Longxi County

County under Dingxi City, Gansu Province
zero Useful+1
synonym Longxi (County under the jurisdiction of Gansu Province) generally refers to Longxi County
Longxi County, Gansu Province dingxi be located Gansu Province Southeast dingxi central section, [2] Dongyu Tongwei County Connected to the south Zhangxian County Wushan County Contiguous to the west Weiyuan County Adjacent, north and Shakedown zone Contiguous [8] With a total area of 2407 square kilometers. [2] In 2022, Longxi County will have 523473 registered residents and 424700 permanent residents. [21] As of June 2023, Longxi County has jurisdiction over 12 towns and 5 townships. [9]
Longxi, because Longshan It was named after Ezekies. [2] Eastern Han Dynasty, analysis and establishment Zhang County (Zhangxian County). In the Northern Wei Dynasty, Anyang County (today's Qin'an County And Wushui County (today Tongwei Local). Gold, segregated Dingxi County Tongwei County [8] With rich resources of traditional Chinese medicine, it is an important planting, storage base and trading center of traditional Chinese medicine in China and the largest in northwest China. Known as "Millennium Medicine Town", "World Medicine Warehouse" and "Western Medicine City", "China's hometown of astragalus", and the national supply base of TCM raw materials, it is the Li's Cultural Research Center and the world's Li's ancestral shrine. [2] In February 2020, the People's Government of Gansu Province approved Longxi County to withdraw from poverty-stricken counties. [1]
In 2023, the county will achieve a gross regional product (GDP) of 10.193 billion yuan, an increase of 5.5% over the previous year at constant prices, and an average increase of 6.7% in two years. Among them, the added value of the primary industry was 2.046 billion yuan, an increase of 5.2% over the previous year; The added value of the secondary industry was 1.957 billion yuan, up 6.9% over the previous year; The added value of the tertiary industry was 6.19 billion yuan, up 5.1% over the previous year. The added value of the three industries accounted for 20.1%, 19.2% and 60.7% of the regional GDP respectively. According to the permanent population, the per capita GDP was 24115 yuan, an increase of 5.8% over the previous year at constant prices. [21] [36]
Chinese name
Longxi County
Foreign name
Longxi County
Chinese Medicine Capital
area number
six hundred and twenty-one thousand one hundred and twenty-two
Administrative Region Category
Gansu Province dingxi
geographical position
Gansu Province Southeast dingxi central section
2407 km² (2020)
Area under jurisdiction
12 towns and 5 townships
Government residence
No. 1, Xianmen Street, Gongchang Town
Area Code
Postal Code
seven hundred and forty-eight thousand and one hundred
climatic conditions
Temperate monsoon climate
population size
424700 (Permanent population in 2022)
train station
Longxi Station
License plate code
Gan J
10.193 billion yuan (2023)

Historical evolution


Origin of place names

Longxi, because Longshan It was named after Ezekies. [2]

Construction history

Longxi County
Longxi County, ancient“ Yongzhou ”Land, for Xirong Tribal residence.
In spring and autumn, Weishou has Di , 豲 Gui Hebei Zhirong, among which Rong , that is, the herdsmen live in today's Longxi area. In the 10th year of Duke Wu of Qin Dynasty (688 BC), Qin attacked Gui Jirong , from Chu County. In the first year of Xiangong (384 BC), he destroyed Di and Rong. In the 35th year of King Zhao (272 BC), it was established Longxi County , Beidi, Shangjun, etc.
In the 26th year of the First Emperor of Qin Dynasty (221 BC), there were 36 prefectures in the country, under which there were counties. Longxi County Didao County (Today Lintao )。
In the second year of Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty (205 BC), five prefectures, namely, Heshang, Weinan, Zhongdi, Longxi and Shangjun, were set up, belonging to Yongzhou. Longxi County leads the 11th County, and Xiangwu (today's Longxi County, the former site is 5 miles southeast of today's city) and Shouyang (the former site is 50 miles west of today's Longxi County) are located in today's Longxi County. In the second year of Yuanshuo (127 BC), Yongzhou was changed into Liangzhou. In the third year of Yuanding (114 BC), Tianshui County was added to Longxi County and led by 16 counties. Xiangwu County, Shouyang County, Daodao County and Langan County coexisted in Longxi County. Longxi County and Tianshui County were under the jurisdiction of Longxi County and Tianshui County, both of which were under the jurisdiction of Liangzhou Governor's Department. In the new Mang period, Longxina was changed into the Yurong County, Xiangwu County into Xianghuan County, Tianshui County into Tianrong County, and Langan County into Landun County. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, the original name was restored.
In the 18th year of Jianwu (the 42nd year of Jianwu's reign), the Liangzhou Provincial Governor's Department was still set up, and the prefecture government moved to Longxian County, Longxi County and Tianshui County, which were still under the jurisdiction of the Liangzhou Provincial Governor's Department. In the 17th year of Yongping (74th year) of the Ming Dynasty, Tianshui County was changed to Hanyang County, and the county government was moved from Pingxiang to Jicheng (in today's Gangu County), and Shangbang County of Longxi County was included in Hanyang County. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhangxian County (now Zhangxian County) was set up in Xiangwu County, under the jurisdiction of Longxi County. An Diyong of the Eastern Han Dynasty
Sui Dynasty , change to Longxi County.
In the second year of Wude in the Tang Dynasty (619), Longxi County was abolished, and Weizhou In the seventh year of Wude (624), Weizhou was subordinate to Qinzhou Governor's Mansion In the first year of Zhenguan (627), it belonged to Longyou Road; In the second year of Shangyuan (675), Shouyang County was set up in Xiangwu County; In the second year of Kaiyuan (714), Longyou Jiedu was established; In the first year of Baoying (762), Longxi County fell into Tubo In the fifth year of Dazhong era (851), after the Tang Dynasty recovered Longyou, the establishment of Longxi County and its subordinate counties in Weizhou was restored.
In the fourth year of Huangyou in the Northern Song Dynasty (1052), the ancient Weizhai was set up in Gongchang Town today, and in the fifth year of Yuanbu (1090), the ancient Weizhai was upgraded to Longxi County.
In the Yuan Dynasty, the General Commander's Office of Gongchangdu was set up, governing 5 prefectures and 21 prefectures.
In the second year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1369) Gong Changfu In the eighth year of Hongwu (1375), Gong Changwei was set up in Longxi.
In the third year of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty (1664), Gong Chang was set up by the Right Chief Political Envoy of Shaanxi Province, which governed four prefectures, namely Gong Chang, Lintao, Pingliang and Qingyang; In the sixth year of Kangxi's reign (1667), the Right Chief Executive in Gongchang was changed to Gongchang Chief Executive, and the Procurator was changed to Gongchang Procurator; In the seventh year of Kangxi (1668), Gong Chang's Political Envoy was moved to Lanzhou and changed into Gansu's Political Envoy. At the same time, Gong Chang's Procuratorate was also moved to Lanzhou and changed into Gansu's Procuratorate. Since then, Shaanxi and Gansu have been divided into provinces.
In 1738, Jingyuan County was designated as Lanzhou Prefecture. In the 13th year of the reign of Emperor Qianlong (1748), it was changed from the state guard to the state hall, which belonged to Gongchang Mansion. So far, Gongchang Mansion has ten prefectures, counties and departments, including Longxi, Anding, Ningyuan, Huining, Tongwei, Fuqiang, Xihe, Zhangxian (later changed to the township directly under Gongchang Mansion), Minzhou, and Liuzhou Hall. In the ninth year of Daoguang's reign (1829), Zhangxian County directly under Gongchang Prefecture was abolished and incorporated into Longxi County. During the reign of Emperor Guangxu, the whole province was divided into seven roads. Gongchang Mansion and its subordinate counties were all subordinate to Lanzhou Road (which governed Lanzhou).
In the second year of the Republic of China (1913), Lanzhou Road was changed to Lanshan Road (Gaolan was governed by the Road), with 15 counties under the jurisdiction of Longxi County. Zhangxian County, which was originally divided by the officials of Longxi County, was divided to restore its county system. In the 16th year of the Republic of China (1927), the Gansu Provincial Government was established, and Longxi County was directly under the provincial government. In the 25th year of the Republic of China (1936), Longxi County belonged to the first district.
On August 13, 1949, Longxi County People's Government was established under the jurisdiction of Min County Special District.
In May 1950, the Min County Special Area was revoked and Longxi County was included in Tianshui Special Area.
At the beginning of 1956, Longxi County was changed to Dingxi District.
In December 1958, Weiyuan County was merged into Longxi County.
In December 1961, Weiyuan County system was still restored. [8]

administrative division


Division evolution

At the beginning of the Eastern Han Dynasty (76~83 years), Emperor Zhang was established in Xiangwu County Zhang County (Zhangxian County).
In the 10th year of Taihe reign of Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty (486), Anyang County (now Qin'an County And Wushui County (today Tongwei Local).
In the second year of Emperor Xi Zong's reign (1142), Dingxi City, Tongwei and Tongxi Erzhai were changed into Dingxi County Tongwei County Tongxi County. [8]
In April 1985, Chengguan Town was changed into Gongchang Town and Chengguan Township into Nan'an Township. After adjustment and reform, the county is divided into two towns, Gongchang and Wenfeng, and 24 townships, namely Nan'an, Wenfeng, Weihe, Santai, Shouyang, Yuntian, Tonganyi, Weiyang, Quanjiawan, Hongwei, Mahe, Fuxing, Zhonghe, Gaoleng, Dexing, Kezhai, Shuangquan, Biyan, Xueshan, Caizi, Changgu, Baofeng, Heping, Yongji. [8]
In 2017, Shuangquan Township and Quanjiawan Township were abolished and Shuangquan Town and Quanjiawan Town were established. [17]

Zoning status

Map of Longxi County
As of June 2023, Longxi County has jurisdiction over 12 towns and 5 townships: Gongchang Town Wenfeng Town Shouyang Town Caizi Town Fuxing Town Yuntian Town Tonganyi Town Mahe Town Biyan Town Kezhai Town DoubleSprings Quanjiawan Town Hongwei Township Dexing Township Weiyang Township Heping Township Yongji Township [9] 215 villages, 18 urban communities, 2 rural communities, 1287 villagers' groups, [2]

geographical environment


Location context

Longxi County, located in Gansu Province Southeast dingxi central section, [2] Dongyu Tongwei County Connected to the south Zhangxian County Wushan County Contiguous to the west Weiyuan County Adjacent, north and Shakedown zone Bordering. It is between 34 ° 50 ′ - 35 ° 23 ′ north latitude and 104 ° 18 ′ - 104 ° 54 ′ east longitude. 52 km from east to west and 60 km from south to north [8] With a total area of 2407 square kilometers. [2]
People's Government of Longxi County


Longxi Mountains
The geological basis of Longxi County, from a macro perspective, belongs to the Qilian fold belt in the Kunlun Qinling fold area. The Qilian fold belt is a series of high mountains with a general northwest southeast trend. Its main body is the Qilian Mountains, and the Longxi Basin is its eastern extension.
According to the analysis of geological development, the strata of Longxi County can be divided into three categories: pre Triassic metamorphic rock series; Mesozoic and Cenozoic red rock series, Quaternary loess accumulation and modern sediment. [8]

topographic features

Longxi County is divided into three types of landform: mountain, loess hilly land and river valley plain, of which the loess hilly land occupies the largest area and belongs to the loess hilly and gully area of Gansu Loess Plateau in the national landform division. The geomorphic pattern of Longxi County can be generally summarized as Weinan Mountain, Weibei Loess Hilly Ridge, and Weihe Plain in the middle. [8]


Longxi County, with an annual average temperature of 8.1 ℃, 2210 hours of sunshine, 415 mm of precipitation, and 160 days of frost free period, has a temperate continental monsoon climate. [2]


Weihe River is the main river in Longxi. Weihe River is the main tributary of the Yellow River, which belongs to the Yellow River water system. Other rivers belong to tributaries and flow into Weihe River in the territory and into Wushan Mountain in the southeast. [8]

natural resources


mineral resources

As of 2012, it has been proved in Longxi County mineral resources It mainly includes marble ore, limestone ore and clay. The marble mine is located on the Weihe River bank about 2km southeast of Dongsishilipu, with a resource area of about 55000 square meters and a mineable area of about 12600 cubic meters; The limestone mine is located in Shimen, 21 kilometers southeast of the county, with a resource reserve of about 3 million tons.

water resource

By 2012, the surface water and inbound water of Longxi County had reached 97.5 million cubic meters, the total amount of hydropower resources was 178 million cubic meters, and the annual mining volume could reach 33 million cubic meters.

Population and nationality

In 2022, the total registered population of Longxi County will be 523473; The permanent population was 424700, a decrease of 3300 over the previous year, including 213300 males and 211400 females, with a population sex ratio of 100.90 (100 females). There were 3900 births, with a birth rate of 9.08 ‰; The death toll was 4400, with a mortality rate of 10.26 ‰; The natural population growth rate is -1.18 ‰. The rural permanent population was 202700, a decrease of 3000 over the previous year; The urban permanent population was 222000, an increase of 2700 over the previous year; The proportion of urban population in the permanent population of the county (urbanization rate) was 52.23%, an increase of 0.63 percentage points over the previous year. [21]




In 2023, the county will achieve a gross regional product (GDP) of 10.193 billion yuan, an increase of 5.5% over the previous year at constant prices, and an average increase of 6.7% in two years. Among them, the added value of the primary industry was 2.046 billion yuan, an increase of 5.2% over the previous year; The added value of the secondary industry was 1.957 billion yuan, up 6.9% over the previous year; The added value of the tertiary industry was 6.19 billion yuan, up 5.1% over the previous year. The added value of the three industries accounted for 20.1%, 19.2% and 60.7% of the regional GDP respectively. According to the permanent population, the per capita GDP was 24115 yuan, an increase of 5.8% over the previous year at constant prices.
The added value of the top ten ecological industries in the county reached 4.507 billion yuan, an increase of 13.4% over the previous year at constant prices, accounting for 44.2% of the gross regional product, which increased by 5 percentage points over the previous year. [21] [36]
Investment in fixed assets
In 2022, the investment in fixed assets of Longxi County will increase by 8.7% over the same period of the previous year, 7 percentage points higher than the previous year. Among them, project investment increased by 4%, accounting for 65.4% of total fixed asset investment. Industrial investment increased by 24.4% year on year.
Investment in real estate development increased by 18.9% over the previous year, accounting for 34.6% of all fixed asset investment; The sales area of commercial housing was 376400 square meters, down 40.2% over the previous year. [21]
People's life
In 2022, the per capita disposable income of urban residents in Longxi County will be 30130.9 yuan, a net increase of 1242.2 yuan or 4.3% over the previous year. The per capita disposable income of rural residents was 11563.5 yuan, a net increase of 726.1 yuan or 6.7% over the previous year. [21]
In 2022, the general public budget revenue of Longxi County with the same caliber will be 640 million yuan, an increase of 8.2% over the previous year. The general public budget expenditure was 4.614 billion yuan, up 17.1%. [21]

primary industry

In 2022, the grain planting area of Longxi County will be 970200 mu, and the output will reach 244300 tons, an increase of 1.7% over the previous year, including 39800 tons of summer grain, an increase of 7.5%, and 204500 tons of autumn grain, an increase of 0.7%. The vegetable planting area is 22500 mu, and the output is 31000 tons, up 6.74%; The planting area of melons and fruits was 4776.8 mu, with an output of 19300 tons, up 761.3%; The planting area of traditional Chinese medicine is 303700 mu, and the output is 98800 tons, up 0.45%.
The number of cattle, sheep, pigs and chickens on hand was 71000, 203900, 173400 and 900300, up 3.7%, 4.1%, - 8% and 10.7% respectively. The number of cattle, sheep, pigs and chickens sold was 15700, 124600, 129600 and 463900, up 4.3%, 8.2%, 2.7% and -0.95% respectively. The output of poultry eggs was 2108.04 tons, up 1.2% year on year; The milk output was 2202.93 tons, up 83.1%.
In 2022, Longxi County will have 236600 mu of effective irrigation area, 58487.6 mu of new terraced fields, and 14050.7 tons of chemical fertilizer (net). The rural electricity consumption is 6704700 kilowatt hours, and the plastic film covering area is 496200 mu. [21]

the secondary industry

In 2022, the industrial added value of Longxi County will be 1.262 billion yuan, an increase of 8.1% over the previous year, accounting for 12.9% of the regional GDP. Among them, the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size was 1.081 billion yuan, up 14.7%, and the production and marketing rate was 86.52%; The industrial added value under the designated size increased by 12.6%. The operating income of industrial enterprises above designated size was 9.701 billion yuan, up 0.4% over the previous year. [21]
construction business
In 2022, there will be 20 general contracting and professional contracting construction enterprises with qualification levels in Longxi County, 4 more than the previous year; The added value of the construction industry was 645 million yuan, up 10.1% at comparable prices. [21]

the service sector; the tertiary industry

Domestic trade
In 2022, the total retail sales of consumer goods in Longxi County will be 3.555 billion yuan, an increase of 9% over the previous year. The sales volume of commodities in the wholesale industry increased by 15.4%, of which the sales volume of commodities above the wholesale limit increased by 27.2%; Retail sales increased by 13.5%, including 31.9% for those above the retail limit; The turnover of accommodation industry increased by 10.7%, of which the turnover of accommodation industry above the limit increased by 35.9%; The turnover of catering industry increased by 14.3%, of which the turnover of catering industry above the limit increased by 37%. [21]
foreign trade
In 2022, the total import and export value of Longxi County will be 61 million yuan, down 9.6% over the previous year. Among them, the total export value was 45 million yuan, down 14.2%; The total import value was 16 million yuan, up 6.7%. [21]
In 2022, there will be 9 travel agencies and 5 star rated hotels in Longxi County, receiving 1.8836 million tourists (times), an increase of 11.1% over the previous year; Comprehensive tourism income totaled 838 million yuan, 119 outbound residents, and foreign exchange income from international tourism was 13300 yuan. [21]
Posts and telecommunications
In 2022, the total postal business volume of Longxi County will increase by 11.4%, and the total telecom business volume will increase by 21.1%. [21]
In 2022, the balance of deposits and loans of financial institutions in Longxi County will be 43.33 billion yuan, up 9.2%. Of which: the balance of various deposits was 22.066 billion yuan, up 11.1%; The balance of various loans was 21.264 billion yuan, up 7.3%, and the deposit loan ratio reached 103.8%. Premium income grew by 3%. [21]


In 2022, Longxi County will have 1978.1 kilometers of highways and 1931.861 kilometers of classified highways, including 129.143 kilometers of expressways, 15.993 kilometers of first-class highways and 122.389 kilometers of second-class highways. The unblocked rate of roads in administrative villages is 100%. There are 1498 highway operating vehicles, including 779 passenger cars, 171 buses, 500 taxis and 719 freight cars. [21]
Longzhang Expressway, Longwei Expressway [20] Lianyungang-Lanzhou Railway Lian Huo Expressway and 310 National Highway run through Longxi County. [2]
As of 2022, there are Lianyungang-Lanzhou Railway It is 75 kilometers long and has 9 special railway lines. [2]


County Party Secretary: Qi Xuefeng
County head: Tian Xuerong
As of December 2023 [13] [18]

social undertakings



Longxi County Middle School
In 2022, Longxi County will have 243 schools at all levels, including 7 high schools, 2 vocational schools, 40 junior high schools, 65 primary schools, 128 kindergartens and 1 special education school. There are 7828 teaching and administrative staff in the county, including 1063 in high school, 1564 in junior high school, 3194 in primary school, 47 in special education and 1627 in preschool education. There are 88574 students in school, including 9627 high school students, 16857 junior high school students, 2075 vocational schools, 41140 primary schools, 18718 kindergartens and 157 special education schools. [21]

Cultural undertakings

In 2022, there will be one cultural museum, library, art gallery and museum in Longxi County, one cultural relics institution organized by the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, two cultural relics institutions, one radio and television broadcasting institution (Longxi County Rong Media Center), one radio and television transmission institution (Gansu Radio and Television Network Co., Ltd. Longxi Branch), three cinemas, eight Qin Opera troupes, including seven private opera troupes, There are 12 publishing and printing enterprises, 17 township cultural stations, and 215 village bookstores. [21]

Science and technology

In 2022, Longxi County will have 1 science and technology management organization with 15 people, 4 county owned science and technology promotion organizations with 50 full-time staff, including 35 technicians and 17 township government agencies; 32 technical experiment demonstration and development projects were applied, 8 of which were completed in the same year, with economic benefits of 20 million yuan; 10 technology promotion projects, with direct economic benefits of 33 million yuan. [21]

public health

In 2022, there will be 239 medical and health institutions in Longxi County, including 31 public institutions and 3395 beds, including 9 county-level hospitals, 19 township hospitals and community health service centers, 1 maternal and child health care and family planning service center, 1 disease control center, 1 comprehensive health enforcement office, and 208 village clinics. There are 3634 health personnel, including 57 management personnel, 3155 health technicians and 428 workers. [21]


By 2022, Longxi County has 1 sports federation, 6 sports associations at all levels, and 487 social sports instructors at all levels. There are 3 stadiums, 15 fitness stations, 1 elderly activity center with complete functions in the urban area, 17 cultural and sports activity stations in towns, 4 sports fitness centers in towns, 5 sports fitness projects for farmers with higher standards in towns, and 133 village level sports fitness projects for farmers. [21]

social security

In 2022, 261313 urban and rural residents in Longxi County will participate in the basic endowment insurance, and the basic endowment insurance fund for urban and rural residents will spend 159.53 million yuan; 449260 people participated in urban basic medical insurance, 48884 employees participated in endowment insurance, including 29614 enterprise basic endowment insurance; 29678 people participated in industrial injury insurance, 105 people enjoyed industrial injury benefits, and 23777 people participated in maternity insurance; 20997 people participated in unemployment insurance, 986 people (times) paid unemployment insurance benefits, and 1.3896 million yuan of unemployment insurance benefits were paid; The number of urban residents with subsistence allowances reached 2726, an increase of 242 over the previous year, or 9.7% over the previous year; The number of rural residents with subsistence allowances reached 31407, an increase of 2407 over the previous year, or 8.6% over the previous year. [21]

Historical culture

Li culture
Li's culture is related to dunhuang culture Tianshui Fuxi culture and Labrang Temple Tibetan Buddhism culture are one of the four major cultures in Gansu, which are an important part of the traditional culture of the Chinese nation. In Longxi County, there are many cultural relics of Li family, such as "Longxi Hall", "Li Family Dragon Palace" and "Li He Tomb".
Longxi Yunyang Plate
Longxi Yunyang board , the traditional dance of Longxi County, Dingxi City, Gansu Province, is one of the national intangible cultural heritage lists.
Yunyang board in Longxi is a folk dance in Longxi. It is named after the magic weapon "Yunyang board" held by Uncle Cao, one of the legendary Eight Immortals. Although it originated from the ritual of praying for rain in religious sacrifice activities, it has evolved into a folk dance art and daily entertainment activities for people to pray for "good weather" and "peace of the country and the people" after thousands of years of inheritance. [27]
On May 24, 2021, the Longxi Yunyang board declared by Longxi County, Dingxi City, Gansu Province was approved by the State Council List of the fifth batch of national intangible cultural heritage representative projects , heritage number: III-142. [26]

famous scenery

Weiyuan Tower
Weiyuan Tower , also known as Drum Tower, is located in the center of Longxi County, Gansu Province. It was built in the first year of Tiansheng in the Northern Song Dynasty (1023). After occupying Weizhai with Weizhou land, when Han Qi was planning the border defense, he built a Qiaolou in Beifang, one mile east of the city. It was called "Weiyuan Tower", which means it is powerful in the distance. It was moved here in the second year of Zhongtong in the Yuan Dynasty (1261), rebuilt in the first year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1368), and repaired in the Qing Dynasty.
Weiyuan Building faces east from west, covering an area of 459 square meters. It is a brick based three storey wooden building, divided into two parts: the base and the building, with a total height of 26 meters. The base is trapezoidal, 11 meters high, 27 meters long and 17 meters wide, with east-west arch in the middle and terrace level in the west leading to the foundation top. There are three floors of wooden buildings, 15 meters high, and Xieshan Peak. It is one of the existing bell and drum towers in Dingxi City with an earlier age, larger scale and complete preservation, and has distinctive regional characteristics and important historical, scientific and artistic values. On May 3, 2013, Weiyuan Tower was approved and announced by the State Council as the seventh batch of national key cultural relics protection units. [28]
Renshoushan Forest Park
Renshoushan Forest Park , located in the southwest of Longxi County, covering an area of 882 mu, with an altitude of 2057 meters. In 1997, it was promoted to Gansu Provincial Forest Park.
Li's Dragon Palace
Li's Dragon Palace
Li's Dragon Palace (Li's Ancestral Temple), built in the early Tang Dynasty, is located in Miaoer Lane, Beiguan, Longxi County, facing south, 600 meters long from east to west, 440 meters wide from south to north, with a building area of 250000 square meters, accounting for one third of the whole county. It is a palace style ancient architectural complex of the Tang Dynasty, a ancestral temple for the Li family to live in harmony and worship their ancestors. It is famous at home and abroad for the "Li Family Dragon Palace" written by Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty. It is an important carrier and one of the landmark buildings for studying the relics of the Li culture in Longxi, and the only ancient architectural complex preserved in Longxi. [30]
Baochang Building
Baochang Building is located at the Dankou of Hepu Mountain on the north bank of Weihe River in Longxi County. Safeguarding prosperity means defending Gong Chang. Founded in the ninth year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty (1883), the building is suspended on both sides and is 90 degrees vertical. The base of the building faces south, and the top of the building is 150 meters away from the flat ground at the foot of the mountain. It is one of the few ancient buildings existing in Longxi. The rare Qing Dynasty pavilions and mountain buildings in Longzhong are also precious physical witness to the study of Qing Dynasty pavilions. [29]

Local specialty

Dingxi potato
Dingxi potato , a specialty of Dingxi City, Gansu Province, and a national geographical indication product of China.
Dingxi potato is a perennial herb, but it is cultivated annually or twice a year. The underground tubers are round, oval, oval, etc., with bud eyes, red, yellow, white or purple skin. The overground stem is prismatic, hairy, and has odd pinnate compound leaves. Cymes terminal, white, red or purple flowers; Berry is spherical, green or purple brown; Seeds reniform, yellow. [22]
On December 29, 2017, the former General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China approved the implementation of geographical indication product protection for "Dingxi potato". [23]
Longxi Codonopsis lanceolata
Longxi Codonopsis lanceolata , a specialty of Longxi County, Dingxi City, Gansu Province, and a national geographical indication product of China.
"Longxi white codonopsis pilosula" is white and straight in color, tight in skin, thick in meat, sweet in taste, and chewed without residue. Its internal quality is far better than that of other producing areas of the country, so it has become a product of its own and is favored in the market. It has the effects of nourishing blood, strengthening spleen, tonifying middle, supplementing qi, lowering blood pressure, promoting fluid production, and fighting cancer; It is mainly used for the treatment of spleen and stomach weakness, shortness of breath, palpitations, lack of food, constipation, cough and asthma, and is known as the "king of medicine".
In 2016, the "Longxi white stripe Codonopsis pilosula" was recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture as "agricultural products protected by geographical indications". On December 20, 2016, the former General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China (AQSIQ) approved the implementation of geographical indication product protection for "Longxi White Striped Codonopsis". In 2023, the "Longxi Baitiao Dangshen" declared by Longxi County Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine was included in the first batch of "National Famous, Special and Excellent New Agricultural Products List" in 2023 by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. [24]
Longxi Astragalus
Longxi Astragalus , a special product of Longxi County, Dingxi City, Gansu Province, and a national geographical indication product of China.
As early as in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Tao Hongjing, a famous pharmacologist, praised the Astragalus membranaceus in Longxi, and wrote in his Commentary on Materia Medica: "Astragalus membranaceus is the first to leave Longxi. It is yellow and white in color and sweet in taste, and it is rare today..."
Longxi astragalus was recognized as "China's Famous Trademark" by the former State Administration for Industry and Commerce due to its outstanding quality, and was certified as "Origin Mark" by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China and "Geographical Indication Protection Product of Agricultural Products" by the former Ministry of Agriculture. [25]
Longxi Preserved Pork
Longxi Preserved Pork , a specialty of Longxi County, Dingxi City, Gansu Province, and a national geographical indication product of China.
Longxi bacon mainly comes from live pigs raised in Zhangxian County and Minxian County, especially Minxian Fern Pig. Thin but not firewood, fat but not greasy, slightly transparent. [31]

Famous people

Yao Chang (330-394), with the word Jingmao. The founding monarch of the post Qin regime during the Sixteen Kingdoms Period, reigned from 384-393. Yao Chang is the 24th son of Yao Yizhong, the leader of Qiang nationality, and the younger brother of Yao Xiang.
Gold Luan (1494-1587), with the word Zaiheng and the number of Baiyu. Sanqu masters in the Ming Dynasty. His works include Jinbaiyu Collection, Yixuan Collection, etc.
Luo Jintang
Luo Jintang (1929 -), the first doctor of literature in Taiwan, China. He used to be a researcher of the Humanities Research Institute of Kyoto University in Japan, a professor of Hong Kong University, a co hired guest research professor of the Chinese Department and the Department of Foreign Languages of Taiwan University, and an honorary curator of the Yellow River Stone Museum in Gansu Province.
Zhang Shangyong (1967 -), professor and doctoral advisor of Wuhan Textile University. Expert of "government special allowance" of the State Council, director of national characteristic specialty "textile engineering" construction project. He was the chief editor and co editor of 6 textbooks planned by the National and Textile Federation, and published 4 teaching and research papers. [4]

Honorary title

In 1995, it was rated as "National Advanced County in Science and Technology".
In 1996, it was named "National Advanced County of Maternal and Child Health" by the national project leading group.
In 2000, Longxi County was selected as an advanced county in the national "two bases" work.
In 2003, it was established as a provincial health city.
In 2007, it was rated as "National Advanced County in Science and Technology Progress Assessment" by the Ministry of Science and Technology.
In 2010, it was identified as a pilot county for the provincial essential drug system.
In 2011, it was rated as "National Advanced Unit of Grass roots TCM Work" by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
In 2013, he was awarded the Dingxi Education Quality Promotion Award.
In March 2016, Longxi County was selected as a pilot county for mortgage loan of management right of rural contracted land. [34]
In 2016, Longxi County was selected into the second batch of national new urbanization comprehensive pilot areas. [5]
In May 2017, Longxi County was awarded the honorary title of "China's Top Ten Beautiful Terrace Towns".
In August 2017, Longxi County was selected as the second batch of national demonstration counties in the comprehensive reform of national public hospitals. [33]
In September 2018, Longxi County was selected as the "2018 Comprehensive Demonstration County of E-Commerce in Rural Areas". [6]
In July 2019, Longxi County was selected as the pilot county of the national intellectual property project. [7]
In August 2019, Longxi County was selected as a pilot county for the construction of compact county medical community. [3]
In October 2019, Longxi County was named the second batch of national agricultural product quality safety counties. [35]
In May 2020, Longxi County was selected as the "Advanced County for ETC Issuance Service in Gansu Province in 2019". [10]
In June 2020, Longxi County was selected into the "Second Batch of Revolutionary Cultural Relics Protection and Utilization Areas and Counties". [11]
In March 2021, Longxi County was selected as a national pilot county for rural homestead system reform. [32]
In July 2021, Longxi County was selected into the fourth batch of counties (districts) meeting the standard of water-saving society construction. [14]
In September 2021, Longxi County was selected as a pilot county for roof distributed photovoltaic development. [15]
In December 2021, Longxi County was selected as a model county for the construction of safe China. [16]
In April 2022, Longxi County was selected as one of the outstanding counties for the construction of the new era civilization practice center in Gansu Province in 2021 [19]
In 2023, Longxi County will be selected into the second batch of national innovative counties (cities). [12]