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Chen Benli

Book collectors and litterateurs in the Qing Dynasty
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Chen Benli is a calligrapher and litterateur in Qing Dynasty. Jiahui, No. Su Village. From Yangzhou, Jiangsu. The father of Chen Fengheng. Supervisor.
Chinese name
Chen Benli
date of birth
Date of death
He likes collecting ancient books. After he became an official, he built a "bottle house" as a library, storing hundreds of thousands of books. There are many good and secret books, which can be compared with Fan's "Tianyi Pavilion", Mao's "Jigu Pavilion", Ma's "Linglong Mountain Pavilion", and Ruan's "Wenxuan Building". The collected books are printed with "Hu Room", "Hu Room Collection", etc. He is good at poetry and prose, and has studied Chu Ci and Qu Yuan deeply. He has written Xie Lv Gou Xuan, Tai Xuan Yan Mi, Han Shi Tong Jian, Chu Ci Essence Remains True, Li Sao Essence Original Manuscript Remains True, Han Yuefu Three Songs Annotation, Qu Ci Essence · Nine Songs, Hu Shi Poetry Copy, etc. [1]