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Han Yue

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Special Commissioner of the CPC Direct South Special Committee, Commander of Pinghan Detachment of the Eighth Route Army
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synonym Han Yinting (Han Yinting) Generally refers to Han Yue (special commissioner of the CPC South Special Committee, commander of the Pinghan Detachment of the Eighth Route Army)
Han Yue (1912-1979), also known as Han Yinting, was born in Yongnian Tianzhai. In 1930, he joined the Communist Youth League when he was studying in the 13th Middle School of Yongnian, actively participated in the provincial movement, and joined the Communist Party of China in the same year. From 1931 to 1933, he successively served as a member of the CPC Feixiang Central County Committee, a member of the Party branch of the Thirteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, a secretary of the Yongnian County Party Committee, a special commissioner of Zhinan Special Commission and other posts, worked hard to open up the Party's work, led the "poor peasant league", and organized the workers' movement. In 1938, he served as the leader of Yongnian County Anti Japanese Basic Team, and soon joined the Eighth Route Army as the battalion commander and instructor. In 1939, he broke away from the army and the Party due to injury. Later, he organized the Baojia Self Defense Corps in his hometown to secretly cooperate with the anti Japanese struggle. 1942 Director of the Political Department of the Southern Military Region in the cover wing Liu Zhijian Heal the wound in the department. He rejoined the Party in 1943. He led the uprising in 1945, and later served successively as the commander of Pinghan Detachment in the third district of southern Hebei, the head of the independent third regiment, the head of the tenth column and the head of the fifth and third regiments of the 174th Division, and participated in a series of battles and battles. After the founding of New China, he has successively served as the head of the fourth regiment of the second division of forestry engineering, the director of the South China Agricultural Reclamation Bureau, the deputy director of the Department of Agricultural Reclamation of Guangdong Province, the deputy director of the Provincial Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee, and the deputy director of the Provincial Agricultural Reclamation Bureau, making positive contributions to the construction and development of agricultural reclamation. He died in Guangzhou on March 12, 1979. [1]
Chinese name
Han Yue
Han Yinting
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
date of birth
Date of death
Key achievements
Organize the labor movement, carry out guerrilla warfare on the plain, liberate Yongnian City, etc
one's native heath
Tianzhai, Yongnian District

Character's Life

Han Yinting was born in a peasant family in Tianzhai, Yongnian County in 1912, and was admitted to the 13th Provincial High School in 1929. At that time, the Thirteenth Middle School was in the midst of a student unrest, protesting against the suppression and expulsion of progressive students by the school authorities. The vigorous academic movement and the good revolutionary atmosphere made Han Yinting feel like a spring breeze and greatly improved his ideological awareness. In the winter of 1930, four students, including Han Yinting, who performed well in the school movement, were approved to join the Communist Youth League. A month later, they became members of the Communist Party of China. According to the instructions of the Party, the four students quickly recruited 20 Party members and more than 20 League members, and established League groups in each class to unite progressive youth and fight against backward forces in different ways.
In 1931, when the "September 18" incident occurred, the Japanese invaders trampled on our three eastern provinces, and the whole country demanded Chiang Kai shek to stop the civil war and fight against Japan unanimously. In response to the anti Japanese call of our party, Han Yinting, who was then a member of the Party branch of the 13th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, formed four groups of students according to the opinions of the branch, and went to Yongnian, Quzhou, Jize and Feixiang to publicize our party's anti Japanese ideas. Unexpectedly, this patriotic action was strongly opposed and obstructed by the school. The Party branch and the "School Tide Committee" immediately called on all teachers and students to strike classes, and organized teachers and students to petition the Kuomintang party headquarters at the county level, asking the county party headquarters to support the patriotic actions of teachers and students. After repeated theory and struggle, the county party headquarters allowed students to go out to publicize for a day. The patriotic students seized this precious day and, according to the arrangement of the Communist Party branch of the school, they set out from the school, wore anti Japanese banners, shouted anti Japanese slogans, and went everywhere to make speeches, distribute leaflets, post slogans, and publicize the anti Japanese. The Party organization of the Thirteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has not only been consolidated and developed in the school, but also the Party members have spread the revolutionary fire to the vast rural areas in Yongnian and the whole land of southern Hebei, and the revolutionary fire is burning more and more.
After Han Yinting asked for the approval of the superior party organization, in May 1931, the first CPC branch in rural Yongnian was established in Tianzhai, and Han Di was the first party branch secretary of Tianzhai. The revolutionary fire in rural areas in Yongnian started from Tianzhai. Han Yinting was cared for and put in high position by the superior party organizations. In June 1931, Wang Ziqing, the secretary of Zhinan Special Committee, instructed the establishment of Yongnian County Committee of the Communist Party of China, and appointed Han Yinting as the secretary of the county party committee. Han Yinting, who was studying in the 13th Middle School, bravely shouldered the burden of the first county party secretary of Yongnian County. After the establishment of Yongnian County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, Party branches have been established in Yangzhuang, Zhengxi, Lizhai, Yanmenzhai, Gongzhuang and other villages, and mass organizations such as the "poor farmers' league" and the "poor people's league" have also been organized among farmers. In June 1932, Han Yinting transferred the South Special Committee to work, and the CPC Yongnian County Committee stopped working. Yongnian County Committee of the Communist Party of China, headed by Han Yinting, is the earliest county level leading organization in Yongnian County.
After the July 7th Incident, the CPC Yongnian County Party Committee and the county government were established successively, and the Yongnian County Anti Japanese Armed Forces Guerrilla Brigade was established. Han Yinting served as the leader of the Guerrilla Brigade, with twenty or thirty members. Han Yinting, who is shouldering the heavy responsibility, actively expanded his troops in the countryside. In only half a month, the team expanded to more than 100 people, from one brigade to three. The anti Japanese force in the whole county grew, and the anti Japanese atmosphere was unprecedented.
After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, on June 10, 1946, Han Yinting led his subordinates to retake the important position of defending Yongnian City - Dongguan from the enemy, and made great contributions to the liberation of Yongnian City. In early November 1946, the Independent Third Regiment was ordered to fight in the area south of Zhanghe River. On August 7, 1947, the Kaifeng Army (Han Yinting's Independent Third Regiment) was ordered by Liu Bocheng, commander of the Shanxi Hebei Shandong Henan Military Region, and Deng Xiaoping, political commissar, to go south with the tenth column army. Han Yinting successively served as the head of the 90th Regiment of the 30th Brigade and the 522nd Regiment of the 174th Division. He went to the Central Plains, marched into the Dabie Mountains, moved north and south, and made many achievements. Later, they carried out tasks such as exterminating bandits and eliminating various local reactionary armed forces.
After the founding of New China, Han Yinting took an active part in local construction, took over military forestry and led the construction of rubber production bases. He has successively held the posts of Director General of South China Bureau of Land Reclamation and Deputy Director General of Guangdong Provincial Department of Land Reclamation. No matter what he did, he did his best to contribute all his energy to the prosperity and strength of New China. On March 12, 1979, Comrade Han Yinting died of illness in Guangzhou. [2]

Main deeds


Organize anti Japanese armed forces

After the July 7 Incident, the national war of resistance against Japan broke out. The Japanese invaders rampaged and rampaged. Yongnian County is in a state of anarchy, with bandits swarming and people suffering. After the bandit Zhen Daqi and other "Eighteen Commanders made troubles in Yongnian", Riguan sent people to Yongnian City to occupy Yongnian City in the name of putting down the rebellion and began to act recklessly. On May 2, 1938, our 129th Division went to southern Hebei and joined the East Column in Nangong. In late May, it was decided to liberate Yongnian City. Under the leadership of Wang Zhenxiang, the regiment leader, and Deng Yongyue, the political commissar of the 129th Division, the cavalry regiment joined forces with local armed forces to encircle Yongnian City. However, in order to protect the old city, reduce the loss of people's lives and property, and also to reduce the casualties of our army personnel when attacking the city, we decided to send people to contact the underground party in the city, let them step up the ideological transformation work of the puppet army guarding the city, and strive for the peaceful liberation of Yongnian City. After careful study, the working committee of the county decided to send Han Yinting, who is "the brother" with Xiao Xiaocheng, to take the post. After entering the city, Han Yinting, who had a clear mind of what he was doing, quickly became involved with Xiao Xiaocheng and his main military leaders, Zhang Xiansan and Zhang Fugeng. At the same time, the County Working Committee also sent a propaganda member, Cao Yueru, to organize a group of people to secretly print leaflets, distribute and post them on the streets of Yongniancheng at night, to publicize the good situation of the Anti Japanese War and the brilliant achievements of the Eighth Route Army Cavalry Regiment. In the orderly progress of the above two aspects, Cao Yueru also got in touch with Wen and Wang Qingjie through internal relations and two squadron leaders of Xiao Xiaocheng's army. They said that when the Eighth Route Army entered the city, they would open the city gate and never break their promise. On May 29, Wang Qingjie and Che Tongwen, two squadron leaders, took advantage of Xiao Xiaocheng's opportunity to go to the east of the city to hold the edge, and were not in the city, immediately informed us of this situation. Han Yinting cooperated with the 129th Division cavalry regiment to quickly march under the city. When the signal of attacking the city was officially sent, Che Tongwen and Wang Qingjie automatically opened the city gate and led more than 400 puppet troops to lay down their weapons. Our army peacefully liberated Yongnian City without firing a single shot. Later, Xiao Xiaocheng was captured alive and more than 400 rifles were seized.
In 1939, the Japanese aggressors, with more than 30000 troops, attacked our anti Japanese base area in southern Hebei in 11 routes. The Southern Hebei Administrative Office issued an emergency order for war mobilization. In order to adhere to the guerrilla war in southern Hebei and smash the enemy's attack, it required the governments in southern Hebei to mobilize for war and organize the masses to actively participate in the war. The Yongnian Anti Japanese Armed Forces led by Han Yinting were reorganized into regular troops of the Eighth Route Army. Han Yinting accidentally fell his horse into the river and hurt his leg when he was riding a horse in a hurry. He had to go home to recuperate, and then left the army and the party. Since Han Yinting had posed a great threat to the Japanese invaders before, the Japanese invaders kept coming to Han's hometown Tianzhai to arrest him after Han Yinting returned home, but he was very vigilant and had no fixed residence, so the Japanese invaders often jumped into the air. This made the Japanese aggressors very angry. Han Yinting organized the Grey Self Defense Corps in his hometown Tianzhai and Nanyan Village, covering 53 villages around, with a force of about 3000 people. On the one hand, he protected the village, and on the other hand, he dealt with numerous bandits and Japanese invaders and puppet troops. Moreover, they stipulated that neither oppress the people nor abuse women. At that time, they were highly praised by the people. When some local villagers mentioned the past, they said with emotion that Han Yinting was the one who was responsible for our people at that time. [2]

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On August 21, 1945, Han Yinting (an underground member of the Communist Party of China), the leader of the third brigade of the Yongnian puppet army, led more than 400 troops anyway. After Japan surrendered, the three prefectural committees and the three subdivisions of the Communist Party of China believed that Comrade Han Yinting had completed the tasks assigned by the Party and should lead the Ministry to join the Eighth Route Army anyway. After receiving the Party's decision, Han led more than 400 officers and soldiers on August 21, 1945 (July 14 of the lunar calendar). The troops arrived at Dongdayu for a rest. On August 24, commander Zhao Haifeng led two companies of the second battalion of Fuxi Detachment (the 31st Regiment) to escort the Korean Ministry to Yongbei via the Yong------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. After the Korean Ministry arrived in Yongbei, it was reorganized into the Eighth Route Army "Pinghan Detachment of the Third Military Division of the Jinan Military Region", and later changed its designation to the Third Independent Regiment of the Third Military Division, with Comrade Han Yinting as the head of the regiment. This regiment participated in the battle to understand Linnuo Pass and besiege Yongnian. In September 1947, he went south to the Central Plains to participate in the counter offensive. [3]