Integrated development environment

Applications for providing a program development environment
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integrate development environment (IDE, Integrated Development Environment) is used to provide the program development environment application program , generally including code Editor compiler debugger and graphical user interface And other tools. The development software service suite integrates the code writing function, analysis function, compilation function, debugging function, etc. All software or software suites (groups) with this feature can be called integrated development environments. as Microsoft Of Visual Studio Series, Borland Of C++ Builder Delphi series, etc. The program can run independently or be used together with other programs. IDEs are mostly used for development HTML Application software. For example, many people use IDEs (such as HomeSite , DreamWeaver, etc.), because many tasks will be generated automatically.
Chinese name
Integrated development environment
Foreign name
IDE,Integrated Development Environment
Use platform
host or Terminal
Common tools
VS Eclipse PyCharm etc.

development history

From on the host or Terminal Development program IDE has gradually become a necessary tool. Early programming languages are sending compiler Before processing flow chart , writing forms and clocking in, so the IDE was not needed at that time. Basic It is the first programming language with IDE, and it is also the first to develop programs directly in front of the host or terminal. Its IDE (part of Dartmouth Time Sharing System) adopts command line Unlike modern IDEs, which use menus and graphics. But he well integrated the editors archives , management, compilation, debugging, execution and other functions, in line with the characteristics of modern IDE.
Nowadays, the word IDE is associated with some command line tools (such as vi emacs make )It is a comparison, although you can Unix As an IDE, most program developers will regard the IDE as a program that can complete various development work. This IDE program provides many functions, such as making, modifying, compiling, publishing, and debugging. The idea of IDE is to combine various command line development tools and provide an abstract tool to reduce the time of learning programming language and increase the productivity of developers. At the same time, it also integrates various development work more closely to improve productivity. For example, when writing a program, you can compile it directly and respond immediately to any syntax error. Although most modern IDEs are graphical, IDEs are used in the windowing system, such as Microsoft Windows or X Window System) has been used since its appearance. At that time, IDE was in plain text mode Shortcut key To do various jobs, such as Turbo Pascal This is an example.
With Eclipse and NetBeans This kind Open Source The emergence and popularity of IDEs, combined with the spirit of open source code - openness and expandability, have inspired people to establish communities to extend these IDEs, so that these IDEs can also support other programming languages and other applications.


Visual programming is also becoming more and more important Visual Basic or Visual C++ In contrast, the IDE supporting visual program design allows developers to move directly Program unit To establish flow charts and Structure diagram , and then compile or interpret it directly. This type of flow chart is usually based on UML.
This interface is because Lego Mindstorms has become popular, and some companies have begun to use Mozilla and distributed programming( LabVIEW )Make efforts in this regard. Since the 1980s, Max, the first visual programming system Analog Synth At the same time, it is used to develop real-time music performance software.
visualization Programming language There is another half free and Open Source Mindscript, a substitute for Microsoft, has an encryption system and connected databases.

development tool

Microsoft's Visual Basic is a typical early visualization development environment Later, including Delphi of Borland Company.
Visual development environment is characterized by "control assembly". Many controls are assembled like drawings. The development environment solves many routine and standardized codes. Compared with the non visual development environment, it is more intuitive, fast and efficient.
Take Delphi as an example: Delphi contains program code files (. PAS) and control layout files (. dfm). When you drag and drop a button (BUTTON) on the canvas (FORM), The Delphi development environment will automatically create a DFM file to mark the BUTTON location, and will automatically write the most basic complete code for you in the PAS file. You only need to modify or add where you need to modify to complete many functions.

Application advantages

Each stage of early program design needs to be handled with different software, such as Word processing Software Editing source program , and then use the linker to connect functions and modules, and then Compiler To compile, developers must switch back and forth between several kinds of software. Programming development software will edit, compile, debug, etc Function integration In a Desktop environment This greatly facilitates users.
For example, BASIC Language can be used in Microsoft Office software, and WordBasic programs can be written in Microsoft Word documents. IDE for users Visual Basic , Java, PowerBuilder, etc programing language Provides convenience. different Technical system There are different IDEs. For example, Visual Studio .NET Can be called C++ VB Visual Studio NET can be called IDE. Similarly, Borland Of JBuilder It is also an IDE. It is a Java IDE. Eclipse is also an IDE that can be used to develop Java and C++languages.
IDE is also often used for development HTML Application. For example, many people use IDEs (such as HomeSite DreamWeaver、FrontPage, And so on), because many tasks will be generated automatically. IDE integration code editing code generation Interface design , debugging, compiling and other functions, as well as the modeling function.

merits and demerits



  • Save time and energy. The purpose of IDE is to make development faster and more convenient. It helps developers organize resources, reduce mistakes and provide shortcuts by providing tools and various performances.
  • Establish unified standards. When a group of programmers use the same development environment, a unified working standard is established. This effect is more obvious when the IDE provides preset templates or when different teams share code bases.
  • Manage development work. First, the IDE provides a documentation tool that can automatically input developer comments or force developers to write comments in different areas. Secondly, the IDE can display resources, making it easier to find the location of applications without having to search hard in the file system.


  • Learning curve problem. IDE is basically a complex tool. In order to use it skillfully, it needs some time and patience.
  • The difficulties of beginners. For beginners, using IDE to learn and develop is quite difficult, and is not suitable for learning a new language.
  • Unable to fix bad code or design. Developers can't rely entirely on the convenience of tools, but must maintain professional standards and proficiency. The quality of development results depends mainly on the technology of developers.

Common IDEs

Visual Studio
Microsoft Visual Studio (VS for short) is Microsoft Corporate development tool package Series of products VS is a basically complete set of development tools, which includes the entire Software life cycle Most of the tools required in, such as UML Tools, code control tools, integrated development environment (IDE), etc. Written Object code It is applicable to all platforms supported by Microsoft. If you are doing Windows application development, you must use Microsoft's own development tools. Visual Studio products include C++, C #, and VB NET language. Also available for Windows x86 Windows RT And Windows mobile phones. The latest version is optimized to be touchable for developers who use Microsoft Surface tablets for programming. Developers need to pay for it.
Eclipse is famous Cross platform Open source integrated development environment (IDE). Primarily used Java Language development, and some people use plug-ins to make it work as C++ Python PHP And other language development tools. Eclipse itself is just a framework platform, but the support of many plug-ins makes Eclipse more flexible, so many software developers use Eclipse as a framework to develop their own IDEs.
PyCharm Is created by JetBrains A Python IDE。
PyCharm has general Python IDE Functions, such as debugging Syntax highlighting project management , code jump, intelligent prompt AutoComplete unit testing version control Etc.
Integrated development environment interface
In addition, PyCharm also provides some good functions for Django development, and supports Google App Engine , while also supporting IronPython [1]