make each series of courses more complete and coordinated and suitable for teaching students in accordance with their aptitude. Additional courses press "MODULE" Organize teaching The teaching content of each module is arranged in four class hours per semester. This new type Pedagogy It can help students to study actively, use experimental methods more widely, and promote the school to open to the outside world.
3. Analysis
The goal of French high schools is very clear in the traditional sense, that is, to endow students with a solid common culture. It has strict requirements on the teaching content. First of all, it pays attention to the quality of the subject and rigorous thinking.
The goal of French ordinary high schools is to pass Senior High School Examination Obtaining a diploma is equivalent to obtaining two certificates: high school graduation and college entrance qualification. There are more than 20 kinds of entrepreneurs in France, but the most respected is the C series. Although this series is called "science" discipline, the proportion of science discipline in teaching content is not dominant, but overestimates the value of mathematics, especially Abstract mathematics In all science series, different grades are formed according to the mathematical level, with C and E first, D and B second, and G last. The result is that students trained in mathematics oriented ordinary high schools generally lack basic scientific knowledge, especially applied science Disciplinary Knowledge and skills
From the perspective of the reform plan of French high school curriculum, students of literature can only learn biology for two hours from the first grade, and they can not learn physics and chemistry. The teaching of French, philosophy, foreign languages, history, geography, etc. has been strengthened; Learning Science From the first grade, students only learned the history geography curriculum from 4 to 2 hours, which strengthened the teaching of mathematics and science.
In addition, French ordinary high schools have more class hours, which makes it difficult for students to study independently and think deeply. In general, required course The class time of the second grade is usually more than 32 hours, and the class time of the third grade is more than 36 hours. In addition to the time for individual homework, each student Learning time At least 50 hours.


Fully senior middle school Curriculum model : basic courses+special courses
1. Overview
The senior stage of German Complete Middle School, grades 11-13, is equivalent to the ordinary senior high school stage in China. Students aged 16-18 who have completed general compulsory education can enter the advanced stage of study. The main purpose of the advanced stage is to complete Higher Education The transition of fields should be structured to ensure that all students Basic training It also provides the possibility for individual specialization. In the advanced stage of teaching, the original class organization is cancelled and students are grouped according to their abilities and achievements. In the advanced stage, students are taught in compulsory and elective fields. The ratio of class hours in compulsory and elective fields is about 2:1. In the compulsory field, students acquire or expand knowledge in the specified curriculum field. Elective fields should make it possible for students to explore their own interests and hobbies without being bound by the prescribed academic fields, or establish their own learning focus by contacting the required fields. In the two fields of compulsory and elective courses, there are usually basic courses and special courses subordinate to a certain discipline. Training of special courses is one step closer to scientific preparatory knowledge Understanding And teach widened Expertise , taking into account both science and Art application Possibility.
2. Curriculum
After several reforms, the curriculum of senior high school in Germany has undergone great changes, and the "program system" has been implemented. The purpose of the program system arrangement is to make social requirements and Personal needs Be given due attention. According to the program system, all courses offered by the school are divided into three academic fields, as well as sports and religion. The three academic areas are:
Language Literature Art (including German, literature, art, music and 6 foreign languages)
- Social science courses (including history, public science, sociology, economics, philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, geography and Labor Science Etc.),
Mathematics, Natural Science and Technology (including mathematics information science , physics, chemistry, biology and technology, etc.).
The courses in each field of study are divided into basic courses and special courses. The basic courses have 2-3 class hours a week to teach the basic content of a subject. The basic courses of German, mathematics and foreign languages have at least 3 class hours; Special courses have 5 to 6 class hours per week, which requires a deeper study to reach a higher level of a subject. At the beginning of each semester, each student selects a program that meets his/her interests and abilities according to the program offered by the school Class Schedule Card , and learn. Because each student chooses different courses, none of them is uniform for all students Teaching plan , cannot form a fixed class. In terms of class hours, this course system usually guarantees 30 class hours per week for courses that a student should choose in a semester.
Generally, the program system is not implemented for students at Grade 11, but they must gradually become familiar with the program system from Grade 11, because they must formally study according to the program system from Grade 12 at the latest. In the 11th grade, students usually have 9 required courses, including German, mathematics, foreign languages, 1 social science subject, 2 natural science subjects (or informatics, technology and home economics), music or art, sports and religion. If you don't study religion, you can study philosophy or social science. In addition, there are 2 elective courses.
From the 12th grade, students will take two courses with special skills according to the course system (Rhineland Pfalz State stipulates three courses with special skills), one of which must be selected from German, foreign languages, mathematics and natural science. Students must complete 4 courses of specialty before graduation. In addition, it is stipulated that there must be 2 subjects in German, foreign languages, mathematics and natural sciences until graduation. The graduation examination includes 2 specialties and 2 courses Basic discipline These four subjects must cover three academic fields, that is, at least one of the three academic fields must be taken as a graduation examination subject. In the graduation examination, two specialty subjects and one basic subject are taken as written subjects, and the other basic subject is taken as oral subject. However, if there is any doubt about the grading of three written subjects, oral examination is also required.
3. Analysis
After the reform, the curriculum of senior high school has changed the original encyclopedic Curriculum system , providing students with a large number of elective opportunities, so that they can Aptitude To choose the key learning points. At the beginning of the implementation of the program system, some students chose subjects that were easy to learn, which led to the neglect of the basic knowledge of the necessary subjects. After several reforms, provisions were made for selecting the necessary basic subjects to overcome the above shortcomings.


Curriculum mode of general high school: subject+subject (compulsory+optional compulsory+optional)
1. Brief introduction to Japan《 School Education Law
Provisions: "High school is adapted to students on the basis of junior high school education Physical and mental development For the purpose of implementing higher general education and specialized education. " The task of senior high school education is to further develop and expand the achievements of junior high school education, and cultivate the qualities that the country and society should have; Based on the consciousness that the society must fulfill its own mission, so that it can adapt to the personality and future, and improve the general cultural education, master specialized skills; Cultivate students' extensive and in-depth understanding of society and sound critical ability, and strive to establish their personality. Ordinary high schools generally only have ordinary subjects, some Comprehensive High School In addition to general subjects, vocational subjects are set up. Ordinary high schools account for about 44%, comprehensive high schools account for about 36%, and vocational high schools account for about 22%.
High schools in Japan are implemented at the same time Credit system and scholastic year system 1 Class hour: 50 minutes. 1 credit for 35 class hours. If a subject has 4 class hours per week and 35 weeks per year, it has 4 credits.
In terms of curriculum design for senior high schools in Japan, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of. The division of labor at all levels is roughly as follows:
The Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education, the People's Republic of China, the Ministry of Education, the People's Republic of China, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education Key points of learning guidance : Proposed to be set up by ordinary high schools General subjects And subjects, and specify the standard academic scores for each common subject; Specify and select required subjects in each common subject; Specify the number of weeks and hours of teaching in the whole room; Stipulate the minimum academic score required for high school graduation.
Setter: propose to open subjects not mentioned by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Culture and the province according to actual needs; Approve the curriculum arrangement of the high school.
The school makes teaching plans to determine whether the school is divided into subjects and which subjects to set up; Determine the subjects and grades of each branch of the school. Some non compulsory subjects proposed by the superior may not be offered, or subjects not mentioned by the superior may be offered; Determine the required subjects, select the required subjects and optional subjects in the subjects opened by each branch; Determine the credits of the courses offered by the university according to the actual situation; Specify the credits that must be obtained by the students of the university when they graduate.
It can be seen that in terms of curriculum, there are a lot of Japanese high schools Autonomy Of. The national high schools are the most restricted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China, and the public high schools and private high schools have greater autonomy.
Japanese high school curriculum adopts this Hierarchical management The purpose is to ensure that high school education has a high level, but also give play to the enthusiasm of the school to run a high school with its own characteristics.
2. Curriculum
The curriculum of Japanese high schools is divided into two levels: subject and subject. A subject often includes several subjects. For example, Mandarin is a subject, and the current learning guidance essentials after 1994 include Mandarin I, Mandarin II, Mandarin expression Modern Literature 8 subjects, including modern language, classical I, classical II and classical reading. Over the years, the number of subjects in general high schools in Japan has been 8-9, and the number of subjects has been increasing, from 20 to 60 in 1948. The subjects are divided into compulsory, selective compulsory and elective. Choosing compulsory means that you must choose one or two subjects in a group of subjects.
In terms of its model, Japanese high schools mainly have two types: subject selection and subject division. In addition, there are a few high schools that do not select subjects or subjects, that is, all of them are required subjects. Elective high schools generally have more than 60 credits for common compulsory subjects and about 30 credits for elective subjects. Some of them mainly choose compulsory courses, while others mainly choose free courses. The former chooses compulsory courses for about 20 credits, while the latter chooses free courses for about 20 credits. Most of the subject oriented high schools start to divide subjects in the second or third grade. Starting from the second year, students are divided into arts and science classes in the second year, and then divided into private universities, national public universities, and public universities in the third year Short term university Arts classes and science classes. Subject based high schools generally only offer compulsory courses and select compulsory courses, even if there are free elective courses, they only take a few credits.
The curriculum of ordinary high school consists of various disciplines and extracurricular educational activities, and moral education is carried out through the whole Schooling Activities are carried out. The common compulsory subjects for all high school students are Mandarin I, Modern Society, Mathematics II, Science I, Health Care, Sports, Music I, Art I, Calligraphy I, Craft I, Introduction to Home Economics, etc. Elective subjects include Mandarin, foreign language, society, art, home economics, mathematics, sports, agriculture, industry, commerce, aquaculture, nursing, etc. The difference in curriculum between ordinary high schools or ordinary subjects and vocational high schools and comprehensive high schools is mainly reflected in elective subjects rather than compulsory subjects. Students in ordinary high schools or general subjects mainly take ordinary subjects.
3. Analysis
Japan's high school education is greatly influenced by the requirements for entering a higher school, which is not only reflected in the obvious orientation of the curriculum setting of high schools for entering a higher school, but also in the development of private high schools and Remedial school A large number of. The number of teaching hours in general subjects increased significantly, while the number of teaching hours in vocational subjects decreased. In full-time general high schools, General courses It accounts for more than 70% of all courses, which reflects the increase in the number of ordinary high school or ordinary science students, and the increase in the number of high school graduates entering universities and short-term universities.


Curriculum setting mode of comprehensive high school: basic Compulsory courses +Professional learning plan courses
1. Overview
Sweden Take high school education as the most critical part of the whole education series, because it Lifelong education The quality of high school education is related to the whole education Level and National quality Therefore, Swedish Parliament It is stipulated that from July 1, 1992, the local municipal governments should enable all young people under the age of 20 to enter high school.
High school education is based on students' compulsory education, and continues to get personal development, helping them gradually enter the adult society. At the same time, high school education prepares students for future higher education, future careers and becoming qualified citizens.
Sweden's high schools are collectively called comprehensive high schools because they have both theoretical learning plans to prepare for higher education and vocational learning plans to prepare for employment. There is no vocational high school in Sweden the West China is unique. The establishment of comprehensive high school is to better combine theory with practice and make full use of it Teaching resources It also enables students to hold the same attitude towards different occupations in the society sense of worth To provide students with education that can not only adapt to higher education, but also adapt to employment.
2. Curriculum
Swedish high schools usually offer more than 30 professional courses. The stages are divided into two years, three years or four levels. In addition to professional courses, there are 100 special courses ranging from a few weeks to two years. Its content is very wide, from local industry to computer application technology, for students to choose freely when applying.
The educational program of Swedish high schools is composed of National Education Commission It is formulated uniformly, including Educational objectives , guidelines, general direction and timetable In addition, for various learning majors Education content And other aspects put forward some requirements respectively. Sweden's high school education generally focuses on vocational education, so its teaching content must keep pace with technology and Manufacturing industry By the mid-1980s, almost all professional learning plans included computers, and environmental engineering became new subjects in high school education.
The professional learning plans of Swedish high schools can be divided into six categories:
(1) Language, social science and art activities -- 2 or 3 years;
(2) Nursing Social services And consumer education -- 2 years;
(3) Economic, commercial and office work -- 2 and 3 years;
(4) Industry, trade and technology -- Level 2 and 3 years;
(5) Technology and natural science - 2, 3 and 4 years;
(6) Agriculture, forestry and veterinary -- 2 years.
These six types of professional learning plans can be further divided into more than 20 majors, such as economics majors, accounting, sales, management, etc., and technology majors, such as mechanical engineering, architecture, electronic technology, chemistry Garment processing automotive industry , food processing, etc.
Some of these professional learning plans are to prepare for further education, while others are to create conditions for future employment. Each professional learning plan includes more than 10 subjects. For each learning plan Course content They are basically the same, belonging to basic knowledge, and the difference does not appear until the second grade. Swedish Citizenship, sports and foreign language are compulsory courses for every grade. Therefore, although the contents of professional learning plans are different, any plan can enable students to have the necessary Basic conditions In these professional plans, those with two academic years are prepared for employment, while those with three academic years are prepared for both college and employment. The 4-year study plan in technology and natural science can enable students to obtain a high school engineer certificate.
3. Analysis
Swedish high school as citizenship education It is an important stage in the development of education, which is more and more popular. It undertakes the dual task of making students do well in entering schools and obtaining employment. According to the statistics of the Swedish Ministry of Education, about 40% of senior high school students choose a two-year vocational major, about 15% choose a three-year theoretical and vocational learning plan, and 35% choose a three-year theoretical learning plan. Among them, the number of students who choose technology, natural science and industry is the largest, accounting for about half of the total number, and the number of students who choose economy and business accounts for about 1/5. The courses that students are most interested in are largely labor-intensive Market situation Impact. In terms of curriculum, Swedish high schools adopt general education curriculum and vocational education The tendency of paying equal attention to the curriculum and properly inclining to the vocational education curriculum deserves attention and reference.


Norway It has about 500 high schools, about 27000 teachers and 32000 interns. There are nearly 170000 students in Norwegian high schools.
High school education includes all the courses between junior high school and higher education required for continuing education. The 1994 law gives every Norwegian between the ages of 16 and 19 the right to three years of high school education. This one Education stage The purpose of is to obtain qualifications for further higher education, vocational education or other education. Each application accepts three types of high schools Basic courses Educators will be guaranteed to be admitted to one of the courses and study related courses in the next two years.
With special Learning needs Twenty five percent of students have the right to receive two years of high school education in order to achieve their desired goal of receiving education.
High school education is available throughout Norway. In the past, general theoretical education and vocational training education in high schools were conducted in different schools. High school education has been unified, and theoretical and vocational education courses are all conducted in the same schools. There are 15 kinds of industry learning areas in high school. Students study in their first year of high school basic course One is to study professional courses in the second and third years, while vocational education students can start internships.
Students engaged in vocational education will generally obtain vocational or apprenticeship certificates. Vocational education in schools and Workplace It is carried out successively, generally one year of study in school, one year of practice in the workplace, and then one year of production in the same workplace.
The scope of 15 kinds of industry learning in high school includes:
General, commercial and administrative industries
Music, dance, drama industry
Sports and sports industry
Hygiene Social care industry
Art handicraft , Design industry
Agriculture, forestry and fishery
Hotel and food processing industry
Construction industry
Construction technology industry
Chemical and processing industries
Woodworking industry
Media and communication industry
(From Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research)


General high school curriculum: classified setting+compulsory+optional (limited optional and optional)
1. Overview
Russia national education The 10th and 11th grades of the school are equivalent to the senior high school stage in China. Its main educational task is to complete the whole process of general education for students, so that they can have a healthy and progressive ideological foundation and a solid and comprehensive Knowledge level , through purposeful and selective vocational education, make it obtain one or more universal Vocational skills So that you can enter directly Production department be engaged in Professional labor Or enter a secondary technical school to learn and master a more complex occupation.
2. Curriculum
In May 1995, the Russian Teacher's Daily published Federal education Discussion draft of the standard.
Language and Literature There are three structural schemes:
(1) Russian, native language, native literature, literature and foreign language as the national language;
(2) As Language of instruction Russian, the language of the Republic (frontier regions and prefectures), literature, literature and foreign languages;
(3) Russian, literature and foreign languages as teaching languages.
Social disciplines: history of the motherland, general history, legal introduction, people and society, foundation of modern civilization, contemporary world, common sense of citizens world economy And social geography, political science, economics, sociology, regional and school needs.
Natural disciplines: natural knowledge physical geography , biology, physics, astronomy, chemistry, ecology, regional and school needs.
Mathematics: algebra, geometry, algebra and mathematical analysis Fundamentals, Mathematics Comprehensive courses , statistics probability theory , logic, etc.
Sports: basic principles of sports Rhythmic gymnastics Personal safety Education courses Physical training Comprehensive courses (including behavioral response knowledge under abnormal circumstances).
3. Analysis
This teaching plan is basically the same as the basic teaching plan of general education institutions in the Russian Federation published in 1993. Senior high school courses are arranged according to the principle that each major direction has its own emphasis, so the required courses are grade The number of segments is the most. Compulsory courses account for 52.6% of the total activities, compulsory courses account for 31.6%, elective courses account for 15.8%, and compulsory and compulsory courses account for 84.2%. In general, the Russian high school provides students with a small number of independently selected classes. According to different professional directions, some teaching contents can be set up separately or combined into comprehensive courses. Separate courses occupy the class hours of required courses.
Compulsory courses can be re opened in Basic school Secondary school required courses or new courses related to certain majors are offered as preliminary vocational training for students. [4]

statistical data

Statistical Bulletin of the People's Republic of China on National Economic and Social Development in 2021 》Display: 2021, Ordinary senior high schools enrolled 9.05 million students, 26.05 million students and 7.802 million graduates.
In 2020, China and its provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) Gross enrollment rate of high school education All of them have reached more than 90%, and the national goal of universal access has been achieved on schedule. In 2021, China's high school education Gross enrolment ratio Further increase to 91.4%, 6.4 more than 2012 Percentage point The popularization in the central and western regions has increased the most. The Ministry of Education signed a memorandum of understanding with 10 provinces in the central and western regions with low popularization level, established a ministerial provincial coordination mechanism, and vigorously promoted popularization. The gross enrollment rate of these 10 provinces has increased by 17.02 percentage points on average in ten years, and some provinces have increased by nearly 30 percentage points, significantly shrinking the region Educational development Gap. [6]
In 2021, the total number of ordinary high schools in China will reach 14600, with 26.0503 million students in school, up 7.97% and 5.59% respectively from 2012, providing more school-age students with opportunities to receive ordinary high school education. [6]
On March 23, 2023, the Ministry of Education held a press conference to introduce the basic situation of China's education development in 2022. In 2022, the gross enrollment rate of senior high school will be 91.6%, 0.2 percentage points higher than that of the previous year. There are 15000 ordinary high schools in China, an increase of 441 over the previous year; 9475400 students were enrolled, up 4.71% over the previous year; There were 27.1387 million students at school, an increase of 4.18% over the previous year. There are 2.1332 million full-time teachers in ordinary high schools. The qualification rate of full-time teachers is 99.03%, and the proportion of full-time teachers with graduate degrees is 13.08%. There are 718300 full-time teachers of secondary vocational education. The qualification rate of full-time teachers is 94.86%, and the proportion of full-time teachers with graduate education is 8.91%; The proportion of "double qualified" teachers was 56.18%, 0.67 percentage points higher than that of the previous year. General high schools in China have 680.349 million square meters of school buildings, an increase of 36.728 million square meters over the previous year. [7]
On July 5, 2023, the website of the Ministry of Education released a statistical bulletin on the development of China's education in 2022: the gross enrollment rate in senior high school was 91.6%, 0.2 percentage points higher than the previous year. There are 15000 ordinary high schools in China, an increase of 441 or 3.02% over the previous year. The enrollment of ordinary high schools was 9.4754 million, an increase of 425900 or 4.71% over the previous year; There were 27.1387 million students at school, an increase of 1.0885 million over the previous year, or 4.18%; There were 8.241 million graduates, an increase of 438800 or 5.62% over the previous year. 2.1332 million full-time teachers of general high school education; Student teacher ratio 12.72:1; The qualification rate of full-time teachers is 99.03%. [12]
In 2023, the gross enrollment rate of senior high school students will be 91.8%, 0.2 percentage points higher than that of the previous year. There are 15400 ordinary high schools in China, 355 more than the previous year; 9678000 students were enrolled, an increase of 202600 or 2.14% over the previous year; There were 28.0363 million students at school, an increase of 897500 or 3.31% over the previous year.
There were 2.2148 million full-time teachers in ordinary high schools, an increase of 81600 over the previous year; Student teacher ratio 12.66:1, continuous improvement. The qualification rate of full-time teachers was 99.2%, an increase of 0.17 percentage points over the previous year; The proportion of full-time teachers with graduate degrees was 14.01%, up 0.93 percentage points over the previous year.
China's ordinary high schools have 709 million square meters of school buildings, an increase of 29.1355 million square meters over the previous year. [13]