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Chen Shiju

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Founding General of the Chinese People's Liberation Army
Chen Shiju (April 14, 1909 July 22, 1995), People's Republic of China Founding General , Hubei Province Jingmen City people [1-2] stay revolution Successive positions in his career the Red Army Platoon leader, deputy commander of the column, staff officer of the column headquarters, director of the column staff office, chief of the division staff, section chief, battalion commander, chief of the military staff, acting military commander, headmaster of the camp school Eighth Route Army Brigade Chief of Staff, Detachment Commander, Military Region Commander Field army Chief of Staff, Corps Commander East China Military and Political University Vice President, etc. Attended successively Central Soviet Area All previous counter campaigns against "encirclement and suppression" Red Front Army long march Zhiluo Town Campaign Battle of Ping Xingguan Guangyang Battle Shandong Counter-Japanese Base Area All previous battles, battles to conquer Ganyu County Subei Campaign Lunan Campaign Menglianggu Campaign , moved to the southwest of Shandong March into the Central Plains Eastern Henan Campaign Huaihai Campaign River Crossing Campaign Wait for battle. [3-4]
Since the founding of the People's Republic of China PLA Military Academy Education director Engineering corps The commander is also the head of the military construction department and the commander of the special project headquarters. Participate in leading national defense projects and Missile Atomic bomb The construction of the test base has successfully completed the two bomb base project, laying a solid foundation for the development of China's missile and atomic bomb cause. Awarded in 1955 Admiral military rank. On July 22, 1995 Beijing He died at the age of 86. [3-4]
Chinese name
Chen Shiju
Chen Youheng [5]
Ethnic groups
date of birth
April 14, 1909
Date of death
July 22, 1995
University one is graduated from
Hubei Youth League School of the Communist Youth League of China
Key achievements
Participated in all the counter campaigns against "encirclement and suppression" in the Central Soviet Area
Participated in the Long March of the Red Army
Participated in the battle of Zhiluo Town
Participated in the Battle of Pingxingguan
Participated in the battle of Guangyang open
one's native heath
Tuanlinpu Town Chenjiaxinji, Duodao District, Jingmen City, Hubei Province [6]
Representative works
Three Years of Earthshaking: Memoirs of the War of Liberation
Military rank
General (1955)

Character's Life


Early experience

Chen Shiju was born in Hubei on April 14, 1909 Wuchang Huangtulpi. [3-4] Chen Shiju's family was poor and he dropped out of school. [7]
In the spring of 1925, Chen Shiju was introduced to Shayang County, Hubei Province Shayang Town "Wan Yisheng" worked as an apprentice in the grocery store, sleeping on the board in the warehouse every night, and got up before dawn to clean the counter, sweep the floor, and lower the door and window panels. After the business starts, we scrub the hookah and kerosene lampshade, boil water to make tea for guests, unload and pour goods, and get dizzy all day long, eating leftovers. [7]
At the beginning of 1927, Chen Shiju participated in organizing farmers' associations in his hometown, and went to Wuchang the same year to join Communist Youth League of China After studying in the military training class for students held by the CPC Hubei Provincial Committee, it was incorporated into Wuchang the National Revolutionary Army The Guard Corps of the General Headquarters of the Second Front Army. [3-4]

Agrarian Revolution Period

In September 1927, Chen Shiju joined the Hunan Jiangxi border Autumn Harvest Uprising , arrive with troops Jinggang Mountains October, transfer in Communist Party of China [3-4]
From 1929, Chen Shiju was appointed Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army The platoon leader of the 4th Army, the deputy commander of the 3rd Column, the staff officer of the Column Headquarters, the chief of the staff office of the 1st Column of the 12th Army of the 1st Red Army, the chief of the staff of the 34th Division, the chief of the combat section, reconnaissance section and education section of the Corps Headquarters, and the battalion commander of the Corps' training battalion have participated in all the counter campaigns in the Central Soviet Area. Once in The fifth counter campaign against "encirclement and suppression" Medium, participate in command Wenfang Battle We wiped out more than 4000 Kuomintang troops and won an important victory in the fifth anti encirclement and suppression campaign of the Red Army. [3-4]
In October 1934, Chen Shiju followed Red Front Army participate in long march Zunyi Meeting Later, he commanded the training battalion and the engineering team of the Military Commission Maotai Town Set up two floating bridges for the Red Army“ Crossing Chishui for four times ”It provides engineering support. After arriving in northern Shaanxi, he served as the Chief of Staff of the 4th Red Division, the Chief of Staff and Acting Chief of the 30th Red Army, and the Principal of the school accompanying the 1st Red Army Zhiluo Town Campaign [3-4]

the period of Counter-Japanese War

After the outbreak of the Anti Japanese War, Chen Shiju assumed the post of Eighth Route Army Section 115 division Section 343 Brigade Chief of Staff Battle of Ping Xingguan As the main force, the Eighth Route Army won the first victory in the War of Resistance. stay Guangyang Battle In the middle, he led the army to set up an ambush skillfully, annihilated more than 1000 Japanese troops, and captured Japanese prisoners of war for the first time. Later, he participated in opening up the anti Japanese base in western Shanxi. [3-4]
In 1939, Chen Shiju was appointed commander of Jinxi Detachment. [3-4]
In 1940, Chen Shiju led the Ministry to enter Shandong Later, he served as the Chief of Staff of the 115th Division and participated in the consolidation and expansion of command Shandong Counter-Japanese Base Area Of the war. [3-4]
In 1942, Chen Shiju was appointed Binhai Military Region commander. [3-4]
In 1943, Chen Shiju commanded the battle to capture Ganyu County, annihilated more than 2000 puppet troops at the cost of three people, and disrupted the Japanese puppet army's plan of "mopping up" and "nibbling" the coastal base areas. [3-4]

During the War of Liberation

After the victory of the Anti Japanese War, Chen Shiju assumed the post of The New Fourth Army Concurrent Shandong Military Region Chief of Staff East China Field Army Chief of Staff. Participated in organizing and commanding Subei Campaign After the victory of the Subei Campaign, he suggested to the Central Military Commission that "the main force of the Shandong field army should be concentrated to support Jinan, smash the Kuomintang army attack according to the original plan, and then cooperate with Huaye to wipe out the Kuomintang army in northern Jiangsu, and then attack Huaibei", ensuring the victory of the Lunan Campaign. This battle wiped out two entire divisions and one fast column of the Kuomintang Army, realizing the intention of the Military Commission to "fight a bigger war of annihilation than the Subei Campaign". Then on Menglianggu Campaign Medium, assist Chen Yi Su Yu The diversion from the south to the north led to the annihilation of the 74th Division of the Kuomintang ace army, which led to Chiang Kai shek The idea of "solving the war in East China within three months" was shattered, and the plan to focus on attacking Shandong was aborted. After and Tang Liang rate East China Field Army The Western Front Corps moved to southwest Shandong, March into the Central Plains , Collaboration Shanxi Hebei Shandong Henan Field Army Main force march Dabie Mountain , mobilized and dispersed the Kuomintang army, and ensured that Liu Deng's army Complete the strategy deployment. [3-4]
In March 1948, Chen Shiju participated in commanding Chen (Shiju), Tang (Liang) and Chen( Chen Geng )Xie (Fuzhi) and the two corps conquered at one fell swoop Luoyang , cleaned Longhai Line A big obstacle on. Eastern Henan Campaign China promoted the correct policy of "attack Kaifeng first, then wipe out and help the enemy", and won a major victory in wiping out more than 90000 Kuomintang troops. Huaihai Campaign As soon as it started Chen Yi In the name of commander, instigate the deputy commander of the Third Appeasement District of the Kuomintang Zhang Kexia He Jifeng The 59 and 77 armies led more than 20000 people to revolt Huang Botao The retreat of the Corps created conditions. On November 9, led the 6th, 9th and 11th columns across Longhai Road, marched at a speed of 140 miles a day, and cooperated on the South Road Su Yu Zhang Zhen Command the 4th, 8th and 13th columns of North Road, encircle and annihilate Huang Botao The Corps won the first stage of the campaign at Nianzhuangping. In the second stage of the campaign, he was assigned to command the 3rd and 13th columns of the East China Field Army and Central Plains Field Army Surrounded by South Group Huang Wei The Corps was completely annihilated on December 15. Phase III encirclement and annihilation Whampoa graduate who was one of Chiang Kaishek's favorite commanders When he was in the group, Su Yu fell ill due to fatigue. He took the command instead and won the final victory of defeating more than 250000 enemies. [3-4]
In 1949, Chen Shiju was appointed The Third Field Army The commander of the 8th Corps led his department to participate River Crossing Campaign After the main force crossed the Yangtze River, it fought fiercely in Sanpu (Pukou, Puzhen, Jiangpu), cut off the Shanghai Nanjing railway (Shanghai Nanjing), and was the first to occupy the Kuomintang President Office July East China Military and Political University vice-principal. [3-4]

After the founding of the People's Republic of China

After the founding of New China, Chen Shiju was appointed PLA Military Academy Director of Training Department and Director of Education. [3-4]
In 1952, Chen Shiju was appointed to the Chinese People's Liberation Army Engineering corps Commander and People's Revolutionary Military Commission Minister of Military Construction. [3-4]
In 1958, Chen Shiju concurrently served as the commander and political commissar of the special engineering headquarters of the engineering corps, taking part in leading national defense projects and Missile Atomic bomb The construction of the test base was successfully completed atomic and hydrogen bombs The base project task has laid a solid foundation for the development of China's missile and atomic bomb cause. [3-4]
In 1969, Chen Shiju became a member of the Central Military Commission of the CPC. [3-4]
From 1975 to 1978, Chen Shiju served as an adviser to the Central Military Commission of the CPC. He was a member of the 9th and 10th CPC Central Committee and the 1st to 3rd National Defense Commission. [3-4]

The character died

On July 22, 1995, Chen Shiju Beijing He died at the age of 86. [3-4]

Key achievements


The Victory at Pingxing Pass

In September 1937 Eighth Route Army Chen Shiju, chief of staff of 343 Brigade of 115 Division, participated in organizing the headquarters Battle of Ping Xingguan After a day of fierce fighting, more than 1000 Japanese troops were annihilated, more than 100 cars were destroyed, and a large number of weapons and military supplies were seized, which was broken at one fell swoop“ Imperial Army The myth of "invincibility" will enhance the anti Japanese morale of the whole nation. [8]

Guangyang ambushes the Japanese army

On November 4, 1937, Chen Shiju led the 343 Brigade of 115 Divisions of the Eighth Route Army Guangyang Ambushed the Japanese army, annihilated more than 1000 Japanese troops, captured more than 700 mules and horses, more than 300 rifles, and a large number of ammunition supplies, and personally captured the first Japanese prisoner of the Eighth Route Army during the Anti Japanese War Kato Shifu [8-10] At the same time, it also rescued more than 100 civilians escorted from the northeast by the Japanese army. [11]

Ganyu Campaign

On November 19, 1943, Chen Shiju commanded Ganyu Campaign At the small cost of sacrificing 3 people and injuring 37 people, we won the victory of annihilating two regiments of the 71st Brigade, the Pseudo Security Corps and the Salt Police Corps, and captured more than 2000 rifles, 8 light machine guns, more than 40 throwing barrels, 30 war horses, 2 cars and other trophies. [7] They defeated the Japanese puppet army's plan to encroach on the coastal areas and the plan to mop up them, and protected Coastal Anti Japanese Base And saved the people in the coastal area. [7]

Create two bomb bases

In April 1958, Chen Shiju, commander and political commissar of the special engineering headquarters, led the special engineering corps Unit 7169 100000 officers and soldiers came to the desolate and desolate northwest Gobi , select in Jiuquan and Lop Nur Malan Missile Launch site and nuclear test Base. [12]
From May 1958 to June 1959 Soviet Union Complete before tearing up the treaty Missile Test Range In the first phase of the project, Chen Shiju led the builders to put aside the hardships, work overtime and fight hard day and night, and complete the first phase of the project ahead of schedule: built more than 100000 square meters of buildings, built the largest airport in Asia at that time, built 546 kilometers of roads, and erected more than 1800 kilometers of communication lines. [12]
On September 10, 1960, Jiuquan Base launched the first missile, and the engineering and equipment withstood the test of live ammunition. Malan base has conducted dozens of nuclear explosion tests. [12]
On October 16, 1964, Chen Shiju was the first one in China Atomic bomb After the successful explosion, he returned to Beijing. Mao Zedong Holding Chen Shiju's hand, he said, "Congratulations, you (the engineering soldiers) have made great contributions. You made a nest (the two bomb bases), and you have made great contributions!" [12]

Character works



Three Years of Earthshaking: Memoirs of the War of Liberation [3-4]


Class Struggle Theory is the Essence of Marxism Leninism [13]


Back to Jinggang Mountain [12]
Recalling the Past [12]

Character honor

In 1955, Chen Shiju was awarded the rank of General of the Chinese People's Liberation Army First Class 81 Medal First Class Medal of Independence and Freedom and Level 1 liberation medal [3-4]
In 1988, Chen Shiju won First class Red Star Meritorious Medal [3-4]

Family members


Parent generation

  • father
Chen Wuting, yes Sun Yat-sen Created the United League of China Member of, former Hubei Western-style army at the end of Qing dynasty Business management belt of the eighth project of the 31st bid of the 16th Association in Wuchang. 1911 Revolution of 1911 , the leading department participated Wuchang Uprising , led the engineering camp to launch the first shot to overthrow the Qing Dynasty. [12]
  • uncle
Chen Yucang Liu De, M.D., an underground member of the Communist Party of China, is responsible for the Party's secret radio station. [12]


  • First wife
Fan Shuqin , a native of Rizhao, Shandong Province, once served as an officer of the East China Field Army Headquarters and a communications instructor, participated in the battle of crossing the river, participated in the construction of the "two bombs" base project with Chen Shiju, and served as the director of the Communications Department of the Jiuquan Municipal Party Committee. [14-15] In 1941, he married Chen Shiju in Shandong Lunan Anti Japanese Base. Divorce in June 1981. Chen Shiju and Fan Shuqin have four sons and two daughters. [7]
  • Second wife
Li Zheng, a cadre of the engineering army's ruling office, engages in literary and artistic work in the army. [15]


The eldest son: Chen Hua [16] , born in 1944, graduated from PLA Military Academy , joined the army in the 1960s and retired.
Second son: Chen Yibin, born in 1946. He joined the army in the 1960s and has been working in the army and retired.
Third son: Chen Renjun, born in 1947. He worked in a state-owned enterprise and moved to Canada in 2006.
Sizi: Chen Renkang [7] [12] [17] He was born in Nanjing in 1952. Studied in Nankai University and Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences [18] He joined the army in 1968 and served in the Second Artillery Force of the People's Liberation Army. Later, he worked in the University of International Business and Economics. [17] [19]
First Daughter: Chen Li, born in Beijing in 1951. He graduated from the Medical Department of the Fourth Military Medical Corps in the 1970s and has been working in military hospitals since graduation. He emigrated to Canada in the 1980s.
Second daughter: Chen Xiaoqin [20-21] He was born in Beijing in 1953. He worked in a state-owned enterprise and moved to Canada in 2006.

Character evaluation

President of the People's Republic of China Mao Zedong : Chen Shiju took a very good stand in upholding justice and destroying relatives. [15]
Xinhua News Agency Chen Shiju has made contributions to the defense and development of the base areas in southwest Shanxi and anti Japanese base areas in Shandong; He has made immortal contributions to the cause of liberation of the Chinese people; For the military education of the Chinese people's army, military strategic research, the revolutionary, modern and regularized construction of engineering forces, the construction of China's national defense projects and missile and atomic bomb projects, [5] He worked hard and made a historic contribution. Chen Shiju had a firm belief in communism and a strong Party spirit. He opposed using power for personal gain and privileges, advocated hard work and selfless dedication; Strictly implement Party discipline and firmly support the line, principles and policies of the Party since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee; Considering the overall situation, being honest and self disciplined, proceeding from the interests of the Party and the people in everything, we have maintained the noble morality and fine style of the Communists. [2]

Commemoration for future generations



Follow Mao Zedong All My Life: Remembering My Father's Founding General Chen Shiju
Mao Zedong and his General Chen Shiju [22]
Chen Shiju, the Founding General: Leading 100000 Special Engineers to "Make a Nest" for the Two Bombs [12]
The Legendary Experience of the Founding General Chen Shiju [23]
To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the death of Chen Shiju, founding general Chen Shiju: the first member of the Standing Committee of the Red Regime on the Hunan Jiangxi border followed Mao Zedong all his life [24]
My Father Chen Shiju [15]


Follow Mao Zedong all his life: Remembering my father's founding general Chen Shiju 》(Chen Renkang, Jin Shan, Chen Yifeng, People's Publishing House, March 2007) [20]


Mao Zedong's joke with Chen Shiju [25]
[Character Story] Chen Shiju [26]
General Chen Shiju [27]
Founding General Chen Shiju (Chinese General 78) [28]
"Hundred Battles Classic" 11/08/2012: Chen Shiju, Father of Engineers [29]

Former Residence

The former residence of Chen Shiju is located in Chenji Village, Tuanlinpu Town, Duodao District, Jingmen City, Hubei Province. [1] [30-31] The building pattern of the former residence is three main buildings and three halls. There is a big tree in front of the door, a garden and a fish pond are built beside the house, and bamboo forests are flourishing behind the house. Because the former residence has been built for a long time, some internal facilities have been damaged. Today, the main house is still the same.

bronze statue

The bronze statue of Chen Shiju is located at Wuhan Huangpi District Long Paradise Cemetery General Park. [32]


On the morning of December 28, 2009, Hubei Province Jingmen City Activities were held to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Chen Shiju's birth. [1] [30] [33]