customer satisfaction

Measures of customer satisfaction
zero Useful+1
customer Satisfaction Yes Customer satisfaction A measure of degree. Often through Random survey Obtain samples, based on the scoring data of customers on specific satisfaction indicators, and use Weighted average method The corresponding results are obtained. Customer satisfaction management emerged in the 1990s marketing management Strategy, not only requires understanding External customers Is satisfied with, and requires understanding Internal customers , namely the satisfaction of employees, so as to reveal the enterprise's Value creation And delivery, and explore, analyze and solve these problems with the goal of achieving comprehensive customer satisfaction. [1]
In the mid-1980s, U.S. government Established "Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award ”(Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award) to encourage Enterprise applications "Customer satisfaction".
Chinese name
customer satisfaction
A psychological state of customers
Early 1980s
Place of production
Customer's attitude towards products
A psychological experience

essential information


Concept Introduction

Customer satisfaction refers to the customer's feelings about the extent to which their explicit, usually implicit or obligatory needs or expectations have been met. Satisfaction is the feedback of customer satisfaction, which is the evaluation of product or service performance, as well as the product or service itself; It is a psychological experience to give (or be giving) a happiness level related to the satisfaction of consumption, including the level below or above the satisfaction level.
Customer satisfaction is a changing goal. What can satisfy one customer may not satisfy another customer. What can satisfy customers in one situation may not satisfy them in another. Only for different Customer group It is possible to achieve 100% customer satisfaction only when the satisfaction factor of is well understood.

Generation and development

The promotion of "customer satisfaction" came into being in the early 1980s. American market at that time Competitive environment Worse, AT&T( AT&T )To put oneself in a favorable position competitive edge And began to try to understand customers' satisfaction with the services provided by the enterprise, and take it as a service quality improvement And achieved certain results. Meanwhile, Japan Honda Auto companies have also begun to use customer satisfaction as a means of understanding the situation, and have improved this management strategy
In the mid-1980s, U.S. government Established“ malcolm baldrige national quality award ”(Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award) to encourage Enterprise applications "Customer satisfaction". The establishment of this award has greatly promoted the development of "customer satisfaction". Of course, it is not just a simple assessment of the final score of enterprise customer satisfaction, but a series of tests initiated by the enterprise through focusing on "customer satisfaction" Total Quality Management Measurement system. IBM MOTOROLA FEDEX, Xianshi, etc. are all winners of this award, and there are no more than five enterprises worldwide that receive this award every year.
In the mid-1990s, Customer satisfaction survey It is rapidly and widely used in multinational companies in mainland China. One of the reasons is that the headquarters of multinational companies require regular access to customer information in the Greater China market in accordance with the mode of the headquarters to deal with Globalization process Plans and challenges in; Second, in the increasingly fierce competition, excellent service has become an important demand for enterprises to obtain and maintain competitive advantage; Third, the supervisor needs to job performance Conduct quantitative evaluation, which requires evaluation from customers.


1. Customer satisfaction is the necessity of economic development
2. Customer satisfaction is the inevitable result of the popularization of the people-oriented concept
3. Customer satisfaction is the eternal goal of enterprises
What does customer satisfaction survey bring to enterprises?
93% CEO think Customer management Aberdeen Group is the most important factor for enterprises to succeed and become more competitive
Customer loyalty will increase by 5%, and profit will increase by 25%~85% - Harvard Business Review
A very satisfied customer Purchase intention Six times more than a satisfied customer Xerox Research
2/3 Customers leave their suppliers because Customer care Not enough - Yankee Group
With China market competition The competition among enterprises has begun to shift from product based competition to product based competition Customer resources Customer resources are gradually replacing products.

Level division



Customer satisfaction level refers to the degree of satisfaction generated by customers after consuming corresponding products or services.
As mentioned above, customer satisfaction is a kind of mentality , is a kind of self experience. This psychological state should also be defined, otherwise it will be impossible to evaluate customer satisfaction. Psychologists believe that Emotional experience It can be divided into several levels according to the cascade theory, and accordingly, customer satisfaction can be divided into seven levels or five levels.
The seven levels are: very dissatisfied, dissatisfied, not very satisfied, average, relatively satisfied, satisfied and very satisfied.
The five levels are: very dissatisfied, dissatisfied, average, satisfied and very satisfied.
According to the cascade theory of psychology, management experts have given the following reference indicators for the seven tiers:

Basic Introduction

1. Very dissatisfied
Indication: indignation, anger, complaint Anti propaganda
Narration: Very dissatisfied state means that customers feel indignant, angry and intolerable after consuming certain goods or services, not only try to find opportunities to complain, but also take every opportunity to carry out counter propaganda to vent their unhappiness.
2. Not satisfied
Indication: anger, worry
Narration: Dissatisfaction refers to the anger and annoyance of customers after purchasing or consuming certain goods or services. In this state, customers can barely bear it and hope to make up for it in a certain way. When appropriate, they will also carry out counter propaganda to remind their relatives and friends not to buy the same goods or services.
3. Not very satisfied
Indication: complaint, regret
Narration: Unsatisfactory status refers to the complaints and regrets generated by customers after purchasing or consuming certain goods or services. In this state, although the customer is dissatisfied, he thinks the reality is like this. Don't ask too much, so he accepts.
4. General
Indications: no obvious positive Negative emotion
Narration: General state refers to the state of no obvious emotion formed by customers in the process of consuming certain goods or services. That is to say, it is neither good nor bad, and it is tolerable.
5. Relatively satisfied
Indications: favorable impression, affirmation and approval
Narration: The relatively satisfied state refers to the favorable, positive and approving state formed by customers when consuming certain goods or services. In this state, the customer is satisfied, but it is far from meeting the higher requirements. Compared with some worse situations, it is comforting.
6. Satisfied
Indications: satisfaction, praise, happiness
Narration: Satisfaction refers to the state of satisfaction, praise and pleasure generated by customers when they consume certain goods or services. In this state, customers not only affirm their choices, but also are willing to recommend them to their relatives and friends. Their expectations are basically consistent with the reality, and there is no major regret.
7. Very satisfied
Indication: excited, satisfied, grateful
Narration: Very satisfied state refers to the state of excitement, satisfaction and gratitude formed after customers consume certain goods or services. In this state, customers' expectations are not only fully met without any regret, but also may greatly exceed their own expectations. At this time, customers are not only proud of their choice, but also take every opportunity to promote and recommend to their relatives and friends, hoping that others will spend it.


The reference indicators of the five levels are relatively similar to the definition of the customer satisfaction level, because although there are levels of satisfaction, the boundary is vague after all, and there is no obvious boundary from one level to another. The purpose of the classification of customer satisfaction levels is for enterprises to evaluate customer satisfaction.

Survey methods


technological development

customer Satisfaction survey More than 10 years after entering China, from the initial survey of service implementation to Perceived quality Survey to satisfaction exponential model Investigation, constantly combined with a variety of research technologies and concepts, to develop Satisfaction survey Technology. According to the different focus of satisfaction survey and problem solving, the satisfaction survey technology can be classified into 10 generations.
The whole 10 generations Satisfaction survey The first three generations are the foundation and have experienced Service process Survey (1st generation) to service effect survey (2nd generation), from Service quality The development process of satisfaction index survey (the third generation) was investigated. The latter seven generations are based on the first three generations and are developed according to different application requirements. Focusing on improving dissatisfied customers, we have developed dissatisfaction survey (the fourth generation) and short board improvement survey (the fifth generation); by Optimize resource allocation Strategy, determine the resource input boundary, and apply and develop the KANO model (6th generation); To analyze the demand for differentiated services U&A Study (The 7th generation) has integrated satisfaction survey; The 8th generation of satisfaction focuses on highly satisfied people, and the 9th generation will improve User experience As the focus of research, the 10th generation emphasizes the establishment of service management system with satisfaction survey as the core.
Generation 1 to 10 Satisfaction survey Technology is not a substitute relationship. Each generation of technology applies to different types Development stage Of enterprises and institutions Demand. Using targeted technology levels step by step can significantly and effectively manage and improve service level
The specific introduction of each generation of satisfaction technology is as follows:
The first generation of service implementation survey, implementation Service standards Standardize employees' behavior - survey on service implementation
In 1965, Cardozo, an American scholar, first introduced“ Customer satisfaction ”The concept is introduced into the business field, Research on service quality stay the West Gradually, enterprises and public institutions realized the importance of service quality and began to accept and apply market research on service quality. Satisfaction survey As a service quality Evaluation tools The initial focus is on the investigation of the service process to check whether the staff operate according to the service specifications, so it is also called "service fulfillment survey".
The survey of service fulfillment takes the survey data as the basis for notification or assessment through the implementation inspection of service specifications, so as to convey service pressure, urge employees to implement service standards, standardize employees' behaviors, and cultivate employees' good service habits.
The survey of service fulfillment mainly adopts two ways: one is to intercept or use the questionnaire at the door Telephone follow-up Ask the customer to confirm whether the previous staff has operated according to the specifications; Another way is Mystery customer detection (unannounced visit), such as Business hall Auto 4S shop Department Store The unannounced visits mainly targeted at the front-line window departments, pretending to be customers to receive services, and taking the whole process of audio and video recordings as evidence. Questionnaire method Coverage Wide range, low cost, but assessment Evidential power Weak; Mystery customers The cost is high, but there are audio and video recordings, and the assessment evidence is strong.

Perceived quality survey

The second generation, measuring service effect and evaluating front and rear services achievements ------Perceived quality survey
Specific evaluation model
As many scholars Customer satisfaction After in-depth research, since 1985, scholars have found that consumers' understanding of quality is different from enterprises' understanding of quality. Service quality is divided into "objective quality" and "perceived quality". Objective quality is Production oriented , perceived quality is Customer orientation There are obvious differences between the two. The perceived quality is not necessarily good if the objective quality is good. Perceived quality is the service quality that consumers feel. It is affected by consumers' background and preferences, and in fact affects consumers' decision-making behavior. In this context, customer-oriented satisfaction surveys have become popular, because consumers' perceived quality evaluation is regarded as service quality evaluation criterion Therefore, the satisfaction survey at this time is also called "perceived quality survey".
Different from the "service process" of the service implementation survey, the perceived quality survey is not about asking customers to confirm the staff What did you do Instead, it directly asks about the service feeling or satisfaction, focusing on the "perceived service quality" and the final "service effect" of customers.
perception Quality satisfaction Because it is the evaluation of service effect, it is different from the service implementation survey, which can only evaluate front-end departments, not customers direct contact Can also be evaluated, forming a complete front and rear end Service evaluation system Perceived quality satisfaction index system is based on the service process, link and contact between customers and enterprises and institutions, according to the logic Inclusion relationship , which is divided into Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 indicators, corresponding to and related to each responsible department one by one.
The specific evaluation model is as follows:
Perceived quality survey focuses on what customers care about and what are the key points influence factor utilize Statistical techniques , can calculate the impact intensity of indicators at all levels on the indicators at the next level, so as to find out the key influencing factors; In combination with indicator satisfaction performance and impact, identify service weaknesses and optimize resource allocation. As shown in Figure 1:
Figure 1 Specific Evaluation Model
At the same time, because the service implementation survey is particularly effective in regulating employee behavior, it has not been replaced, but has also developed“ Mystery customers ”This new Investigation method , is still widely used in various enterprises and institutions, especially window departments.

satisfaction index

Third generation, service measurement from a macro perspective, cross industry/enterprise comparability ------ satisfaction index model survey
In 1988, American scholar Fornell structural equation Combined with the psychological path of satisfaction, a new Satisfaction model , become Countries in the world The basis for developing the national satisfaction index model, Sweden It was the first application to launch SCSB, and then developed into ACSI ECSI. The satisfaction index model considers the impact Customer satisfaction Besides perceived quality brand image , customer expectations, value perception, etc. Since 2001, the former Ministry of Information Industry has begun to provide Telecom operators conduct Customer satisfaction index Research and publish the telecommunications industry customer satisfaction index (TCSI) year by year, and Satisfaction evaluation Score inclusion KPI , which has greatly promoted the promotion and application of the satisfaction index model in China technological development
Service quality is not equal to satisfaction. The satisfaction index model believes that in addition to "perceived quality (i.e. service quality)", "brand image", "user expectation" and "value perception" are all influences Customer satisfaction And there are paths and causal relationship , forming a structural equation.
The satisfaction index model is applicable to the satisfaction survey at the national and industrial levels. Because there are obvious differences between enterprises and institutions, the perceived quality of a unit Satisfaction model It cannot be applied to another unit, so if we want to carry out satisfaction surveys of the whole country or the whole industry, we must have a model unrelated to the differences between enterprises and institutions. The satisfaction index model is designed according to the psychological path formed by customer satisfaction, and enterprises and institutions The service difference is irrelevant, so the satisfaction index survey is comparable across industries and enterprises. as China Telecom Industry index model TCSI:
customer satisfaction
For enterprises and institutions Satisfaction evaluation For example, the advantage of the satisfaction index model is that it reveals the influencing factors of satisfaction more completely, and looks at the problem from a higher level; deficiencies The design of the satisfaction index model eliminates the influence of unit differences, which makes many personalized and detailed problems of the unit not be reflected. In addition, "brand", "expectation", "value" and other factors are difficult to control or even uncontrollable, which need the cooperation of senior management and cross departments to promote. For the service management department of the enterprise, The focus of service improvement can only be focused on "quality". Therefore, enterprises and institutions should still combine perception when applying the satisfaction index model Mass model , which greatly increases the length of the questionnaire.

Dissatisfaction survey

The fourth generation focuses on dissatisfied customers and understands why they are dissatisfied ------ satisfaction+dissatisfaction survey
Through perception Quality satisfaction Or satisfaction index model survey, managers know the unit's service level and customer dissatisfaction, on this basis, managers will naturally Really want to Understand why the customer is dissatisfied.
Around 2004, once the concept of dissatisfaction survey was introduced, it was immediately recognized and applied by many enterprises and institutions. Dissatisfaction survey deepened the visit to "dissatisfied customers", specifically understanding the aspects and reasons of customer dissatisfaction. Managers can perceive customer dissatisfaction and complaints in a situational manner.

Short board improvement

The 5th generation, focusing on the internal enterprise Service gap Promote the improvement of short board ------ satisfaction+short board improvement
Dissatisfaction survey is to collect opinions from the perspective of customers. Shortcomings improvement is to find reasons from within the enterprise. Customers' dissatisfaction always comes from enterprise behavior Short board improvement: find out the enterprise behaviors that lead to customer dissatisfaction, analyze the reasons, and make targeted improvements.
The concept of short board improvement is quality management system It has existed for a long time, but before that, it was more in the industrial field, focusing on products production process And process improvement. Since 2005, China Mobile Companies in all provinces and cities have improved their service weakness. The huge demand for research has greatly promoted the development of research technology for improving the weakness.
Short board improvement basis Six Sigma Carry out short board management based on the concept, use GAP model analysis to find out the internal causes of the short board, and put forward targeted and operable improvement opinions and methods; And associate with the responsible department, track and measure the improvement effect, assess and urge the problem improvement.

KANO analysis

The 6th generation, optimize resource allocation strategy, determine resource input boundary ---- satisfaction+ KANO analysis
The higher the satisfaction is, the better it is. The improvement of satisfaction requires huge resource investment. previous Satisfaction survey The analysis focuses on finding and improving the weak board, but there is no answer to the extent to which the weak board should be improved, the level to which the advantageous factors should be maintained, and the investment strategy for each factor. In the process of continuous service improvement, managers will have questions: "What level is enough to increase the investment in such and such aspects every year? If customers are satisfied with such and such aspects, can I reduce the investment?"
KNAO analysis divides each service element into three categories, clarifies the meaning and location of the three categories, optimizes the strategy of resource allocation, determines the boundary of resource input, solves the above problems of managers, and achieves more refined Optimized allocation of resources To maximize the benefits of the resources invested. When managers make budget decisions for the next year, they can get a quantitative reference basis for resource input from KANO analysis on such issues as what needs to be increased, what needs to be maintained, and what needs to be reduced.
The KANO model was launched in 1979 by Noriaki Kano, a professor at Tokyo University of Technology, and his colleague Fumio Takahashi, and quickly gained global communication and recognition. But KANO is a typical qualitative analysis model , difficult to be quantified, so Satisfaction survey Fields are often mentioned but rarely applied.
customer satisfaction
In 2006, with the efforts of the author, the quantitative technical problems of KANO were solved. On the basis of the original questionnaire problems, without the need to design problems separately, we can effectively quantify and judge the attributes of each service element, and determine the resource allocation boundary. The KANO model really appears in the Research report Medium. The following is from Da Wen GM Market research company The KANO analysis diagram extracted from the report can clearly determine the attributes and boundaries of service elements.

Differentiated services

The 7th generation, differentiated service ------ satisfaction+U&A
Service management The initial focus is on the standardization of services. For example, the purpose of the service implementation survey is to standardize the behavior of employees and let them Service standardization However, some people are satisfied with the standardized service, while others are not. After the service standardization reaches a certain level, enterprises and public institutions naturally have the demand for differentiated services to meet different needs Customer group Needs, such as VIP services Key customer service And so on.
Analyze different backgrounds and differences Consumer behavior Same attitude as the customer Service awareness It is the basis of implementing differentiated services to find out the key factors that lead to differences (i.e. U&A research).
In 2006, the satisfaction+U&A research product was highly recognized by the market against the background of differentiated service demand in various industries. Actually, before Satisfaction survey In China, U&A issues will be more or less involved, but the focus of the research demand was not on this, so it was not analyzed and applied in depth. Driven by the demand for differentiated services, U&A research is closely linked with satisfaction research, and related technologies have been developed, including variance analysis Chi square analysis is fully used.

Excellent service

The 8th generation focuses on highly satisfied people ---- satisfaction+excellent service
According to long-term data tracking competitive market Medium, very satisfied with the crowd loyalty 4-6 times that of the general satisfied people. Therefore, it has a very positive significance in such markets to upgrade the general satisfied group to the very satisfied group, and its value is significantly higher than that of upgrading the dissatisfied group to the general satisfied group. Customer satisfaction means High level Service beyond the average level is called excellent service.
The focus of service excellence research is the "high satisfaction group", because the key influencing factors of service improvement are often different from those of upgrading customers from dissatisfaction to general satisfaction, so targeted analysis is needed.

User experience

The 9th generation, turning defensive tools into offensive tools ---- satisfaction+user experience
Satisfaction, routine is defensive management tool That is, don't let the Customer churn Drop. The user experience is to upgrade it to a Offensive Tools for managers to retain customers by creating a profound user experience; And let customers spread good word of mouth to attract New customers For example, the shopping experience of the mall, the medical experience of the hospital, and the user experience of the website directly affect the next choice and reputation of users.
User experience emphasizes shaping and spreading word of mouth, focusing on service details and Service innovation , providing an impressive experience that is easy to describe and spread.
Figure 2
User experience research , on research method On the other hand, we pay attention to the application of testing methods, such as "attractiveness test"“ Availability test ”As shown in Figure 2:

Service management

The 10th generation, establish a service management system ---- satisfaction+service management
along with Customer satisfaction With the further popularization and emphasis of the concept, many enterprises and institutions have set up full-time personnel and special service management departments. How to systematically and effectively management service What about? At this stage, we can Satisfaction survey As the core, take it as an effective service management tool to establish a systematic service management system.
Through satisfaction survey, managers can establish VOC system, service improvement system and service performance evaluation system to easily and effectively listen to customers' voices, understand service status, find service weaknesses, evaluate service performance and promote service improvement. As follows:

Significance of investigation

customer satisfaction
Satisfaction survey technology is constantly changing and developing to adapt to the change and development of the needs of enterprises and institutions; At the same time, other research technologies and management philosophy , guiding the development of service management of enterprises and institutions with higher value. As of 2009, Satisfaction survey Technology has developed to the 10th generation of products. For researchers, each generation of products is just a new starting point, all for better service

Collect and analyze

Article of IS09004:2000 gives specific tips on how to collect customer satisfaction information in terms of methods, contents and channels.
There are various ways to collect customer satisfaction information, including oral and written. The enterprise shall determine the best method of information collection according to the purpose of information collection, the nature of information and the funds. There are seven channels to collect customer satisfaction information:
3. Questionnaire and survey
4. Groups closely followed
5. Consumer organization Report for
6. Reports from various media
7. Industry research Results for
As required by the standard, the enterprise shall plan the collection of customer satisfaction information, determine the responsible department, and stipulate the collection method, frequency, analysis, countermeasures, tracking and verification.